Thereis no record of anyone hearing Churchill say this.Paul Addison ofEdinburgh Universitymade this comment:
‘Surely Churchill can’t have used the wordsattributed tohim. He’d been aConservativeat 15and aLiberalat 35!’
1位(1)HARVARD University United States
2 位(3)University of CAMBRIDGE UnitedKingdom
3 位(2) YALE University United States
4 位(7)UCL (UniversityCollegeLondon) UnitedKingdom
5 位(6) IMPERIALCollegeLondon UnitedKingdom
5 位(4) University of OXFORD UnitedKingdom
7 位(8) University ofCHICAGOUnited States
8 位(12)PRINCETON UniversityUnited States
9 位(9) MASSACHUSETTS Institute of Technology (MIT)United States
10位(5) CALIFORNIA Institute of Technology (Caltech)United States
11位(10) COLUMBIAUniversityUnited States
12位(11) University of PENNSYLVANIAUnited States
13位(13) JOHNS HOPKINS UniversityUnited States
14位(13)DUKE UniversityUnited States
15位(15) CORNELL UniversityUnited States
16位(17) STANFORD UniversityUnited States
17位(16) AUSTRALIANNational University Australia
18位(20) MCGILL University Canada
19位(18) University of MICHIGANUnited States
20位(23 ) University ofEDINBURGH UnitedKingdom
20位(24) ETH Zurich(Swiss FederalInstitute ofTechnology)Switzerland
22位(19) University ofTOKYOJapan
23位(22)KING'SCollegeLondon UnitedKingdom
24位(26) University ofHONG KONGHong Kong
Rank Site Computer/Year VendorCores Rmax RpeakPower1 DOE/NNSA/LANL
United StatesRoadrunner -BladeCenter QS22/LS21Cluster,PowerXCell 8i 3.2 Ghz /OpteronDC 1.8 GHz, Voltaire Infiniband / 2008
IBM 129600 1105.00 1456.70 2483.47
United StatesJaguar - Cray XT5 QC 2.3 GHz / 2008
Cray Inc. 150152 1059.00 1381.40 6950.60
3 Forschungszentrum Juelich (FZJ)
Germany JUGENE -Blue Gene/P Solution / 2009
IBM 294912 825.50 1002.70 2268.00
4NASA/Ames Research Center/NAS
United StatesPleiades -SGIAltixICE 8200EX,Xeon QC 3.0/2.66 GHz / 2008
SGI 51200 487.01 608.83 2090.00
United StatesBlueGene/L - eServerBlue Gene Solution / 2007
IBM 212992 478.20 596.38 2329.60
6National Institute for Computational Sciences/University of Tennessee
United States Kraken XT5 - Cray XT5 QC 2.3 GHz / 2008
Cray Inc. 66000 463.30 607.20
United StatesBlue Gene/P Solution / 2007
IBM 163840 458.61 557.06 1260.00
8 Texas Advanced Computing Center/Univ. of Texas
United States Ranger -SunBlade x6420,Opteron QC 2.3 Ghz, Infiniband / 2008
Sun Microsystems 62976 433.20 579.38 2000.00
United StatesDawn -Blue Gene/P Solution / 2009
IBM 147456 415.70501.35 1134.00
10 Forschungszentrum Juelich (FZJ)
Germany JUROPA -Sun Constellation, NovaScale R422-E2,IntelXeon X5570, 2.93 GHz,SunM9/Mellanox QDR Infiniband/Partec Parastation / 2009
Bull SA 26304 274.80 308.28 1549.00
United States Franklin - Cray XT4QuadCore 2.3 GHz / 2008
Cray Inc. 38642 266.30 355.51 1150.00
12Oak RidgeNational Laboratory
United StatesJaguar - Cray XT4QuadCore 2.1 GHz / 2008
Cray Inc. 30976 205.00 260.20 1580.71
13 NNSA/SandiaNational Laboratories
United StatesRed Storm - Sandia/ CrayRed Storm, XT3/4, 2.4/2.2 GHz dual/quadcore / 2008
Cray Inc. 38208 204.20 284.00 2506.00
14King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
Saudia ArabiaShaheen -Blue Gene/P Solution / 2009
IBM 65536 185.17 222.82 504.00
15ShanghaiSupercomputer Center
China MagicCube -Dawning 5000A, QCOpteron 1.9 Ghz, Infiniband,WindowsHPC 2008 / 2008
Dawning 30720 180.60 233.47
16 SciNet/University of Toronto
Canada GPC - iDataPlex,Xeon E55xx QC 2.53 GHz, GigE / 2009
IBM 30240 168.60 306.03 869.40
17 NewMexico Computing Applications Center (NMCAC)
United States Encanto -SGIAltixICE 8200,Xeonquadcore 3.0 GHz / 2007
SGI 14336 133.20 172.03 861.63
18 Computational Research Laboratories, TATA SONS
India EKA -Cluster Platform 3000 BL460c,Xeon 53xx 3GHz, Infiniband / 2008
Hewlett-Packard 14384 132.80 172.61 786.00
19 Lawrence LivermoreNational Laboratory
United States Juno - Appro XtremeServer 1143H,Opteron QC 2.2Ghz, Infiniband / 2008
ApproInternational 18224 131.60 162.20
20 Grand EquipementNational de Calcul Intensif - Centre InformatiqueNational de l'EnseignementSupérieur (GENCI-CINES)
France Jade -SGIAltixICE 8200EX,Xeonquadcore 3.0 GHz / 2008
SGI 12288 128.40 146.74 608.18
21National Institute for Computational Sciences/University of Tennessee
United StatesAthena - Cray XT4QuadCore 2.3 GHz / 2008
Cray Inc. 17956 125.13 165.20 888.82
22Japan Agency for Marine -Earth Science and Technology
JapanEarth Simulator -Earth Simulator / 2009
NEC 1280 122.40 131.07
23 Swiss Scientific Computing Center (CSCS)
Switzerland Monte Rosa - Cray XT5 QC 2.4 GHz / 2009
Cray Inc. 14740 117.60 141.50
FranceBlue Gene/P Solution / 2008
IBM 40960 116.01 139.26 315.00
UnitedKingdomPower 575, p6 4.7 GHz, Infiniband / 2009
IBM 8320 115.90 156.42 1329.70
UnitedKingdomPower 575, p6 4.7 GHz, Infiniband / 2008
IBM 8320 115.90 156.42 1329.70
27 DKRZ - Deutsches Klimarechenzentrum
GermanyPower 575, p6 4.7 GHz, Infiniband / 2008
IBM 8064 115.90 151.60 1288.69
JapanFujitsu FX1,Quadcore SPARC64VII 2.52 GHz, InfinibandDDR / 2009
Fujitsu 12032 110.60 121.28
29 Total Exploration Production
FranceSGIAltixICE 8200EX,Xeonquadcore 3.0 GHz / 2008
SGI 10240 106.10 122.88 442.00
30 Government Agency
SwedenCluster Platform 3000 BL460c,Xeon 53xx 2.66GHz, Infiniband / 2007
Hewlett-Packard 13728 102.80 146.43
31 ComputerNetwork Information Center, Chinese Academy of Science
China DeepComp 7000, HS21/x3950Cluster,Xeon QC HT 3 GHz/2.93 GHz, Infiniband / 2008
Lenovo 12216 102.80 145.97
32 Lawrence LivermoreNational Laboratory
United States Hera - Appro Xtreme-X3 Server -QuadOpteronQuadCore 2.3 GHz, Infiniband / 2009
ApproInternational 13552 102.20 127.20
33Max-Planck-Gesellschaft MPI/IPP
GermanyVIP -Power 575, p6 4.7 GHz, Infiniband / 2008
IBM 6720 98.24 126.34 1073.99
34Pacific NorthwestNational Laboratory
United States Chinook -Cluster Platform 4000 DL185G5,Opteron QC 2.2 GHz, InfinibandDDR / 2008
Hewlett-Packard 18176 97.07 159.95
35 IT Service Provider
GermanyCluster Platform 3000 BL2x220, E54xx 3.0 Ghz, Infiniband / 2009
Hewlett-Packard 10240 94.74 122.88
France Frontier2 BG/L -Blue Gene/P Solution / 2008
37IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center
United States BGW - eServerBlue Gene Solution / 2005
IBM 40960 91.29 114.69 448.00
38 Commissariat a l'EnergieAtomique (CEA)/CCRT
FranceCEA-CCRT-Titane - BULL Novascale R422-E2 / 2009
Bull SA 8576 91.19 100.51
39 Naval Oceanographic Office - NAVO MSRC
United States Cray XT5 QC 2.3 GHz / 2008
Cray Inc. 12733 90.84 117.13 588.90
40 Institute of Physical and Chemical Res. (RIKEN)
Japan PRIMERGY RX200S5Cluster,Xeon X5570 2.93GHz, InfinibandDDR / 2009
Fujitsu 8256 87.89 96.76
41 GSIC Center,Tokyo Institute of Technology
Japan TSUBAME GridCluster with CompView TSUBASA -SunFire x4600/x6250,Opteron 2.4/2.6 GHz,Xeon E5440 2.833 GHz, ClearSpeed CSX600,nVidia GT200; Voltaire Infiniband / 2009
NEC/Sun 31024 87.01 163.19 1103.00
42 Information Technology Center, The University ofTokyo
Japan T2KOpenSupercomputer (Todai CombinedCluster) -HitachiClusterOpteron QC 2.3 GHz, Myrinet10G / 2008
Hitachi 12288 82.98 113.05 638.60
43 HLRNat Universitaet Hannover / RRZN
GermanySGIAltixICE 8200EX,Xeon X5570quadcore 2.93 GHz / 2009
SGI 7680 82.57 90.01
44 HLRNat ZIB/Konrad Zuse-Zentrum fuer Informationstechnik
GermanySGIAltixICE 8200EX,Xeon X5570quadcore 2.93 GHz / 2009
SGI 7680 82.57 90.01
45 StonyBrook/BNL,New York Center for Computational Sciences
United StatesNew YorkBlue - eServerBlue Gene Solution / 2007
IBM 36864 82.16 103.22 403.20
ItalyPower 575, p6 4.7 GHz, Infiniband / 2009
IBM 5376 78.68 101.07 859.19
47 Center for Computational Sciences, University of Tsukuba
Japan T2KOpenSupercomputer - Appro Xtreme-X3 Server -QuadOpteronQuadCore 2.3 GHz, Infiniband / 2009
ApproInternational 10368 77.28 95.39 671.80
48 US Army Research Laboratory (ARL)
United States Cray XT5 QC 2.3 GHz / 2008
Cray Inc. 10400 76.80 95.68 481.00
49CSC (Center for Scientific Computing)
Finland Cray XT5/XT4 QC 2.3 GHz / 2009
Cray Inc. 10864 76.51 102.00 520.80
United StatesASC Purple - eServer pSeries p5 575 1.9 GHz / 2006
IBM 12208 75.76 92.78 1992.96
51National Centers for Environment Prediction
United StatesPower 575, p6 4.7 GHz, Infiniband / 2008
IBM 4992 73.06 93.85 797.82
52 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Computational Center for Nanotechnology Innovations
United States eServerBlue Gene Solution / 2007
IBM 32768 73.03 91.75 358.40
53 Naval Oceanographic Office - NAVO MSRC
United StatesPower 575, p6 4.7 GHz, Infiniband / 2008
54 JointSupercomputer Center
Russia MVS-100K -Cluster Platform 3000 BL460c/BL2x220,Xeon 54xx 3 Ghz, Infiniband / 2008
Hewlett-Packard 7920 71.28 95.04 327.00
55 US Army Research Laboratory (ARL)
United StatesSGIAltixICE 8200 Enhanced LX,Xeon X5560quadcore 2.8 GHz / 2009
SGI 6656 70.00 74.55
United States Abe -PowerEdge 1955, 2.33 GHz, Infiniband,Windows Server 2008/Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 / 2007
Dell 9600 68.48 89.59
57 Cray Inc.
United StatesShark - Cray XT5 QC 2.4 GHz / 2009
Cray Inc. 8576 67.76 82.33
58NASA/Ames Research Center/NAS
United States Columbia -SGIAltix 1.5/1.6/1.66 GHz, Voltaire Infiniband / 2008
SGI 13824 66.57 82.94
59 University of Minnesota/Supercomputing Institute
United StatesCluster Platform 3000 BL280c G6,Xeon X55xx 2.8Ghz, Infiniband / 2009
Hewlett-Packard 8048 64.00 90.14
60 BarcelonaSupercomputing Center
Spain MareNostrum -BladeCenter JS21Cluster,PPC 970, 2.3 GHz, Myrinet / 2006
IBM 10240 63.83 94.21
United States Cerrillos -BladeCenter QS22/LS21Cluster,PowerXCell 8i 3.2 Ghz /OpteronDC 1.8 GHz, Infiniband / 2008
IBM 7200 63.25 80.93 138.00
62IBM Poughkeepsie Benchmarking Center
United StatesBladeCenter QS22/LS21Cluster,PowerXCell 8i 3.2 Ghz /OpteronDC 1.8 GHz, Infiniband / 2008
IBM 7200 63.25 80.93 138.00
63National Centers for Environment Prediction
United StatesPower 575, p6 4.7 GHz, Infiniband / 2009
IBM 4224 61.82 79.41 675.08
64 NCAR (National Center forAtmospheric Research)
United Statesbluefire -Power 575, p6 4.7 GHz, Infiniband / 2008
IBM 4064 59.68 76.40 649.51
65National Institute for Fusion Science (NIFS)
Japan Plasma Simulator -Hitachi SR16000Model L2,Power6 4.7Ghz, Infiniband / 2009
Hitachi 4096 56.65 77.00 645.00
66Leibniz Rechenzentrum
Germany HLRB-II -Altix 4700 1.6 GHz / 2007
SGI 9728 56.52 62.26 990.24
United States Jade - Cray XT4QuadCore 2.1 GHz / 2008
Cray Inc. 8464 56.25 71.10 418.97
68 University ofEdinburgh
UnitedKingdom HECToR - Cray XT4, 2.8 GHz / 2007
Cray Inc. 11328 54.65 63.44
69 University ofTokyo/Human Genome Center, IMS
JapanSHIROKANE -SunBlade x6250,Xeon E5450 3GHz, Infiniband / 2009
Sun Microsystems 5760 54.21 69.12
70 NNSA/SandiaNational Laboratories
United StatesThunderbird -PowerEdge 1850, 3.6 GHz, Infiniband / 2006
Dell 9024 53.00 64.97
71 Commissariat a l'EnergieAtomique (CEA)
France Tera-10 - NovaScale 5160, Itanium2 1.6 GHz,Quadrics / 2006
Bull SA 9968 52.84 63.80
FrancePower 575, p6 4.7 GHz, Infiniband / 2008
IBM 3584 52.81 67.38 572.79
73 UnitedKingdom Meteorological Office
UnitedKingdom UKMO B -Power 575, p6 4.7 GHz, Infiniband / 2009
IBM 3520 51.86 66.18 562.60
74 UnitedKingdom Meteorological Office
UnitedKingdom UKMO A -Power 575, p6 4.7 GHz, Infiniband / 2009
IBM 3520 51.86 66.18 562.60
75 Wright-PattersonAir ForceBase/DoDASC
United StatesAltix 4700 1.6 GHz / 2007
SGI 9216 51.44 58.98
76 University of Southern California
United StatesHPC -PowerEdge 1950/SunFire X2200ClusterIntel 53xx 2.33Ghz,Opteron 2.3 Ghz, Myrinet10G / 2009
77 HWW/Universitaet Stuttgart
GermanyBaku -NECHPC 140Rb-1Cluster,Xeon X5560 2.8Ghz, Infiniband / 2009
NEC 5376 50.79 60.21 186.00
78Kyoto University
Japan T2KOpenSupercomputer/Kyodai -FujitsuCluster HX600,OpteronQuadCore, 2.3 GHz, Infiniband / 2008
Fujitsu 6656 50.51 61.24
79 SARA (Stichting Academisch Rekencentrum)
NetherlandsPower 575, p6 4.7 GHz, Infiniband / 2008
IBM 3328 48.93 62.57 531.88
80 SciNet/University of Toronto
CanadaPower 575, p6 4.7 GHz, Infiniband / 2008
IBM 3328 48.93 62.57 531.88
81 IT Service Provider (B)
United StatesCluster Platform 3000 BL460c,Xeon 54xx 3.0GHz, GigEthernet / 2009
Hewlett-Packard 7600 48.14 91.20
82 MoscowState University - Research Computing Center
Russia SKIF MSU - T-Platforms T60,IntelQuadcore 3Mhz, InfinibandDDR / 2008
SKIF/T-Platforms 5000 47.17 60.00 265.00
83NationalSupercomputer Centre (NSC)
Sweden Neolith -Cluster Platform 3000 DL140Cluster,Xeon 53xx 2.33GHz Infiniband / 2008
Hewlett-Packard 6440 47.03 60.02
84IBM - Rochester
United StatesBlue Gene/P Solution / 2007
IBM 16384 46.83 55.71 126.00
85IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center
United StatesBlue Gene/P Solution / 2009
IBM 16384 46.83 55.71 126.00
86Max-Planck-Gesellschaft MPI/IPP
GermanyGenius -Blue Gene/P Solution / 2008
IBM 16384 46.83 55.71 126.00
87 Texas Advanced Computing Center/Univ. of Texas
United States Lonestar -PowerEdge 1955, 2.66 GHz, Infiniband / 2007
Dell 5848 46.73 62.22
88HPC2N - Umea University
Sweden Akka -BladeCenter HS21Cluster,Xeon QC HT 2.5 GHz, IB,WindowsHPC 2008/CentOS / 2008
IBM 5376 46.04 53.76 173.21
89 Clemson University
United States Palmetto -PowerEdge 1950/SunFire X2200ClusterIntel 53xx/54xx 2.33Ghz,Opteron 2.3 Ghz, Myrinet10G / 2008
Dell/Sun 6120 45.61 56.55 285.00
90 Financial Services (H)
United StatesCluster Platform 3000 BL460cG1,Xeon L5420 2.5 GHz, GigE / 2009
Hewlett-Packard 8312 43.75 83.12
91 OhioSupercomputer Center
United States xSeriesx3455ClusterOpteron,DC 2.6 GHz/QC 2.5 GHz, Infiniband / 2009
IBM 8416 43.46 68.38
92 Consulting (C)
United StatesCluster Platform 3000 BL460cG1,Xeon E5450 3.0 GHz, GigE / 2009
Hewlett-Packard 6768 43.00 81.22
93National Institute for Materials Science
JapanSGIAltixICE 8200EX,Xeon X5560quadcore 2.8 GHz / 2009
SGI 4096 42.69 45.88
94 IT Service Provider (D)
United StatesCluster Platform 3000 BL460c,Xeon 54xx 3.0GHz, GigEthernet / 2009
Hewlett-Packard 6672 42.41 80.06
95 Maui High-Performance Computing Center (MHPCC)
United StatesJaws -PowerEdge 1955, 3.0 GHz, Infiniband / 2006
Dell 5200 42.39 62.40
96 Commissariat a l'EnergieAtomique (CEA)
FranceCEA-CCRT-Platine - Novascale 3045, Itanium2 1.6 GHz, Infiniband / 2007
Bull SA 7680 42.13 49.15
97 US Army Research Laboratory (ARL)
United States Michael J. MuussCluster (MJM) - Evolocity II (LSSupersystem)Xeon 51xx 3.0 GHz IB / 2007
Linux Networx 4416 40.61 52.99
98 University of Bergen
Norway Cray XT4QuadCore 2.3 GHz / 2008
Cray Inc. 5550 40.59 51.06 274.73
99 Jeraisy Computer and Communication Services
Saudia ArabiaCluster Platform 3000 BL460c,Xeon 54xx 3 GHz, Infiniband / 2009
Hewlett-Packard 4192 39.70 50.30
100 R-Systems
United States R Smarr -DellDCS CS23-SH, QC HT 2.8 GHz, Infiniband / 2008
Dell 4608 39.58 51.61