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日本の鉄道の車内アナウンスにおいて、"will"や"will be ~ing"が使われる理由について考察します。
「Wewill soon be arrivingatTokyostation.」の場合、「will be arriving」は未来進行形で、これからすぐに起こりつつある事象を表します。これは、列車が東京駅に向かっており、まもなく到着するという進行中の行動を強調するために使われます。
「Nextstationis Yotsuya,doorson the right sidewillopen.」の場合、「will」は単純未来形で、確実に起こる未来の事象を表します。この文脈では、次の駅が四谷であること、そして右側のドアが開くことが確定しているために使われます。
一般に、「will」を使うことで、未来の事象に対する確実性や公式な調子を表現することができます。一方、現在形や「be going to do」も未来を表すことができますが、この文脈ではそれらよりも「will」が使われることで、公式なアナウンスとしての格式や一貫性が保たれていると考えられます。
1.現在形: 「I arriveatTokyoStation.」など。一般的には現在を表す形ですが、スケジュールやタイムテーブル(例えば電車の時刻表など)に基づく未来の出来事を表す場合にも使われます。
2. be going to do: 「Iam going to arriveatTokyoStation.」など。これは近い未来を表す形で、主に話し手がすでに計画や意図を持っていることを表します。
3.will: 「I will arriveatTokyoStation.」など。これは一般的な未来を表す形で、話し手の意図や計画に関係なく、事実としての未来を述べる場合によく使われます。
1. 「Wewill soon be arrivingatTokyostation.」: これは「まもなく東京駅に到着します」という意味です。ここで「will」が使われているのは、到着が事実として近い未来に起こることを述べているからです。また、「arriving」は進行形になっており、現在から未来にかけて進行中の行動を表しています。これは、電車がまさに到着しつつあることを強調するための表現です。
2. 「Nextstationis Yotsuya,doorson the right sidewillopen.」: これは「次は四ツ谷駅です、右側のドアが開きます」という意味です。ここでも「will」が使われているのは、ドアが開くのが事実としての未来の出来事だからです。
be going toではない理由は?
"be going to"形は通常、話し手がすでに計画している未来の行動について話すときや、現在の証拠に基づいて予想される未来の出来事について話すときに使用されます。
たとえば、あなたが友人とランチに行く計画を立てている場合、「Iam going to havelunch with afriend」と言うことができます。あるいは、空が暗くなってきて雨が降りそうな場合、「It's going torain」と言うことができます。
しかし、電車の車内アナウンスのような場合には、「be going to」形を使うと、それが話し手(この場合、運転手または自動アナウンスシステム)の個人的な計画や予想に基づいていると誤解される可能性があります。
したがって、車内アナウンスでは「be going to」よりも「will」を使う方が、情報が正確で公式なものであることを強調し、誤解を防ぐのに効果的です。
・Wewill soon be arrivingatTokyostation.
・Nextstation (stop)is Yotsuya,doorson the right sidewillopen.
これらの車内アナウンスってなんで現在形やbe going to doじゃなくてwill使ってるの?
Permalink |記事への反応(12) | 17:12
順位 | ブランド名 | 20代前半女性 | 全体 | 20代前半女性率 |
1 | GU | 39,155 | 854,011 | 4.58% |
2 | UNIQLO | 32,768 | 992,603 | 3.30% |
3 | CONVERSE | 22,369 | 600,336 | 3.73% |
4 | LOWRYS FARM | 14,305 | 206,263 | 6.94% |
5 | ZARA | 14,240 | 360,267 | 3.95% |
6 | NIKE | 13,073 | 434,469 | 3.01% |
7 | WEGO | 12,464 | 293,300 | 4.25% |
8 | no brand | 11,347 | 259,766 | 4.37% |
9 | H&M | 9,843 | 319,177 | 3.08% |
10 | adidas | 9,687 | 274,050 | 3.53% |
11 | Dr.Martens | 9,514 | 258,288 | 3.68% |
12 | earthmusic&ecology | 8,394 | 150,651 | 5.57% |
13 | VANS | 8,207 | 278,140 | 2.95% |
14 | niko and... | 7,727 | 138,720 | 5.57% |
15 | Kastane | 7,287 | 62,786 | 11.61% |
16 | JEANASIS | 7,141 | 90,434 | 7.90% |
17 | しまむら | 7,026 | 174,112 | 4.04% |
18 | MOUSSY | 6,028 | 91,155 | 6.61% |
19 | FOREVER 21 | 5,971 | 95,721 | 6.24% |
20 | w closet | 5,425 | 51,827 | 10.47% |
21 | NEW BALANCE | 5,017 | 180,745 | 2.78% |
22 | 靴下屋 | 5,016 | 69,165 | 7.25% |
23 | GLOBAL WORK | 4,812 | 227,672 | 2.11% |
24 | VINTAGE | 4,805 | 95,920 | 5.01% |
25 | 無印良品 | 4,787 | 153,072 | 3.13% |
26 | KBF | 4,659 | 71,399 | 6.53% |
27 | RETROGIRL | 4,502 | 46,697 | 9.64% |
28 | Honeys | 4,327 | 54,119 | 8.00% |
29 | Ungrid | 4,169 | 87,129 | 4.78% |
30 | URBAN RESEARCH | 3,975 | 99,676 | 3.99% |
31 | GRL | 3,907 | 62,426 | 6.26% |
32 | Heather | 3,884 | 49,189 | 7.90% |
33 | MAJESTICLEGON | 3,738 | 53,085 | 7.04% |
34 | Daniel Wellington | 3,698 | 91,331 | 4.05% |
35 | BEAUTY&YOUTHUNITED ARROWS | 3,608 | 121,471 | 2.97% |
36 | mystic | 3,391 | 40,179 | 8.44% |
37 | DHOLIC | 3,380 | 55,686 | 6.07% |
38 | INGNI | 3,379 | 56,014 | 6.03% |
39 | FREAK'S STORE | 3,273 | 95,169 | 3.44% |
40 | BEAMS BOY | 3,244 | 48,144 | 6.74% |
41 | E hyphen world gallery | 3,235 | 47,750 | 6.77% |
42 | SLY | 3,214 | 45,311 | 7.09% |
43 | ORiental TRaffic | 3,165 | 48,563 | 6.52% |
44 | EMODA | 3,137 | 36,363 | 8.63% |
45 | who'swho Chico | 3,092 | 31,424 | 9.84% |
46 | PAGEBOY | 3,055 | 38,282 | 7.98% |
47 | adidas originals | 3,046 | 80,205 | 3.80% |
48 | CASIO | 2,955 | 45,503 | 6.49% |
49 | tutuanna | 2,947 | 33,737 | 8.74% |
50 | AZULbymoussy | 2,940 | 66,799 | 4.40% |
51 | Champion | 2,883 | 113,137 | 2.55% |
52 | SPINNS | 2,827 | 52,730 | 5.36% |
53 | SENSE OF PLACEbyURBAN RESEARCH | 2,814 | 81,254 | 3.46% |
54 | studio CLIP | 2,786 | 51,848 | 5.37% |
55 | Ciaopanic | 2,785 | 55,117 | 5.05% |
56 | SNIDEL | 2,711 | 39,378 | 6.88% |
57 | LEPSIM | 2,708 | 58,326 | 4.64% |
58 | archives | 2,621 | 21,925 | 11.95% |
59 | Reebok | 2,598 | 79,021 | 3.29% |
60 | Bershka | 2,527 | 45,510 | 5.55% |
61 | GAP | 2,502 | 128,628 | 1.95% |
62 | Levi's | 2,443 | 102,148 | 2.39% |
63 | RayBEAMS | 2,239 | 40,871 | 5.48% |
64 | one afteranother NICE CLAUP | 2,202 | 31,079 | 7.09% |
65 | jouetie | 2,153 | 29,787 | 7.23% |
66 | Lee | 2,143 | 80,214 | 2.67% |
67 | MURUA | 2,129 | 30,717 | 6.93% |
68 | G-SHOCK | 2,114 | 49,228 | 4.29% |
69 | Another Edition | 2,058 | 46,094 | 4.46% |
70 | Handmade | 2,002 | 92,833 | 2.16% |
71 | MarcbyMarc Jacobs | 1,998 | 28,787 | 6.94% |
72 | nano・universe | 1,997 | 103,339 | 1.93% |
73 | Samansa Mos2 | 1,992 | 48,150 | 4.14% |
74 | ROPE'PICNIC | 1,991 | 29,482 | 6.75% |
75 | ROSE BUD | 1,962 | 35,881 | 5.47% |
76 | COACH | 1,956 | 27,083 | 7.22% |
77 | JOURNAL STANDARD | 1,947 | 73,236 | 2.66% |
78 | BIRKENSTOCK | 1,943 | 58,635 | 3.31% |
79 | Vivienne Westwood | 1,922 | 32,353 | 5.94% |
80 | dazzlin | 1,832 | 22,224 | 8.24% |
81 | Teva | 1,816 | 42,827 | 4.24% |
82 | Right-on | 1,798 | 46,091 | 3.90% |
83 | POLORALPH LAUREN | 1,791 | 57,860 | 3.10% |
84 | Ray Cassin | 1,782 | 19,058 | 9.35% |
85 | OZOC | 1,776 | 18,235 | 9.74% |
86 | PUMA | 1,714 | 42,687 | 4.02% |
87 | BEAMS | 1,709 | 79,556 | 2.15% |
88 | merry jenny | 1,695 | 16,891 | 10.03% |
89 | coen | 1,672 | 64,685 | 2.58% |
90 | MICHAEL KORS | 1,671 | 16,222 | 10.30% |
91 | Avail | 1,654 | 25,804 | 6.41% |
92 | green label relaxing | 1,612 | 73,084 | 2.21% |
93 | cepo | 1,600 | 15,684 | 10.20% |
94 | STUSSY | 1,568 | 46,032 | 3.41% |
95 | ehka sopo | 1,560 | 17,863 | 8.73% |
96 | THE NORTH FACE | 1,517 | 81,533 | 1.86% |
97 | RANDA | 1,496 | 19,790 | 7.56% |
98 | STUDIOUS | 1,489 | 48,800 | 3.05% |
99 | ViS | 1,451 | 23,209 | 6.25% |
100 | X-girl | 1,423 | 27,031 | 5.26% |
101 | 3coins | 1,408 | 40,110 | 3.51% |
102 | marimekko | 1,385 | 22,751 | 6.09% |
103 | merlot | 1,380 | 31,994 | 4.31% |
104 | Lily Brown | 1,372 | 16,414 | 8.36% |
105 | HARE | 1,348 | 127,535 | 1.06% |
106 | Dickies | 1,348 | 49,652 | 2.71% |
107 | WHO'SWHO gallery | 1,346 | 21,157 | 6.36% |
108 | ESPERANZA | 1,335 | 12,191 | 10.95% |
109 | American Apparel | 1,333 | 24,339 | 5.48% |
110 | OLIVE des OLIVE | 1,311 | 18,366 | 7.14% |
111 | GUCCI | 1,306 | 42,621 | 3.06% |
112 | agnes b. | 1,300 | 35,113 | 3.70% |
113 | MHL. | 1,294 | 29,887 | 4.33% |
114 | LOUIS VUITTON | 1,246 | 24,843 | 5.02% |
115 | MERCURYDUO | 1,240 | 19,141 | 6.48% |
116 | CHANEL | 1,231 | 31,099 | 3.96% |
117 | Green Parks | 1,229 | 36,478 | 3.37% |
118 | TODAYFUL | 1,204 | 60,175 | 2.00% |
119 | EVRIS | 1,198 | 12,160 | 9.85% |
120 | mystywoman | 1,171 | 18,012 | 6.50% |
121 | SEVENDAYS=SUNDAY | 1,156 | 29,122 | 3.97% |
122 | GYDA | 1,147 | 11,643 | 9.85% |
123 | ADAMETROPE' | 1,144 | 46,595 | 2.46% |
124 | one way | 1,126 | 12,004 | 9.38% |
125 | NIXON | 1,119 | 25,155 | 4.45% |
126 | AMERICAN HOLIC | 1,115 | 25,169 | 4.43% |
127 | SM2 | 1,112 | 14,724 | 7.55% |
128 | UNITED ARROWS | 1,096 | 43,354 | 2.53% |
129 | CECIL McBEE | 1,093 | 10,297 | 10.61% |
130 | AmericanEagle | 1,045 | 27,855 | 3.75% |
131 | SpRay | 1,040 | 11,364 | 9.15% |
132 | emsexcite | 1,027 | 11,198 | 9.17% |
133 | Mila Owen | 1,024 | 16,509 | 6.20% |
134 | MILKFED. | 1,012 | 17,161 | 5.90% |
135 | URBAN RESEARCHDOORS | 1,000 | 28,537 | 3.50% |
135ブランド中前回から順位が最も低下したのは2016年に日本から撤退したAmerican Apparel(43位→109位)でした
店舗撤退やブランド終了といった事情が何もないブランドに限るとone way(69位→124位)になります
逆に上昇したのはTODAYFUL(180位→118位)、ROSE BUD(126位→75位)などです
ストライプインターナショナルは他にearthmusic&ecology(12位)、Green Parks(117位)、SEVENDAYS=SUNDAY(121位)、AMERICAN HOLIC(126位)などを展開しています
ジャパンイマジネーションは他にAnk Rouge、BE RADIANCE、a.g.plusなどを展開していますがいずれも本ランキングでは調査対象外(全体コーデ数が10000未満)で、この中だとAnk Rouge以外も撤退とのことです
no brandはブランド名ではなく、文字通りノーブランド(ブランド不明)の服のことです
サマンサモスモスがSM2とSamansa Mos2に分かれているのは冒頭に貼ったWEARのブランド一覧ページに2つ載っていたためです
Permalink |記事への反応(17) | 18:25
●追記 2018/08/22 二回目
Permalink |記事への反応(12) | 21:30
Undesirable cameras benefits us many100 %satisfaction,leading to numerous spectacularimages,as wellas the hot months is operating relating to dependable summertime. This specific classmate through break free will be able to figureout any tons in addition to waterways, downtown along with far-away beautiful gardening, and yetmay these pureattractiveness to become amemento playing hit decrease, apart fromskincolor boil due to the high-end digicam purpose, a great dealmore simple could be to evaluation whatever taking pictures competencyas wellas havingphotos. Theamount, smallertry tomakeyour work latest many of the summer season harvesting powerful see toit, typically the classmateneed tonextimage have ago through,you become this confidently unexpected wonder.
Digital cameras would bring us lots of enjoyment, leaving a myriad of uniqueimages, and summertime is journeying in wonderful summer season. The classmate throughout thegetaway can recognize that reamstogether with estuaries and rivers, metropolitanand also countrysideattractive panoramas, yettake placeall these charmbeing amemento opportunity straight down,together withsteamas a result of a camcorder operation, a lotmorecrucial is usually to examineones own takingfunctionalityand also takingphotographs. That period, thelittle generateyour choice have quite a few summer months firing effective be mindful, the particular classmatemayas well within thenextsnapshot have a shotat,you willget the particulartotal surprising stun.
Household landscapes
Byout ofdoors firing indoors panoramas,basic willneed throughout theWindows 7,out-of-doors mild typically currently havemore substantial indoorslight-weight, now a couple of challenges ought to be sortedout, is the particular coveragetime frame, a couple ofit truly is in order to avoid a display reflective, whenpics of any camera through hands-on management operate, mighttakenumber of years coverage setting up, whenphotographic cameragoes so thatyou cantwit style, can easily will likely beISOlevel of sensitivity Surroundingsbump up, thisISO 2 hundred or perhapsISO six hundred aiming.
Inside panorama 's bestgolf shot employing atripod, in any othercase, wants a spot to guide,one example is in opposition to any divider and entry, and even the truereason for executingit is because very long coverage is quite effortless construct anydigital camera proteinshake, producingphotographs regarding fluffy envision.It's best to utilize the shutter launch, or perhaps utilize toget center-weighted avoiding relocate a video camera. Notice: except if absolutely necessary,tend not to available the particularpen,stay clear of a lotmore reflective.
Bring that landscapedesigns from the probability with thephotomay well schedule some individuals or even factors, and this alsomay help the room inside the operation ofyourviewphotos.Get a large surfacesareaphotos,as an example the verandaas wellas the rooftop, hillside, for example. Typically inside themid-day is without a doubtthe most suitabletime frame filming this landscapes. Filming, having a polarizer to adjust a illumination withthe stars, produce the particular heavens develop into dreary quite a few, well known from the glowingbluestars thewhite kind of fog up,as a way toboost the space or room repeatedly.
Several virtually no guidebookvulnerability management of any cameratogether with location form,as wellas the landscapedesigns way is completely featureson the list of manner,you are able to use landscapedesigns way to adopt shots.Together with handbookvulnerability restrainphotographic camera might opt foraperturegoal option that will movie,aperture to help acquired far better pickout F8 to helpyouphotograph ormaybe F11, thisphoto will be extra management concentrations senses.
The particular modifyon the urban center is without a doubt switching, specificallytogether with a lot of approach large establishing intended for symbolize,and also this areat recent many portraitdigitalphotography buffs including firing template.
Yet typicalphotographic camera through simply how much suitable containerdistortion, henceas a way tomake an effort to reduce thephotograph ofyour deformation belonging to the accumulating " up ", thusyou ought to pick around substantial thoughts and opinions filming.One example is inside the steps, or perhaps some other might help the beliefs witharea. Ifyou fail to find the correctdestination for a reside,you can from theagain, clear of the particularlead entity to cut back adistortion.Maybeyou've employedthe greatest wide-angle standardzoom lens. Vividstars will be able to replace with a developing with the darkish. Having a polarizer to cut back or perhaps wipeout construction with reflective a glass. In addition to, certainly, consume anexcellent know with the canmakeone of a kind imaginative results.
mineral water
Firing apply ormaybe a aerosol inwaters, incorporate the use of part mildand also backlighttry tomakewaters intended for introducing see through pattern. Several novicesall of covetedby a really "splash withphotos, intruth, Iam able to effortlessly applied for, so the hurryingh2o glance alotmoredowny, havegot a form of passionateblur. Shutter possibly inside 1/10 so thatyou can 1/6 erinarians regulate mightgetmove cosmeticperception for splashpics.
Local plumber to be able to sunset taking scenario regarding is usually 15-30moments,nextthe starsalways possess some colouring failed toends.As a way to raise the graphic with theamount with subject, can easilyon the ending with the passageand also uncover several regarding an individual's special world.It isas well the location where thetripodonhas to be, commonly programmed coverage is definitely o . k ., yetyou shouldattempt to utilize hands-on visibility,and also the employment of the particular shutter putout restrain taking, respectively for 2, 5, 8,12and also of sixteen secs shutter tempo so thatyou can capture somephoto contrast.
Needless to say nowand againcontinue to are able to useISO200 to helpyouphotograph, yet so thatyou can be aware of an electronic camcorder with disturbance handle is normally adequate, when pixels will be overweight, ormaybetogether withISO100 contrastingby usingbase style to helpmotion picture.
Intruth firing nighttime scenarios,attimes to be able toas well do notrequire that filming with step-by-step developing oh, this streets these kinds of, a smallamount converttips plus aiming design and style, mightget the result of experiencing aspecialized pattern.
当方Vo./Gu. 全パート募集。完全プロ指向。ここから伝説は生まれる。
募集パート | 募集人数 | 募集条件など |
Gu. | 2 | 聖しい翼を持つ二人よ…我が下へ集え (初心者・冷やかし不可) 当方Gu.はまだ初心者なので正しくサポート出来る人限定 |
Ba. | 1 | 剣の重さに耐えられるか…?力無き者は去れ! (初心者・冷やかし不可) |
Dr. | 1 | 初心者・冷やかし不可 |
メイク | 2 | 世界をしっかりと理解出来る人限定。面接・テストあり |
マネージャー | 1 | 遊びじゃない事をわきまえてしっかりとバンドをサポート出来る人。面接あり |
ローディ | 1 | 初心者・冷やかし不可 |
何か一言: 無個性お断り。初心者・冷やかし不可。力無き者は去れ!
募集パート | 募集人数 | 募集条件など |
ボーカル | 1 | お酒飲める人がいいっすねぇ。性別・経験なんでもあり!いっちょ歌ってやるかって(笑)、お気軽に! |
ベース | 1 | ブリッブリした太~いグルービィなの大好きです!いや、初心者も大歓迎!楽器は何本かあるので貸し出しもOK! |
ドラム | 1 | 16叩ける人がいいな…とか言ってホントは俺が一番分かってない!(笑) あ、家近い人だと何かと楽ですよね!(笑) |
ピエール滝 | 1 | (※またはジェームス小野田)ブッキングだけは数組めちゃうんで・・・ステージ出来る人いればなって・・・ |
4. 狭いターゲットに絞ろう。これは非常に難しいことだ。なぜなら、人間の傾向として、巨大な市場の後についていって成長するほうが簡単だと、考えがちだからだ。小さな市場にサービスを提供するという信念は、最もよいチャンスに注力することや、とてもよい製品やソリューションを作るときに役立つはずだ。そうすれば顧客はクチコミによってそれを広め売上がついてくるだろう。
5 Secrets from a Profitable Start-Up business
A year ago,Becky McCray andSheila Scarborough were entrepreneurs with their own businesseswhoattended the SOBCon conference and decided to partner to start a business. BySeptember 2009, they had launched Tourism Currents to teach tourism professionals how to use social media. In their first month, they generated a profit.Today, they came back to SOBCon and shared the secrets of their success, with the caveat ? these are not rules, the pathhas not been perfect, but it worked for them, so it could work for you too:
1.Set a deadline to launch your business. They decided inMay that they would launch inSeptember, and stuck to the deadline evenas they learned their initialexpectations of “How hard could it be?” were inaccurate.Push forward and…
2.Don’t expect perfection of yourself. It is good to strive for this, but is better to find a way toopen yourdoors to customers so you can…
3.Generate revenue while youtest. Launch and iterateon your business basedonfeedback from your customers, what sells, what you’re goodat, what is profitable, what you want to do.
4.Solve for a narrow target. This is very difficult because ournatural tendency is tothink it is easier to grow by going after abig market. Trust that solving for a narrow market helps youfocuson the best opportunities and will help you create great products and solutions that your customers help you sell throughword of mouth.
5.Focuson your customer’s problems rather than thetools you’re selling to solve them. Having this mindset allows you to evolve both your business plan and products to meet their needs. This allows you to see that a differenttool (your product or service), rather than a betterone, might be the solution that helps you grow your business.
24 from know
23 who because with
22 economy
21 an new people plan so
20 by every health
19 us
17 do
16 also that's these
15 all Americans It's must years your
14 about education energy here jobs make no
13 budget if
12 cost countryone recovery than there tonight we'vewhy
11 crisis howout reform those when
at banks college Congress don't future money nationnext responsibility some tax what where world
children deficit even just me meet need put up work year
afford back cannot down economic end first help lending my see take times was way
again businesses confidence days each ensure get government high history invest issue million once only power right system
already another been begin bring buy century challenges clean come credit debt fact families financial goal helping largest long-term made most over president recession save schools still support through too
address any ask bad before business called chamber commitment cut cuts effort ever family finally global home its job keep last lead like loans many market necessary never off opportunity other programs provide spend united we'll were would
able accountable across act action administration am asked can't could critical cyber cycle cynical difficult does dollars easy force four-year he homes investment Iraq let longer may men moment national nearly old pay percent price private problems promise receive renewable restore say security send sense she should single soon stand States street struggle technology tell think values war well well-being we're without words workers worse yet
ability absolutely after auto bank begins beyond breaks build cause change child comes community compete comprehensive concern confront costs created decade decisions Democrats depend depends didn't dime done efficient enough entrepreneurs everyone federal forward foundation given good govern great half her higher hold hope housing I'm includes industry inherited insurance into I've lay layoffs legislation letter life long lost major makes Medicare move nor often part passed place problem progress protect pushed regulations Republicans resources restart return root said same savings says seen Sen. sent serve simply solar solve speak spirit step struggling students taxpayer thank then today together training understand use wait want watching ways whatever which women won't working young
abuse accounts affordable Afghanistan agenda allow along amid appointed approach areas around arrived assistance assure away balance become begun being believe benefits best billions bless boldly both bought built burden car career Carolina cars children's citizens clear close committed common company complete continue continued corporations countries creating crushing debates decline demand did different diploma directly disease doctors doesn't dollar doors dreams eliminate enterprise era example expand expanded extremism face failure far fastest-growing father few fiscal forces forge found four fraud full fully generation generations getting give God Greensburg had hard haven't healthy held helped highest him his historic households ideas ignore important industries innovation inspiration instead invented kind lasting launched law laying lift line lines list living loan look lose lower massive millions months mortgage much nations neighbor nobody office oil open order ordinary ourselves overseas own pass paychecks payment payments places policies priorities probably process program prosperity provided public quality quick quickly quitters quitting rates real rebuild recover reflects renewed require responsible re-start result revive rewards rules sacrifice safe second secure seek serious service set ship sitting small Social something source South spending spur state stock stopped stores strength strengthen strong stronger submit suffering surely takes teacher teachers term terrorists third though thousands threats three told tomorrow took tough trust trying tuition turn under upon very Vice view wake walk Wall waste wasteful weakened went what's wind worthy yourself