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2020-02-22 | W・イアン・リプキン教授(疫学、神経学および病理学の人。SARSとか研究してたらしい) いわくhttps://anond.hatelabo.jp/20200222143917#
2020-12-18 |https://anond.hatelabo.jp/20201218213410#
2022-07-22 |ワイくんはコロナはただの風邪派じゃ無いけど反ワクやが? https://anond.hatelabo.jp/20220722132004#
コロンビア大学メイルマン公衆衛生大学院、ジョン・スノウ冠教授で同大学院感染症・免疫学センターのディレクターを務めるW・イアン・リプキン(W. Ian Lipkin)氏は、
▼Some companies are mandating vaccines — but not for front-line workers
Walmart, for example,willrequireall ofits corporate and regional staff to be vaccinated against Covid-19byOctober 4 unless they have an “approved exception,” namely, a religious or medicalreason not to be vaccinated. Butitisn’tasking the same of storeassociates and warehouse workers, towhomitis instead offering a $150 incentive for getting vaccinated (it previously offered $75) and paidtime off.
But rightnow your largestones,Amazon andWalmart, are not mandatingit for theirline staff. If they were tomake that call, my guessis that lots of other companies would follow suit.
▼As New Variants Emerge, WeContinue ToFocuson the Safety and Well-Being of OurAssociates |Walmart
We’re pleased thatmore than 90% of our campus officeassociates have been fully vaccinated. While vaccines are notrequiredat this time for frontlineassociateswho work in our stores,
▼Some companies are mandating vaccines — but not for front-line workers
Walmart, for example,willrequireall ofits corporate and regional staff to be vaccinated against Covid-19byOctober 4 unless they have an “approved exception,” namely, a religious or medicalreason not to be vaccinated. Butitisn’tasking the same of storeassociates and warehouse workers, towhomitis instead offering a $150 incentive for getting vaccinated (it previously offered $75) and paidtime off.
But rightnow your largestones,Amazon andWalmart, are not mandatingit for theirline staff. If they were tomake that call, my guessis that lots of other companies would follow suit.
▼As New Variants Emerge, WeContinue ToFocuson the Safety and Well-Being of OurAssociates |Walmart
We’re pleased thatmore than 90% of our campus officeassociates have been fully vaccinated. While vaccines are notrequiredat this time for frontlineassociateswho work in our stores,
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In a discussion about thecase,someone raised an objection to "someonewhowas not a party to the incident,whowas not from Nagasaki, andwhowas not fromHiroshima, complaining aboutit. Seeing that opinionmade me aware of my position, soI will say what I must say.
Iwas born in Nagasakiand am a third-generation A-bombsurvivor.
I say this because I grew up hearing the stories of the A-bombdamage directly from thosewho suffered from theatomicbombings.
Ifeel thatitis unacceptable forsomeonelike me to speak about the A-bombdamage.
However, there are few A-bombsurvivors left, soI will speak up.
In Nagasaki, children grow up hearing stories about theatomicbombing. We weremade tosit in the gymnasium of an elementary school in the middle ofsummer, where therewas not even anair conditioner or a fan, and for nearly an hour we weremade to listen to stories about theatomicbombing.Itwas hard for meanyway.
Ithink itwas evenmorepainful for the elderly peoplewho told the stories. But Idon't think an elementary schoolkid could have imagined that. I, too, have forgottenmost of the stories Iwas told. I canonly rememberone ortwoatmost.
Another thingis thatat thistime of year, pictures of the victims of theatomicbombing are pasted up in the hallways.
In other parts of the country, these are grotesque images that would cause a fuss from the parentswho arealways nagging about them.
Recently, even the A-bombmuseumhas becomemore gentle inits exhibits, andmost of the radical and horrifying exhibits that would have traumatized visitors have been removed.
Idon't know how elementary schoolsnow teach about the A-bombdamage. But when Iwas in elementary school, there werephotoson display.
Therewasonephoto that I just couldn't faceas an elementary school student.Itwas a picture of Taniguchi Sumiteru(谷口稜曄). Ifyou search forit,you can findit.Itis a shocking picture, but I wouldstilllikeyou to seeit.
I couldn't pass through the hallway where thephotowas displayed, so Ialways took the long way around toanother floor to avoid seeing thephoto.
My grandfatherwas under thebomb and went to the burntruins of thebomb tolook forhissister. I can understandnow that he couldn't turnaway orgoanother way.
There would have been a mountain of peoplestillalive and moaning in theruins of the burntruins. There would have beenmanymorewho would have diedout in agony.
My grandfather walked for miles and miles, towing a rear wheelchair, through the narrow streets of rubble-strewn Nagasaki in search ofhissister.
My grandfatherwas not a child then. But of course there were elementary school childrenwhodid the same thing hedid. Iam not speculating that there were. There were. I heard thestory fromhim, and Istill rememberit.
Ayoungbrother andsisterfound their father's corpse in theruins of thefire and burnedit themselves. Theydidn't have enough wood to burnhimalive, and when theysawhisbrain spillingout, they ranaway, and thatwas thelasttime they eversawhimagain.
I cannever forget thatstory I heard when Iwas akid, and evennowit'spainful andpainful, my hands are shaking and I'm crying.
I keep wondering how that oldmanwho ranaway fromhis father'sbrainwas able toexpose to the public the unimaginably horrible trauma, the scar thatwill never heal, even afterall these years.
Now I think I understand alittle.
Why I can't help buttalk about my grandfather and the oldmannow, evenas I remember my own trauma.
Because thislevel of sufferingisnothing compared to their wordsbeing forgotten.
It'snothing compared to the tremendous suffering thatonce existed thatwill be forgotten,like my hands shaking, myheart palpitating, mynose running with vertigo, and soon.
My grandfather,who went through an unimaginablehell,lived to seehis grandchildren born, and methissister'sdeath in theruins of thefire.
In other words, my grandfatherwasone of the happiest people in theruins of thefire.
My grandfather and that oldman were, afterall, just people wading in the depths ofhell.
I think that the suffering that even peoplewho had experienced unimaginablepain could not imaginewas lyinglikepebbleson the ground in Nagasaki 78 years ago, and noone paidanyattention toit.
Their suffering, which I can't even imagine,isnothing compared to the countless, unimaginable suffering they witnessed, which they pretend never happened.
Memories fade inexorably with each passinghuman mouth. Thememories that those people could neverallow to be forgotten are almost forgotten.
The tremendous suffering of 78 years agoismostlygone, never to be recounted.
Thosewho sufferedthe most from theatomicbombing died rotting in theruins of thefire withoutbeing able to tellanyone aboutit.
Many of thosewhosawitwith their owneyes kept their mouths shut and tookitwith them to their graves.Most of thosewho spoke a few words arestill in their graves.
Compared to the words of the old men, my own words are solight. I would rather keep my mouth shut than speak in suchlight words.
Butstill,someonehas totakeover. Irealize that even my words, which are solight, areonly thetop of the voices that are left in this world to carryon thestory of theatomicbombing.
I know howitfeels to think that Iam theonlyone.Still, Ihope thatyouwill not shutyour mouth.I know that I have closed my mouth because I thought I shouldn'ttalk aboutit, and thatis the result.
Sometimes I almost choose to stop imagining the unimaginable suffering andlivemy life consuming other people's suffering forfun.
Iam writing this while Istill have some imagination of the suffering of the old peoplewhose voices,faces, and even words I can no longer recall.
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PC版トップページ(https://anond.hatelabo.jp/ )の上部にある検索機能ってみんな使える?
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▼Some companies are mandating vaccines — but not for front-line workers
Walmart, for example,willrequireall ofits corporate and regional staff to be vaccinated against Covid-19byOctober 4 unless they have an “approved exception,” namely, a religious or medicalreason not to be vaccinated. Butitisn’tasking the same of storeassociates and warehouse workers, towhomitis instead offering a $150 incentive for getting vaccinated (it previously offered $75) and paidtime off.
But rightnow your largestones,Amazon andWalmart, are not mandatingit for theirline staff. If they were tomake that call, my guessis that lots of other companies would follow suit.
▼As New Variants Emerge, WeContinue ToFocuson the Safety and Well-Being of OurAssociates |Walmart
We’re pleased thatmore than 90% of our campus officeassociates have been fully vaccinated. While vaccines are notrequiredat this time for frontlineassociateswho work in our stores,
= 日本語文ここまで =
Ryuichi Yoneyamais aJapanese politicianand a former Governor of NiigataPrefecture.At this time, Yoneyamais a Member ofthe House of Representatives.
In recentdays, Yoneyama continues claiming "Some particularJapanesepop cultures, suchas Manga/Anime, are not suitable for public space inJapan."
Furthermore, Yoneyama also continues claiming "We'd betterpush these Manga/Anime Fandom people intoany specific areas."
On the other hand,Japanese Fandom people and creators of Manga/Anime criticize Yoneyama. They say "Does Yoneyama think that Manga/Animeis 'DegenerateArt/Entartete Kunst'?Does Yoneyama want topush Manga/Anime Fandom into 'Ghetto'?" Because Yoneyama's claim reminds them of the memory that Nazi government forbade manygermanyartists producing/exhibiting their ownarts and that Nazididit with saying "sound mind".
Therefore,on2021/11/20, to Fandom of Manga/Anime, Yoneyama posted atweetlike below.
"With making up a fake discrimination, areyouassumingyourself to be a member of Jewish peoplewho are persecuted?"
As a result,it seems that Fandom and Creators of Manga/Anime are right.
Yoneyama'stweet suggests that Yoneyamais probably a historical revisionist. Yoneyama'stweet obviouslyassociates "making a fake discrimination" with "being Jewish people". If Yoneyamadidn't think thatShoah(itis generally called Holocaust)is a fake discrimination, he neverassociates "making up a fake discrimination" with "being Jewish people."
We'd betterwatch Yoneyama's behavior carefully.
= 英訳ここまで =
"Christmasfood shopping choices have changed a lot in the12 years I've beenhere," says Ingerson. "In the pasttwo years salmonhas reallytaken off. Hot smoked salmonis very popularatChristmas and Easter and we sell truckloads offresh salmon – boneless cutlets, kebabs, filet mignon, even whole salmon.
「クリスマスフードショッピングの選択肢は、私がここにいた12年間で大きく変わりました」とインガーソンは言います。 「過去2年間でサーモンは本当に人気があります。ホットスモークサーモンはクリスマスとイースターで非常に人気があり、骨なしカツレツ、ケバブ、フィレミニョン、さらにはサーモン全体をトラックで大量の新鮮なサーモンを販売しています。
Sales of smoked salmon andlobster increase dramaticallyat this time, with families both eating and gifting seafood. According to Young’s Seafood, theUK’s leading smoked salmonprocessor, smoked salmonis a firmfavorite ofBritish families forChristmas morningbreakfast.
スモークサーモンとロブスターの売り上げはこの時期に劇的に増加し、家族は魚介類を食べたり、贈ったりします。イギリスを代表するスモークサーモン加工業者であるYoung's Seafoodによると、スモークサーモンはクリスマスの朝の朝食にイギリス人家族に大人気です。
この日は、イオンがクリスマス全体のコンセプトや新CM、グループ全体で重点展開する「トップバリュグリーンアイ 生アトランティックサーモン」の商品について商品企画部の松本金蔵氏から説明。サーモンはクリスマスに人気な食品商品だそうで、イオンでは12月の売り上げがこの5年で約1.5倍にまで拡大していることから、今年はサーモンに力を入れてレシピを開発した。
2019年9月6日 元職員が偽装工作を告発、メールのやりとりが記事に掲載される
How an Elite University Research Center Concealed Its Relationship with Jeffrey Epstein (TheNew Yorker)
Dozens ofpages ofe-mails and other documents obtainedby TheNew Yorker reveal that, although Epsteinwas listedas “disqualified” in M.I.T.’sofficial donor database, the Media Lab continued toaccept gifts fromhim, consultedhim about the use of the funds, and,by markinghis contributionsasanonymous, avoided disclosing their full extent, both publicly and within the university.
Director of M.I.T.’s Media Lab Resigns After Taking Money From Jeffrey Epstein (The New York Times)
But near the end,one ofMr.Ito’s staunchest supporters, Nicholas Negroponte, afounder of the media lab, said he had toldMr.Ito totake the money and woulddo itagain. That promptedMr.Ito to send an email toMr. Negroponte in the middle of the night, complaining that hewas undercuttinghis ability tomake amends.
Director of M.I.T.’s Media Lab Resigns After Taking Money From Jeffrey Epstein (The New York Times)
At a meetingon Wednesday night with media lab personnel,Mr.Ito said he had “screwed up”byaccepting the money, but that he had done so after areviewby the university and consultation withhis advisers.
水曜日のラボ総会で、伊藤氏は「(エプスタインから)金を受け取ったときはどうかしていた。しかし、大学に確認してもらって、アドバイザに確認してもらってから、金を受け取った」と説明していた。実際は、TheNew Yorkers の記事によれば、匿名化して資金を受け取った。記事が出る直前まで、資金は大学に確認してもらったと同僚にすら嘘をついて、所長の座に留まろうとした。
この伊藤氏を、MIT 関係者を多く含む233名が、保身のための嘘の謝罪を出した勇気と受け取った資金の返却の約束をとても尊敬しており、彼は、思慮深く、謙虚で、道徳観念がしっかりしていて、寛大である、と署名して認めている。支持者は、彼の嘘がばれたあと、この署名ページを削除している。
We greatly admire thecourage behindJoi’s public apology forhis connections to Epstein, andhis commitment to financial restitution. ... tohis character: thoughtful, humble, principled, andgenerous.
署名者の数名はエプスタイン事件が飛び火した伊藤穣一MITメディアラボ所長の支援サイト立ち上がる に紹介されている。この署名では自分たちを次のように評価している。
AtMIT, wepride ourselveson our ability torise abovecomplex challenges and, with openness and rationality,improve ourselves andthe world around us.
Jeffrey Epstein’s Donations Create a Schism at M.I.T.’s Revered Media Lab
Other organizations have also stood behindMr.Ito. The John S. andJames L.Knight Foundation, where hehas beenon the board since 2011, said in astatement thatit believedhis apology “issincere.” The MacArthur Foundation saidMr.Ito “has addressedhisassociations in a manner that warrants noactionby the foundationat this time.”The New York Times Company, whereMr.Itohas been a board member since 2012, declined to comment for this article.
John S. andJames L.Knight財団 彼は誠実
MacArthur財団 彼とエプスタインの関係で当財団が対処することが何もないと彼は説明してくれた
Good Thursday, How areyoutoday?Thanks a lot of kind words to me inyour letter,
telling me aboutyourblog-I can'topen-here very oldcomputers!
I never travel toanother countries,butdream.
Ilike comedy & romantic movies. what aboutyou? Idon't haveboyfriend,here mostlyall menatwar.
I had aboyfriend,but he diedatwar 1,5 years ago.I will behappy to have family withkids & marry withman older than me.
Today no lessons incollege,Iwriteyou letters from library,because no privatecomputerathome.
I had before a smallsmartphone,butchangeit forfood 5 month ago.Now we use oldnokiatogether withmom,Ha-ha!
SoonI will finish institute. Buthere veryhard to findany job,all fromwarhere.I know about sushi fromTV programs,
but nevereat sushi,because sushi restaurants very expensivehere.
Idon't haveboyfriendnow,hereall menatwar.
I havegood news: yesterday eveningwas stoppedfirebetweenUkraine &Russia.
We havebighope that this timeitwill betrue words from Presidents &peacewill come,
Because this "stopwar"wasmany times,butitwasonly words...
I want to tellyou that from yesterday reallywas no hear shots, bombings.
But situation with electric, water & mostly withfoodstill very, very hard.Itis very difficult to sellsomething or toexchange forfood,many have no money, and rich people left fromUkraine.
It's a pity that without meat, meathere terrible expensive long ago. Whenwas nowar we could buy meat, not often, but we could.But we arehappy that we have some vegetables.
Usuallyhere verycold winter, normally-25, - 30, muchsnow,now autumn+10.
Ilike to cook very much!Today,I will tellyou how to cook borsch:takepiece of beef to weld in water, then to cook there potatoes, carrots,cabbage,
itis alittle haricot, then weadd alittle tomato paste,salt, parsley.
Give a borsch very hot withsourcream and garlic.Its very good for health hot dish &you notcatch acold.
Of course garlicisn't good forkisses, but when wewill meet I cook borsch for us & wewilleat garlictogether & then could easykiss...
May beontodaywill come myfriendMaria.I sendyousummerphoto with myfriendMaria.
Shelost familyatwar & have no possible tolive in this hardwar period,
Iam workingas an engineer in theITarea, but Imanaged to holdit for some 2 years.
I do not have confidence yet, and Ifeel evenmore confident about my confidence for therest ofmy life,the excellence of my colleague.
If I do not desperatelydo it Iam working everyday withfeelings thatitis notamusing even if I receive a notification outside the fighting strength.
Still, inJapan, I think thatJapanhas much better skill thanCTO in thatarea.
Inthe future I thought that if I could return toJapan andcontribute to theJapanesesociety,Japan thatis visible from the outsideis bad.
Whatis bad, firstaspect ofpolitics.
Thepoint that democracyis not fully functioningagainstthe fact that there are stupid citizenswho blind the LDP, suchasAbe'sdescent.
That other partyis also notgood.Hope party? Whatis thatladylike that disciple of Ru Ooshiba? Rou Koike?
Themoreyou do not haveit, the stupidwill be clouded in katakana and psychology.You idiots,you guys say this. Ilove Katakanaanyway, Ilove psychology,100% I do not saybig things. Whatis Y's Spending. Do notfix whatyou normally call katakana.
Since the political systemisover in the first place, I think thatitis the cause of failure of not receiving popular people, especially elderly people,only short-term and useless policies absolutely. So wewill notattackonly the LDP.
Itis too fatal thatpoliticsis not rational anditis impossible to include the policy that should be done. Becauseitends with poppiness if I can not vote.
Unfortunately, the trend of changing the political system probablywill not happen ifit fails.
In recent decades, politicians have accelerated the declining birthrateand agingsociety to adistortion withoutlookon the preferential treatment for the elderly + measuresagainst the declining birthrate.
The decline inJapan's birthrate and birthrateis partly spontaneous, butthe world'slow birthrateand agingsocietyis not causedbynatural phenomena.
Thereis notany future that puttingall the energy to surrender the tax to the oldmanby tax freeover medical care.Itwas already late when we were discussing whether a largeamount of tax would be used due to politicians' old elderly votes or ten years ago, soitwas already late, we have not correctedthe orbitagain so far Iamgoing to politateon the same route.
An aged politiciandoes not think about a short-circuiting policy,the future. Citizens delight in the immediate economic policy.
Grass grows now,as thenation 's collapsehas become areality.
If the declining birthrate and the aging population advancedat this paceasitis, theJapaneseboatwillsink in20 years.Two years ago I thought I would have 30 years.
I gave up completely toJapan'spolitics. Defeatedentertainmentis not funny. I'm saying thatitisjapanese, but I do not dislikeit. To give up means toaccept failures.
Didyou have a businessanywhere other than bidding? I do not havepieces of creativity. Thereis no further ethics.
Whatisit, Mercari orDeNA or moral business orsomethingis a socialsin. I just confusedsociety,did not I? The country and the country came to know not ethics.
Ethics of theJapanese arelower than theJapanese think.
Although I derail for a while,accident happens in front of myeyes, the idiotswhotake pictures with smaho are not minoritiesatallNationalityis bad.
Even though thereis serviceonly where moneyis involved, do not say hospitalityas ifit were thenational character of theJapanese.
Itis not a minority to be a completely individualistsociety and people are troubled and help people.
At this time newcreative businessis born fromone to thenext.Itisat an unthinkable pace inJapan. Of course, there aremany doubtful businessesas to whetheritwill become money, butitis better thanJapanesesociety where thereis no brain except copying the business ofanother companyatall.
So almost no companywants to work inJapan.
Andthe fall of the company. Almost nointernational competitiveness. Even large corporationswill be crushed.
With this aging birthrate and declining birthrate,you can notcontribute even todomestic demandwith the elderlywho can not seethe future ifitis full of old people.
There are no people with a declining birthrate.It seems thatyoung people are supporting the LDPby thinking positivelyasbeing a seller's market completely.
Thereisonlyone personwhois not merely a policy of an aging population declining birthrate.Your futureis pitch dark.
Were I so stupidas towhom I thought ofgoing back toJapan? What?Itis certain thatat leastthe field of view and experiencehas been muchlower thanitwas now.
If I see myselftwo years ago, Ifeel mercyonly now.
Indeeditis visible thatitwill collapse inanother few decades Indeeditwill not be possible to return toJapan.
Why do I have to board asinkingship? Parents are theonly team to surrender,only you are to protectyourself.
Originally I decided not tomake children from the uncertain future ofsociety, not myself. I think that choicewas right.
Politician Now, ifyou are not stupid,it means thatyou are doing intentional bankruptcyactivities.
Itisgood thatyou areonly interested inbeing inspected. I do not knowanymore.
At the very least, pleasetry tomakeJapanese citizens work inthe world. If the hurdle of laborvisagoes down, thenyouwill be able todo it ifyou haveEnglish proficiency.
I had a lot of hardships. Althoughitis inferior to native, Iam working without problems.
Can Iget a refundon myMoz Local purchase?
Onceyour purchaseis complete wepushyour listing updates toall of our partners. This process can't be reversedonceithasstarted. Because of this, we unfortunately are unable to process refundsat this time. Ifyou accidently used the wrong card, let us know and we'll helpyouget the charge sortedout.
Changing a new laptop computerkeyboardwill be difficult regardingsomeone considering thatit is without a doubt defined to become tech function though really isn't. Justby subsequent anumber of easy steps one could replace the actual laptopkeypad comfortably.
1st step is actually to ensure thatyouwill have powered down the vitality andtaken off the particularbattery. Equallyyou might want to unplug this from switchboard to prevent just aboutanyhassle. An individualwill be through with thesoftware,you ought to startall the laptop computer along with remove lots of the screws behind that. Even if various mobile computer models possess different screws butit is simple to choose the anchoring screws in order to themall.
Typically,all thekeyboards are generally devote a plastic material sheet which happens to be screwed throughout the equipment. For thatreason right hereanyone must alsoget rid of the screws in an effort toget rid of those plastic-type sheets.Anytimeone can find absolutely no plastic-type material sheets after that probably right now theremay be some clamps which is often deleted readily.
An individualwill be through with the actual takingaway the plastic material sheets right now theremay be some cosmeticoutstandingon the computerkeys.All of these plastic material bitshas to be removed cautious andit could be completedany help in various cosmetic choose and tooth find.It is actually highly recommendedwill not use almostanyneedle which is able to really problemsanotheraspects of machines.
At this timeyou might be through with just aboutall screws inside the back,youneed totakeaway the screws towards thetop because in some laptop orpc units oftentimes there are anchoring screws beginning which should end upbeing deleted beforeyou really replaceall the computerkeys. When most of anchoring screws really are eliminated,youwill see the laptop computerkeyboard is something related toany thin knowledgelead that is straightaway that come with the actual motherboard best in the bottoom. To eliminateany laptop correctly, feel free to use the equivalent enamel pick toenableyou to raise the plastic-type connectors whichyou'll find storing with this knowledgelead.Youwill see ofthe fact that entirely computerkeyboard can be free professionalswho log in very easilylift that up.
Youwill have successfully carriedoutthe most important part andit's themomentyou are able to replace that classic laptop orpc computerkeyboard while using unique 1. Very first thing earliest,take the popular computerhp laptop keyboardout from the plastic page and remedy a repairanywhere between that cosmetic fittings that are existing for the chief panel.Youwillneed to ensure thatyour comprehensive brand newkeyboardset isset. Thesedays include the infoline very carefully.Youneed to use similar chooseanyone used formerly totry the equivalent. Be sure that the entire openingsas wellas clamps are straight aligned along with the mess spaceas a result forall those securing that screws repeatedly,it is possible to finished thesoftwareas necessary. Lastly refastenyour current laptop computerkeyboard within thetopand also ifyouwish to removeany specific cosmetic articles replicate the equivalent option a person achievedit up to now.
Now restricted most of the screws fromagain andget that laptop's solarbattery funding thearea toenableyou to observe regardless ifyour own laptop have been replaced instead systematically or even in no way. An individualwill be through with tensingall the screws, start upyour current laptop consideringthe fact that a person hear numerous beeps in the beginning then very likelyyou might want to eradicateall of the proceduresonceagain. See aBIOS through important F2 or DEL button to be sure of whether or notkeyboard is actually tracked down to be had and not even.
If users want to prolongbattery the efficient use ofthe time, in addition to the quality of the charger to have the guarantee, the right skills and charging is essential, because oflow quality charger or wrong charging methods would affectbatterytime andlife cycle, the following is about to charge skills:
1. Thebattery before they leavethe factory,manufacturers were activatedprocessing, and the charge, so thebattery aremore electricity, myfriends saybattery charging adjustment period in accordance withthe time, standbystill seriously insufficient,assuming that thebattery is really quality goodsbattery of words, this kind of circumstance shouldextend the setting and then 3 ~ 5times fully charge and discharge.
2. If new phone islithiumionbattery, so before 3 ~ 5times charging commonly knownas adjustment period, should be chargedmore than 14 hours, in order to ensure that the fully activatelithiumion activity. Thelithiumionbattery no memory effects, but have very strong suisex, should give full activatedPANASONIC CGR-D220 Battery, to guarantee the use of after canreach the right performance.
3. Some automation intelligent quick charger when instructionslightschange, saidonly full of 90%. The chargerwill automaticallychange with slow chargewill batteries. Bestwill use after batteries,otherwise,itwill shorten usetime.
4. Before charging and discharginglithiumbatterydoes notneed special, butwill not dischargedamage to thebattery.As faras possible when chargingat the slow ChongChongDian, reduce the way quick charge;Timedon'tmore than24 hours. Thebattery after three tofivetimes fully recharge cycles of internal after chemicalwill beall "activate" to achieve the best use effect.
5. Please usethe original or the reputation of the good brand charger, li-ionbattery tolithiumbattery charger with special, and follow the instructions,otherwise,itwilldamage to thebattery, and even dangerous.
6. Havemany users often in chargestill leave hercell phone, actually suchwill be very easy toPANASONIC CGA-S101E/1B Batterydamage the servicelife of the mobile phone, because in charge of the process, the circuit boards of mobile phone can calorific, if thistimemore exotic phone,may produce instant backflow current, internal parts to mobile phonedamage.
7. Thebatterylife dependson thenumber repeatedly charging and discharging, so shouldtry to avoidmorebattery electric charge when, thiswill shortenbatterylife.Cell phonetimemore than 7days, supposed to completely dischargethe cell phonebattery, enough electricity before use.
8.The cell phonebattery have self-discharge,need not when thenimh batterieswill press the residual capacity every day, about 1% of the discharge,lithiumbattery every day to 0.2% ~ 0.3% discharge. In for thebattery,try to use the special socket,don'twill thehome appliance suchas the Shared and theTV charger socket.
9. Though thephones inthe network coveragearea, but inthe cell phone charge,cellphones have been unable toaccept and call.At this time, can use of the mobile phone is not transfer function,will be transferred to the mobile phone side of fixedtelephone in order to prevent callslost, this kind of method for mobile phone is not inthe network coverage of thearea or weaksignal and temporarily unable to the applicable also.
10.Don'twill be exposed to high temperature orcoldPANASONIC DMW-BCG10E Battery,asthe dog, should not put the phoneon thecar, and thesun blazed through the; Orgetair conditioning room, inair conditioning to be blown continuously place. When charging, thebattery is alittleheat is normal, but can't letit what the high temperature "suffer". In order to avoid the happening of this kind of circumstance, had better be in chargeat room temperature, anddon't coveranythingon the mobile phone.
11. Nickel cadmium (N iCd) before thebattery must ensure that the batteries are no electricity, recharging thebattery must ensure that sufficient electricity after.
12. Ifthe cell phonebattery placed too long and not use, the bestmaintenance department tocellphones to theapplication for aliveprocessing, also can use a constantdc voltage is the voltage adjustment for 5 ~ 6 V, current 500 ~ 600mA reverseconnectbattery.Note that a touch namely release,the most repeated threetimes can, through such treatment afteranother, withthe originaladapter to "adaptation" charge.
13. Charge is notas longas possible, to no protection circuit batteries that should stop after charging, or thebatterywill withfever or overheating impact performance.
14.Lithiumionbattery must choose special charger,otherwisemay notreach the saturatedstate, affect their performance. Charging completes, should avoid to place in chargeronmore than12 hours ormore, long-termneed not when shouldmake abattery andcell phoneseparation.
1, about the trickle charge, rapid charging and stablebattery charging algorithm
According to the energy requirements of thefinalapplication, abatterymay contain up to 4lithiumion orlithium polymerbatterycore,its configuration will have a variety ofchange,at the sametime with amainstreampoweradapter: directadapter,USBinterface orcar charger. Remove thecore quantity,core configuration orpoweradapter type difference, thebatteryhas the same charge characteristics. So they charge algorithm.Lithiumion and li-ion polymerbattery best charging algorithm can divided into three phases: trickle charge, rapid charging and stable charge.
Advancedbattery charger withadditional security function normally. For example, if thecore temperature exceeds the given window, usually 0 ℃-45 ℃, charge will be suspended.
Remove some verylow-end equipment, nowon themarket/li-ion polymerlithiumionbattery solutions are integrated with theouter components or, inaccordance with the characteristics of the charging to charge, this is not just toget better effect charge, but also for safety.
LTC4097 can be used to exchangeadapter orUSBpower supply for single quarter/polymerlithiumionbattery. Figure 1 fordouble input 1.2 Alithiumbattery charger LTC4097schemes.It USES constant current/constant voltage algorithm charging, from exchangeadapterpower charge, programmable filling up to 1.2 electric current A, and withUSBpower can beas highas 1 A,at the sametime,automatic detection in each input voltage whether there. This device also provideUSB the current limit.Applications includePDA,MP3players,digital camera,lightportable medical andtest equipment andbigcolor cellular phone. The performance characteristics: no external micro controller charging termination; The inputpowerautomatic detection and choice; Through the resistance fromthe exchange of chargingadapter input can beas highas 1.2 A programming charge current; The resistance of programmableUSB charging current is up to 1 A;100% or20%USB charging currentset; The inputpower output and existing bias NTC (VNTC)pinas a120mA drive ability; NTC thermistors input (NTC)pin for temperature qualified charged; Pre-settingsbattery voltage with floating plus or minus 0.6%accuracy; Thermal regulationmaximize chargerate and free hotair LTC4097 can be used to exchangeadapter orUSBpower supply for single quarter/polymerlithiumionbattery. The use of constant current/constant voltage algorithm charging, from exchangeadapterpower charge, programmable filling up to 1.2 electric current A, and withUSBpower can beas highas 1 A,at the sametime,automatic detection in each input voltage whether there. This device also provideUSB the current limit.Applications includePDA,MP3players,digital camera,lightportable medical andtest equipment andbigcolor cellular phone.
Lithiumion/polymerbattery chargescheme for differentnumber ofcore,core configuration, andpower types are different.At presentmainly have threemain chargingscheme:linear, Buck (step-down)switch and SEPIC (booster and step-down)switch.
When the input voltage inbig with the charger with sufficient clearance ofcore afteropening voltage,it islinearscheme, especially 1.0 C fast charging current than 1 Abig too much. For example,MP3players usuallyonlyonecore, capacity from 700 to 1500mAh differ, full charge voltage isopen 4.2 V.MP3 playerpower is usually theAC/DCadapter orUSBinterface, the output is the rule of 5 V;At this time, thelinearscheme isthe most simple, most charger of the efficiency of thescheme. Figure 2 shows forlithiumion/polymerbattery solutionlinearscheme,basicstructure andlinear voltageneat device.
MAX8677A isdouble inputUSB/ACadapterlinear charger, built-inSmartPower Selector, used for rechargeable single quarterby Li + batteriesportable devices. The charger integration of thebattery andthe externalpower source and loadswitch chargingall thepowerswitch, so that no externalMOSFET.MAX8677A ideal used inportable devices, suchassmartphones,PDA,portable mediaplayers,GPS navigation equipment,digital camera, anddigital cameras.
MAX8677A can work in independentUSB and thepower inputACadapter ortwo input eitherone of the input. Whenconnecting externalpower supply, intelligentpower source selectorallows the system notconnectbattery or can and depth dischargebatteryconnection. Intelligentpower source selector willautomaticallyswitch to thebattery system load, use the system did not use the inputpower supply parts forbattery,make full use of limitedUSBand adapterpower supply input.All theneeded electric current detection circuit, including the integration of thepowerswitch,all integration in the piece.DC input current highest limit can be adjusted to 2 A andDC andUSB inputall can support100mA, 500mA, andUSB hung mode. Charge current can be adjusted toas highas 1.5 A, thus support wide range ofbattery capacitive. Other features includeMAX8677A thermal regulation,over-voltage protection, charging status and fault output,power supply good surveillance,battery thermistors surveillance, and chargingtimer.MAX8677A using save a space, hot enhanced, 4mm x 4mm,24 of thepins TQFN encapsulation, regulations, work in exceptional temperature range (40 ~ + 85 ℃).
2.2 Buck (step-down)switchscheme
When A 1.0 C of the charging currentmore than 1 A, or the input voltage of thecore than withhigh voltageopenmany, Buck or step-down plan is A better choice. For example, basedon the hard drive in thePMP, often use singlecorelithiumionbattery, the full ofopen is 4.2 V voltage, capacity from1200 to2400mAh range. And nowPMP is usually use thecar kit to charge,its output voltage in a 9 V to 16 between V. In the input voltage andbattery voltage is the voltage difference between high (minimum 4.8 V) willmakelinearschemelowers efficiency. This kind oflow efficiency, plusmore than 1.2 A 1 C fast charging electric current, have seriousheat dissipation problems. To avoid this kind of situation, will the Buckscheme. Figure 3 forlithiumion/polymerbattery chargerscheme Buck diagram,basicstructure with Buck (step-down)switching voltage regulators completely the same.
2.3 SEPIC (booster and step-down)switchscheme
In some use of three or fourlithiumion/polymercore series equipments, charger of the input voltage is notalways greater than thebattery voltage. For example, laptop computers use 3corelithiumionbattery, full charge voltage isopen12.6 V (4.2 Vx3), capacity is 1800mAh to 3600mAh from.Power supply input or output voltage is 1 6 VAC/DCadapter, or iscar kit, the output voltage in a 9 V to 16 between V. Apparently, thelinear and Buck solutions are not for thisgroup of batteries. This is about to use SEPICscheme,it can in the output voltage is higher than when thebattery voltage, can be in the output voltage less than when thebattery.
3, andpower detection algorithm is proposed
Manyportable products use voltage measurements to estimate the remainingbatterypower, but thebattery voltage and surpluspower relationship but will with the dischargerate, temperature andbattery aging degree ofchange,make this kind of method cantop 50%margin of error. Themarket for longer to use product demand unceasingly strengthens, so the system design personnelneedmoreaccurate solution. Use capacity check plan come to measurebattery or consumption of electricity, will be in a wide range ofapplicationpower to providemoreaccurate estimate of thebatterypower.
3.1power detection algorithm isone ofthe examples ofapplication, function complete list,double thebatteryportablebatteryapplication design
Thebattery circuit description. Figure 4 (a) can be used for identification ofIC functions with typicalapplication circuit batteries.According to the use ofICtesting program is different, thebatteryneeds to haveat least three to four outside the terminal.
VCC and BATpins will even to thebattery voltage, so that for, Cpower and thebattery voltage measurement. Thebattery isconnected a grounding resistance smaller detection resistors, let capacity check meter high impedance SRP and SRN input can monitor sensor resistanceon bothends of the voltage. Throughtesting the currentflows through a resistor can be used to judge thebattery or release the amount of electricity. Designers choose detection resistance value must be considered when resistanceon bothends of the voltage can'tmore than100mV,low resistancemay bemore hours in current errors. Circuit board layout must ensure that SRP and SRN totesting fromas closeas possible to theconnection of the resistor sensor resistance end; In other words, they should be the Kelvinattachment.
HDQpinneed external and resistors, this resistance should be located the host or themainapplication, such capacity check plan to thebattery andportable devices when sleep functionenableconnection broken. Advice and resistance choose10 k Ω.
Once thebattery through the appraisal, bq26150 will issuecommands to ensure that the host and quantitytest plan ofmaterial lines between normal communication. When thebatteryconnection interruption or toconnect,the whole the identification process will be repeatedagain.
Host to be able to read capacity check plan of variable voltage measurementbattery, tomake sure the end of discharging threshold and charging terminate threshold.As for the remainingstatepower (RemainingStateofCapacity), do notneed to read can use directly.
The above bq2650x and bq27x00etc capacity check plan provides thebatterymanufacturer a simple to use options, thisscheme L [just measuringbattery voltage to be precise, so these capacity check plan can be applied to variousbatteryframework, and can support thebattery identification anddouble thebatteryapplication '
3.2power detection algorithm is an example ofapplicationsanother, can apply toall kinds of general voltmeter newIC.
Today'smanymanufacturers can provide a variety of voltmeterIC,, theuser can choose the suitable function device, to optimize the product price. Use voltmeter measurement of storagebattery parameters, the separate architectureallowsusers in the host custompower measurement algorithm within. Eliminating embedded processorbattery cost.On this to Dallase semicconductor company called cases of DS2762chip for typical analysis. A new separate voltmeterIC,itsstructure see chart 5 (a) below.
DS2762 is a single quarter oflithiumbattery voltmeter and protection circuit, integrated into a tiny 2.46mm x 2.74mm inversion of packaging. Due to internal integration forpower detection of high precise resistance, this device is very save a space.It is the small size and incomparable highlevel of integration, for mobile phonebattery and other similar handheld products, suchasPDA,etc, areall very ideal. Integrated protection circuit continuously monitoring thebattery voltage,over voltage andflow fault (charging or discharge period). Different from the independent protectionIC, DS2762allowmain processor surveillance/control protection FET conductionstate, such, can DS2762 through the protection of thepower system and the control circuit implementation. DS2762 can also charge abattery consumptionhas depth, when thebattery voltage within three V, provide a limit of the charging current recovery path.
DS2762accurate monitoringbattery current, voltage and temperature, the dynamic range andresolution ofcommon satisfy any mobile communication producttesting standards. The measurement of current for internally generated when the integral,realize thepower measurement. Through the real-time, continuousautomatic disorders correct, the precision ofpower measurement can be increased. The built-in measuring resistance due to eliminatemanufacturing process and temperature and cause resistancechange, further improve the precision of the voltmeter. Important data stored in 32bytes, canadd the lock EEPROM; 16bytes ofSRAM are used to keep dynamic data. And DS2762all communicationall through the 1-Wire,more communicationinterface node, minimize thebattery and theconnection to the host.Itsmain features for; Single quarter oflithiumbattery protector; High precision current (power measurement), voltage and temperature measurement; Optional integrated 25 m Ω measuring resistance, each DS2762 after fine-tuning alone; 0 Vbattery restore charge; 32bytes can lock EEPROM, 16bytesSRAM, 64 aROM;
1-Wire, node,digital communicationinterface; Supportmorebatterypower management, and through the protection system control FETpower; Dormancy modepower supply currentonly 2 µ A (most); Work modepower supply current for 90 µ A (most); 2.46mm x 2.74mm inversion of packaging or 16 feet SSOP packageled, and both are can choose with or without detection resistance; Afterhas with e