Drake finally responds to Kendrick Lamar's Superbowlshow 🏈😢 #kendricklamar #drake
Sinceyour performance I've beensat cryingon the floor
Ripping my clothesLike Montoya screaming (Por favor!)
You were mean and rude in front ofthe wholenation
Sonow Igotta suelike aCristiano celebration
だから今、私はクリスティアーノのゴールパフォーマンスのように訴訟を起こさなければならないんだ *3
Please everybody stop clapping
I know I took a massive Llike I'mbetween 'Samuel' and 'Jackson'
I call my dealer 'cusit hasn't been the best week
Ineed some free pufflike aKanye Westtweet (please free mybrother puff)
"Say Drake..."You call me a nonce down thelens
Andnowall of mykid'sfriends won't invite meon a playdate
And all the peng tings blank me
So I'msat watchingsad movies with a blankie
No new texts saying: 'Heybig head,I miss you...'
Thought ladies loved mypaper 'till Isawrock with SZA
「やあビッグヘッド、君がいなくて寂しいよ...」とメッセージを送ったけど返事はない *7
君がSZAで踊ってるのを見るまで、女たちは俺の金を愛していると思ってたんだ *8
Thisis aconsequence ofsh*t talking
How I'm logging into X and then I see myex crip walking?
"Controller controller..."You use my ownbar to diss me
How can I seesquarecircletriangle and not be 'cross'?
「コントローラーコントローラー...」 お前は俺の歌詞を使って俺をディスったな *10
どうすれば□、〇、△を見て腹を立てずにいられるんだ? *11
I cried so manytears I could probably fill a well
My cheeks are sorelikethe time Igot myBBL
BBLを受けた時のように頬が痛いよ *13
Is this whatitfeellike to be inhell?
Kinda dug myself ahole kindalike a miner
*1スペインの恋愛リアリティーショー「TemptationIsland:Spain」に出演した男。彼女に浮気された際にPor favor!と叫びながら自分の服を引き裂いたり
*2ケンドリックが、全世界が注目するNFLのハーフタイムショーに出演し、Notlike us(ドレイクを未成年好きのロリコン野郎とディスる曲)を歌ったこと。
ドレイクが、ケンドリックがハーフタイムショーでNotlike usを歌うことを阻止するため、ケンドリックの所属するレコード会社を訴訟(sue)したこととかけている。
*4 「Loser(敗者)」の意味のLと、ハーフタイムショーに出演した俳優サミュエル・L・ジャクソンのミドルネームのLをかけている。
*5 free puffは「他の人が大〇を吸ってるときに、その副流煙を吸う」という意味だが
カニエ・ウェストが2月に発狂してXに大量の差別発言を投稿した際、「トランプ大統領、俺のブラザーのPuffを釈放してくれ(free puff)」とお願いのポストを投稿したこととかけている。
*6ケンドリックがハーフタイムショーで「Notlike us」を歌った際、「なあドレイク?お前若い女の子が好きなんだってな」の部分をカメラ目線と満面の笑みで歌ったこと。nonceはイギリスのスラングで小〇性犯罪者の意味。
ドレイクからすれば「元カノが自分の宿敵のショーに出演し、自分をロ〇コン野郎と罵る歌(Notlike us)でノリノリに踊っている。
*12 「all my beeflost」に「(忘れっぽいから)肉を全部なくした」と「(ケンドリックとの)ビーフに全敗した」の2つの意味がかけられている。
*13 以前から、ドレイクは腹筋等の筋肉を整形手術で人工的に作った疑惑がかけられていたが
ある時期から急に尻がデカくなったので「Brasilian butlift」という尻を大きくする整形を受けた疑惑が持たれており、ディス曲でも散々ネタにされている。
単位を見ると、GDPper capita = $/1人年, work hours =時間/1人年,GDPper capita / work hours = $/時間
gdpper capita | work hours | CountryName | gdpper capita / work hours |
142214 | 1473.26 | Luxembourg | 96.5302 |
114899 | 1424.58 | Norway | 80.6543 |
126905 | 1657.47 | Ireland | 76.5657 |
83598.5 | 1528.66 | Switzerland | 54.6874 |
74005.5 | 1371.61 | Denmark | 53.9553 |
69577.4 | 1427.02 | Netherlands | 48.7573 |
69081.3 | 1449.22 | Iceland | 47.6679 |
63149.6 | 1340.86 | Germany | 47.0963 |
67935.8 | 1443.72 | Austria | 47.0561 |
64578.4 | 1440.46 | Sweden | 44.8318 |
65027.3 | 1525.82 | Belgium | 42.6181 |
76398.6 | 1810.94 | United States | 42.1872 |
59026.7 | 1498.07 | Finland | 39.4019 |
55492.6 | 1511.4 | France | 36.716 |
62625.4 | 1707.33 | Australia | 36.6804 |
54602.5 | 1531.71 | United Kingdom | 35.648 |
58399.5 | 1686 | Canada | 34.6379 |
50031.7 | 1619.01 | Slovenia | 30.9026 |
51865 | 1694.45 | Italy | 30.6087 |
48396.7 | 1624.16 | Lithuania | 29.7981 |
51966.9 | 1748 | New Zealand | 29.7293 |
55927.9 | 1881.93 | Malta | 29.7184 |
49945.5 | 1754.05 | Czechia | 28.4744 |
45572.7 | 1607 | Japan | 28.359 |
45825.2 | 1643.55 | Spain | 27.8819 |
49930.9 | 1837.1 | Cyprus | 27.1792 |
46697.4 | 1770.41 | Estonia | 26.3766 |
50069.8 | 1901 | Korea, Rep. | 26.3387 |
49509.1 | 1891.9 | Israel | 26.169 |
39956.2 | 1553.24 | Latvia | 25.7245 |
41451.6 | 1635.1 | Portugal | 25.3512 |
41906.7 | 1699.6 | Hungary | 24.6568 |
43268.5 | 1814.79 | Poland | 23.8421 |
41887.9 | 1808.23 | Romania | 23.1651 |
37459.5 | 1622.07 | Slovak Republic | 23.0937 |
40379.6 | 1810.5 | Croatia | 22.303 |
37273.7 | 1732.09 | Turkiye | 21.5195 |
33582.3 | 1618.73 | Bulgaria | 20.746 |
36834.9 | 1886.29 | Greece | 19.5276 |
36484.7 | 1874 | Russian Federation | 19.4689 |
30208.8 | 1962.8 | Chile | 15.3907 |
24922.7 | 2149 | Costa Rica | 11.5973 |
21512.3 | 2226.3 | Mexico | 9.66279 |
20287.4 | 2405.39 | Colombia | 8.43416 |
gdpper capita | salary | CountryName | gdpper capita / salary |
126905 | 52242.6 | Ireland | 2.42915 |
114899 | 53755.9 | Norway | 2.13742 |
142214 | 78310.1 | Luxembourg | 1.81603 |
49945.5 | 33475.5 | Czechia | 1.492 |
41906.7 | 28474.6 | Hungary | 1.47172 |
37459.5 | 26262.8 | Slovak Republic | 1.42633 |
36834.9 | 25979 | Greece | 1.41787 |
46697.4 | 34704.6 | Estonia | 1.34557 |
41451.6 | 31921.7 | Portugal | 1.29854 |
21512.3 | 16685.4 | Mexico | 1.28929 |
64578.4 | 50406.8 | Sweden | 1.28114 |
37273.7 | 31761 | Turkiye | 1.17357 |
43268.5 | 36896.6 | Poland | 1.1727 |
39956.2 | 34136.2 | Latvia | 1.17049 |
51865 | 44893.3 | Italy | 1.15529 |
74005.5 | 64126.7 | Denmark | 1.15405 |
83598.5 | 72993 | Switzerland | 1.14529 |
59026.7 | 51835.9 | Finland | 1.13872 |
49509.1 | 44155.9 | Israel | 1.12123 |
48396.7 | 43874.6 | Lithuania | 1.10307 |
69577.4 | 63225 | Netherlands | 1.10047 |
45572.7 | 41509.2 | Japan | 1.09789 |
63149.6 | 58940.3 | Germany | 1.07142 |
45825.2 | 42859.3 | Spain | 1.0692 |
67935.8 | 63801.6 | Austria | 1.0648 |
50031.7 | 47203.6 | Slovenia | 1.05991 |
62625.4 | 59407.9 | Australia | 1.05416 |
55492.6 | 52763.6 | France | 1.05172 |
51966.9 | 50722.5 | New Zealand | 1.02453 |
50069.8 | 48921.9 | Korea, Rep. | 1.02346 |
54602.5 | 53985.1 | United Kingdom | 1.01144 |
65027.3 | 64847.6 | Belgium | 1.00277 |
58399.5 | 59050.4 | Canada | 0.988978 |
76398.6 | 77463.5 | United States | 0.986253 |
30208.8 | 33042.3 | Chile | 0.914246 |
20287.4 | 22248.5 | Colombia | 0.911855 |
69081.3 | 79473.4 | Iceland | 0.869238 |
24922.7 | 31117.8 | Costa Rica | 0.800912 |
Think of sentences withat least 6 letters that rhymeat least twice
Here are a few examples:
・The cat in the hatsaton a mat.
・She likes totake long walksby the lake and bake acake.
・Therain inSpain falls mainlyon the plain.
・Theknight with might fought thefight all night.
酒井 2022年の日本のジェンダー指数は、世界146ヵ国中116位。それを永田町のおじさんたちは、恥ずかしいとは思っていないんでしょうね。国際会議に出席する日本代表が男性だけでも平気でいられる。
酒井 出生率も落ちる一方。出生率が高いのは、共働きでケアの公共化がされている場合だと海外ではデータがはっきり出ているのに、なぜ変えようとしないのでしょう。
上野 おじさんたちが合理的選択をしないのは、ホモソーシャルな組織文化を守りたいからだとしか私には思えません。ホモソーシャルな集団のなかで、男として認められたい。そのためには自己犠牲もいとわない。
Fertilityrate,total (birthsperwoman) -World Bank Data
CountryName | GGIRank | GGIScore | Fertilityrate,total (birthsperwoman)2020 |
Iceland | 1 | 0.877 | 1.72 |
Norway | 2 | 0.842 | 1.48 |
Finland | 3 | 0.832 | 1.37 |
Sweden | 4 | 0.82 | 1.66 |
Nicaragua | 5 | 0.804 | 2.349 |
New Zealand | 6 | 0.799 | 1.61 |
Ireland | 7 | 0.798 | 1.63 |
Spain | 8 | 0.795 | 1.23 |
Rwanda | 9 | 0.791 | 3.873 |
Germany | 10 | 0.787 | 1.53 |
Latvia | 11 | 0.785 | 1.55 |
Namibia | 12 | 0.784 | 3.349 |
Costa Rica | 13 | 0.782 | 1.555 |
Denmark | 14 | 0.782 | 1.67 |
France | 15 | 0.781 | 1.83 |
Philippines | 16 | 0.781 | 2.777 |
South Africa | 17 | 0.78 | 2.401 |
Switzerland | 18 | 0.779 | 1.46 |
Canada | 19 | 0.772 | 1.4 |
Albania | 20 | 0.769 | 1.4 |
United Kingdom | 21 | 0.767 | 1.56 |
Colombia | 22 | 0.758 | 1.737 |
Moldova | 23 | 0.757 | 1.77 |
Trinidad and Tobago | 24 | 0.756 | 1.631 |
Mexico | 25 | 0.754 | 1.905 |
Estonia | 26 | 0.751 | 1.58 |
Belgium | 27 | 0.75 | 1.55 |
Barbados | 28 | 0.749 | 1.628 |
Belarus | 29 | 0.746 | 1.382 |
Argentina | 30 | 0.746 | 1.911 |
Cuba | 31 | 0.746 | 1.5 |
Burundi | 32 | 0.745 | 5.177 |
Lithuania | 33 | 0.745 | 1.48 |
Austria | 34 | 0.744 | 1.44 |
Portugal | 35 | 0.744 | 1.4 |
Slovenia | 36 | 0.743 | 1.6 |
Uruguay | 37 | 0.737 | 1.477 |
Netherlands | 38 | 0.736 | 1.55 |
Serbia | 39 | 0.736 | 1.48 |
Poland | 40 | 0.736 | 1.38 |
Jamaica | 41 | 0.735 | 1.358 |
Bolivia | 42 | 0.734 | 2.651 |
Lao PDR | 43 | 0.731 | 2.541 |
Australia | 44 | 0.731 | 1.581 |
Zambia | 45 | 0.731 | 4.379 |
Panama | 46 | 0.73 | 2.344 |
Zimbabwe | 47 | 0.73 | 3.545 |
Ecuador | 48 | 0.729 | 2.051 |
Bulgaria | 49 | 0.727 | 1.56 |
Bangladesh | 50 | 0.726 | 2.003 |
Luxembourg | 51 | 0.725 | 1.37 |
Cabo Verde | 52 | 0.725 | 1.908 |
United States | 53 | 0.724 | 1.6375 |
Singapore | 54 | 0.724 | 1.1 |
Romania | 55 | 0.724 | 1.6 |
Mozambique | 56 | 0.723 | 4.713 |
Chile | 57 | 0.723 | 1.537 |
Honduras | 58 | 0.722 | 2.394 |
Ukraine | 59 | 0.721 | 1.217 |
Croatia | 60 | 0.72 | 1.48 |
Bahamas, The | 61 | 0.72 | 1.394 |
Madagascar | 62 | 0.719 | 3.918 |
Slovak Republic | 63 | 0.718 | 1.57 |
Israel | 64 | 0.718 | 2.9 |
Uganda | 65 | 0.717 | 4.693 |
Peru | 66 | 0.714 | 2.216 |
Venezuela, RB | 67 | 0.713 | 2.23 |
Tanzania | 68 | 0.713 | 4.795 |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | 69 | 0.712 | 1.359 |
North Macedonia | 70 | 0.711 | 1.3 |
Montenegro | 71 | 0.71 | 1.75 |
Kazakhstan | 72 | 0.71 | 3.13 |
Botswana | 73 | 0.709 | 2.836 |
Georgia | 74 | 0.708 | 1.971 |
Thailand | 75 | 0.708 | 1.341 |
Italy | 76 | 0.707 | 1.24 |
Suriname | 77 | 0.707 | 2.371 |
Czechia | 78 | 0.706 | 1.71 |
Mongolia | 79 | 0.706 | 2.9 |
El Salvador | 80 | 0.706 | 1.819 |
Russian Federation | 81 | 0.706 | 1.505 |
Ethiopia | 82 | 0.705 | 4.243 |
Eswatini | 83 | 0.703 | 2.89 |
Greece | 84 | 0.701 | 1.34 |
Indonesia | 85 | 0.7 | 2.194 |
Dominican Republic | 86 | 0.7 | 2.303 |
Vietnam | 87 | 0.7 | 1.955 |
Lesotho | 88 | 0.695 | 3.049 |
Cambodia | 89 | 0.694 | 2.381 |
Malta | 90 | 0.693 | 1.13 |
Cyprus | 91 | 0.692 | 1.328 |
Brazil | 92 | 0.691 | 1.649 |
Kyrgyz Republic | 93 | 0.689 | 3 |
Azerbaijan | 94 | 0.687 | 1.7 |
Brunei Darussalam | 95 | 0.686 | 1.796 |
Cameroon | 96 | 0.686 | 4.543 |
Liberia | 97 | 0.685 | 4.174 |
Armenia | 98 | 0.684 | 1.575 |
Senegal | 99 | 0.684 | 4.454 |
Paraguay | 100 | 0.683 | 2.497 |
Nepal | 101 | 0.68 | 2.055 |
Sri Lanka | 102 | 0.68 | 2 |
Fiji | 103 | 0.678 | 2.495 |
Malaysia | 104 | 0.677 | 1.818 |
Hungary | 105 | 0.677 | 1.56 |
China | 106 | 0.676 | 1.281 |
Ghana | 107 | 0.673 | 3.623 |
Korea, Rep. | 108 | 0.672 | 0.837 |
Kenya | 109 | 0.671 | 3.397 |
Belize | 110 | 0.671 | 1.999 |
Sierra Leone | 111 | 0.668 | 4.08 |
India | 112 | 0.668 | 2.051 |
Guatemala | 113 | 0.666 | 2.484 |
Myanmar | 114 | 0.665 | 2.174 |
Mauritius | 115 | 0.665 | 1.44 |
Malawi | 116 | 0.664 | 3.995 |
Timor-Leste | 117 | 0.662 | 3.247 |
Angola | 118 | 0.66 | 5.371 |
Benin | 119 | 0.658 | 5.048 |
United Arab Emirates | 120 | 0.655 | 1.46 |
Japan | 121 | 0.652 | 1.34 |
Kuwait | 122 | 0.65 | 2.14 |
Maldives | 123 | 0.646 | 1.712 |
Tunisia | 124 | 0.644 | 2.114 |
Guinea | 125 | 0.642 | 4.489 |
Vanuatu | 126 | 0.638 | 3.778 |
Papua New Guinea | 127 | 0.635 | 3.274 |
Nigeria | 128 | 0.635 | 5.309 |
Burkina Faso | 129 | 0.635 | 4.869 |
Turkiye | 130 | 0.635 | 1.917 |
Bhutan | 131 | 0.635 | 1.433 |
Algeria | 132 | 0.634 | 2.942 |
Bahrain | 133 | 0.629 | 1.832 |
Egypt, Arab Rep. | 134 | 0.629 | 2.96 |
Qatar | 135 | 0.629 | 1.816 |
Gambia, The | 136 | 0.628 | 4.777 |
Tajikistan | 137 | 0.626 | 3.237 |
Jordan | 138 | 0.623 | 2.873 |
Mali | 139 | 0.621 | 6.035 |
Togo | 140 | 0.615 | 4.323 |
Mauritania | 141 | 0.614 | 4.455 |
Cote d'Ivoire | 142 | 0.606 | 4.472 |
Morocco | 143 | 0.605 | 2.353 |
Oman | 144 | 0.602 | 2.687 |
Lebanon | 145 | 0.599 | 2.103 |
Saudi Arabia | 146 | 0.599 | 2.465 |
Chad | 147 | 0.596 | 6.346 |
Iran, Islamic Rep. | 148 | 0.584 | 1.708 |
Congo,Dem. Rep. | 149 | 0.578 | 6.206 |
Syrian Arab Republic | 150 | 0.567 | 2.798 |
Pakistan | 151 | 0.564 | 3.555 |
Iraq | 152 | 0.53 | 3.551 |
Yemen, Rep. | 153 | 0.494 | 3.886 |
2 - Since detailedWorld Cup records began (1966), there areonlytwo instances of a team losing a game despite attempting 700+ passes:
Spain vsJapantonight
Germany vsJapanlast week
Formula.pic.twitter.com/nvsTSNqyI0— OptaJoe (@OptaJoe)December 1, 2022
(-位韓国: 3ヶ国)
1位ノルウェー: 3ヶ国
2位日本: 2ヶ国
3位スペイン: 2ヶ国
Allowed countries
AL -Albania
BE -Belgium
BG -Bulgaria
BI -Burundi
BM -Bermuda
BO -Bolivia (PlurinationalState of)
BZ -Belize
CD -Congo (Democratic Republic ofthe)
CH -Switzerland
CK -Cook Islands
CN -China
CO -Colombia
CY -Cyprus
CZ -Czech Republic
DE -Germany
EE -Estonia
EG -Egypt
FI -Finland
FK -Falkland Islands (Malvinas)
FM -Micronesia (FederatedStates of)
GB -United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
GG -Guernsey
GH -Ghana
GN -Guinea
GS - SouthGeorgia andthe SouthSandwichIslands
HK -Hong Kong
HM - HeardIsland andMcDonaldIslands
HT -Haiti
HU -Hungary
IN -India
IO -BritishIndianOcean Territory
IR -Iran (Islamic Republic of)
JE -Jersey
JO - Jordan
KE -Kenya
KI -Kiribati
KW -Kuwait
LA -Lao People's Democratic Republic
LB -Lebanon
LI -Liechtenstein
LK -Sri Lanka
LR -Liberia
LU -Luxembourg
LY -Libya
ME -Montenegro
NO -Norway
NU -Niue
OM -Oman
PE - Peru
PL -Poland
QA -Qatar
RE - Réunion
RS -Serbia
RW -Rwanda
SH -Saint Helena,Ascension and TristandaCunha
SK -Slovakia
SO -Somalia
SZ -Swaziland
TF -French Southern Territories
TJ -Tajikistan
TL -Timor-Leste
TN -Tunisia
TO -Tonga
TR -Turkey
TZ -Tanzania, United Republic of
UG -Uganda
UM -United States Minor OutlyingIslands
US -United States ofAmerica
UY -Uruguay
UZ -Uzbekistan
VC -SaintVincent andtheGrenadines
VE -Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)
VI -United StatesVirginIslands
VU -Vanuatu
YE -Yemen
ZA -South Africa
ZM -Zambia
ZW -Zimbabwe
Shouldn't "white people" be correctly discriminated against incorona?
Discrimination and persecution related tocoronavirusesisnow widespread worldwide.
Thereis a concrete and wide-rangingsummary of the situation.
"List of Incidents of ForeignFear and Racism Related to the COVID-19 Pandemic"
Thatis theEnglishversion ofWikipedia article.
WithGoogle Chrome, right-click → Translate toJapanese, but the translationis abit rough, but anyone can readit inJapanese.
>> InFrance, after the newcoronaviruswas confirmedonJanuary24, 2020, a lot of harassment and discrimination againstAsians occurred [41].Itis aimedatAsians suchasChinese,Korean,Japanese, Vietnamese, Filipino [42], and taxis and trains that refuse to boardChinese,Korean,Japanese have appeared [41] [43] ].
>> French newspaperLe CourrierPicard featured anAsianwoman in amaskon thetop pageonJanuary 26, 2020with the heading "Yellow Alert".
>>OnMarch 8, 2020, aJapanese restaurant in Rivoli, Turin, Piedmont,was targeted for arsonby a teenagerwho teasedhis owner and calledhim an epidemic carrier. [191]
Not limited to the above, Wuhanand Africans inChina,Chinese and infected people inJapan.
Discrimination, whether inthe United States,Egypt, Africa or anywhere inthe world, existsatall.
In asense,it's almostequal. Underextreme circumstances,itis not uncommon for "weak" people to be able to keep themselves without creating enemies.
However, what I want to sayis not a used phrase suchas "Let'slive kindly with philanthropy."
Thereis no objection toit. Ifthe world can eliminate discrimination and prejudice, I naturally wantit.
But what Ifeltwas abig question before that.It can be called academic interest.
Chinese discriminate against Wuhan natives,Japanese discriminate againstChinese, andEuropeans discriminate againstAsians.
I see, thereis areason to that, considering the spread ofcoronavirus infection. "From whatyou see, what's dangerousis thatarea".
Roughly,itmay be the result of thinking about "weak" people.
Buthere's the strange thing.Asians, Africans,yellows and blacks, they are discriminated against inmanyplacesaround the world.
Frankly speaking,it's safe to say that blacks havelittle to dowith thecoronavirus.It's just thatthe originalsense of discriminationhas surfaced.
Theseethnic groups and regions areequally discriminated against.Itis asense of discrimination thatis basedonfear butis incorrect but makessense.
However. Thenwhyisn't "white people" discriminated against?
FromApril toMay,the coronavirus showed an explosive spread in the West.
In the ranking of thenumber of infected people inthe world,the United Statesisalone, with 1.34 million people, accounting formore than a quarter of thetotal infected people of 402 million peopleas ofMay10.
Afterthe second place,Spain,Italy,the United Kingdom,Russia,Germany,Brazil andFrance are followed, and eachhasmore than100,000domestic cases.
ExcludingBrazil,everything from 2nd to 7thisEurope. Theword "WesternEurope"is clearlythe most dangerouscoronavirus-contaminatedarea / infectiouszone inthe world.
However. Strangely enough, thereislittletalk that "white people,Europeans,and Americans are discriminated against inthe world."
Of courseitis notzero, but while looking forone "white discrimination",itis possible to find "Asian discrimination", "Black discrimination" and "Yellow discrimination".
Itis said that whatis currently expanding inthe worldis not the firstwave fromChina, butthe secondwave fromEurope, whichis the pandemic.
With this,itisstill understandable that the "whiteman" continues to do the right thing cleanly and correctly andhas succeeded incorona countermeasures.
However,white people have continued to discriminate amongAsians since thebeginning of the spread.
InJanuary andFebruary,itwas not uncommon to hear thatAsians were already walking around in the country,calling them "CoronaCorona."
Byall means,white people are the incarnation ofevil.It's not a good thing.
Regardless of the early stages of the epidemic,now that the "hotbed ofcorona infection"has moved there,it should be possible forwhite people tohateit.
Otherwise,it cannot be called "equal discrimination".As a result,itis wrong.
Ifyou think aboutthe reasonhere, afterall, "targets are races / objects that originally had hostility",
The hypothesismay be that "there are restrictionson mobility and there arewhiteAsian societies, but few non-white societies arewhite."
It must be interesting to study thearea academically.
However,historically, I've seen that "white people" crusade variousplaceswith the Crusades and doall they can to the contrary.
I think that the trilingual diplomacy ofBritainhas created the situation in the Middle East, whereterrorismis frequentnowadays, andhas repeatedly carriedout wrongdoingby repeatedly discriminating against blacks, Indians, andyellow races.
So,isn'tit righthere totry to discriminate againstwhite people correctly?
Non-whitesocietyis alittle too kind to "white people".
12 Dr.Hiroshi Nishiuraisone of the few professionals of mathematicalmodels of infectious diseases inJapan, anditis well known thathis abilityisoutstanding. However, many peopledon't understand mathematicalmodels themselves (I must confess that I can't say that I understand all of the findings because I'm not a professional of mathematicalmodels either), sohis findings and comments are easily deified. Because the contents of the mathematicalmodel are a complete blackbox to many people,itmakesit seemlike theoracleis comingoutlike ashrine'soracle. Much ofJapan's infection control policy relieson the Nishiuratheory. So thereisnothing wrongwith that, butone of the problems inJapanis that thereisno plan B incase plan A goes bust. Dr. Nishiurais anexcellent scholar.Itis notGod. Hence theneed to have thatPlan Bwith thepossibility of making a mistake. Iam greatlyconcerned that bureaucrats and politicianswho are prone to infallibilismwill mistake science for anoracle.Itisonly when falsifiabilityisassured that science cancontinue to be scientific.
Mathematicalmodels are the product of deductive methods. The deductive methodis complementedby the inductive or abduction method, whichis the basis of scholarship and thecommonsense of clinical medicine.It's acommon occurrence in this industry that no matter how deducibly correctitmay seem,it's actually nottrue. Even ahuge intellectlike Hegel or Marx canmake a mistakeby deductionalone.
I'm not sayingdon't use themodelatall. I myselfwrite apaper using amodel. However, themodelis not infallible, there areassumptions that areassumptions, and theassumptions are often wrong. Making use of Gram's stain means having full knowledge of what Gram's stain cannot do anddoes not understand, and Gram's stain cannot be usedby Gram's stain universalists.It's the same thing. Mathematicalmodels are also utilized in theUK, whichiswhyBrits are very sceptical of their conclusions, and there arealways counter-arguments and objections.Itis a sound and scientificattitude.
感想:「前提たる仮定」がうまく訳せていなかったので「前提である仮定」にしたが、assumptions that areassumptionsになってしまった。
15Japan's "now"is a well-controlledstate of infection, whichis much better than Wuhanatitsworst, orItaly,Spain,France,England, orNew Yorkat the presenttime. The problemis thatitdoesn't guarantee thatitwill "always work".
ItisTokyo thatis ofconcern. The increase in reports of infectionis not theonly problem. The problemis thatmore andmore infected people are unable to form clusters and cannot be traced. And thenumber oftestsis much lower than thatnumber of positivecases;it's toolittle that theyonlytested less than100 people (thedate oftesting for the positivesis unknown, butit's probably aroundhere) to capture 47 infected people.
Again,it's not necessary to figureoutall the infected people. However,itis troubling that theflow of infection, movement and clusters areout of sight. Therefore, the threshold fortesting must be lowered inTokyo. The threshold fortesting varieswith the circumstances. That's what I explainedwith theKorean example.Sticking to the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare's "standards"willlead to a misunderstanding of the phenomenonitself. Already in theKansairegion, infected people have beenfoundwith taste and smell abnormalities, and clusters have been detected from there. I wouldlike tomakemore use of theathletic sensibilities of these clinicians. I'm not sure "where" inTokyois the barrier to lowering thenumber of inspections, but that barrierneeds to be removed immediately.
17 This conceptual diagram that everyoneis lookingat - lowering thepeak of the infection and shiftingit to the side. Thisisall a product of deduction, and Idon't know ifit's reallytrue.As mentioned above, theUK estimates already suggest that thisis not enough.Itis possible that thedamage thatwas shifted to the side could simply be "extra-longdamage".
18 そして、ここが肝心なのだが、ピークを下げるという理念が、「ピークを下げなければいけない」という観念になり、「ピークは下がっているはずだ」という確信になり、「ピークは起きていないんだ」という自己暗示に転じてはいけないということだ。プランAに固執する日本あるあるの失敗のパターンで、ダイヤモンド・プリンセスでは「二次感染が起きてはいけない」が「起きているはずがない」に転じてノーガード下船を許してしまった。「ピークが起きてはいけない」が「ピークなんて見たくない」にならないように現実を見据える必要がある。たとえ、それが我々の見たくない不都合な真実であったとしても。
And thisis thekeypoint: theidea of lowering thepeak should not become the notion that thepeak must be lowered, or the belief that thepeak must be lowered, or the self-implication that thepeakis not happening. In a pattern ofJapanese failure tostick to Plan A,Diamond Princessallowed no-guard disembarkationby changing "secondary infection should not occur" to "it can't have happened". Weneed to keep oureyesonreality so that "peak shouldn't happen"doesn't become "Idon't want to see apeak. Even ifitis an inconvenienttruth that wedon't want to see.
19 Repeatedly.It'scommon knowledge in this industry that deductive methods are complementedby inductive methods. Nevertheless,PCRis oftenfalse-negative andhaslittlepower to determine the status of infection. That'swhy "testingeverything"is so wrong. However, a serumtest measuring immunoglobulinIgM and IgG would provide amore accurate picture of the "status of infection in the population. This, however,is not infallible.Itis difficult to use for individualcases becauseit misses early infection, whichiswhyit misses earlyHIV infection.Whether antibodytestingis useful in individualcases remains to betested, butitis well suited for epidemiological studieson a population basis. Roughly speaking, we can confirm whether the "infectionis rampant" inTokyo rightnow, or whetherit's just an unfoundedfear.
As a precedent, serologytests inLondon showed that the2009 pandemic fluwas10timesmorelikely than previously predicted. Antibodytestingis often performed after anoutbreak, butnowis a goodtime to examine COVID-19, whichis becoming a chronic pandemic.
TheUKis evenmore aggressive. Theideais totest for antibodiesathome, and if they arefound to be infected, theywill useitas a basis for self-isolationathome. Thatstrategyis flawed becausewith the lockdown in place, anegativetestdoes not mean "no self-sequestration". However, theideais that we want to control the infectionas awhole, and Ithink itis worth considering.
Inductive legal confirmation of how many infections are occurring inTokyois necessary and useful. I'm not a prophet, so Idon't know what theoutcomewillbe.However, no matter what theoutcome, scientistsneed toacceptit and not hesitate tochange their thesis andmove on toPlan B in somecases. Scientists have to be coherent in their inconsistencies.Theymay not be coherent in form, but they must be coherent in principles and professionalism. Goodfaith inthe facts.
1Most of what I'm about towriteis no different from what I've said anddone in the past. However, I have beenasked the same question repeatedly, so I wouldlike to reiterateit. We have received many inquiries from overseasas well, so we should have prepared the same content inEnglish, but due totime constraints, I'm afraid I'll have toskipit. This articleis designed to be read withoutbasic knowledge of infectious diseases and jargon, butitis rather difficult to understand. Please forgive me for that.
2The fact that thenumber of COVID-19 reports inJapanis verylow compared to other countriesisattractingattention fromhomeand abroad.Isittrue?Ithas beenpointedout that thenumber oftestsis so small that wemay be misreading the actualnumber of infected people.
3 However, thispointis wrongat various layers. In the first place,Japandoes notaim to captureall thenumbers of COVID-19. Whetherit's administrativetesting or insured care, thestatebasicallyhas atestingstrategy in mind to diagnose, hospitalize, andisolate criticallyill patientswhoneed to be hospitalized.Itisnatural that they "haven't figureditout" and theydon't intend to. That's not a bad thing.Infact, the situationis the same in every country, large or small, and no country, whether inthe UnitedStates,Europe, orAsia,isaiming to "capturethe wholenumber.
The WHOis notasking for such a thing. But instead,Japan givesPCR toasymptomatic returnees andisolatesasymptomatictest-positive people in hospital (wasn'tithome for people with minorillnesses?).Ithas not been coherent inits principles. So, peopleget anxious because "we're not sure what they want to do".It's a failure in the press.
4 ThedifferencebetweenKorea andJapanis the "result" and not the "purpose". In SouthKorea, where thenumber of infected people had surged inone place, we had tofocuson inspections inand around thearea. If such a phenomenon (let's callit an overshoot) occurs inJapan, thenumber of inspectionswill increase. When the situationis different, arguingonlyon the basis of thenumber oftests without observing the situationislike trying to say, "Thatteam made 50 sliding tackles while thisteam madeonlyone," without watching afootball game. In games whereyoudon't have toslide (e.g., whenyou're in possessionthe wholetime), even 0timesisn't a "mistake," and of course 50timesisn't a mistake.
5 全数把握ができていない疾患など山のようにある。日本ではインフルエンザの「全数」把握はしておらず、定点観測である。疫学上、感染対策上、それで十分な情報が得られているからだ。日本で毎年風邪が何例発生しているか、正確に把握したデータはない。レセプトデータを見ればわかるじゃないか、というのも間違いで、なぜなら多くの風邪患者は(ぼくのように)受診せずに自然に治るまで待っている。医療に限らず、経済学でも政治学でもデータはサンプリングから母数を推定するのがほとんどで、「全数」は非効率的な状態把握法なのだ。
There are many diseases for which thetotalnumber of patientsis not known. InJapan, we do not have a "total"number of influenza cases, butonly a fixed-point observation. Because that's enough information, both epidemiologically and in terms of infection control. Thereis no accurate dataon how many cases of thecommoncold occur each year inJapan.It's also a mistake to say thatyou can tellby lookingat thereceipt data, because manycold patients (like me)don't see a doctor and wait until they are curednaturally. Notonly in medicine, but also in economics and political science, data aremostly basedonsampling to estimate populationnumbers, and "wholenumbers"is an inefficient way of grasping the situation.
6 We have not seen the devastation inJapanas inItaly,Spain orNew YorkCity. Thereis no medical collapse in a criticallyill patient, no use of the operating roomas anICU, no piling up of bodieson a skating rink with no place to put them. Even if the "numbers" are not known,itis afact that the current situation inJapan (includingTokyo)is much better controlled than in other countries.
7 Even so,youmay be interested in "Well, what about the actual situation? There are estimates. For example, Dr.Hiroshi Nishiura andhisgroup estimate that thenumber of mildillnesses inJapanmay be twice the reportednumber. Thecatchrateis 0.44, with a 95% confidence interval of 0.37-0.50.
8 Although the studywas basedon data fromChina, thereis no guarantee that theChinese COVID-19 demographicis the sameas theJapaneseone. Also, sincethe original studydid not includeasymptomatic patients or those with minorillnesses thatdid notrequire hospitalization, thenumber of infected patients estimatedon that basis would inevitably be an underestimate. Ifyou aremore paranoid,it's not unreasonable tobelieve that "theJapanese andChineseviruses are different because of the mutation" (although Idon't think so).
9 Thisdoes not diminish thevalue of thepaperitself. Themodel mustalways use existing parameters, anditis often impossible to provethe external validity of these parameters. If the underlying parameters are not reasonable, the predictionswill not be correct. Amodelassumes a simplified world insofarasitis amodel. Amodel without simplification, whichis an adjectival contradiction.
To complain about these "assumptions" of the mathematicalmodelislike complaining, for example, "You can't explain disease B," when a randomized controlledtrialis conducted for disease A. Thisis a meaningless tirade against the honor of the industry.
However,itis different for thereader of thepaper.
A mathematicalmodel thatassumes a certain hypothesis should have internal academic validity, butitis the responsibility of thereader,as a resident of the real world, to appraiseit in the real world.
Justas the RCT findings for disease A should not be used for disease B,itisnatural to understand the limitations of the mathematicalmodel and to be careful when applyingit to the real world. For example,it would be wrong to read thepaper and conclude that thetotalnumber of infected people inTokyois about 500as ofMarch 26.
感想;「読み手は別である」を「読み手にとっては別である」に変更し、「制限や限界」は「limitations and limitations」になったので片方削った。
11 Peoplemake mistakes. Themodels are also wrong.Being wrongis not abig deal. The problemis to noticeyour mistakes andmake corrections. Already, agroupat ImperialCollegeLondonhas admitted thatitsoriginal estimate that thepeak of the infection should be moderatedwas "wrong" andhas revisedits prediction that theICUwill soon fail ifitdoes notfight thevirus fairly aggressively.
CountryName | DeathRate |
Latvia | 14.740 |
Lithuania | 13.910 |
Croatia | 13.206 |
Hungary | 12.697 |
Estonia | 11.835 |
Germany | 11.392 |
Greece | 11.035 |
Japan | 10.865 |
Portugal | 10.813 |
Italy | 10.658 |
Poland | 10.314 |
Slovenia | 10.148 |
Austria | 9.919 |
Finland | 9.862 |
Denmark | 9.848 |
Belgium | 9.784 |
Puerto Rico | 9.734 |
Uruguay | 9.474 |
United Kingdom | 9.413 |
France | 9.365 |
Aruba | 9.296 |
Spain | 9.213 |
Sweden | 9.145 |
Barbados | 9.105 |
Curacao | 9.018 |
Netherlands | 8.908 |
United States | 8.880 |
Trinidad and Tobago | 8.601 |
Malta | 8.530 |
Switzerland | 8.091 |
Norway | 7.960 |
Seychelles | 7.921 |
Channel Islands | 7.872 |
Canada | 7.803 |
Taiwan | 7.760 |
Argentina | 7.612 |
Cyprus | 7.159 |
Luxembourg | 7.114 |
New Zealand | 7.083 |
Bahamas | 6.920 |
Hong Kong | 6.828 |
Iceland | 6.773 |
Australia | 6.647 |
Antigua and Barbuda | 6.474 |
Chile | 6.311 |
SouthKorea | 6.305 |
Ireland | 6.229 |
New Caledonia | 5.894 |
French Polynesia | 5.806 |
Israel | 5.323 |
Guam | 5.320 |
Panama | 5.136 |
Singapore | 4.752 |
Macao | 4.087 |
Saudi Arabia | 3.557 |
Kuwait | 2.908 |
Oman | 2.451 |
Bahrain | 2.450 |
UAE | 1.586 |
Qatar | 1.298 |
AD -Andorra AE -United Arab EmiratesAF -AfghanistanAG -Antigua and BarbudaAI - Anguilla AL -AlbaniaAM -ArmeniaAO -Angola AQ - AntarcticaAR -ArgentinaAS -AmericanSamoaAT -AustriaAU -Australia AW -ArubaAX - ÅlandIslandsAZ -AzerbaijanBA -Bosnia and HerzegovinaBB -BarbadosBD -Bangladesh BE -BelgiumBF -Burkina Faso BG -BulgariaBH -Bahrain BI -BurundiBJ -BeninBL -SaintBarthélemy BM -Bermuda BN -BruneiDarussalamBO -Bolivia (PlurinationalState of)BR -BrazilBS -BahamasBT -Bhutan BV -Bouvetsland BW -BotswanaBY -Belarus BZ -BelizeCA -CanadaCC -Cocos (Keeling)IslandsCD -Congo (Democratic Republic ofthe)CF -Central African RepublicCG - Republic oftheCongo CH -SwitzerlandCI -Côte d'Ivoire CK -Cook IslandsCL -ChileCM -Cameroon CN -China CO -ColombiaCR -Costa RicaCU -CubaCV -Cabo VerdeCX -ChristmasIsland CY -Cyprus CZ -Czech Republic DE -GermanyDJ -DjiboutiDK -DenmarkDM - Dominica DO -Dominican RepublicDZ -AlgeriaEC -Ecuador EE -Estonia EG -EgyptEH - WesternSaharaER -EritreaES -SpainET -Ethiopia FI -FinlandFJ -FijiFK -Falkland Islands (Malvinas)FM -Micronesia (FederatedStates of)FO - FaroeIslandsFR -FranceGA -GabonGB -United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandGD -GrenadaGE -Georgia (country)GF -FrenchGuiana GG -Guernsey GH -GhanaGI -GibraltarGL -GreenlandGM -Gambia GN -GuineaGP -Guadeloupe GQ - EquatorialGuineaGR -GreeceGS - SouthGeorgia andthe SouthSandwichIslandsGT -GuatemalaGU -GuamGW -Guinea-Bissau GY -Guyana HK -Hong KongHM - HeardIsland andMcDonaldIslandsHN -HondurasHR -Croatia HT -Haiti HU -HungaryID -IndonesiaIE - Republic ofIrelandIL -IsraelIM -Isle ofMan IN -India IO -BritishIndianOcean TerritoryIQ -IraqIR -Iran (Islamic Republic of)IS -IcelandIT -Italy JE -JerseyJM -Jamaica JO - Jordan KE -KenyaKG -KyrgyzstanKH -Cambodia KI -KiribatiKM - Comoros KN -Saint Kitts andNevis KP - NorthKorea KR -Korea (Republic of) KW -KuwaitKY -CaymanIslandsKZ -KazakhstanLA -Lao People's Democratic Republic LB -LebanonLC -Saint Lucia LI -Liechtenstein LK -Sri Lanka LR -LiberiaLS -LesothoLT -Lithuania LU -LuxembourgLV -Latvia LY -LibyaMA -MoroccoMC -MonacoMD -Moldova (Republic of) ME -MontenegroMG -MadagascarMH -MarshallIslands MK - Republic ofMacedoniaML -MaliMM -MyanmarMN -MongoliaMO -MacaoMP - NorthernMarianaIslands MQ -MartiniqueMR -MauritaniaMS -MontserratMT -Malta MU -MauritiusMV -MaldivesMW -MalawiMX -Mexico MY -Malaysia MZ -MozambiqueNA -NamibiaNC -NewCaledoniaNE -NigerNF - NorfolkIslandNG -NigeriaNI -NicaraguaNL -Netherlands NO -NorwayNP -NepalNR -Nauru NU -NiueNZ -New Zealand OM -OmanPA -Panama PE - PeruPF -French PolynesiaPG -PapuaNewGuineaPH -PhilippinesPK -Pakistan PL -PolandPM -Saint Pierre and MiquelonPN - PitcairnPR -Puerto RicoPS -State ofPalestinePT -Portugal PW -Palau PY -Paraguay QA -Qatar RE - RéunionRO -Romania RS -Serbia RU -Russian Federation RW -RwandaSA -SaudiArabiaSB -Solomon IslandsSC -SeychellesSD -SudanSE -SwedenSG -SingaporeSH -Saint Helena,Ascension and TristandaCunhaSI -SloveniaSJ -Svalbard andJanMayen SK -SlovakiaSL -Sierra LeoneSM -SanMarino SN -Senegal SO -SomaliaSR -SurinameST -Sao Tome andPrincipeSV -El SalvadorSY -SyrianArab Republic SZ -SwazilandTC - Turks andCaicosIslandsTD -Chad TF -French Southern TerritoriesTG -TogoTH -Thailand TJ -TajikistanTK -Tokelau TL -Timor-LesteTM -Turkmenistan TN -Tunisia TO -Tonga TR -TurkeyTT -Trinidad and TobagoTV -TuvaluTW -Taiwan TZ -Tanzania, United Republic ofUA -Ukraine UG -Uganda UM -United States Minor OutlyingIslands US -United States ofAmerica UY -Uruguay UZ -Uzbekistan VA -VaticanCityStateVC -SaintVincent andtheGrenadines VE -Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) VG -BritishVirginIslandsVI -United StatesVirginIslands VN -VietNam VU -VanuatuWF - Wallis and FutunaWS -Samoa YE -Yemen YT -Mayotte ZA -South Africa ZM -Zambia ZW -Zimbabwe
2) 平均年収
日本人の平均年収(この政府統計が偽装データでないことを願う) 418万円 ただし年収の中央値は下がっている模様、つまり格差拡大が続いている
韓国人の平均年収 韓国国税庁によると、給与労働者の平均年収は7680万ウォン(約580万円)程度
1. Wells Fargo US
2. Industrial & Commercial Bank ofChinaChina
4. China Construction BankChina
6. Agricultural Bank ofChinaChina
8. Bank of America US
9. Citigroup US
10. Commonwealth Bank ofAustraliaAustralia
Section 2
The Constitution is based on the indissolubleunity of the SpanishNation,thecommon and indivisiblehomeland of all Spaniards; it recognises and guarantees the right to selfgovernment ofthenationalities and regions of which it is composed and the solidarity among them all.
太字にしたところはテストに出るので覚えておいてください。ここではスペインがひとつのネーションからなり、不可分であること、そしてネーションの他にいくつものナショナリティが存在することが謳われています。ナショナリティっていわれると普通は「国籍」って意味なんですが、この文脈では「準ネーション」みたいな意味だと思ってください。つまり、ネーションはひとつしかないけど、準ネーションっぽいものはいくつもあるよ! ってことですね。
Section 3
C1. Castilian is the official Spanish language of theState.All Spaniards have theduty to know it and the right to use it.
C2. The other Spanish languages shall also be official in the respective Self-governing Communities in accordancewith their Statutes.
C3. The wealth of the different linguistic forms ofSpain is a cultural heritage which shall be especially respected and protected.
Section 155
1. If a Self-governing Communitydoes not fulfil the obligations imposed upon it by the Constitution or other laws, or acts in a way that is seriously prejudicial to the general interest ofSpain, the Government, after having lodged a complaintwith thePresident of the Self-governing Community and failed to receivesatisfaction therefore, may, following approval granted by the overall majority of the Senate,take all measures necessary to compel the Community to meet said obligations, or to protect the abovementioned general interest.
2. With aview to implementing the measures provided for in the foregoing paragraph, the Government may issue instructions to all the authorities of the Self-governing Communities.
そもそもなんでカタルーニャがスペインの一部になってるの? とか、カタルーニャの栄光時代はいつだよ……ジャウマ1世の時か? とかの疑問が湧いてきた時にオススメです。住民投票は……住民投票は今なんだよ!
N=Nepal(ネパール),New zealand(ニュージーランド),Netherlands(オランダ),Norway(ノルウェー)
S=Singapore(シンガポール),Sri Lanka(スリランカ),Saudi Arabia(サウジアラビア),SouthKorea(韓国),Switzerland(スイス),Spain(スペイン),Sweden(スウェーデン)
U=Uzbekistan(ウズベキスタン),United kingdom(イギリス)
Relatives andfriends of the 150 passengers and crewon Germanwings Flight4U 9525 are due togo to thecrash site high in the FrenchAlps.
Lufthansawill operatetwo special flights -one from Barcelona andone from Duesseldorf - to Marseille, and both groupswill travelonbyroad.
Reports sayone of thetwo pilotson the doomed flight had left the cockpit and had been unable toget back in just before thecrashon Tuesday.
There were no survivors, officials say.
They say theAirbus 320 from Barcelona to Duesseldorf hit a mountain after a rapid eight-minutedescent.
Germanwings chief Thomas Winkelmann said 72 passengers were German citizens, including 16 pupils returning from anexchange trip.
Spain'sgovernment said 51 of the dead were Spanish.
Other victims were fromAustralia,Argentina, Britain,Iran,Venezuela, the US, theNetherlands,Colombia,Mexico,Japan,Denmark andIsrael.
Germanwings is alow-costairline ownedbyGermany'smain carrierLufthansa.
Cockpit mystery
Families andfriends of the victims are expected to arriveat thecrash siteat Meolans-Revels lateron Thursday.
Separately, a bus carrying 14 relatives of Spanish victims left Barcelonaon Wednesday for thecrasharea, because theydid not want tofly.
InFrance, special teams have been prepared toassistthe families during their visit.
On Wednesday, French officials said usable data had been extracted from the cockpitvoice recorder of the Germanwingsplane.
Remi Jouty, thedirector of the French aviation investigative agency, said there were sounds andvoiceson the cockpitvoice recorder but thatitwas too early todrawany conclusions.
He said he hoped investigators would have the "first rough ideas in a matter ofdays" but that the full analysis couldtake weeks or even months.
But theNew York Times quoted an unnamed investigatoras saying thatone of the pilots had left the cockpit and had been unable toget back in.
"You can hear he is trying tosmash the door down," the investigator adds, describing audio from the recorder.
A source close to the investigation told a similarstory to theAFPnews agency.
There had been earlier reports thatthe second blackbox - the flight data recorder - had been found. ButMr Jouty said thiswas not thecase.
'Flying to the end'
Mr Jouty said theplane'slast communicationwas a routineone withair traffic control.
Theplane confirmed instructions tocontinueonits planned flightpath but then beganitsdescent a minute later.
Mr Jouty said controllers observed theplane beginning to descend and tried toget back in contactwith the pilots but without success.
He ruledout anexplosion, saying: "Theplanewasflying right to the end."