


ようこそ ゲスト さんログインユーザー登録





















酒井 2022年日本ジェンダー指数は、世界146ヵ国中116位。それを永田町のおじさんたちは、恥ずかしいとは思っていないんでしょうね。国際会議に出席する日本代表が男性だけでも平気でいられる。

上野 でもこのままだと、日本ジリ貧になりますよ。一人当たりGDP国内総生産)の順位も、労働生産性も低下しています

酒井 出生率も落ちる一方。出生率が高いのは、共働きケア公共化がされている場合だと海外ではデータがはっきり出ているのに、なぜ変えようとしないのでしょう。

上野 おじさんたちが合理的選択をしないのは、ホモソーシャル組織文化を守りたいからだとしか私には思えません。ホモソーシャル集団のなかで、男として認められたい。そのためには自己犠牲もいとわない。














Fertilityrate,total (birthsperwoman) -World Bank Data


GlobalGenderGap Report2020






Fertilityrate,total (birthsperwoman)2020
Iceland 1 0.877 1.72
Norway 2 0.842 1.48
Finland 3 0.832 1.37
Sweden 4 0.82 1.66
Nicaragua 5 0.804 2.349
New Zealand 6 0.799 1.61
Ireland 7 0.798 1.63
Spain 8 0.795 1.23
Rwanda 9 0.791 3.873
Germany10 0.787 1.53
Latvia11 0.785 1.55
Namibia12 0.784 3.349
Costa Rica 13 0.782 1.555
Denmark 14 0.782 1.67
France 15 0.781 1.83
Philippines 16 0.781 2.777
South Africa17 0.78 2.401
Switzerland 18 0.779 1.46
Canada 19 0.772 1.4
Albania20 0.769 1.4
United Kingdom 21 0.767 1.56
Colombia 22 0.758 1.737
Moldova23 0.757 1.77
Trinidad and Tobago24 0.756 1.631
Mexico 25 0.754 1.905
Estonia 26 0.751 1.58
Belgium 27 0.75 1.55
Barbados28 0.749 1.628
Belarus 29 0.746 1.382
Argentina 30 0.746 1.911
Cuba31 0.746 1.5
Burundi 32 0.745 5.177
Lithuania33 0.745 1.48
Austria 34 0.744 1.44
Portugal 35 0.744 1.4
Slovenia 36 0.743 1.6
Uruguay 37 0.737 1.477
Netherlands 38 0.736 1.55
Serbia 39 0.736 1.48
Poland 40 0.736 1.38
Jamaica 41 0.735 1.358
Bolivia 42 0.734 2.651
Lao PDR 43 0.731 2.541
Australia 44 0.731 1.581
Zambia 45 0.731 4.379
Panama 46 0.73 2.344
Zimbabwe 47 0.73 3.545
Ecuador 48 0.7292.051
Bulgaria 49 0.727 1.56
Bangladesh 50 0.7262.003
Luxembourg 51 0.725 1.37
Cabo Verde 52 0.725 1.908
United States 53 0.724 1.6375
Singapore 54 0.724 1.1
Romania 55 0.724 1.6
Mozambique 56 0.723 4.713
Chile 57 0.723 1.537
Honduras 58 0.722 2.394
Ukraine 59 0.721 1.217
Croatia 60 0.72 1.48
Bahamas, The 61 0.72 1.394
Madagascar 62 0.719 3.918
Slovak Republic 63 0.718 1.57
Israel 64 0.718 2.9
Uganda 65 0.717 4.693
Peru 66 0.714 2.216
Venezuela, RB 67 0.713 2.23
Tanzania 68 0.713 4.795
Bosnia and Herzegovina 69 0.712 1.359
North Macedonia 70 0.711 1.3
Montenegro 71 0.71 1.75
Kazakhstan 72 0.71 3.13
Botswana 73 0.709 2.836
Georgia 74 0.708 1.971
Thailand 75 0.708 1.341
Italy 76 0.707 1.24
Suriname 77 0.707 2.371
Czechia 78 0.706 1.71
Mongolia 79 0.706 2.9
El Salvador 80 0.706 1.819
Russian Federation 81 0.706 1.505
Ethiopia 82 0.705 4.243
Eswatini 83 0.703 2.89
Greece 84 0.701 1.34
Indonesia 85 0.7 2.194
Dominican Republic86 0.7 2.303
Vietnam 87 0.7 1.955
Lesotho 88 0.695 3.049
Cambodia 89 0.694 2.381
Malta 90 0.693 1.13
Cyprus 91 0.692 1.328
Brazil92 0.691 1.649
Kyrgyz Republic 93 0.689 3
Azerbaijan 94 0.687 1.7
Brunei Darussalam 95 0.686 1.796
Cameroon 96 0.686 4.543
Liberia 97 0.685 4.174
Armenia 98 0.684 1.575
Senegal 99 0.684 4.454
Paraguay100 0.683 2.497
Nepal101 0.682.055
Sri Lanka102 0.68 2
Fiji103 0.678 2.495
Malaysia104 0.677 1.818
Hungary105 0.677 1.56
China106 0.676 1.281
Ghana107 0.673 3.623
Korea, Rep.108 0.672 0.837
Kenya109 0.671 3.397
Belize110 0.671 1.999
Sierra Leone111 0.668 4.08
India112 0.6682.051
Guatemala113 0.666 2.484
Myanmar114 0.665 2.174
Mauritius115 0.665 1.44
Malawi116 0.664 3.995
Timor-Leste117 0.662 3.247
Angola118 0.66 5.371
Benin119 0.658 5.048
United Arab Emirates120 0.655 1.46
Japan121 0.652 1.34
Kuwait122 0.65 2.14
Maldives123 0.646 1.712
Tunisia124 0.644 2.114
Guinea125 0.642 4.489
Vanuatu126 0.638 3.778
Papua New Guinea127 0.635 3.274
Nigeria128 0.635 5.309
Burkina Faso129 0.635 4.869
Turkiye 130 0.635 1.917
Bhutan 131 0.635 1.433
Algeria 132 0.634 2.942
Bahrain 133 0.629 1.832
Egypt, Arab Rep. 134 0.629 2.96
Qatar 135 0.629 1.816
Gambia, The 136 0.628 4.777
Tajikistan 137 0.626 3.237
Jordan 138 0.623 2.873
Mali 139 0.621 6.035
Togo 140 0.615 4.323
Mauritania 141 0.614 4.455
Cote d'Ivoire 142 0.606 4.472
Morocco 143 0.605 2.353
Oman 144 0.602 2.687
Lebanon 145 0.599 2.103
Saudi Arabia 146 0.599 2.465
Chad 147 0.596 6.346
Iran, Islamic Rep. 148 0.584 1.708
Congo,Dem. Rep. 149 0.578 6.206
Syrian Arab Republic 150 0.567 2.798
Pakistan 151 0.564 3.555
Iraq 152 0.53 3.551
Yemen, Rep. 153 0.494 3.886


Permalink |記事への反応(2) | 01:02




Shaheen: Tropical cyclone battersOman andIran, killing 13




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赤毛のアン オープニングテーマ:きこえるかしら

Allowed countries

AD -Andorra

AE -United Arab Emirates

AF -Afghanistan

AG -Antigua and Barbuda

AI - Anguilla

AL -Albania

AM -Armenia

AO -Angola

AQ - Antarctica

AR -Argentina

AS -AmericanSamoa

AT -Austria

AU -Australia

AW -Aruba

AX - ÅlandIslands

AZ -Azerbaijan

BA -Bosnia and Herzegovina

BB -Barbados

BD -Bangladesh

BE -Belgium

BF -Burkina Faso

BG -Bulgaria

BH -Bahrain

BI -Burundi

BJ -Benin

BL -SaintBarthélemy

BM -Bermuda

BN -Brunei Darussalam

BO -Bolivia (PlurinationalState of)

BR -Brazil

BS -Bahamas

BT -Bhutan

BV -BouvetIsland

BW -Botswana

BY -Belarus

BZ -Belize

CA -Canada

CC -Cocos (Keeling)Islands

CD -Congo (Democratic Republic ofthe)

CF -Central African Republic

CG - Republic oftheCongo

CH -Switzerland

CI -Côte d'Ivoire

CK -Cook Islands

CL -Chile

CM -Cameroon

CN -China

CO -Colombia

CR -Costa Rica

CU -Cuba

CV -Cabo Verde

CX -ChristmasIsland

CY -Cyprus

CZ -Czech Republic

DE -Germany

DJ -Djibouti

DM - Dominica

DO -Dominican Republic

DZ -Algeria

EC -Ecuador

EE -Estonia

EG -Egypt

EH - WesternSahara

ER -Eritrea

ES -Spain

ET -Ethiopia

FI -Finland

FJ -Fiji

FK -Falkland Islands (Malvinas)

FM -Micronesia (FederatedStates of)

FO - FaroeIslands

FR -France

GA -Gabon

GB -United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

GD -Grenada

GE -Georgia (country)

GF -FrenchGuiana

GG -Guernsey

GH -Ghana

GI -Gibraltar

GL -Greenland

GM -Gambia

GN -Guinea

GP -Guadeloupe

GQ - EquatorialGuinea

GR -Greece

GS - SouthGeorgia andthe SouthSandwichIslands

GT -Guatemala

GU -Guam

GW -Guinea-Bissau

GY -Guyana

HK -Hong Kong

HM - HeardIsland andMcDonaldIslands

HN -Honduras

HR -Croatia

HT -Haiti

HU -Hungary

ID -Indonesia

IE - Republic ofIreland

IL -Israel

IM -Isle ofMan

IN -India

IO -BritishIndianOcean Territory

IQ -Iraq

IR -Iran (Islamic Republic of)

IS -Iceland

IT -Italy

JE -Jersey

JM -Jamaica

JO - Jordan

KE -Kenya

KG -Kyrgyzstan

KH -Cambodia

KI -Kiribati

KM - Comoros

KN -Saint Kitts andNevis

KP - NorthKorea

KR -Korea (Republic of)

KW -Kuwait

KY -CaymanIslands

KZ -Kazakhstan

LA -Lao People's Democratic Republic

LB -Lebanon

LC -Saint Lucia

LI -Liechtenstein

LK -Sri Lanka

LR -Liberia

LS -Lesotho

LT -Lithuania

LU -Luxembourg

LV -Latvia

LY -Libya

MA -Morocco

MC -Monaco

MD -Moldova (Republic of)

ME -Montenegro

MG -Madagascar

MH -MarshallIslands

MK - Republic ofMacedonia

ML -Mali

MM -Myanmar

MN -Mongolia

MO -Macao

MP - NorthernMarianaIslands

MQ -Martinique

MR -Mauritania

MS -Montserrat

MT -Malta

MU -Mauritius

MV -Maldives

MW -Malawi

MX -Mexico

MY -Malaysia

MZ -Mozambique

NA -Namibia

NC -NewCaledonia

NE -Niger

NF - NorfolkIsland

NG -Nigeria

NI -Nicaragua

NL -Netherlands

NO -Norway

NP -Nepal

NR -Nauru

NU -Niue

NZ -New Zealand

OM -Oman

PA -Panama

PE - Peru

PF -French Polynesia

PG -PapuaNewGuinea

PH -Philippines

PK -Pakistan

PL -Poland

PM -Saint Pierre and Miquelon

PN - Pitcairn

PR -Puerto Rico

PS -State ofPalestine

PT -Portugal

PW -Palau

PY -Paraguay

QA -Qatar

RE - Réunion

RO -Romania

RS -Serbia

RU -Russian Federation

RW -Rwanda

SA -SaudiArabia

SB -Solomon Islands

SC -Seychelles

SD -Sudan

SE -Sweden

SG -Singapore

SH -Saint Helena,Ascension and TristandaCunha

SI -Slovenia

SJ -Svalbard andJanMayen

SK -Slovakia

SL -Sierra Leone

SM -SanMarino

SN -Senegal

SO -Somalia

SR -Suriname

ST -Sao Tome andPrincipe

SV -El Salvador

SY -SyrianArab Republic

SZ -Swaziland

TC - Turks andCaicosIslands

TD -Chad

TF -French Southern Territories

TG -Togo

TH -Thailand

TJ -Tajikistan

TK -Tokelau

TL -Timor-Leste

TM -Turkmenistan

TN -Tunisia

TO -Tonga

TR -Turkey

TT -Trinidad and Tobago

TV -Tuvalu

TW -Taiwan

TZ -Tanzania, United Republic of

UA -Ukraine

UG -Uganda

UM -United States Minor OutlyingIslands

US -United States ofAmerica

UY -Uruguay

UZ -Uzbekistan

VA -VaticanCityState

VC -SaintVincent andtheGrenadines

VE -Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)

VG -BritishVirginIslands

VI -United StatesVirginIslands

VN -VietNam

VU -Vanuatu

WF - Wallis and Futuna

WS -Samoa

YE -Yemen

YT -Mayotte

ZA -South Africa

ZM -Zambia

ZW -Zimbabwe

Disallowed countries

DK -Denmark

JP -Japan

Permalink |記事への反応(2) | 17:06





wget country.nameas '国名', covid.populationAS '人口', covid.population_densityas '密度', covid.gdp_per_capitaas '一人あたりのGDP?',MAX(covid.total_cases)as '報告件数', ROUND(1.0 *MAX(covid.total_cases) /MAX(covid.population), 7)as '人口あたりの報告件数',MAX(covid.total_deaths)as '死者', ROUND(1.0 *MAX(covid.total_deaths) /MAX(covid.population), 9)as '人口あたりの死者件数', ROUND(1.0 *MAX(covid.total_deaths) /MAX(covid.total_cases) , 3)as '感染者死亡率'fromall.csvas countryinnerjoin owid-covid-data.csvas covidon covid.iso_code = country.\"alpha-3\"WHERE country.\"sub-region\" = 'EasternAsia'GROUPBY covid.iso_codeORDERBY 6 DESC"
国名人口密度 一人あたりのGDP? 報告件数人口あたりの報告件数 死者人口あたりの死者件数感染者死亡率
Korea, Republic of 51269183.0 527.967 35938.374 11165 0.0002178 266 5.188e-06 0.024
Japan126476458.0 347.778 39002.223 16536 0.0001307808 6.389e-06 0.049
China 1439323774.0 147.674 15308.712 84081 5.84e-05 4638 3.222e-06 0.055
Mongolia 3278292.0 1.98 11840.846 141 4.3e-05 0 0.0 0.0
Taiwan,Province ofChina23816775.0 441 1.85e-05 7 2.94e-07 0.016
Hong Kong 7496988.0 7039.714 56054.92 0 0.0 00.0



国名人口密度 一人あたりのGDP? 報告件数人口あたりの報告件数 死者人口あたりの死者件数感染者死亡率
Turkey 84339067.0 104.914 25129.341 154500 0.0018319 4276 5.07e-05 0.028
Iran (Islamic Republic of) 83992953.0 49.831 19082.62 131652 0.0015674 7300 8.6912e-05 0.055
India 1380004385.0 450.419 6426.6741251019.07e-05 3720 2.696e-06 0.03
China 1439323774.0 147.674 15308.712 84081 5.84e-05 4638 3.222e-06 0.055
Saudi Arabia 34813867.0 15.322 49045.411 67719 0.0019452 364 1.0456e-05 0.005
Pakistan 220892331.0 255.573 5034.708 52437 0.0002374 1101 4.984e-06 0.021
Qatar 2881060.0 227.322 116935.6 40481 0.0140507 19 6.595e-06 0.0
Singapore 5850343.0 7915.731 85535.383 30426 0.005200723 3.931e-06 0.001
Bangladesh 164689383.01265.036 3523.984 30205 0.0001834432 2.623e-06 0.014
United Arab Emirates 9890400.0 112.442 67293.483 27892 0.0028201241 2.4367e-05 0.009
Indonesia 273523621.0 145.725 11188.744 20796 7.6e-05 1326 4.848e-06 0.064
Kuwait 4270563.0232.128 65530.537 19564 0.0045811 138 3.2314e-05 0.007
Israel 8655541.0 402.60633132.32 16690 0.0019282 279 3.2234e-05 0.017
Japan126476458.0 347.778 39002.223 16536 0.0001307808 6.389e-06 0.049
Philippines109581085.0 351.873 7599.188 13597 0.0001241 857 7.821e-06 0.063
Korea, Republic of 51269183.0 527.967 35938.374 11165 0.0002178 266 5.188e-06 0.024
Afghanistan 38928341.0 54.422 1803.9879216 0.0002367 205 5.266e-06 0.022
Bahrain1701583.0 1935.90743290.705 8414 0.004944812 7.052e-06 0.001
Kazakhstan 18776707.0 6.68124055.588 7919 0.0004217 35 1.864e-06 0.004
Malaysia 32365998.0 96.254 26808.164 7137 0.0002205 115 3.553e-06 0.016
Oman 5106622.0 14.98 37960.709 6794 0.0013304 32 6.266e-06 0.005
Armenia 2963234.0 102.931 8787.58 5928 0.0020005 74 2.4973e-05 0.012
Iraq 40222503.0 88.125 15663.986 39649.86e-05 147 3.655e-06 0.037
Azerbaijan 10139175.0 119.309 15847.419 3855 0.0003802 46 4.537e-06 0.012
Uzbekistan33469199.0 76.134 6253.104 30789.2e-05 13 3.88e-07 0.004
Thailand 69799978.0 135.132 16277.671 3040 4.36e-05 56 8.02e-07 0.018
Tajikistan 9537642.0 64.281 2896.9132350 0.0002464 44 4.613e-06 0.019
Kyrgyzstan 6524191.0 32.3333393.474 1364 0.0002091 14 2.146e-06 0.01
Maldives 540542.0 1454.433 15183.6161274 0.0023569 4 7.4e-06 0.003
Lebanon 6825442.0 594.561 13367.565 1086 0.0001591 26 3.809e-06 0.024
Sri Lanka 21413250.0 341.955 11669.077 1068 4.99e-05 9 4.2e-07 0.008
Cyprus 875899.0127.657 32415.132927 0.001058317 1.9409e-05 0.018
Georgia 3989175.0 65.032 9745.079 723 0.000181212 3.008e-06 0.017
Jordan 10203140.0109.285 8337.49 700 6.86e-05 9 8.82e-07 0.013
Palestine,State of 5101416.0 778.202 4449.898 608 0.0001192 4 7.84e-07 0.007
Nepal 29136808.0 204.432442.804 548 1.88e-05 3 1.03e-07 0.005
Taiwan,Province ofChina23816775.0 441 1.85e-05 7 2.94e-07 0.016
Viet Nam 97338583.0 308.127 6171.884 324 3.3e-06 0 0.0 0.0
Yemen 29825968.0 53.508 1479.147 205 6.9e-0633 1.106e-06 0.161
Myanmar 54409794.0 81.721 5591.597 201 3.7e-06 6 1.1e-07 0.03
Brunei Darussalam 437483.0 81.347 71809.251 141 0.0003223 1 2.286e-06 0.007
Mongolia 3278292.0 1.98 11840.846 141 4.3e-05 0 0.0 0.0
Cambodia 16718971.0 90.672 3645.07124 7.4e-06 0 0.0 0.0
Syrian Arab Republic17500657.0 59 3.4e-06 4 2.29e-07 0.068
Bhutan 771612.0 21.188 8708.597243.11e-05 0 0.0 0.0
Timor-Leste 1318442.0 87.176 6570.10224 1.82e-05 0 0.0 0.0
Lao People's Democratic Republic 7275556.0 29.715 6397.36 19 2.6e-06 0 0.0 0.0
Hong Kong 7496988.0 7039.714 56054.92 0 0.0 0 0.0


Permalink |記事への反応(0) | 12:37




"The latest sanctions are aimedat denyingIran’s leadershipaccess to financial resources, blocking them from usingthe United States financial system or havingaccess toany assets inthe United States."

Permalink |記事への反応(0) | 21:52




Eight Melodies -MotherOST

AD -Andorra AE -United Arab EmiratesAF -AfghanistanAG -Antigua and BarbudaAI - Anguilla AL -AlbaniaAM -ArmeniaAO -Angola AQ - AntarcticaAR -ArgentinaAS -AmericanSamoaAT -AustriaAU -Australia AW -ArubaAX - ÅlandIslandsAZ -AzerbaijanBA -Bosnia and HerzegovinaBB -BarbadosBD -Bangladesh BE -BelgiumBF -Burkina Faso BG -BulgariaBH -Bahrain BI -BurundiBJ -BeninBL -SaintBarthélemy BM -Bermuda BN -BruneiDarussalamBO -Bolivia (PlurinationalState of)BR -BrazilBS -BahamasBT -Bhutan BV -Bouvetsland BW -BotswanaBY -Belarus BZ -BelizeCA -CanadaCC -Cocos (Keeling)IslandsCD -Congo (Democratic Republic ofthe)CF -Central African RepublicCG - Republic oftheCongo CH -SwitzerlandCI -Côte d'Ivoire CK -Cook IslandsCL -ChileCM -Cameroon CN -China CO -ColombiaCR -Costa RicaCU -CubaCV -Cabo VerdeCX -ChristmasIsland CY -Cyprus CZ -Czech Republic DE -GermanyDJ -DjiboutiDK -DenmarkDM - Dominica DO -Dominican RepublicDZ -AlgeriaEC -Ecuador EE -Estonia EG -EgyptEH - WesternSaharaER -EritreaES -SpainET -Ethiopia FI -FinlandFJ -FijiFK -Falkland Islands (Malvinas)FM -Micronesia (FederatedStates of)FO - FaroeIslandsFR -FranceGA -GabonGB -United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandGD -GrenadaGE -Georgia (country)GF -FrenchGuiana GG -Guernsey GH -GhanaGI -GibraltarGL -GreenlandGM -Gambia GN -GuineaGP -Guadeloupe GQ - EquatorialGuineaGR -GreeceGS - SouthGeorgia andthe SouthSandwichIslandsGT -GuatemalaGU -GuamGW -Guinea-Bissau GY -Guyana HK -Hong KongHM - HeardIsland andMcDonaldIslandsHN -HondurasHR -Croatia HT -Haiti HU -HungaryID -IndonesiaIE - Republic ofIrelandIL -IsraelIM -Isle ofMan IN -India IO -BritishIndianOcean TerritoryIQ -IraqIR -Iran (Islamic Republic of)IS -IcelandIT -Italy JE -JerseyJM -Jamaica JO - Jordan KE -KenyaKG -KyrgyzstanKH -Cambodia KI -KiribatiKM - Comoros KN -Saint Kitts andNevis KP - NorthKorea KR -Korea (Republic of) KW -KuwaitKY -CaymanIslandsKZ -KazakhstanLA -Lao People's Democratic Republic LB -LebanonLC -Saint Lucia LI -Liechtenstein LK -Sri Lanka LR -LiberiaLS -LesothoLT -Lithuania LU -LuxembourgLV -Latvia LY -LibyaMA -MoroccoMC -MonacoMD -Moldova (Republic of) ME -MontenegroMG -MadagascarMH -MarshallIslands MK - Republic ofMacedoniaML -MaliMM -MyanmarMN -MongoliaMO -MacaoMP - NorthernMarianaIslands MQ -MartiniqueMR -MauritaniaMS -MontserratMT -Malta MU -MauritiusMV -MaldivesMW -MalawiMX -Mexico MY -Malaysia MZ -MozambiqueNA -NamibiaNC -NewCaledoniaNE -NigerNF - NorfolkIslandNG -NigeriaNI -NicaraguaNL -Netherlands NO -NorwayNP -NepalNR -Nauru NU -NiueNZ -New Zealand OM -OmanPA -Panama PE - PeruPF -French PolynesiaPG -PapuaNewGuineaPH -PhilippinesPK -Pakistan PL -PolandPM -Saint Pierre and MiquelonPN - PitcairnPR -Puerto RicoPS -State ofPalestinePT -Portugal PW -Palau PY -Paraguay QA -Qatar RE - RéunionRO -Romania RS -Serbia RU -Russian Federation RW -RwandaSA -SaudiArabiaSB -Solomon IslandsSC -SeychellesSD -SudanSE -SwedenSG -SingaporeSH -Saint Helena,Ascension and TristandaCunhaSI -SloveniaSJ -Svalbard andJanMayen SK -SlovakiaSL -Sierra LeoneSM -SanMarino SN -Senegal SO -SomaliaSR -SurinameST -Sao Tome andPrincipeSV -El SalvadorSY -SyrianArab Republic SZ -SwazilandTC - Turks andCaicosIslandsTD -Chad TF -French Southern TerritoriesTG -TogoTH -Thailand TJ -TajikistanTK -Tokelau TL -Timor-LesteTM -Turkmenistan TN -Tunisia TO -Tonga TR -TurkeyTT -Trinidad and TobagoTV -TuvaluTW -Taiwan TZ -Tanzania, United Republic ofUA -Ukraine UG -Uganda UM -United States Minor OutlyingIslands US -United States ofAmerica UY -Uruguay UZ -Uzbekistan VA -VaticanCityStateVC -SaintVincent andtheGrenadines VE -Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) VG -BritishVirginIslandsVI -United StatesVirginIslands VN -VietNam VU -VanuatuWF - Wallis and FutunaWS -Samoa YE -Yemen YT -Mayotte ZA -South Africa ZM -Zambia ZW -Zimbabwe

Permalink |記事への反応(2) | 15:50






Iran unveils firstdomestic fighterjet

コウサル = Kowsar




Permalink |記事への反応(0) | 15:11




Relatives andfriends of the 150 passengers and crewon Germanwings Flight4U 9525 are due togo to thecrash site high in the FrenchAlps.

Lufthansawill operatetwo special flights -one from Barcelona andone from Duesseldorf - to Marseille, and both groupswill travelonbyroad.

Reports sayone of thetwo pilotson the doomed flight had left the cockpit and had been unable toget back in just before thecrashon Tuesday.

There were no survivors, officials say.

They say theAirbus 320 from Barcelona to Duesseldorf hit a mountain after a rapid eight-minutedescent.

Germanwings chief Thomas Winkelmann said 72 passengers were German citizens, including 16 pupils returning from anexchange trip.

Spain'sgovernment said 51 of the dead were Spanish.

Other victims were fromAustralia,Argentina, Britain,Iran,Venezuela, the US, theNetherlands,Colombia,Mexico,Japan,Denmark andIsrael.

Germanwings is alow-costairline ownedbyGermany'smain carrierLufthansa.

Cockpit mystery

Families andfriends of the victims are expected to arriveat thecrash siteat Meolans-Revels lateron Thursday.

Separately, a bus carrying 14 relatives of Spanish victims left Barcelonaon Wednesday for thecrasharea, because theydid not want tofly.

InFrance, special teams have been prepared toassistthe families during their visit.

On Wednesday, French officials said usable data had been extracted from the cockpitvoice recorder of the Germanwingsplane.

Remi Jouty, thedirector of the French aviation investigative agency, said there were sounds andvoiceson the cockpitvoice recorder but thatitwas too early todrawany conclusions.

He said he hoped investigators would have the "first rough ideas in a matter ofdays" but that the full analysis couldtake weeks or even months.

But theNew York Times quoted an unnamed investigatoras saying thatone of the pilots had left the cockpit and had been unable toget back in.

"You can hear he is trying tosmash the door down," the investigator adds, describing audio from the recorder.

A source close to the investigation told a similarstory to theAFPnews agency.

There had been earlier reports thatthe second blackbox - the flight data recorder - had been found. ButMr Jouty said thiswas not thecase.

'Flying to the end'

Mr Jouty said theplane'slast communicationwas a routineone withair traffic control.

Theplane confirmed instructions tocontinueonits planned flightpath but then beganitsdescent a minute later.

Mr Jouty said controllers observed theplane beginning to descend and tried toget back in contactwith the pilots but without success.

He ruledout anexplosion, saying: "Theplanewasflying right to the end."

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