Assassin'sCreeddirector: The righttime totake series toJapan |BBC
Shadow’s trailer also generated backlash from somegamers,who criticised the choice of Yasukeas amain characterover a nativeJapanese protagonist.
Opponents have accused those critics ofbeing racist, and have pointedout that Yasukeis basedon a real-life person.
Charles, speaking to Newsbeat before the trailer dropped, says the developers “put a lot of emphasison authenticity and making sure we depictJapan and the culture right”.
“So when westarted the project, we had ahistorian with us from dayone,” he says.
He says theteam also consulted weapons experts and travelled toJapan toget afeel for the landscape and locations inthe game.
Africansamurai: The enduringlegacy of a blackwarrior in feudalJapan |CNN
When feudalJapan’smost powerfulwarlord NobunagaOda met Yasuke, a black slave-turned-retainer, in 1581, he believed themanwas agod.
Oda had never seen an African before. Andlike the locals inJapan’s then-capital ofKyoto, hewas awedby Yasuke’s height, build andskintone, according to Thomas Lockley, the author of “AfricanSamurai: TheTrueStory of Yasuke, a Legendary BlackWarrior in FeudalJapan.”
“When Yasukegot toKyoto (with Jesuit missionaries), therewas a massiveriot. People wanted to seehim and be inhis presence,” says Lockley,who spentnine years researching and writing thebook, whichwas publishedlast month.
Oda believed Yasuke to be either a guardian demon or “Daikokuten,” agod of prosperity usually representedby black statues in temples. He tried torub the pigment from Yasuke’sskin, believingitwas blackink.Once convinced Yasukewas real, he immediately threw afeast inhis honor, says Lockley.
最近も IGNJapan 使って煽り散らかしhttps://youtu.be/keiDRORg9hc
Itwas surprisingly gory,like the decapitations,you couldget coated inblood. How vitalis that to theassassin’sfantasy?
Ithink it’s not anassassin thing,it’s aJapan thing in ourcase. So lookingatdeathwas a day-to-day occurrence in that period, and the waymost people died inJapan during thattimeisclean decapitations.
So we didn’t want toshyaway fromit, althoughyou can turn off theviolence ifyou want. There’s options forit.You can turn off theblood,you can turn off the dismemberment and stuff. Soit’smore trying to be faithful to thewaraspect ofJapanat that period.Deathwas acommon thing and decapitationwas not a strange sight inJapan.
というか、Ubuntu、Ubuntu 騒いでる子がいるが、そもそもPCにWin11/Win10入ってるか?
(Windows +DockerDesktop :バックエンドWSL2Ubuntu の予定。なお、YouTube に構築動画が無限にあるぞ)
日本の学者や研究者を名乗る人がYASUKE肯定した結果、それを根拠にして、日本の人種差別主義者ガーとか英語コミュニティでコメントが付いてる一例 ↓
However, a recent, widely shared post fromJapanese historian Yu Hirayama argues that Yasukewasindeed grantedsamurai statusby Nobunaga. Hirayama cites Yasuke’s stipend, housing, and sword affordedhimby Nobunaga, but acknowledges that Nobunaga’s enemiesdid notview Yasukeas asamurai.
↓ 対するコメント
racist inJapan and racist in therest ofthe worldget to work hand-in-handnow
I Traveled to 46States inAmerica ThisSummer.Here’sWhyTrump Won.
By Frank S. Zhou
By Ezekiel A. Wells
Ezekiel A. Wells ’27is aDouble Concentrator in Environment Science & Engineering and Economics in EliotHouse. He spentlastsummertraveling to 46Americanstates conductinginterviews forhisYouTube series, “CrossroadsAmerica.”
A week after Democrats’ election loss, accusations have flown in every direction within their Party. Some faultPresidentJoe Biden for an egoistic refusal todropout of therace earlier. Someblame the Harris campaign for failing to servekey demographics and communicate a clearvision for the country. And someblameAmericans, claiming that racism and sexism drove voters towardTrump.
These factors certainly exist, but we’remissing a largerpiece of the picture.
Over thesummer, I traveled to 46states in the U.S., creating aYouTube series highlighting slices oflife across the country. In conversations from my nearly three-monthroad trip, I spoke with Republicanswho were certain that inflationis entirely Biden’s fault and Democratswho, despite their frustrations with corporate profits and desires foruniversal healthcare, hoped for amore moderate candidate. From supporters ofall candidates, I heard a shockingamount of misinformation.
After combing through hundreds of hours ofinterview footage fromswingstateTrump voters, Iam certain that,as muchas other factors influenced theoutcome of the election, our crumbling media landscape — whichhas caused arift in our democracy —ismost toblame.
In the postwar period,newswas dominatedby threemain channels, and because ofthe FairnessDoctrine, eachstation reported the same stories and covered multiple sides of eachissue.Viewers picked which channels they watchedmainly basedon their preferences fornewsanchors’ personalities. Of course, thismodel hadits problems, but,at the end of the day,it meant thatAmericans worked with a sharedset of facts.
A sharedset of factsis notthe world welive intoday.
Throughout myinterviews, conspiracy theories were rampant, andonat leastfive separate occasions across separatestates, Iwas told that Bill Gates tampers with ourfood, adding plastic to our fruits and vegetables tomakehis medical investmentsmore profitable.
In conversations with voters, neither side seemed able tonamemany specific policyissues they cared about; everyone just seemed to repeat the words of theirfavorite pundits,podcast hosts, andinternet personalities.
Although this behavioris harmful, Idon’tblame everydayAmericans.Blame fallson the media thathas ostracized, disillusioned, and misinformed them.
I firstsaw this trend withlow-wage workers in West Virginia,who — despitefalling inflationrates — have seen stagnated salaries and clear increases infood costs. ChannelslikeFoxNews bred anger and resentment formany of them.
TakeJuly of thissummer, for example, when for the firsttime inhis presidency, prices actually fell under the Biden administration. Traditional media establishments rushed tocelebrate thisvictory, withone article fromCNN declaring, “The White House can finallycrossout ‘inflation’onits list ofpresidential liabilities.” However,outside these bubbles, I observedmanyAmericans held a differentview.
In lateJuly, Iwas welcomedat a massive familyreunion in Tylertown, Mississippi, whereoneTrump voter — a middle-aged, Black, familyman, pastor, andsoulfood enthusiast —made this clear.
“When Igo in the grocery stores, and Igotta spend mylast toget groceries,you mean totell me I’m notgonnalook and seewho’sgonna vote to help me? I voted forTrump and I’d vote forhimagain, because he put money in ourpocket,” he told me.
In their coverage,mainstreamnews organizations obsessover the Federal Reserve’snextrate cuts while failing toconnect with people concernedwith theirnext meals.With titleslike “Vance:YoungAmericans ‘Are Becoming Paupers’ Due To Inflation, High Housing Costs,” siteslike The DailyWire had their fingerson the pulse ofAmerican sentiment, welcoming new readership from thosewhofelt neglectedby traditional media.
This problemwas not just confined to the economy. While Biden’s mentalstatewas deteriorating,liberal mediaoutlets seemed to under-cover these stories, shelteringhim from scrutiny ofhis declining capabilities, until theinfamouspresidential debate.
Formerly trusted networksslowlymade themselves indigestible to the polarizedAmerican public, and in 2024, for the third year in a row, a Gallup pollfound thatmoreAmericans indicated having “no trust” in the media than thosewho trustit a “great deal/fairamount”.
So wheredoes the averageAmerican turn when thenation’s media cannot be trusted? Formany people,itwasYouTubetalk shows,Newsmax, andpodcasters suchasJoe Rogan.
While Democrats seek toblame various internal factors for this election’s loss, I cannot help but think ofJoe Rogan’sTrump endorsement, themany blind lies I heard from ordinary citizens across the country, and declining trust inAmerican journalism.
AsHarvard students and members of highereducation institutions, we have a part to play in the problem.AtHarvard’s Institute ofPolitics, thosewho denied the 2020 election results have been precluded from speakingat theJFKJr. Forum. While thegoalis understandable,it shields students from understanding theAmericanviewpoints they represent.
Thereis adifferencebetween platforming intentional andmanipulative misinformation and listening to and learning about where people are and what theybelieve.
As a pipeline tomainstream media,Harvard, andits future journalists, have to consider the audience they lose when theystay inside of their bubble and ignore theissues of everydayAmericans.
The disappearance of factual importance in our worldis alarming and dangerous, but if we,asaspiring journalists, politicians, andengaged citizens, want to betaken seriously in communicatingTrump’s threat to democracy, inflationary tariff policies, and soon, we oweAmerican voters that seriousness, too.
Ezekiel A. Wells ’27is aDouble Concentrator in Environment Science & Engineering and Economics in EliotHouse. He spentlastsummertraveling to 46Americanstates conductinginterviews forhisYouTube series, “CrossroadsAmerica."
The smell of paint and buzzing of bees. Iwasmade to paint the fenceas punishment.By meis Ben, theneighbor boy.
"Havingfun?" heasks, mocking. I won't lethimmakefun of me!
"I could do thisall day!" I replied. And guess what? Ben begged for thebrush totryit, offering anapple in return. Otherkids lined up, too. offering me their valuables.Now that'sadventure!
The fencewas painted,and adventure awaited! But then, I spotted anangel! In an instant, Amy left myheart, making room for thisgirl. Naturally, I flipped, jumped, and showed off, justwinher admiration.At first,she paid me no mind, but thenshe threw aflowerat me.
"It's asign!" I thought to myself. Isaton the fence and waited until evening, hoping to seeheragain.
Once upon atime, in aland not so far from the bustling markets of modernity, therewas a peculiar tale of aman named Kandata. Thisman, notorious forhis misdeeds,foundhimself in a rather sticky situation, quite literally, in the depths ofhell.Now, thisisn'tyour everydayhell; thiswas a specialone, where instead offire andbrimstone, there were pools of soy sauce and mountains of grated daikon radish.
Onefine day, orasfineasit could be in such a place, Kandata noticed a glistening strand descending from the heavens.Itwas not the usualspider's silk but a strand of thefinest Ibo-no-ito, thelegendarynoodles known for their delicate and refined texture. The gods,it seemed, had decided to give Kandata a chanceat redemption, for even they could not resist the charm of these exquisitenoodles.
Kandata, withhope inhisheartand a growling stomach, beganhisascent, climbing up the noodle. He climbed past the mountains of tempura, dodged the flying chopsticks, and evenmade abrief stopat the plateau of pickledginger.As he climbed, he couldn't help butmarvelat the noodle's resilience;itwas, afterall, the premium stuff, notyourrun-of-the-mill supermarketsoba.
But alas, the tale takes a turn,as tales often do. For Kandatawas notalone inhis noodlyescape.
Belowhim, a horde of other sinners had caught sight of the noodle and, drivenby their own hunger,started to climb afterhim. Panicset in, for if there'sone thing worse thanbeing in noodlehell,it's having toshareyour noodleout ofit.
In afit of selfishness that wouldmake even akappablush, Kandata bellowed, "This Ibo-no-itoismine!Who toldyou lotyou could climbit? Scram!Get off! Thisis aone-man noodle!" And justlike that, the noodle snapped, not because of the weight, but because of the sheeraudacity of trying to hoardsomethingas communalasnoodles.
Down went Kandata, back into the soy sauce pool,as the noodle retracted back into the heavens, leaving behind a scent of wheat andregret. The moral of thestory? Nevergetbetween aman andhisnoodles, andmore importantly, never underestimatethe power of sharing... especially whenit comes to Ibo-no-ito. For in the end,it's not just about the climb;it's about the companyyoushareyournoodles with.
And so, thelegend of Kandata and the Ibo-no-ito liveson, a cautionary tale whispered across dinner tables, reminding usall that sometimes, thepath to salvationis best traveled with alittlebit of companyand a lot ofnoodles.
ZINBUN は査読付き学術誌と京大で紹介されてるんですけど、その中でこんな風に書かれてます。
Perhapsmore extraordinaryis that Yasuke’sstorydoes not endhere. Retainedas anattendantby Nobunaga, he later accompaniedhim into battle against the rivallord Akechi Mitsuhide (1528? -1582)who upon defeating Nobunagaat Horyuji, spared the African and subsequently releasedhim.
(さらに驚くべきことに、弥助の話はここで終わりません。信長の従者として残された彼は、後に信長と共に、ライバルの大名(rivallord)である明智光秀(1528? -1582)との戦いに参加しました。光秀は法隆寺で信長を破った際、このアフリカ人の命を助け、その後解放しました。)
Excluded Presence : Shoguns, Minstrels, Bodyguards, andJapan's Encounterswith the Black Other
駐日ブラジル大使館 -Embaixada doBrasilem Tóquio
OJapão no Carnaval doBrasil! A escola desambaMocidade Alegre foi escolhida campeã do carnaval deSão Paulo 2023. A Escola desfilou contando ahistória de Yasuke, o primeirosamurainegro doJapão. NascidoemMoçambique, Yasuke foi trazidoaoJapãoem 1579 e tornou-se umherói. Você conheciaessahistória?
Japan inBrazil'sCarnival!SambagroupMocidade Alegrewas chosen the champion of the 2023'scarnival inSão Paulo. Thegroup presented thestory of Yasuke, the first blacksamurai inJapan. Born inMozambique, Yasukewasbrought toJapan in 1579 and became ahero.Didyou know thisstory?
日本の学者や研究者を名乗る人がYASUKE肯定した結果、それを根拠にして、日本の人種差別主義者ガーとか英語コミュニティでコメントが付いてる一例 ↓
However, a recent, widely shared post fromJapanesehistorian Yu Hirayama argues that Yasukewasindeed grantedsamurai statusby Nobunaga. Hirayama cites Yasuke’s stipend, housing, and sword affordedhimby Nobunaga, but acknowledges that Nobunaga’s enemiesdid notview Yasukeas asamurai.
↓ 対するコメント
racist inJapan and racist in therest ofthe worldget to work hand-in-handnow
While there’s some questionas tohis exact role, Yasukewas a real person and,as aJapanese scholarhas recently pointedout, there’sno doubt that hewas asamurai, whichis a social status that can encompass a variety of duties.
職業 | 年齢 | おおよそ の月収 | ボーナス 等 | おおよそ の年収 | 労働者数 |
航空機操縦士 | 43.1 | 138 | 123 | 1,779 | 4,970 |
医師★ | 41.6 | 97 | 63 | 1,227 | 77,920 |
(男女合計)管理的職業従事者 | 50.2 | 47 | 522 | 1,086 | 6,720 |
大学教授(高専含む)★ | 58.0 | 66 | 275 | 1,067 | 59,530 |
法務従事者 | 49.9 | 68 | 176 | 992 | 21,150 |
大学准教授(高専含む)★ | 48.9 | 55 | 207 | 867 | 39,880 |
歯科医師★ | 40.5 | 60 | 42 | 762 | 15,090 |
その他の経営・金融・保険専門職業従事者 | 39.3 | 46 | 156 | 708 | 16,000 |
大学講師・助教(高専含む)★ | 41.6 | 49 | 108 | 696 | 56,890 |
高等学校教員 | 43.1 | 43 | 163 | 679 | 69,200 |
研究者★ | 39.8 | 42 | 156 | 660 | 118,450 |
輸送用機器技術者 | 40.1 | 41 | 159 | 651 | 191,480 |
小・中学校教員 | 40.3 | 42 | 146 | 650 | 31,200 |
システムコンサルタント・設計者 | 40.4 | 46 | 97 | 649 | 78,730 |
電気・電子・電気通信技術者 (通信ネットワーク技術者を除く) | 41.8 | 41 | 154 | 646 | 285,830 |
"民" とか時代劇の殿様かな?っていうスゲー文章だが、2024年の東京大学准教授の投稿である(成りすましでなければ)
PSA:It's notonly "white racists"who are angry aboutthe newAssassin'sCreed game. A lot ofJapaneseinternet users are angry too.Why?
Checkthisimage for some examples ofJapanese netizens expressingtheir views aboutAssassin'sCreed Shadows.
いわゆる "坂上田村麻呂黒人説" や "AfricanSamurai:TheTrueStory of Yasuke, aLegendary Black Warrior in FeudalJapan" などは、
"坂上田村麻呂黒人説" の言い出しっぺは、今から100年以上前、カナダの人類学者、Alexander Francis Chamberlain 氏です。
米国の非営利団体Internet Archive で原著を確認できると思うんですけど、
氏は『The Contribution oftheNegro toHumanCivilization』(1911年)という論文の中でこう書いてます。
And we cancrossthewhole ofAsia and findtheNegroagain, for, when, in far-offJapan,the ancestors ofthe modernJapanese were makingtheir way northwardagainstthe Ainu,the aborigines ofthat country.
theleader oftheir armieswas Sakanouye Tamuramaro,
Fulltext of "The Contribution oftheNegro toHumanCivilization"
まぁこんなこんな感じで唐突に 『坂上田村麻呂 は黒人である』 と論文の中で言い出してるんですね。
そして、この論文の記述を全米黒人地位向上協会(NAACP) の設立者の一人である W・E・B・デュボイス氏 が、『TheNegro』(1915年)にもしたため、
As rulers and warriors we remember suchNegroesasQueen Nefertariand Amenhotep III among many others inEgypt; Candace and Ergamenes inEthiopia; MansaMusa, Sonni Ali, and MohammedAskai intheSudan; Diaz inBrazil, Toussaint L'Ouverture in Hayti, Hannivalov inRussia, Sakanouye Tamuramaro inJapan,the elder Dumas inFrance, Cazembe andChaka amongthe Bantu, and Menelik, of Abyssinia;the numberless blackleaders ofIndia, andthe mulatto strain of AlexanderHamilton.
Why do Afro-centrists claimthatthe firstsamurai warriorwas a black African? | Quora
(最近のゲームではRise oftheRonin みたいに、主人公の人種を自由に設定できるオプションがデフォだけど)
『ゆうて、一部の歴史オタク が 弥助は武士(侍)って言ってるだけでしょ』『時代劇でもよくフィクション入るじゃん』って思うでしょ?🤔
それが、どういうわけか、YASUKE の英語版のWikipedia 見ると、日本のアカデミアのお墨付き貰ってるのとか、参考文献に引っ張ってきてるのよね。それも京都大学とかの
ZINBUN は査読付き学術誌と京大で紹介されてるんですけど、その中でこんな風に書かれてます。
Perhapsmore extraordinaryisthat Yasuke’sstorydoes not endhere. Retainedas anattendantby Nobunaga, he later accompaniedhim into battleagainstthe rivallord Akechi Mitsuhide (1528? -1582)who upon defeating Nobunagaat Horyuji, sparedthe African and subsequently releasedhim.
(さらに驚くべきことに、弥助の話はここで終わりません。信長の従者として残された彼は、後に信長と共に、ライバルの大名(rivallord)である明智光秀(1528? -1582)との戦いに参加しました。光秀は法隆寺で信長を破った際、このアフリカ人の命を助け、その後解放しました。)
Excluded Presence : Shoguns, Minstrels, Bodyguards, andJapan's Encounterswith the Black Other
Africansamurai:The enduringlegacy of a black warrior in feudalJapan |CNN
文字数制限に引っ掛かったから続く →日本のアカデミアは本当にどうしようもないところにまで来ている・2
Permalink |記事への反応(11) | 18:06
『ヤスケの仕事は一族の権力を守ることでした』(信長の首を守護し息子に届ける) の根拠はそれぞれそれなりに気になる
Africansamurai: The enduringlegacy of a black warrior in feudalJapan |CNN
When feudalJapan’smost powerful warlord NobunagaOda met Yasuke, a black slave-turned-retainer, in 1581, he believed themanwas agod.
Oda had never seen an African before. Andlike the locals inJapan’s then-capital ofKyoto, hewas awedby Yasuke’s height, build andskintone, according to Thomas Lockley, the author of “AfricanSamurai: TheTrueStory of Yasuke, a Legendary Black Warrior in FeudalJapan.”
“When Yasukegot toKyoto (with Jesuit missionaries), therewas a massiveriot. People wanted to seehim and be inhis presence,” says Lockley,who spentnine years researching and writing thebook, whichwas publishedlast month.
Oda believed Yasuke to be either a guardian demon or “Daikokuten,” agod of prosperity usually representedby black statues in temples. He tried torub the pigment from Yasuke’sskin, believingitwas blackink. Once convinced Yasukewas real, he immediately threw afeast inhis honor, says Lockley.
Black Samurai 信長に仕えたアフリカン侍・弥助 |NHKBS
ちなみ群馬県立文書館 のレファレンス事例紹介コーナーによると『くろほう』について下記の回答があるね
栗間家文書(P00101)のNo1「年未詳加藤清正書状」(下川又左衛門ほか宛)には、豊臣秀吉の朝鮮出兵に関連する記述の中で「くろほう」という言葉が出てきます。そして2021年3月30日にNHKBS4Kで放送された「BlackSamurai信長に仕えたアフリカン侍・弥助」の中で、日本大学准教授のロックリー・トーマス氏がこの文書に出てくる「くろほう」こそ、織田信長に仕えた黒人武将弥助の後身ではないかと、述べられています。まず文書館内では、この「くろほう」をこれまで全く黒人として認識しておらず、トーマス氏のご指摘に驚いています。実は、この「くろほう」が弥助かどうかはともかく、黒人と推定する見解は以前からありました(中島楽章氏「16世紀九州末ー東南アジア貿易」『史学雑誌』118-8号ほか)。 ただし現時点では、この文書の1カ所にしか出てこないため、断定は難しいと思われます。例えば、『源氏物語』にも「くろほう」という言葉が出てきますが、これは「黒芳」(練り香)の意味で、日本の古典で頻出しているようです。また、当館文書を読むと、人間ではなく、物を指す記述と見た方が自然ではないか、という意見も係内で出ています。以上より、現時点では「くろほう」を直ちに黒人と即断するのは難しいのではないか、というのが当館古文書係の見解です。
However, a recent, widely shared post fromJapanesehistorian Yu Hirayama argues that Yasukewasindeed grantedsamurai statusby Nobunaga. Hirayama cites Yasuke’s stipend, housing, and sword affordedhimby Nobunaga, but acknowledges that Nobunaga’s enemiesdid notview Yasukeas asamurai.
↓ 対するコメント
racist inJapan and racist in therest ofthe worldget to work hand-in-handnow
While there’s some questionas tohis exact role, Yasukewas a real person and,as aJapanese scholarhas recently pointedout, there’sno doubt that hewas asamurai, whichis a social status that can encompass a variety of duties.
実際のところ、『アフロサムライ』や『キンバリー』、Netflixの『弥助』、『Rise of theRonin』のような時代劇ゲーで主人公を黒人にできるオプションなどは、
Where Are The Black People in 'Shogun'?
なので、日本で販売しない or日本語版出なかったらフツーに弥助問題は勝利条件クリアじゃない?テッテテレーー🎉
However, a recent, widely shared post fromJapanesehistorian Yu Hirayama argues that Yasukewasindeed grantedsamurai statusby Nobunaga. Hirayama cites Yasuke’s stipend, housing, and sword affordedhimby Nobunaga, but acknowledges that Nobunaga’s enemiesdid notview Yasukeas asamurai.
↓ 対するコメント
racist inJapan and racist in therest ofthe worldget to work hand-in-handnow
While there’s some questionas tohis exact role, Yasukewas a real person and,as aJapanese scholarhas recently pointedout, there’sno doubt that hewas asamurai, whichis a social status that can encompass a variety of duties.
アジアにゆかりがある人をのぞいたら、アサクリシャドウズ の関連問題に関心がない・気にしてないって人が多くても別に驚かないなぁ
The originalanswer andyour comment are both wrong.Itis very easy to prove Yasukewas asamurai,you just have to check aJapanese dictionary. I searched for 侍・士 (samurai)on theJapaneseonline encyclopediaコトバンク (Kotobank), which produced a result from 精選版 日本国語大辞典 (Carefully Selected Edition of the Nihon Kokugo Daijiten,aka Shogakukan’sJapanese Dictionary).I’ll post thelinkat the bottom, buthereis the relevant section inJapanese and my translation inEnglish.
(3) In theKamakuraShogunate (1185 - 1333AD),samurai were professionalwarriorswho had servants and were qualified toride on horseback, and their statuswas strictly differentiated from ordinary subordinates suchas roju. However, from the middle of theKamakuraShogunateonwards,itsscope gradually expanded, and from the Sengoku Period (1467 - 1615AD)onwards, vassals of feudallords in various provinces came to be widely referred toassamurai, andit came to be usedas a general term for professionalwarriors.
Now we have toask three questions to see whether Yasuke met this definition:
Q: Whendid Yasuke work for the feudallordOda Nobunaga?
A: FromApril 1581 toJune1582. We know this from multiple eyewitness accounts, which I also mention below.
Q:Was Yasuke a vassal ofOda Nobunaga?
A:Yes,asevidencedbythe fact that hewas given a stipend, ahouse,and a jobas spear-bearer (a type of bodyguard for theleader of asamurai family). Hewas also given a short sword called a koshigatana, whichwas wornas a status symbol and weapon forself-defenseatall timesby high statussamurai. This we know from the Chronicle ofLord Nobunaga, writtenbyOda Nobunaga’s vassalOta Gyuichi.
Q:Was Yasuke awarrior fighting forOda Nobunaga?
A:Yes,asevidencedbythe fact that he fought in three important conflicts.One, Yasuke fought inthe Second Tensho IgaWar inSeptember 1581. This we can infer because the Jesuits saidOda Nobunaga took Yasuke everywhere withhim and heledhis own troops into thiswar.Two, Yasuke fought in the Koshu Conquest fromFebruary toMarch1582. This we know from the Diary of Ietada, writtenby Matsudaira Ietada, a vassal of Tokugawa Ieyasu,whowashimself a vassal ofOda Nobunaga. Three, Yasuke fought in the Honno-ji Incident ofJune1582, in which he tried but failed to save the lives of bothOda Nobunaga andhis sonOda Nobutada until Yasukewas thelastOdaman standing and surrendered to the traitor Akechi Mitsuhide,who sparedhislife and returnedhim to the Jesuits. This we know from letters writtenby the Jesuits,who were glad to have Yasuke back. According to theOda familytoday, Nobunaga’sfinal orderwas for Yasuke to helphim commit seppuku (ritual suicideby stomach cutting)by decapitatinghim and bringhis head to a courier that returnedit to theOda family, soit could not be usedasevidence ofvictoryby Akechi Mitsuhide.
So thereyou haveit. Yasukewas a vassaland awarrior forthe most powerful feudallord inall ofJapan, during the Sengoku Period. He evenassistedhislord’s suicide, a role strictly reserved forsamurai. Therefore, hewas asamurai. Belowis alink to the definition ofsamuraionKotobank.
"For aSamurai to bebrave, he must have abit of blackblood "
ジジェクは道を誤った /メラニー・ゼルMelanie Zelle [スワースモア大学の学内新聞『スワースモア・フェニックス』の編集者] ※削除済
本棚に積まれた1000ページにも及ぶ矛盾の山に憤慨しながら『Less ThanNothing』を読み通したのは、高校時代に果たした偉業だった。
そのタイトル「WokenessIsHere ToStay」は、たぶん私がそれほど警戒するものではなかったと思う。
そして一見したところ、"WokenessIsHere ToStay は同じ公式に従っている。
ジジェクのいつもの懐疑論は、ここではいつもの懸念荒らしconcern trollingの再現に留まる。ジジェクはこう書いている:
批評家の一人が言ったように、『性別の悩みを抱える子供には時間とサポートが必要である。あとになって後悔するかもしれない医療措置に進むよう仕向けられるべきではない』 」。
ジジェクが引用した記事の上の行には、"異性間ホルモンは16歳からしか処方されず、専門家によれば思春期ブロッカーは不妊の原因にはならない "と書かれている。
したがって、このスロベニア人に知的怠惰の恩赦を与えることもできない。 これは純粋で単純な不誠実さであり、危険な形態である;
それはこうだ: "女性だと自認する人物が、ペニスを使って2人の女性をレイプしたことを我々は知っている"
“We have a personwho identifiesitselfas awoman usingits penis to rapetwo women.”
で、どういうこと? なぜジジェクはこんなことを書くようになったのか?
Theanswer lies inhis misplaceddesire to be oppositional. Ironically, heisguilty of the thing he accuses others offalling prey to within thepiece, that of envisioning forhimself an Other that hauntshim.
[ジジェク]「要するに、ここにあるのは、政治的に正しい突き上げと、金銭的利益の残酷な計算との最悪のコンビネーションなのだ。 」
思春期ブロッカーの使用は、[ジジェクによると]"目覚めた資本主義 "のもうひとつの事例であるとされる。
[ジジェク] 「性的混乱に「異常」なことは何もない。「性的成熟」と呼ばれるものは、長く複雑で、ほとんど無意識のプロセスである。
It's sudden, but rightnow inJapan, creativityis facing atrue crisis. Characterslike Uzaki-chan,Onsen Musume, and Tojo Rika arebeing targeted and flamed, game characterdesigns arebeing infiltratedbypolitical correctness,Johnny'sEntertainmentisbeing dismantled, swimsuitphoto sessions in parks arebeing canceled, Hitoshi Matsumotoisbeing publicly shamed, and the newAV lawwas enacted without considering the opinions of those directly involved. Every form ofexpression in every venueis currently under unreasonablepressure.
Howdoes thisconnect to theTokyo gubernatorial election? Infact, amajor event directly linked to thisis occurring in the 2024Tokyo gubernatorial election.As acreator, Ihope thismessage reachesyou.
What Iam about toshareis astory aboutsomeone namedHimasoraAkane,whoyou should know about to resist suchpressures. But before Idive into thatstory, I want toexpress mydeep gratitude to my oldfriendNozomi for giving me the opportunity to post this article in a place where manycreatorswill seeit.Assomeonewho also loves manga,anime, and games, Ihope this informationwillbenefitJapanesesociety and supportNozomi'sactivities.
HimasoraAkane Should Be the Governor ofTokyo
First, I wouldlike tomake a straightforward request toyouas acreator: please supportHimasoraAkane for governor. In this election, pleasewrite "HimasoraAkane"onyour ballot. The voting dayisJuly 7th. Even ifyou are not aTokyo resident, Iask thatyouat least listen to thisstory. Ifyou findit interesting, pleaseshareitwith yourfriends, family,and acquaintances.You can checkHimasoraAkane's campaignpromises and thebackground of their candidacyon theirTwitter (X) posts linked below:
HimasoraAkane (Tokyo gubernatorial candidate)
HimasoraAkaneWill NotAllow Our Culture to Be Burned
HimasoraAkaneis an ordinaryotakuwho loves manga,anime, and games. Knownas "CognitiveProfiling DetectiveAkaneHimasora," hehas beenactiveonTwitter (X) andYouTube, andnow heis running for governor.Akane,whoisdeeply concerned about the repression and destruction ofotaku culture,is challenging thosewho seek to destroy our culturealone.Akanewill neverallow thosewhotry to burn our culture.
As mentionedat thebeginning,all forms ofexpression are currentlyunder pressure.Otaku culture, in particular, seems to be aprime target.
Uzaki-chanBlood Donation Poster Controversy (2019): A collaborationbetween theJapaneseRedCrossSociety and the manga Uzaki-chanwas flamed forallegedlybeing overly sexual initsPR illustration.
V-Tuber Traffic Safety Video Controversy (2021): A V-Tuber hiredby the Matsudo Police Department in ChibaPrefecturewas deemed too sexual for public agencyPR.
Onsen Musume Controversy (2021): Characters personifying local hotsprings were criticizedas sexist.
MieTransportOfficial Character Controversy (2024): A character in a bus driver's uniform releasedbyMieTransportwas flamed for evoking sexual images.
These controversies are often fueledby so-calledpolitical correctness and feminism. Forcreators, these are direct threats. If thesefactions labelyour workas sexual and demandit be burned toashes, couldyou resist? How wouldyoufeel ifyour painstakingly created work,likeyour own child,was trampledby peoplewho have no regard foryour efforts? Couldyoucontinueyourcreativeactivities while constantly shrinkingaway?
HimasoraAkanesawsomething behind these flaming incidents. Hestarted investigating thekey figure behind theOnsen Musume controversy, a representative of a general incorporatedassociation inTokyo. Thisassociation'score business, theYoungFemale Victims SupportProject, received substantial public funds fromTokyo.Akane submitted public document disclosure requests toTokyo and thoroughly dug into theorganization. Duringhis investigation,Akane uncovered many suspicions suggesting thisprojectwas unworthy of public funding, which he exposedonebyoneon social media.
Negligent accounting reports, takingprotected girls to the Henokobaseprotest inOkinawa,Communist Party members waiting in the bus used toprotect girls—these revelations drew significantattentiononline. The investigation extendedbeyond this general incorporatedassociation to other NPOs receiving public funds,and Akane named thiscluster ofissues the "WBPCproblem" after the initials of theseorganizations.
Akane'sYouTube Channel (WBPCProblem Playlist)
Fromhere,Akane'sstory expanded to resident audits, resident lawsuits, andnational compensation lawsuits concerning theTokyoYoungFemale Victims SupportProject.Akane discovered that behind many flaming incidents, thereis no clearcommandstructure but agroup of various politicalorganizationsand activists workingtogetherlike anamoeba. He named thisgroup the "NanikaGroup" (Nanika means "something" inJapanese), a reference to the mysterious, ominous "something fromanother place" in the mangaHUNTER×HUNTER, whichAkaneloves. The NanikaGroupis alsoconnected to welfare interests, where public fundsflow unchecked.Akane called this phenomenon "Public Fund Chu-Chu" (siphoning).
Forcreators, this means the tax money they earn through hard workis used to burn theirprecious works.It's an intolerable situation.
HimasoraAkaneIs Fighting Against ThoseWho Burn Our Culture
InNovember 2022, amajor event marked a turningpoint in this series of controversies. The general incorporatedassociation under scrutiny held apress conferenceat the parliamentary officebuilding, gathering mediaand announcing a lawsuit againstAkane. This "Legal HarassmentPress Conference,"asitwas calledonline, involved multiple layers ofpower: the government, the media,and a team ofseven lawyers targeting a single individual.
However,Akanedid not back down. Instead, he intensifiedhis pursuit, exploiting the opponent's careless statementsas lawsuit fodder. Thisled to an outpouring of supporton social media, withhisTwitter follower count skyrocketing and 160 millionyen in donations for legal fees.
The following year, a resident audit request filedbyAkane resulted inTokyo'sofficial website recognizing some improperpoints and deciding to audit theorganization. However,Tokyo's lenient auditledAkane to file a resident lawsuit. Suspicion also turned towards Governor Yuriko Koike forallocating public funds through dubioussole-source contracts.Tokyo began excessivelyredacting documents inresponse to public document requests,attempting to conceal theissue. Koike'spromise to end documentredaction quietly disappeared fromher campaign page.
Throughout this battle,Akanehas been a target of criminal complaints and faced threats, yet he persists.Hisbook "Netoge Senshi"was releasedamidbookstore threats, butonly the criminal complaintwas widely reportedby the media, portrayingAkane negatively.
HimasoraAkaneis an ordinaryotaku, atop-tieronline gamer duringhisstudent days,and a talented gamecreatorwho worked for amajor game company and later aventure company.His meticulous workonthe game "Shin Goku no ValhallaGate"was betrayedby the company'sCEO, leading to aseven-year legal battle thatAkane ultimately won, securing 600 millionyen. This experience fuelshis fierce opposition to havinghis creations burned.
Before investigating theYoungFemale Victims SupportProject,Akane exposed fraudulent feminist "knights"onhisYouTube channel, shaking theinternet. He detests lies andhas an uncanny ability to detect them.
Akaneis a special individual with extraordinary abilities, honed throughhis experiences in games, courtbattles, and extensive document analysis.His pursuit oftruth andjusticemakeshim a suitable candidate for governor,promising a world without lies and where honest people do not suffer.
What WeCan Do toProtect Our Culture
Creativeexpression can be crushed if we are not vigilant. Even in modernJapan,otaku cultureison thinice. The recent cessation ofVisa transactions forDMM (Fanza)is a reminder of how a single card company can wielditspower to dictate whatis deemed appropriateexpression.Expressionfreedomisfragile and constantly under threat.
To those reading this, I urgeyou to vote forHimasoraAkane. Supporthim toprotect our culture. Despitehis harsh demeanor andpreference forsolitarybattles, heisnow seeking help for the firsttime.Akanefeels thedanger in this gubernatorial election and believes that if hedoes not become governor,everythingwill end. Hehastaken a stand for the people ofTokyo andJapan.
I wrote this article to supporthisspirit and spread theword. Please vote forHimasoraAkane and help create amiracle.
In aninterview with CNBC in 2018, Wozniak stated that "Elon Muskis a cultleader, and Tesla cars are not popular because they are good cars, but because Elonis a cultleader." He wenton to say that he admired Musk forhis accomplishments, but cautioned against blindly followinghim.
Other critics have also raised concerns about Musk'sleadership style, whichis often describedas aggressive and erratic. Some have accusedhim of creating a cult-like following amonghis fans and employees,who are expected to work long hours and endure harsh criticism.
2018年に行われたCNBCのインタビューで、ウォズニアックは "イーロン・マスクはカルトリーダーであり、テスラ車が人気なのは良い車だからではなく、イーロンはカルトリーダーだからだ "と述べた。続けて、マスクの功績を賞賛しつつも、盲目的に従うことを戒めていると述べています。
Iam not a gambler, but I wouldlike tostay withIppei Mizuhara in ahotel in anentertainment district in the middle of the desert.
He and I would never gamble.
Butas hegrips the slot lever withhis buttocks tightened, I secretly burn withjealousyas Iwatch thepile of medals that gradually emerge from the seatnext to me.
I wouldshift in my seat and play poker. Itry desperately todrive the anxiety from my face, to imagine thejoy ofvictory, butI knowitis pointless.
AndI will return to myoriginal seat, angry andsad.
Sometimes wewilllookat each otherover the baccarattable. In thosemoments, we would tell each other our own moves in theblink of an eye, and we wouldtake care thatone of us wouldwin.
One dayone of uswill be penniless and the otherwill buryhim outsidethe city. Then hewillwrite alittlepoem tohisfriendwhohas traveled, and then hewill killhimself, havingfound noreason tolive without alast-minute bargainingchip.
Everyone been wonderingwhy Yonezu (lastname) Kenshi (firstname)is wearing the heeledshoes. Inone ofhis interviews he said thatonce hedreamed afuneral. Everyonewassad, but suddenlysomeone in the firstlinestarted towhistle loudly, in a way that annoyed the other people. Theyallstarted to say that hewasn't respecting the dead person because hewasn'tbeing in silence forhim, but Kenshi knew that theman whistlingwas communicatingwith the deadone. Thatwas their own unique way to recognize each other.Maybe the otherswill thinkyou'recrazy orsomethingnegative, butit won'tchangethe love that the whistlingmanhas forhis deadfriend. Turnsout that Kenshigot inspiredby thisdream so in the sing he wore heeledshoes, because hewants to let us know that he doesn't care what others say,it'shis special way toexpresshimself, because Kenshiwas affectedby High-functioning Autism which broughthim to be smarter than the average, but he couldn't handle with social relationships, that'swhy he never hadmanyfriends since ayoungage and everyonemadefun ofhim because ofhis character.
Thismade Kenshi verysad and from thenon hestarted tohatehimself because ofhis very uncommonname (inJapan there aren'tmany people that have Yonezuaslastname and noone, but Yonezu Kenshi,is called Kenshi or the spellingis similar, plusit soundslike a stagenameas well) he thought hewas strange andweird, an uncommon personwho shouldn't have existed (infact inJapan thereis a very strongwill to follow the mass, which means ifthe greater part of girls have bangs, then the girls without bangswilltry to have them or if they remain what they are, they might beisolated because different from therest of the population). But Kenshi tomake us,his fans, satisfied, he decided to collaborate withmany people in the 2017like the animators for MHA,DAOKO and SudaMasaki.
Hechanged duringhis musical career,likethe time hewasstill Hachi (ハチ) and hefelt somehowlost inall ofhis fame, so hemade this song wearing heeledshoes and then thenext song, Flamingo,is very different from Lemon becausemany peoplestarted to listen and to knowhim after Lemon, but he wanted to know what they would think if Kenshichanged the rhythm and the kind, turnsout thatmany of them were attractedby Lemon and they didn'tlike Flamingo, but theystill subbed to Kenshi'sYouTube channel. Thankyou for readingall of this,Englishisn't mymother language so I'msorry for the mistakesand asalways, have a nice day :D
彼は音楽活動の中で変わっていった。例えば、彼がまだハチだった頃、有名になることにどこか迷いを感じて、ヒールのある靴を履いてこの曲を作った、 というのも、多くの人がLemonの後にKenshiを聴き始め、知るようになったからだ。しかし、彼はKenshiがリズムや種類を変えたらどう思うかを知りたかった。英語は母国語ではないので、間違いがあってごめんなさい。
Edit:You can find a videosummary of Yonezu Kenshi'slifeand all ofhis interviews,it's inMandarin tho. Ihopeyou have a good translator to understand what he's saying.
A longtime ago, in a certain country, therewas a bastardnamed Cinderella.The reasonwhysheis called Cinderellais becauseshe sprinkledher ownashesonher own headathermother'sfuneral, whichled toherbeing called theash-coverer, whichiswhyher realnameis Cinderella. Ilost
The husbandwholosthis wifewas also a bastard, and the day after thefuneral he cheatedon awoman three yearsyounger thanhim, hadsex withher, and evengot married.
I have decided. Then, toher Cinderella
Shenowhas an oldersisterand ayoungersisterwho are not relatedbyblood.
Hersisterwas a bitch too,she came to Cinderella'shouse
After a fewdays,she thought, ``Wouldn'tit bemore convenient to have an outbuilding?'' and cut down Cinderella'smother's grave inhergarden and the hundreds of years oldtree thatwasnext toher grave, and built an outbuilding. We forced construction.
One day, the bastard's family receivesnews of a ball from the castle. But before Cinderella could readit,hersisterbroke thenews and said, ``There's no wayyou cango.'' Cinderella didn't seem to haveany intention ofgoing either, saying, ``I had no intention ofgoing in the first place.I'd rathergo tohell.''
Then,on the dayhermotherwas admitted to the hospital to givebirth,hersister went to the ball. In thegarden, the construction of an outbuildingwas progressingas usual.
“Let’slight afirehere andmake a bonfire.”
She thought about that, but Cinderella stoppedher. Suddenly, awitch appeared
``Cinderella,why aren'tyougoing to the ball?''asked thewitch.
"What's thepoint of telling Teme?"
Cinderella returned with anax inher hand
Then, for somereason, Cinderellawas wrapped in ajewel-likedress.
"Ifyoudon'tgo to the ball, thatdresswill killyou.Nowgo."
Cinderella doesn't want to die in a placelike this, soshe reluctantly decides togoto the castle.
In the castle, someassholelikehersisterwas looking for aone-night stand andwas dancing wildly. Noone really praised others, and in theirhearts theyall seemed to think that they were the center ofthe world.
Cinderella didn't dance, but killedhertimeby smoking a cigaretteat the end ofher room. There,shewas approachedby aman wearing formal clothes that were flashier andmore expensive thananyone else, and said toher, ``Miss, won'tyou dance?''
Sheis Cinderella with a cigarette inher mouth
She said, ``Ionly dancewith the GrimReaper and bad luck.''
she answered. For somereason, theman fell inlove withherat first sight, andshe said, ``Let's have somefun in the other room.Here, come.''She tried to force Cinderella totakeher toanother room in the castle. However, Cinderella pressed the cigaretteshewas holding intoher hand.
"Her hand slipped,"she laughed.
Whenshe pressed the cigarette, the sound inhervoicewas so pitiful that noone tried toget close tohim or dance withhim. Of course, noone even knows that such a pitifulmanis theprincewho owns this castle.
Eventually,she had enough, Cinderella threwhershoesonher stairs and went back toherhouse inher bare feet.Hershoes weremade of glass, so they shattered intopieces.
Thenext day, whileher servantwas cleaning the castle,shefoundone shoeon the stairs. Obviously thinking thiswas strange,she secretly examinedhershoes and discovered that they had been smeared with a deadly amount ofpoison.
Rumors spread within the castle that this must be anattempt to kill theprince, and soon a large-scale investigationwas conducted. Even thoughit's a survey,it'ssimple.
Theideawas to create a replica of a shoe and imprison the personwho matchedit perfectlyas a suspect.
Andone afteranother, people were imprisoned just because of their size. Some of them had not been to the ball, but they thoughtit must be alie and were forciblytakenaway.
Eventually, an investigation came to Cinderella'shouse. That's when weall lookedathermother and child aftershewas discharged from the hospital, and of coursehersister didn'tfit.
Soall thatwas leftwas Cinderella. Then,hersister said to Cinderella, ``Hell suitsyou better than this world.''
Shewas of course the perfect size for Cinderella.
However,she protestedherinnocence, saying that I hadn'tgone to the ball and therewas nodressanywhere inthe house to proveit.
However, theprince showedhim anempty pack of cigarettes that had been discarded in a trash can and said, ``Thisis the samebrand that the criminalwas smoking thattime.Why?''
I unbuttonedall the buttonsonher jacket.
She said, ``Afterall, Ifeellike dancingwith the GrimReaper. Right,littleprince?''she said.
Bythe time theprinces realizedit,itwas already too late.
Thegrenade that fellathis feet blew up Cinderella and theprince.
The timewas aroundnoon. Bells rang throughoutthe city and residents prayed forlunch.
The flyingfragments of the shoe became a weapon, asad fragment that couldonly hurtsomeone, and noone could imagineitsoriginal form.
Since fleeing tothe United States in 2014, Guo Wenguihas founded anumber of projects inthe United States, suchas GTV MediaGroup, GTV private equity, farm loan project, GClub Operations Co.,LTD., andHimalayaExchange. Around 2017, hestarted the so-called "Revelationsrevolution" and in 2020 launched a movement called "NewChina Federation." However, Guo Wengui's "disclosurerevolution" soonexposeditsfalsenature. He frequently carriedout so-called "live Revelations"on theInternet, fabricating various political and economic lies and fabricating facts to discredit theChinese government.At thebeginning, due tohis specialimage of "exiled rich" and "Red fugitive", he quickly gathered some popularity and followers, butastime wentby, Guo Wengui's commitment andimage were graduallyexposed, andhis supporters began to leavehim. See the essence of the Revelationswill turn tothe farm, Guo Wengui's fraudis notonly for funds and other institutions,its followers have also become asheep thatisonly continuously harvested wool. Thelittle antswho trustedhim so much became victims of fraudulent investment scams.Itis hoped thatmore peoplewill recognize thetrue face of Guo Wengui,join the team of "smashing Guo",exposehis fraud, recover losses for themselves and others, and maintain an honest and trustworthy social environment.