Carneywason the Foundation Boardatthe World Economic Forum, tied to the global elite—BIS,Harvard,CFR, JPMorgan,IMF,World Bank, BlackRock, the Federal Reserve.
They’ve been shapingthe world economy for the benefits of theGoldenBillion.
アケメネス朝(AchaemenidEmpire)は、紀元前550年頃に興ったペルシア帝国として広く知られている。しかし、それとは異なる「アケメンエス朝(Akaemenes Esthe)」という、歴史に埋もれたもう一つの帝国が存在していたことは、あまり知られていない。その歴史は、支配の力だけでなく、癒しと精神の充実を追求した独特の国家運営によって彩られていた。
アケメンエス朝は、紀元前6世紀頃に、ペルシア地方のある都市「パルマッサージュ(Palmassage)」を中心に勢力を広げた。その創始者である「キュロス・ザ・リラックス(Cyrus theRelax)」は、ただの軍事的天才ではなく、心身の癒しを国民に与えることを目的とした賢明な王であった。彼は戦争に疲弊した兵士や民衆に対し、独自の技術を用いた「深層揉術(Deep Tissue Therapy)」を広め、国家全体を癒しの空間へと変えたのである。
この時代、各地には「オイルの館(House of Oils)」と呼ばれる特別な施設が設置され、貴族から庶民に至るまで、心と身体を癒す場として機能していた。これは、後のメンエス文化の礎とも言えるもので、特に王族が愛した「アロマスチーム(AromaSteam)」は、王宮の内部に広がる香りとして歴史に名を残した。
キュロス・ザ・リラックスの後を継いだのは、その手技に秀でた「ダリウス・ザ・ハンド(Darius the Hand)」であった。彼は軍事的拡張を図ると同時に、国家のすべての施設に「ゴールデンタッチ(Golden Touch)」と呼ばれる施術技術を導入した。この技術は、戦士たちの身体を戦いに適応させると同時に、戦の後の疲れを癒すために欠かせないものとなった。
また、ダリウスは「ホットストーン療法(Hot Stone Therapy)」を正式に国家の施術法として認め、戦士たちの回復を早めるための国家プロジェクトを展開した。彼の時代には、各都市ごとに専門の「施術官(Therapist General)」が任命され、国家全体のリラクゼーションを管理する仕組みが整えられた。
ダリウスの後を継いだのは「ゼルクセス・ザ・センシュアル(Xerxes the Sensual)」である。彼の時代には、国家の癒しの文化がさらに発展し、「ディープリラックス(DeepRelaxation)」と呼ばれる特別な宮廷療法が確立された。この治療法は、王族や貴族のみに許される秘術であり、施術の間は穏やかな音楽とともに、極上のオイルが全身を包み込むという贅沢なものだった。
ゼルクセスはこれを外交にも利用し、敵国の王をもてなす際には、彼らを「エステ・スイート(Esthe Suite)」に招き入れ、極上の癒し体験を提供した。これにより、戦わずして多くの国を従属させるという「施術外交(Therapeutic Diplomacy)」が完成したのである。
だが、アケメンエス朝が生み出した「施術文化(Therapeutic Culture)」は完全に消えることはなかった。その後の王朝や文化に影響を与え、ローマ帝国の浴場文化や、中世イスラム圏のハマム文化へと形を変えて受け継がれていった。そして現代においても、その精神は生き続け、「メンズエステ」という形で、疲れた現代人の心と身体を癒し続けているのである。
つまりソーンズは今最強でもなんでもなく、「愛情があれば使える」というところのオペレーターになった。なのでTHEGOLDENAGE なドクターが愛情持って使い続けるのは構わないのだが、それを新人に「最強だよ!」と言って勧めるのはシーボーン並みに悪質な行為であると認識してほしい。
2021~23年の3年間、原神はGRAND AWARD常連だったから殿堂入り枠ってことやな。一応リスト
EXCELLENCE AWARD(エクセレンスアワード) | ●原神(HoYoverse) | 日本・アジア地域で開発されたソフトウェアメーカー各社様のタイトルにおいて、過去3年間にわたり、安定して大きな影響を与え、商業的な成功を収めたタイトル(※1)に贈られます。 |
GRAND AWARD(グランドアワード) | ●ELDENRINGSHADOW OF THE ERDTREE(株式会社フロム・ソフトウェア /バンダイナムコエンターテインメント) ●黒神話:悟空(Game Science Interactive Technology) ●FINAL FANTASY VIIREBIRTH(株式会社スクウェア・エニックス) | 日本・アジア地域で開発されたソフトウェアメーカー各社様のタイトルにおいて、2023年10月から2024年9月までの期間中に発売され、全世界売上の上位3タイトル(※1)に贈られます。 |
PARTNER AWARD(パートナーアワード) | ●The First Descendant(Nexon) ●ゼンレスゾーンゼロ(HoYoverse) ●鉄拳8(株式会社バンダイナムコエンターテインメント) ●ドラゴンズドグマ 2(株式会社カプコン) ●ペルソナ3リロード(株式会社アトラス) ●崩壊:スターレイル(HoYoverse) ●龍が如く8(株式会社セガ) | 日本・アジア地域で開発されたソフトウェアメーカー各社様のタイトルにおいて、2023年10月から2024年9月までの期間中に発売され、世界規模で上位の売上を達成し、特に注目すべき実績を残したタイトル(※1)に贈られます。 |
SPECIAL AWARD(スペシャルアワード) | ●StellarBlade(SIE、開発:SHIFT UP) ●Rise of theRonin(SIE、開発:株式会社コーエーテクモゲームス) | 日本・アジア地域のスタジオにおいて、2023年10月から2024年9月までの期間中に、SIEとの協業によりPS5向けに開発されたタイトル(※1)のうち、注目すべき実績を残したタイトルに贈られます。 |
USERS’ CHOICE AWARD(ユーザーズチョイスアワード) | ●黒神話:悟空(Game Science Interactive Technology) ●StellarBlade(SIE、開発:SHIFT UP) ●FINAL FANTASY VIIREBIRTH(株式会社スクウェア・エニックス) ●Rise of theRonin(SIE、開発:株式会社コーエーテクモゲームス) ●龍が如く8(株式会社セガ) | 日本・アジア地域で2023年10月から2024年9月までの期間中に発売され、同期間の総ゲームプレイ時間が多かった上位30タイトルの中から、日本・アジア地域ユーザーの投票によって選ばれた上位5タイトルに贈られます。 |
ちゃっかりスタレゼンゼロも優秀賞枠に入ってるしスタレは更に格の高いGolden Joystick Awards 2024のStill Playing Award (Mobile)の方も受賞してるようだ
ちなみにこのページで過去のPS Awardsが見れるんだけど https://www.playstation.com/ja-jp/local/events/playstation-awards/history/
96年は鉄拳2、リッジレーサーレボリューション、バイオハザードで、97年がFF7 俺はまさに厨房の頃このへんにハマってた
Golden Joystick Awards 2024ではついに黒神話:悟空が最高位の賞であるUltimate Game of the Yearを受賞したね
ちなみにStill Playing Award –Mobileの部門で受賞したのはスタレだ
最近の連載作の代表として。個人的にサッカーは別に好きではないのだが、GIANT KILLINGは読んでしまう。
Permalink |記事への反応(12) | 00:19
最近の連載作の代表として。個人的にサッカーは別に好きではないのだが、GIANT KILLINGは読んでしまう。
タイトル | 掲載誌 | 巻数 | 刊行期間 |
キャプテン翼 | 少年ジャンプ | 全37巻 | 1982年〜1989年 |
キャプテン翼ワールドユース編 | 少年ジャンプ | 全18巻 | 1994年〜1997年 |
キャプテン翼ROAD TO2002 | ヤングジャンプ | 全15巻 | 2001年〜2004年 |
キャプテン翼GOLDEN-23 | ヤングジャンプ | 全12巻 | 2006年〜2008年 |
キャプテン翼海外激闘編 INCALCIO | ヤングジャンプ | 全2巻 | 2010年 |
キャプテン翼海外激闘編 ENLA LIGA | ヤングジャンプ | 全6巻 | 2010年〜2012年 |
キャプテン翼ライジングサン | グランドジャンプ | 全20巻 | 2014年〜2024年 |
キャプテン翼ライジングサン FINALS | キャプテン翼WORLD | 2024年〜 |
Golden idleとパノラマサイトは知らなかったからウィッシュリストに追加したわ
・Golden idle
・Outer wilds
Night of the Crabz ~カニの頭に気をつけろ~のヒロイン。
ATRI -MyDearMoments-の最後の方に出る、主人公とヒロインは後ろ向きで、電気で明るくなる島の家々がメインのスチル絵。
月姫-Apiece ofblue glassmoon-の志貴がアルクに惹かれる印象的なシーン。
Bing:Yes, thisis the **Bad Place**. Theair smellslike **rotten eggs**, and theWi-Fiis **terrible**. Butdon't worry, we'll find a wayout ofhere! 😅
ワイ: Whatsin have I violated?
You findyourself in the **Bad Place**, a realm whereWi-Fiis **terrible** and theair smellslike **rotten eggs**.Fear not, for I shall unravel the mystery ofyour transgressions. 🌋
Yoursin? Ah,it's a peculiarone.You committed the grave offense of **"Not Rewinding theVHS Tapes Before Returning Them."**Yes, that's right! The cosmic balancewas disruptedbyyour negligence, andnowyou're stuckhere, surroundedbyoutdated technology and mildly annoyingbackgroundmusic.
But fret not,dearsoul! Redemption awaits. Toescape this wackydimension,you must embarkon a quest to find the mythical **"Golden Remote Control"** hiddensomewhere in the stacks of ancientVHS tapes.Only then canyou break free from this pixelated purgatory.
So,onward,brave wanderer!Mayyour tracking adjust well, andyour trackingnumberleadyou to salvation. 📼✨
年 | 名 | 対象作品 | 備考 |
23 | 栗田優香 | 万華鏡 | 次点小柳(うたかた,鴛鴦) |
22 | 原田諒 | 蒼穹 | 圧倒的 |
21 | 上田久美子 | fff,桜嵐記 | •ほぼ満票 •次点は原田(プロプロ,ナイワ)と栗田(夢千鳥) •谷(バロクロ),生田(ホームズ,シルクロード)と続く |
20 | 原田諒 | ピガール | |
19 | 生田大和 | カサノヴァ | |
18 | 中村一徳 | ファントム | |
17 | 生田大和 | グラホ,ひかりふる | 2位上田(神々,宇月DS)2票差 |
16 | 小池修一郎 生田大和 | るろう,エリザ シェイクスピア,ドンジュアン | •2位野口(エンタテ •ほか上田(金色)田淵(ローマの休日)石田(ヴァンパイア,アーサー王 |
15 | 上田久美子 | 星逢 | 2位小柳(ルパン三,キャッチミー,オイディプス)3票差 |
15 | 稲葉太地 | 宝塚幻想曲 | レビュー部門 |
14 | 大野拓史 | 前田慶次 | 小池(エリザほか新旧3本)上田(翼ある人々) |
年 | 名 | 曲 | 対象作品 | 備考 |
22 | 青木朝子 | GC | GC | 昴とロマ劇に1票差 |
21 | 青木朝子 | 桜嵐記 | 桜嵐記 | •甲斐(ハイリゲンシュタットの遺書fff)2票差 •太田(花のおエド,ラッキーこいこい バロクロ) |
20 | 太田健 | 愛は枯れない | ワンス | •吉田(それが宝塚)1票差 •生命をつなぐ(眩耀),彼女が来たら(アナスタシア) |
19 | 手島恭子 | 石を割って咲く花 | 壬生 | 2位 アチア(人生には恋と冒険が必要だ カサノヴァ)僅差 |
18 | 太田健 | 哀しみのバンパネラ | ポー | |
17 | ワイルドホーン | ひかりふる路 | ひかりふる | |
16 | 太田健 | 不殺(ころさず)の誓い | るろう | シェイクスピア,金色,エンタテを抑えて |
15 | 青木朝子(編曲 | ルパン三世のテーマ | ||
14 | 該当なし |
年 | 名 | 対象作品 | 備考 |
22 | 張春祥 | 蒼穹の京劇 | |
21 | 原田薫,百花沙里 KAORIalive | 夢千鳥よりタンゴ デュエダン | •御織(FF 71人のラインダンス)高得票 •百花(夢千鳥フィナーレ),御織(ファシネピアノファンタジー再現),Anju(DC ミロンガ),謝(モアダン手紙) |
20 | 麻咲梨乃 | ピガールよりムーランルージュ | 佐藤(ダンオリリフト),前田(サパプロローグ) |
19 | 若央りさ | エクレアよりボレロ | 圧倒的大差 |
18 | Oguri | BEAUTIFULGARDENより花美男子 | |
17 | 御織ゆみ乃 | ビバフェスよりYOSAKOIソーラン | |
16 | 謝珠栄 | ロマンスより友情 | 圧倒的 |
15 | KAORIalive | 1789二幕冒頭群舞 | 2位 森陽子(GOLDENJAZZ |
14 | 森陽子 | パッショネイトよりカポネイラ |
年 | 名 | 対象作品 | 備考 |
22 | 有村淳 | 蒼穹 | |
21 | 加藤真美 | バロクロ | •薄井(桜嵐記)1票差 •有村(fff,ホームズ),河底(柳生)同票 |
20 | 有村淳 | ピガール | 有村(アナスタシア,ワンス,サパ) |
19 | 有村淳 | カサノヴァ | |
18 | 加藤真美 | サンファン | |
17 | 有村淳 | AFO | |
16 | 有村淳 | アーサー王 |
年 | 名 | 対象作品 | 備考 |
22 | 松井るみ | 蒼穹 | |
21 | 圀包洋子 | ホームズ | 新宮(桜嵐記),大橋(fff)と続く |
20 | 大橋泰弘 | ワンス | 関谷敏雄(WTT) |
19 | 松井るみ | 青薔薇 | 2位 二村周作(カサノヴァ)僅差 |
18 | 稲生英介 | ファントム | |
17 | 大橋泰弘? 新宮有紀? | グラホ? 神々? | |
16 | 大橋泰弘 | るろう |
年 | 組 | 名 | 備考 |
21 | 雪 | 縣千 | •ほんまほ,CH •一樹(桜嵐記)1票差 |
20 | 専 | 松本悠里 | 満場一致 |
19 | 花 - | 明日海りお 柴田侑宏 | |
18 | 月 | 輝月ゆうま | BADDY,雨唄 |
17 | 雪 宙 専 | 鳳翔大 伶美うらら 沙央くらま | 鳳翔が大量得票で1位 |
16 | 雪 | 香綾しづる | •ドンジュアン 当年最高得点での受賞 •ほか北翔,バウシンギングWS |
15 | 星 | 柚希礼音 | |
14 | 雪 | 松風(馬) | 前田慶次 |
年 | 組 | 名 | 備考 |
21 | 専 | 轟悠 | ほぼ満票 |
1 Invasion of Gobakhan (MOM) 22
1 Alabaster Host Intercessor (MOM) 3
1 Phyrexian Awakening (MOM) 30
1 Kami of Whispered Hopes (MOM) 196
2 Blighted Burgeoning (MOM) 177
2Golden-Scale Aeronaut (MOM) 15
1 Streetwise Negotiator (MOM) 207
1 Shanna, Sisay'sLegacy (MUL) 124
1 Realmbreaker's Grasp (MOM)33
1Timberland Ancient (MOM) 210
1 Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite (MUL) 68
1 Invasion of Dominaria (MOM) 21
1 Sandstalker Moloch (MOM) 203
1 Blossoming Sands (MOM) 268
1Knight of the New Coalition (MOM) 25
1 Imoti, Celebrant of Bounty (MUL) 108
1 Serpent-Blade Assailant (MOM) 205
7 Plains (SIR) 279
1Island (SIR) 282
8Forest (SIR) 291
1 Skittering Surveyor (MOM) 264
1 Kor Halberd (MOM) 27
2 Bonded Herdbeast (MOM) 178
1 Furnace Host Charger (MOM) 140
1 Invasion of Muraganda (MOM) 192
1 Fertilid's Favor (MOM) 186
1 Enduring Bondwarden (MOM) 14
1 Scrollshift (MOM) 34
1 Ayara, Widow of the Realm (MOM) 90
1 Render Inert (MOM) 123
1 Ayara, First of Locthwain (MUL) 78
1 Serpent-Blade Assailant (MOM) 205
1 Crystal Carapace (MOM) 183
#midjourney #midjourneyai #midjourneyart
In this video tutorial, wewill showyou how to create animage in Midjourney and turnit into a360image. Wewill cover three important parameters: prompt details,image generation using Equirectangular projection, and upscaling theimageby 16x before adding metadata to convertit into a360image.
Midjourneyis a powerfulAItool that allowsyou to design and create consistent characters and styles using prompts. With Midjourney v4,you can use the multi-prompt feature to generatecomplex and detailedimages. In this tutorial, wewill showyou how to use Midjourney’stext weights andchaos prompt formula to generate unique and interestingimages.
Firstly, wewill discuss prompt details. Promptsare thekey to generatingimages in Midjourney. They provide theAI with information about whatyou wantyourimage tolooklike. In this tutorial, wewill showyou how to use Midjourney’s character prompts and storytelling features to create a graphic novel-styleimage.
Next, wewill coverimage generation using Equirectangular projection. Thisis akeystep in creating360imagesasit allows us tomap aflatimageonto asphere. Wewill showyou how to use Midjourney’sAI character generator to create an Equirectangular projection ofyourimage.
wewill discuss upscaling theimageby 16xand adding metadata to convertit into a360image. Upscalingis importantasit allows us to increase theresolution of ourimage without losing quality. Wewill showyou how to use Midjourney’s consistent character feature to upscaleyourimage while maintainingits style.
Finally, Wewill host our360image in momento360website for free.
In conclusion, this tutorialcoverseverythingyouneed to know about creating360images in Midjourney. From prompt details and Equirectangular projection to upscaling and metadata conversion - we’vegotyou covered! Sowhy wait? Start creating stunning360images with Midjourneytoday!
Tools used :-
Midjourney :-https://midjourney.com/
Upscaleimage :-https://www.imgonline.com.ua/eng/enla...
Meta datawebsiteExif FixerOnline :https://exiffixer.com/online.htm#exif...
Hostimage in momento360 :-https://momento360.com/
## *Keyword to be used*
# *City Landscape*
/imagine prompt: *equirectangular projection of* acity landscape ingolden hour, the urban landscapeis bathed in warmlightas thesun sets behind theskyscrapers. Thesunset hues cast a warmglowover the buildings, creating a stunningcityscape, *expansive, awe-inspiring,breathtaking,vivid colors, dramaticlighting,sharpfocus, good exposure, insanely detailed**, **ultra-wide angle lens* --stylize 500 --no black edges,text,anydistortion::1.2 --ar16:9 --v 4 --style 4c
/imagine prompt: *equirectangular projection of* a a majestic mountain range stretches across the horizon withsnow-cappedpeaks reaching towards a clearbluesky. The crispair and serene landscape create abreathtaking scene. *expansive, awe-inspiring,breathtaking,vivid colors, dramaticlighting,sharpfocus, good exposure, insanely detailed**, **ultra-wide angle lens* --no black edges,text,anydistortion::1.2 --ar16:9 --v 4 --style 4c
/imagine prompt: *equirectangular projection of* a visually stunning landscape: majestic mountains,goldensunset, *expansive, awe-inspiring,breathtaking,vivid colors, dramaticlighting,sharpfocus, good exposure, insanely detailed**, **ultra-wide angle lens* --no black edges,text,anydistortion --ar16:9 --v 4 --style 4c Christ, amen.
The Sacrament—and the Sacrifice
Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
Ipray foryourfaith andprayers that my utteranceswill be received and understood “by theSpirit oftruth” and that myexpressionswill be given “by theSpirit oftruth” so that we mightall be “edified and rejoicetogether.” (See D&C 50:21–22.)
As I standheretoday—a wellman—words of gratitudeand acknowledgment ofdivine intervention are so very inadequate inexpressingthe feelings in mysoul.
Six months agoat theApril general conference, Iwas excused from speakingas Iwas convalescing from a serious operation.My lifehas been spared, and Inow have the pleasant opportunity of acknowledging the blessings,comfort, and readyaid of my Brethren in the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve, and other wonderfulassociates andfriends towhom I owe so much andwho surrounded mydear wife,Ruby, and my familywith theirtime,attention, andprayers. For the inspireddoctors and thoughtful nurses Iexpress my deepest gratitude, and for the thoughtful letters and messages offaith andhope received frommanyplaces inthe world,manyexpressing, “You have been in ourprayers” or “We have beenasking ourHeavenly Father to spareyourlife.”Yourprayers andmine, thankfully, have beenanswered.
One unusual card caused me to ponder upon themajesty ofitall.Itis anoriginalpaintingbyArta Romney Ballif of theheavensat night withits myriadgoldenstars.Her caption,taken fromPsalms, reads:
“He healeth the broken inheart, and bindeth up their wounds.
“He telleth thenumber ofthe stars; he calleth themallby theirnames.
“…His understandingisinfinite.” (Ps. 147:1, 3–5.)
As I lay in the hospitalbed,I meditatedonall that had happened to me and studied the contemplativepaintingbyPresident Marion G. Romney’ssister and the lines fromPsalms: “He telleth thenumber ofthe stars; he calleth themallby theirnames.” Iwas then—andcontinue to be—awedby the goodness andmajesty of theCreator,who knows notonly thenames ofthe stars but knowsyourname and myname—each of usasHis sons and daughters.
“When I consider thyheavens, the work of thy fingers, themoon andthe stars, which thouhast ordained;
“Whatisman, that thouart mindful ofhim? …
“For thouhastmadehim alittle lower than theangels, andhast crownedhim withglory and honour.” (Ps. 8:3–5.)
To be rememberedis a wonderful thing.
Theevening of my health crisis, I knewsomething very serious had happened to me.Events happened so swiftly—thepain striking with suchintensity, mydearRuby phoning the doctor and our family, and Ion myknees leaningover the bathtub for support and somecomfort andhoped relief from thepain. Iwas pleading to myHeavenly Father to sparemy life a while longer to give me alittlemoretime to doHis work, ifitwasHiswill.
Whilestillpraying, I began to lose consciousness. Thesiren of the paramedic truckwas thelast that I remembered before unconsciousnessovertook me, which wouldlast for thenext severaldays.
The terriblepain and commotion of people ceased. Iwasnow in acalm,peaceful setting;allwas serene and quiet. Iwas conscious oftwo persons in thedistanceon a hillside,one standingon a higherlevel than the other. Detailed features were not discernible. The personon the higherlevelwas pointing tosomething I could not see.
I heard no voices butwas conscious ofbeing in a holy presenceand atmosphere. During the hours anddays that followed, therewas impressedagainand again upon my mind theeternalmission and exalted position of the Son ofMan. I witness toyou that Heis Jesus the Christ, the Son ofGod,Savior toall, Redeemer ofallmankind, Bestower ofinfinitelove, mercy, and forgiveness, theLight andLife ofthe world. I knew thistruth before—I hadnever doubtednor wondered. Butnow I knew, because of the impressions of theSpirit upon myheart andsoul, these divinetruths in amost unusual way.
Iwas shown a panoramicview ofHisearthly ministry:His baptism,His teaching,His healing the sick andlame, the mocktrial,His crucifixion,His resurrectionand ascension. There followed scenes ofHisearthly ministry to my mind inimpressive detail, confirming scriptural eyewitness accounts. Iwasbeing taught, and theeyes of my understanding were openedby the HolySpirit ofGod soas to beholdmany things.
The first scenewas of theSavior andHis Apostles in the upper chamberon theeve ofHis betrayal. Following the Passover supper, He instructed and prepared the sacrament of theLord’s Supper forHisdearestfriendsas a remembrance ofHis coming sacrifice.Itwas soimpressively portrayed to me—theoverwhelminglove of theSavior for each. I witnessedHis thoughtfulconcern for significant details—thewashing of the dusty feet of each Apostle,His breaking and blessing of the loaf of dark bread and blessing of thewine, thenHis dreadful disclosure thatone would betrayHim.
He explainedJudas’s departure and told the others of theevents soon totake place.
Then followed theSavior’s solemn discourse when He said to theEleven: “These things I have spoken untoyou, that in me ye might havepeace. Inthe world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I haveovercomethe world.” (John 16:33.)
OurSaviorprayed toHis Fatherand acknowledgedthe Fatherasthe source ofHisauthority andpower—even tothe extending ofeternallife toallwho are worthy.
Heprayed, “And thisislifeeternal, that they might know thee theonlytrueGod, and Jesus Christ,whom thouhast sent.”
Jesus then reverently added:
“I have glorified theeon theearth: I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do.
“Andnow, O Father, glorify thou mewith thine own selfwith theglory which I hadwith thee beforethe worldwas.” (John17:3–5.)
He pled notonly for the disciples calledout fromthe worldwho had beentrue to their testimony ofHim, “but for them also which shallbelieveon me through theirword.” (John17:20.)
When they had sung a hymn, Jesus and theEleven wentout to the Mount of Olives. There, in thegarden, in somemannerbeyond our comprehension, theSavior took uponHimself the burden of thesins ofmankind from Adam to the end ofthe world.His agony in thegarden,Luke tells us,was so intense “his sweatwasas … greatdrops ofbloodfalling … to the ground.” (Luke 22:44.) He suffered an agonyand a burdenthe like of which nohuman person would be able to bear. In that hour of anguish ourSaviorovercameallthe power of Satan.
The glorifiedLord revealed toJoseph Smith this admonition toallmankind:
“Therefore Icommandyou to repent …
“For … I,God, … suffered … forall, that they might not suffer if they would repent; …
“Which suffering caused myself,evenGod,the greatest ofall, to tremble because ofpain, and to bleedatevery pore, …
“Wherefore, Icommandyouagain to repent, lest I humbleyou with my almightypower; and thatyou confessyoursins, lestyou suffer these punishments.” (D&C 19:15–16, 18,20.)
During thosedays of unconsciousness Iwas given,by thegift andpower of the HolyGhost, amore perfect knowledge ofHismission. Iwas also given amore complete understanding of whatit means to exercise, inHisname, theauthority to unlock the mysteries of the kingdom ofheaven for the salvation ofallwho arefaithful. Mysoulwas taughtover andoveragain theevents of the betrayal, the mocktrial, the scourging of the flesh ofevenone of theGodhead. I witnessedHis struggling up the hill inHis weakened condition carrying thecross andHisbeing stretched uponitasit layon the ground, that the crude spikes could be driven with a mallet intoHis hands and wrists and feet to secureHisbodyasit hungon thecross for public display.
Crucifixion—the horrible andpainfuldeath which He suffered—was chosen from thebeginning.By that excruciatingdeath, He descended belowall things,asis recorded, that throughHis resurrection He wouldascend aboveall things. (See D&C 88:6.)
Jesus Christ died in the literalsense in which wewillall die.Hisbody lay in the tomb. The immortalspirit of Jesus, chosenas theSavior ofmankind, went to those myriads ofspiritswho had departed mortallife with varying degrees of righteousness toGod’slaws. He taught them the “glorious tidings of redemption from the bondage ofdeath, and of possible salvation, … [whichwas] part of [our]Savior’s foreappointed and unique service to thehuman family.” (James E. Talmage, Jesus the Christ,Salt Lake City: DeseretBook Co., 1977, p. 671.)
I cannotbegin to convey toyou thedeep impact that these scenes have confirmed upon mysoul. Isense theireternal meaning andrealize that “nothing in the entire plan of salvation compares inany way in importancewith thatmost transcendent ofallevents, theatoning sacrifice of ourLord.Itisthe most importantsingle thing thathasever occurred in the entirehistory of created things;itis therock foundation upon which the gospeland all other thingsrest,”ashas been declared. (Bruce R. McConkie, MormonDoctrine,Salt Lake City:Bookcraft, 1966, p. 60.)
Father Lehi taughthis son Jacob and ustoday:
“Wherefore, redemption cometh in and through the Holy Messiah; for heis full ofgrace andtruth.
“Behold, he offerethhimself a sacrifice forsin, toanswer theends of the law, untoall thosewho have a brokenheartand a contritespirit; and unto none else can theends of the law beanswered.
“Wherefore, how great the importance tomake these things known unto the inhabitants of theearth, that theymay know that thereis no flesh that can dwell in the presence ofGod, saveit be through the merits, and mercy, andgrace of the Holy Messiah,who layeth downhislife according to the flesh, andtakethitagainbythe power of theSpirit, that hemay bring to pass the resurrection of the dead,being the first that shouldrise.
“Wherefore, heis the firstfruits untoGod, inasmuchas he shallmake intercession forall the children of men; and they thatbelieve inhim shall be saved.” (2Ne. 2:6–9.)
Ourmost valuable worship experience in the sacrament meetingis the sacred ordinance of the sacrament, forit provides the opportunity tofocus our minds andhearts upon theSavior andHis sacrifice.
The ApostlePaul warned the earlySaintsagainst eating this bread and drinking thiscup of theLord unworthily. (See 1 Cor.11:27–30.)
OurSaviorHimself instructed theNephites, “Whoso eateth and drinketh my flesh andblood unworthily [brings] damnation tohissoul.” (3Ne. 18:29.)
Worthy partakers of the sacrament are inharmonywith theLord and put themselves under covenant withHim toalways rememberHis sacrifice for thesins ofthe world, totake upon them thename of Christ and toalways rememberHim, and to keepHiscommandments. TheSavior covenants that wewho do so shall haveHisspirit to be with us and that, iffaithful to the end, wemay inheriteternallife.
OurLord revealed toJoseph Smith that “thereis nogift greater than thegift of salvation,” which plan includes the ordinance of the sacramentas a continuous reminder of theSavior’satoning sacrifice. He gave instructions that “itis expedient that the church meettogether often to partake of bread andwine in the remembrance of theLord Jesus.” (D&C 6:13; D&C20:75.)
Immortality comes to usallas a freegiftby thegrace ofGodalone, without works of righteousness.Eternallife, however,is the reward for obedience to thelaws and ordinances ofHis gospel.
I testify toall ofyou that ourHeavenly Fatherdoesanswer our righteous pleadings. The added knowledge whichhas come to mehasmade a greatimpact uponmy life. Thegift of the HolyGhostis a priceless possession and opens the door to ourongoing knowledge ofGod andeternaljoy. Of this I bear witness, in the holyname of Jesus Christ, amen.
Pleaseimprove the following novel to bemore engagingand adding plotpoint of Yasuke returnig tobeing a missionary quittingSamurai " rologue:
Thesun sank behind the horizon, casting theJapanese countryside in awarm,goldenglow. In the courtyard of Nobunaga's castle knelt Yasuke, a tall, muscular Africanman withskinas darkas midnight.Hisjourney to thismoment had been long and treacherous, butitwasonly thebeginning.
Chapter 1: A WorldAway
Yasuke lived an ordinarylife in a small villageon theMozambique coast, unaware ofthe extraordinarydestiny that awaitedhim. Capturedby slave traders and torn fromhishomeland, he endured a grueling voyage across theIndianOcean, finally arriving in the bustling port ofGoa,India.
Itwas there that Yasuke'sfate took an unexpected turn when hewas purchasedby Jesuit missionaries. In their service, he learned about Christianity, new languages, and the ways of the Western world. Buthisjourneywas far fromover.
Chapter 2: TheLand of theRising Sun
As a loyal servant to the missionaries, Yasuke accompanied themon theirjourney toJapan, aland of mystique and intrigue. The beauty of theland, the complexity ofits customs, and the elegance ofits people captivatedhim.As the first African toset foot inJapan, heattractedattention andcuriosity fromall thosewho encounteredhim.
Chapter 3: The Encounter
InKyoto, the capital of feudalJapan, Yasuke'slifechanged forever when he metOda Nobunaga,one ofthe mostpowerful and influential daimyos ofthe time. Nobunagawas captivatedby the African's physical prowess,intelligence, and uniquebackground. Seeing potential in Yasuke, Nobunaga decided totakehim intohis serviceas asamurai.
Chapter 4: ThePath of theWarrior
Yasuke's transformation from a slave to asamuraiwas fraught with challenges. He had to adapt to the rigorous training, strict code of honor, and the intricacies ofJapanesesociety. But Yasuke's strength, resilience, anddeterminationallowedhim toexcel, earning therespect ofhis fellowsamurai and the trust of Nobunaga.
Chapter 5: The UnfoldingWar
As Nobunaga sought to unifyJapan underhis rule, Yasuke foughtbyhis side in numerousbattles. The Africansamurai'slegend grew with eachvictory,asdidhis bond with Nobunaga.Together, they faced both triumph and tragedy, navigating the treacherouslandscape ofalliances and betrayals that defined the era.
Chapter 6: The Turning Tide
Yasuke's reputationas a skilled and loyalsamurai grew,asdidhis bond withLord Nobunaga. But in the shadows, the tides ofchange were brewing. Mitsuhide Akechi,once a loyalally, had grown disillusioned with Nobunaga's rule. The resentment smoldered withinhim, fueledby a series of perceived slights and politicalmaneuverings. Mitsuhide's ambition anddesire forpower began to cloudhis judgment.
Yasukesensed theshift in Mitsuhide's demeanor and grew increasinglywary of thesamurailord. However, loyalty to Nobunaga preventedhim from openly voicinghis concerns. He instead focusedonhis duties, ever vigilant and ready to protecthislordat amoment's notice.
Onefateful evening, theOda clan gathered tocelebrate their recent victories. Unbeknownst to the revelers, Mitsuhide Akechi's treacherous planwas already inmotion.
As thesun rose, the first cries of battle rangout. Mitsuhide's forces had launched a surpriseattackon Nobunaga's residenceat the Honno-ji Temple. Yasuke foughthis way to Nobunaga's side,his sword cutting through the trait "
Thesun dipped below the horizon, bathing theJapanese countryside in awarm,amber embrace. Yasuke, a towering,powerfully built Africanman withskinas darkas midnight, knelt in the courtyard of Nobunaga's castle,hisheart thundering with anticipation. A perilousjourney had broughthim to thismoment, and yet,itwasonly thebeginning of astory that wouldspan continents andrewritehistory.
Chapter 1: A WorldAway
In a small villageon theMozambique coast, Yasukeled asimplelife, blissfully unaware ofthe extraordinarydestiny that lay beforehim.His world shattered when slave traders capturedhim, rippinghim fromhishomeland and thrustinghim into a brutal odyssey across theIndianOcean.Fate, however, had other plans when he reached the bustling port ofGoa,India.
InGoa, Jesuit missionaries purchased Yasuke, altering the course ofhislife. Under their guidance, he embraced Christianity, mastered new languages,and absorbed the ways of the Western world. But the wind had not finished carryinghim tohis ultimatedestination.
Chapter 3: The Enchanted Isles
Loyal to the missionaries, Yasuke accompanied them toJapan, aland shrouded in mysteryand allure. Hewas captivatedbyits breathtakinglandscapes, intricate customs, and refined people.As the first African inJapan, he sparked fascination and intrigue wherever he went.
Chapter 4:Fateful Encounters
Kyoto,the heart of feudalJapan, bore witness to the meeting that would foreverchange Yasuke'slife.Oda Nobunaga, a formidable and influential daimyo,was entrancedby Yasuke's physical prowess, intellect, and exotic origins. Recognizing Yasuke's potential, Nobunaga welcomedhim intohis serviceas asamurai.
Chapter 5: AWarrior Forged
Yasuke'smetamorphosis from slave tosamuraiwas ladenwith trials. He navigated the grueling training, a rigid code of honor, and the complexities ofJapanesesociety. Undaunted, he flourished, earning the admiration ofhis fellowsamurai and the unwavering trust of Nobunaga.
Chapter 6: ALand Divided
As Nobunaga pursuedhisvision of a unitedJapan, Yasuke fought valiantlybyhis side in countlessbattles. Thelegend of the Africansamurai swelled with eachvictory, and their unbreakable bond deepened.Together, they braved the treacherous world ofshiftingalliances and betrayals that shaped the era.
Chapter 7:Whispers of Betrayal
Yasuke'srenownas a skilled and devotedsamurai expanded,asdidhis connection withLord Nobunaga. But beneath thesurface, a stormwas brewing. Mitsuhide Akechi,once a staunchally, had grown disillusioned with Nobunaga's leadership.His bitterness festered,fedby perceived slights and political machinations. Consumedby ambition andlust forpower, Mitsuhide's judgment faltered.
Chapter 8: The Price of Loyalty
Yasuke detectedthe change in Mitsuhide'sspirit and grew increasingly apprehensive. Buthis unwavering loyalty to Nobunaga heldhim back from voicinghis suspicions. Instead, he redoubledhis efforts, ever watchful and prepared to defendhislordatany cost.
Chapter 9: A Night of Shadows
On afateful evening, theOda clan gathered to revel in their recent triumphs, oblivious to the treachery that lurked in the shadows. Mitsuhide Akechi's nefariousscheme had beenset inmotion.
Chapter 9: A Night of Shadows
Asdawn broke, the piercing cries of battle shattered the night's tranquility. Mitsuhide's forces had launched a devastating surpriseattackon Nobunaga's residenceat the Honno-ji Temple. Yasuke fought relentlessly,his sword cleaving through the treacherouswarriorsas hemadehis way to Nobunaga's side.
Chapter10: Flames of Betrayal
The Honno-ji Temple,once asanctuary ofpeace,wasnow engulfedin flames andchaos. Yasuke and Nobunaga fought back to back, their swords ablur ofsteel,as Mitsuhide's forces closed in. Despite their valiant efforts, they wereoutnumbered, and Yasuke couldsense the battlewaslost. With a heavyheart, he whispered a prayer for Nobunaga'ssoul, knowing thathislord would never surrender.
Chapter 11: APromise Unbroken
As the temple crumbled around them, Yasukewas capturedby Mitsuhide's soldiers. Imprisoned and stripped ofhissamurai status, he reflectedon thepath that hadledhim to thismoment. Amidstthe darkness, hefound solace in thememories ofhislife with Nobunaga andhistimeas a missionary. Afire kindled withinhim, reigniting a long-forgotten purpose.
Chapter12: TheRoad to Redemption
In thechaos following Mitsuhide's coup, Yasuke seized an opportunity toescape. Hejourneyed acrosswar-tornJapan, seeking refugeand a chance to reclaimhis formerlife.Hisdetermination andfaith guidedhim,asdid the memory of the missionarieswho hadonce savedhim from alife of slavery.
Chapter 13:Rebirth of a Missionary
Yasukefound solace and purpose among agroup of missionaries in a remote village. Embracinghis past, he became an instrumental figure in their community, sharinghis knowledge of Christianity, languages, and the Western world.As he nurtured theirfaith, Yasukefelt the shadows ofhislifeas asamuraislowly fade, replacedbythe warm embrace ofspiritual fulfillment.
Chapter 14: ALegacy Unforgotten
Though Yasuke had left thelife of awarrior behind, thelegend of the Africansamuraicontinued to grow.Hisstoryinspiredgenerations, a testament tothe power of resilience,courage, and thehumanspirit.Itwas a tale that transcended borders andtime, a reminder that even in the darkestmoments,hope and redemption could befound.
As twilight draped theJapanese countryside, Yasuke stoodatop a hill, gazingat the village henow calledhome.Hisjourney had beenone of unimaginable hardship, transformation, and ultimately, redemption.And as thesun dipped below the horizon, Yasuke knew thathisstory,like thesun'seternalcycle, wouldcontinue toinspire and illuminatethe hearts of thosewho heardit.
Thesun sank behind the horizonas thelast vestiges oflight bathed theJapanese countryside in awarm,goldenglow. Yasuke, a tall, muscular Africanman withskinas darkas midnight, knelt in the courtyard of Nobunaga's castle, tending tohis duties. Though he had traveled a long and treacherouspath toreach thismoment,hisjourney had just begun.
Chapter 1: A WorldAway
In a small villageon theMozambique coast, a young Yasuke lived an ordinarylife, unaware ofthe extraordinarydestiny that awaitedhim. Capturedby slave traders and torn fromhishomeland, he endured a grueling voyage across theIndianOcean,finally arriving in the bustling port ofGoa,India.
Itwas there that Yasuke'sfate took an unexpected turn when hewas purchasedby Jesuit missionaries. In their service, he learned about Christianity, new languages, and the ways of the Western world.
Chapter 2: TheLand of theRising Sun
As a loyal servant to the missionaries, Yasuke accompanied themon theirjourney toJapan, aland of mystique and intrigue. The beauty of theland, the complexity ofits customs, and the elegance ofits people captivatedhim.As the first African toset foot inJapan, heattractedattention andcuriosity fromall thosewho encounteredhim.
Chapter 3: The Encounter
InKyoto, the capital of feudalJapan, Yasuke'slifechanged forever when he metOda Nobunaga,one ofthe mostpowerful and influential daimyos ofthe time. Nobunagawas captivatedby the African's physical prowess,intelligence, and uniquebackground. Seeing potential in Yasuke, Nobunaga decided totakehim intohis serviceas asamurai.
Chapter 4: ThePath of theWarrior
Yasuke's transformation from a slave to asamuraiwas fraught with challenges. He had to adapt to the rigorous training, strict code of honor, and the intricacies ofJapanesesociety. Despite these obstacles, Yasuke's strength, resilience, anddeterminationallowedhim toexcel, earning therespect ofhis fellowsamurai and the trust of Nobunaga.
Chapter 5: The UnfoldingWar
As Nobunaga sought to unifyJapan underhis rule, Yasuke foughtbyhis side in numerousbattles. The Africansamurai'slegend grew with eachvictory,asdidhis bond with Nobunaga.Together, they faced both triumph and tragedy, navigating the treacherouslandscape ofalliances and betrayals that defined the era.
Chapter 6: The Turning Tide
Yasuke's reputationas a skilled and loyalsamurai grew,asdidhis bond withLord Nobunaga. Thewarlordrespected Yasuke's dedication and resilience, a stark contrast to the treachery and self-serving ambitions that plaguedmanysamurai of the era.
Word of Yasuke's prowessreached other daimyos, andwhispers of the formidable blacksamurai began to spread across the provinces. The yearwas 1579, and theOda clan had just emerged victorious in the Battle of Tedorigawa. Yasuke had fought valiantly,his towering presence and unmatched strength strikingfear intothe hearts ofhis enemies.
As theOda clan continued to expandits territories, Yasuke'sfriendship with Nobunaga deepened, and he became a trusted advisor. He learnedmore aboutJapanese culture, studied the language, and embraced the customs ofhis newhome.
In the shadows, however, the tides ofchange werebrewing. Mitsuhide Akechi,once a loyalally, had grown disillusioned with Nobunaga's rule. The resentment smoldered withinhim, fueledby a series of perceived slights and politicalmaneuverings. Mitsuhide's ambition anddesire forpower began to cloudhis judgment.
Yasuke had sensed theshift in Mitsuhide's demeanor and grew increasinglywary of thesamurailord. However, loyalty to Nobunaga preventedhim from openly voicinghis concerns. He instead focusedonhis duties, ever vigilant and ready to protecthislordat amoment's notice.
Onefateful evening, theairwas heavywith the scent ofcherry blossoms,as theOda clan gathered tocelebrate their recent victories. Laughter and the clinking of sakecups filled theair. Unbeknownst to the revelers, Mitsuhide Akechi's treacherous planwas already inmotion.
As thesun rose, the first cries of battle rangout. Mitsuhide's forces had launched a surpriseattackon Nobunaga's residenceat the Honno-ji Temple. Thechaoswas overwhelming,asfriend turned againstfriend, and theair filledwith the acrid smell of smoke andblood.
Yasuke foughthis way to Nobunaga's side,his sword cutting through the traitoroussamurai withbrutal efficiency. Thetwo menmade theirfinal standtogether, back-to-back, against the relentlessonslaught.
In the end, however, they wereoutnumbered.As Nobunaga fell, mortally wounded, Yasuke continued tofight, but he toowas eventually captured. Mitsuhide Akechi, in atwisted display ofrespect, spared Yasuke'slife, acknowledging the loyalty and prowess of the blacksamurai. Yasukewas sent to the Jesuit missionaries,his future uncertain.
Yasuke'sjourney had been a remarkableone, from a slave in a foreignland to a trusted advisor andsamurai. Despitehis extraordinary circumstances, he remainedtrue tohimself andhis values.Hisstory of strength, resilience, and loyalty would be remembered and honored forgenerations to come.
As thesunsetonanother day inJapan, the whisper of the wind carried the tale of the blacksamurai, Yasuke, across theland.It would weaveits way through the ages, inspiring countless others torise above adversity and carve their ownpaths through the storms oflife.
The singingsea
The talking trees
A Silent in anoisy way
But give nolight
The world spins backward everyday
A checkered cat
Go tail in tail around theroad
The mouseis pleased
Today I heard
Sitting upon a silverbranch
Whichmade mesad and start to laugh
But thereisonly me inthe family
When I grow up