Let’s faceit: starting a conversationon a dating app canfeel terrifying.You seesomeoneyou’re interested in,you typeout amessage, and then…youdeleteit. “Is this too boring?” “Will they even respond?” “What if I sound awkward?”
We’veall been there. That firstmessage canmake orbreakyour chances ofconnecting withsomeone amazing. Buthere’s thegood news:youdon’t have tooverthink it.With the rightopeningline,you canspark a conversation thatfeelsnatural,fun, and meaningful.
AtMixerDates, webelieve that every greatconnection starts with a great conversation. That’swhy we’ve puttogether this guide to helpyoucraft the best dating appopeninglines—ones that standout, showyour personality, andlead to realconnections. Ready to ditch the “hey” and start making animpact?Let’sdive in!
Before weget into the bestopeninglines,let’stalk aboutwhyyour firstmessageis so important.
Youropeninglineisyour chance tomake a greatfirst impression.It’s thegateway to a conversation that couldlead tosomething special. A thoughtful,creativemessage shows thatyou’re genuinely interested—not just swiping mindlessly.
Your firstmessage sets thetone for the entire conversation. A boring orgenericopener mightlead to a dull chat, while afun or intriguingone canspark excitement andcuriosity.
Let’s be real: everyonelovesfeeling special. Whenyou put effort intoyouropeningline,it shows thatyou care enough to standout. AndonMixerDates, where wevalue authenticity and positivity, that effortgoes a long way.
Now,let’sget to thegood stuff—the best dating appopeninglines that actually work. These are divided intocategories to suit different personalities and situations.
Whilethe examples above are great starting points, the bestopeninglines are theones thatfeel authentic toyou.Here are sometips to helpyoucraftyour own:
Referencesomething from theirprofile—aphoto, a hobby, or ashared interest.It showsyou’re payingattention and not just copying and pasting.
Avoid heavy oroverly serious topics right off the bat. Keep thetonelight and playful tomake the conversation enjoyable.
Don’ttry to besomeoneyou’re not. Ifyou’renaturallyfunny, lean into that. Ifyou’remore thoughtful,go for asincere compliment or question.
“Hey” or “What’s up?” might be easy, but they’re also forgettable. Put in alittle effort to standout.
This gives the other person an easy way to respond and keeps the conversation flowing.
AtMixerDates, we’reall about creating a positive,inclusive space whereyou canfeel comfortablebeingyourself.Here’swhy our platformis the best place to put theseopeninglines into practice:
We welcome everyone, no matterwhoyou are orwhoyoulove. Our platformis designed to be a safe space whereyou canconnect withlike-minded people.
Our users create detailedprofiles thatmakeit easy to findshared interests andcraft personalizedopeninglines.
We encourage our community to be genuine and kind, soyou canfeel confident starting conversations withoutfear of judgment or rejection.
Don’t justtake ourword forit—here’s whatone of our users had to say:
“I met my partneronMixerDates, anditallstarted with asimplemessage about oursharedlove for travel. The conversation flowednaturally, and therestishistory. I’m so grateful for this platform!”
While a greatopeningline canspark a conversation,building a realconnectiontakesmore than just a clevermessage.Here are thekeyelements tolook for when seeking a meaningfulconnection:
A strongconnection starts with alignmenton the things that mattermost. Doyoushare similarvalues,lifegoals, or visions forthe future?
Look forsomeonewhoiswilling toshare their thoughts,feelings, and vulnerabilities—andwho encouragesyou to do the same.
Healthy relationships are atwo-way street. Both people should be putting in effort to communicate, plan dates, and support each other.
Atrueconnectionallows both people to be themselves without judgment.Look forsomeonewho celebratesyour uniqueness and encouragesyou to pursueyour passions.
Communicationis the foundation ofany strong relationship. A mutualconnection thrivesonhonesty, transparency, and the ability to resolve conflicts in ahealthy way.
AtMixerDates, we’rehere to helpyou find thesekeyelements in a partner. Our platformis designed toconnectyou with peoplewhoshareyourvaluesand arelooking for the same thingsyou are. Starting a conversationon a dating app doesn’t have to be stressful.With the rightopeningline,you canspark aconnection thatfeelsnatural,fun, and meaningful.And atMixerDates, we’rehere to helpyou everystep of the way.
So, what areyou waiting for?Craft that perfectopeningline,joinMixerDates, and startconnecting with peoplewhovalue authenticity and positivity.Your perfectmatchisout there—and they’re justonemessageaway.
Firstdates can be exciting and nerve-wrackingallatonce.You’re meetingsomeone new, learning about their interests, and trying to figureout if there’schemistrybetweenyou. And then there’s flirting, that delicate dance of showingsomeoneyou’re interested withoutbeing too forward or awkward.
Flirtingdoesn’t have to be a high-pressuresituation. Infact,it can bethe mostfun part ofgetting to knowsomeone. Whetheryou're meetingsomeoneonMixerDates orany other platform,the most important thingis to be genuine,staycalm, and let theconnection developnaturally.
Ifyou’ve everfoundyourself wondering how to flirton a firstdate withoutfeeling uncomfortable,you’re notalone. Everyonehas their awkwardmoments, but themoreyou understand theart of flirting, the easierit becomes. In thisarticle, we’llbreak down how to flirt in a way thatfeelsnatural, exciting,and authentic towhoyou are. So, let'sdive in and learn how tomakethe most ofyour firstdate experience—withoutoverthinkingit.
Whenit comes to flirting, confidenceiskey. But whatdoesit really mean to be confidenton a firstdate? Confidencedoesn’t meanyouneed to be perfect, or evenoutgoing—it simply meansbeing comfortable inyour ownskin and showing upasyour authentic self.
Haveyou ever noticed how people are drawn to thosewho radiate self-assurance?It’s not aboutbragging or dominating the conversation—it’s about presentingyourself with ease. Ifyoufeelgood aboutyourself,itwillnaturally show. A greatsmile,good posture, and eye contact cango a long way in making agoodfirst impression.
For instance, think about thelasttimesomeone walked into a room and immediately caughtyourattention—not because they werethe mostattractive person in the room, but because of their energy. They were confident, they were present, and theymadeyoufeelat ease. That’s the kind of confidenceyou want to projectonyourdate.
Whenyou're confident,you're not worried about saying the perfect thing. Instead,youfocuson enjoying themoment, making the other personfeel comfortable, and letting theconnection happennaturally. That’s themagic of confidence—itallowsyou to be present,fun, and,most importantly,yourself.
Let’s faceit—noonewants tofeellike they’rebeing “worked” or put through a game. That’swhy subtletyis such a powerfultool whenit comes to flirting.It'sall about showing interest withoutbeingover-the-top or too obvious.
Flirtingdoesn’talways mean complimentingsomeone non-stop or using cheesy pickup lines. Infact,the most successful flirtingis the kind that happens behind the scenes—subtle, playful, andlighthearted. Think about thelittlemoments,like a teasing comment about how theyalways order the same thingat a restaurant or the wayyou laughat a silly joke theymake.
Thekeyis to find a balance. Asimplesmile or a playful comment can convey interest withoutbeing too much. For example, ifyourdate tellsyou theylove hiking but theytend togetlost easily,you could saysomethinglike, “So,you’re telling meyouneed a personal guide? I couldget behind that!”It’slighthearted, humorous, andmost importantly,it keeps the conversationfun without putting too much pressureon thesituation.
By keepingit subtle,youallowyourdate tofeelat ease.Ittakes the pressure off them to be perfectand allows both ofyou to enjoy the interactionmorenaturally. Flirtingdoesn’tneed to be a performance—it’s about creating an environment where both ofyou canfeel comfortableand authentic.
Now,let’stalk aboutsomething incredibly important in the flirting game:active listening. When we’reon adate, we oftenget caught up in thinking about what to saynext, how we’re coming across, or if we’rebeing interesting enough. But the best way tomake animpression? Truly listening toyourdate.
Active listening meansyou’re fullyengaged in the conversation, givingyourdateyour fullattention and responding thoughtfully.It’s about showing thatyou care about what they’re saying and thatyou’re genuinely interested ingetting to know them better. Whenyou listenactively,you’re also giving them space toopen up, and that can create an immediateconnection.
For example, ifyourdate mentions they recently traveled toJapan, instead of simply saying, “That’scool!”you could follow up withsomethinglike, “Whatwasthe most memorable experienceyou had there?” This shows thatyou’re not just hearing their words but are genuinely curious and invested in their experiences.It’s a great way to build rapport and let them knowyou’re not just there toimpress them—you’re there toconnect.
Whileyour words are important,body language often speaks louder thananythingyou can say. Whetheryourealizeit or not,yourbodyis constantly communicating howyoufeel. Howyousit, stand, andmove tellsyourdate whetheryou’rerelaxed,engaged, or distracted.
Small gestures cango a long way in flirting. Alight touchon thearm, a subtle lean in when they’re speaking, or maintaininggood eye contact—all thesebody language cues helpsignalyour interest. Andthe great thingis, whendonenaturally, these cues can be justas effectiveas words.
For example, ifyou’resittingat a caféonyourdate andyou lean in slightly when they’re sharing afunnystory,you’re not just showing thatyou’re interested—you’re inviting them intoyour space.It’s aninvitation toconnect further. And when they respondby leaning in too, that’s when themagic happens—the unspokenconnection that tellsyou both that there’s potential formore.
Flirting throughbody languagedoesn’t mean making grand gestures orbeingoverly touchy.It’s aboutbeing present and showing thatyou’reengagedwith yourdate in a subtle, but meaningful way.
It’s easy toget caught up inoverthinking how to flirt or trying to figureout ifyourdateis intoyou. Buthere’s asecret—whenyou letgo of the pressureand allowyourself to havefun,everything flows muchmorenaturally. Flirtingon a firstdatedoesn’tneed tofeellike atest or anassignment.It’s supposed to be afun,lighthearted experience that sets the stage formore greatdates ahead.
Whenwas thelasttimeyou had a genuinelyfundate?Wasit whenyou were trying too hard toimpress, or whenyou were both laughing, chatting, and enjoying each other's company? Flirting becomes effortless whenyou're present, enjoying themoment, and letting theconnection grownaturally.
Sometimes,it's the smallmoments—like sharing a laugh or swapping embarrassing stories—thatmake a firstdate truly special. Whenyoufocuson havingfun,you create an environment where both ofyou canrelax, flirt, and let thechemistry grow. That’s thesecret to a greatdate.
One of the best things about using a platformlikeMixerDatesis thatittakes the guessworkout of the equation.Byconnecting withsomeonewho already sharesyour interests and values,you’vegot a head starton making a realconnection.No more swiping through countless profiles hoping for aspark—onMixerDates,you already know there’ssomething incommon.
Whenyou’re alreadyon the same pagewith yourdate, flirting comesmore easily. There’s less of that awkward, “Are we evenon the same wavelength?”feeling, andmore of thefun, “Wow, we reallyclick!” vibe. Whetheryou’retalking aboutfavorite hobbies, movies, orlifegoals, the conversation flowsnaturally, making the flirtingfeel effortless.
Ifyou're looking for a place to meetlike-minded people and build genuineconnections,MixerDatesis the perfect platform.It's a great place to findsomeonewho appreciatesyou forwhoyou are andwhoyou cannaturally flirt with, without the stress.
Flirtingon a firstdateisall about confidence,connection, andfun. Whenyou letgo of the pressure andfocuson enjoyingthe experience, thechemistrywillnaturally follow. Remember, the best way to flirtisbybeingyourself—letyour personalityshine through, listen with intention, and embrace themoment.
And ifyou’re ready to meetsomeone new,who’s justas interested in making aconnectionasyou are,MixerDatesis the perfect place to start. Sogo ahead,take theleap, and see whereit leads.Who knows?Yournext greatconnection might be just aclickaway.
Sign up forMixerDatestoday and startyourjourney to exciting firstdates and meaningfulconnections!
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I Traveled to 46States inAmerica ThisSummer.Here’sWhyTrump Won.
By Frank S. Zhou
By Ezekiel A. Wells
Ezekiel A. Wells ’27is aDouble Concentrator in Environment Science & Engineering and Economics in EliotHouse. He spentlastsummertraveling to 46Americanstates conductinginterviews forhisYouTube series, “CrossroadsAmerica.”
A week after Democrats’ election loss, accusations have flown in every direction within their Party. Some faultPresidentJoe Biden for an egoistic refusal todropout of therace earlier. Someblame the Harris campaign for failing to servekey demographics and communicate a clearvision for the country. And someblameAmericans, claiming that racism and sexism drove voters towardTrump.
These factors certainly exist, but we’remissing a largerpiece of the picture.
Over thesummer, I traveled to 46states in the U.S., creating aYouTube series highlighting slices oflife across the country. In conversations from my nearly three-monthroad trip, I spoke with Republicanswho were certain that inflationis entirely Biden’s fault and Democratswho, despite their frustrations with corporate profits and desires foruniversal healthcare, hoped for amore moderate candidate. From supporters ofall candidates, I heard a shockingamount of misinformation.
After combing through hundreds of hours ofinterview footage fromswingstateTrump voters, Iam certain that,as muchas other factors influenced theoutcome of the election, our crumbling media landscape — whichhas caused arift in our democracy —ismost toblame.
In the postwar period,newswas dominatedby threemain channels, and because ofthe FairnessDoctrine, eachstation reported the same stories and covered multiple sides of eachissue.Viewers picked which channels they watchedmainly basedon their preferences fornewsanchors’ personalities. Of course, thismodel hadits problems, but,at the end of the day,it meant thatAmericans worked with a sharedset of facts.
A sharedset of factsis notthe world welive intoday.
Throughout myinterviews, conspiracy theories were rampant, andonat leastfive separate occasions across separatestates, Iwas told that Bill Gates tampers with ourfood, adding plastic to our fruits and vegetables tomakehis medical investmentsmore profitable.
In conversations with voters, neither side seemed able tonamemany specific policyissues they cared about; everyone just seemed to repeat the words of theirfavorite pundits,podcast hosts, andinternet personalities.
Although this behavioris harmful, Idon’tblame everydayAmericans.Blame fallson the media thathas ostracized, disillusioned, and misinformed them.
I firstsaw this trend withlow-wage workers in West Virginia,who — despitefalling inflationrates — have seen stagnated salaries and clear increases infood costs. ChannelslikeFoxNews bred anger and resentment formany of them.
TakeJuly of thissummer, for example, when for the firsttime inhis presidency, prices actually fell under the Biden administration. Traditional media establishments rushed tocelebrate thisvictory, withone article fromCNN declaring, “The White House can finallycrossout ‘inflation’onits list ofpresidential liabilities.” However,outside these bubbles, I observedmanyAmericans held a differentview.
In lateJuly, Iwas welcomedat a massive familyreunion in Tylertown, Mississippi, whereoneTrump voter — a middle-aged, Black, familyman, pastor, andsoulfood enthusiast —made this clear.
“When Igo in the grocery stores, and Igotta spend mylast toget groceries,you mean totell me I’m notgonnalook and seewho’sgonna vote to help me? I voted forTrump and I’d vote forhimagain, because he put money in ourpocket,” he told me.
In their coverage,mainstreamnews organizations obsessover the Federal Reserve’snextrate cuts while failing toconnect with people concernedwith theirnext meals.With titleslike “Vance:YoungAmericans ‘Are Becoming Paupers’ Due To Inflation, High Housing Costs,” siteslike The DailyWire had their fingerson the pulse ofAmerican sentiment, welcoming new readership from thosewhofelt neglectedby traditional media.
This problemwas not just confined to the economy. While Biden’s mentalstatewas deteriorating,liberal mediaoutlets seemed to under-cover these stories, shelteringhim from scrutiny ofhis declining capabilities, until theinfamouspresidential debate.
Formerly trusted networksslowlymade themselves indigestible to the polarizedAmerican public, and in 2024, for the third year in a row, a Gallup pollfound thatmoreAmericans indicated having “no trust” in the media than thosewho trustit a “great deal/fairamount”.
So wheredoes the averageAmerican turn when thenation’s media cannot be trusted? Formany people,itwasYouTubetalk shows,Newsmax, andpodcasters suchasJoe Rogan.
While Democrats seek toblame various internal factors for this election’s loss, I cannot help but think ofJoe Rogan’sTrump endorsement, themany blind lies I heard from ordinary citizens across the country, and declining trust inAmerican journalism.
AsHarvard students and members of highereducation institutions, we have a part to play in the problem.AtHarvard’s Institute ofPolitics, thosewho denied the 2020 election results have been precluded from speakingat theJFKJr. Forum. While thegoalis understandable,it shields students from understanding theAmericanviewpoints they represent.
Thereis adifferencebetween platforming intentional andmanipulative misinformation and listening to and learning about where people are and what theybelieve.
As a pipeline tomainstream media,Harvard, andits future journalists, have to consider the audience they lose when theystay inside of their bubble and ignore theissues of everydayAmericans.
The disappearance of factual importance in our worldis alarming and dangerous, but if we,asaspiring journalists, politicians, andengaged citizens, want to betaken seriously in communicatingTrump’s threat to democracy, inflationary tariff policies, and soon, we oweAmerican voters that seriousness, too.
Ezekiel A. Wells ’27is aDouble Concentrator in Environment Science & Engineering and Economics in EliotHouse. He spentlastsummertraveling to 46Americanstates conductinginterviews forhisYouTube series, “CrossroadsAmerica."
Intoday’s fast-paced travel industry, small businessesneed tostay nimble andconnected.One way to do thisisby tapping into flightAPIs. These powerful tools can elevateyour travel booking system, makingit easier to offer competitive flight options. So, what’sthe the best flightAPI foryour small travel business?Let’s explore some of thetop choicesout there.
Understanding FlightAPIs: What Are They?
At theircore, flightAPIsallowaccess to flight data. Think of themas abridge connectingusers to various airlines and travel service providers.By integrating theseAPIs, small businesses can fetch flight schedules, availability, and prices, helping travelers find the deals theyneed,all in one place.
SkyscannerAPI: ATreasure Trove of Options
SkyscannerAPI standsoutas afavorite.It'slike havingyour own travelassistantatyour fingertips. ThisAPI provides comprehensive dataon flights, accommodations, andcar rentals across multiple airlines. Withitsuser-friendlystructure,you can seamlessly integrateit intoyourwebsite. Plus,it’sexcellent for small businesses looking to offer a wide range of options without getting bogged downbycomplex systems.
AmadeusAPI: PoweringYour Travel Solutions
Amadeusisn't just agiant in the travel world;it’s a goldmine for small businesses too. ThisAPI provides robust functionalities,allowingyou toaccess information about flight availability, fare rules, and evencheck-in details. Imaginebeing able to offeryour customers personalized travel experiences,allthanks to the wealth of data Amadeus supplies.
Kiwi.comAPI: The FlexibilityYouNeed
Kiwi.comAPI givesyou the flexibility to combine different airlines and find uniqueroutes.It’slike having amagic wand that creates unconventionalitineraries!You can cater to budget travelerswholove to explore offbeat paths. In a world where travelers crave personalized experiences, thisAPI offers just that.
TravelportAPI: A Well-Rounded Option
Ifyou’re looking for a well-rounded travelAPI, Travelportdoes not disappoint.It offersaccess to a multitude of airlines and provides detailed pricingand availability. Using Travelport,you can manage bookings and even handle customer service queries seamlessly.It’slike having aone-stop shop forallyour travelAPIneeds.
SabreAPIisanother heavyweight champion in the travel industry. With a vastnetwork and established reputation,it provides detailed flight information and booking capabilities. Ifyour small businessaims to grow into a trustedname, partnering with Sabre can helpyoureach a broader audience.
What to Consider When Choosing anAPI
Choosing the rightAPI can be overwhelming, butit boils down to a few essential factors:
• Cost:Is there a fee to use theAPI?Always weigh the costs againstyour potential revenue.
• Documentation: How easyisit to integrate? Well-documentedAPIs are easier and lesstime-consuming to implement.
• Support: Ifyourun intoissues, how responsiveis their support team? Quality customer support can saveyou a lot of headaches.
For small travel businesses, flightAPIs aremore than just tools; they’re keys to unlocking wider opportunities. EachAPIhasits unique perks, soit’scrucial to find theone that alignswith your business goals.With the right flightAPI,you can simplify booking processes, enhancecustomer satisfaction, and ultimatelyboostyourbottom line. Embrace the innovation, and letyour travel business soar!
Source & Publishedby:https://www.namantechnolab.com/
Intoday’s fast-paced travel industry, small businessesneed tostay nimble andconnected.One way to do thisisby tapping into flightAPIs. These powerful tools can elevateyour travel booking system, makingit easier to offer competitive flight options. So, what’sthe the best flightAPI foryour small travel business?Let’s explore some of thetop choicesout there.
Understanding FlightAPIs: What Are They?
At theircore, flightAPIsallowaccess to flight data. Think of themas abridge connectingusers to various airlines and travel service providers.By integrating theseAPIs, small businesses can fetch flight schedules, availability, and prices, helping travelers find the deals theyneed,all in one place.
SkyscannerAPI: ATreasure Trove of Options
SkyscannerAPI standsoutas afavorite.It'slike havingyour own travelassistantatyour fingertips. ThisAPI provides comprehensive dataon flights, accommodations, andcar rentals across multiple airlines. Withitsuser-friendlystructure,you can seamlessly integrateit intoyourwebsite. Plus,it’sexcellent for small businesses looking to offer a wide range of options without getting bogged downbycomplex systems.
AmadeusAPI: PoweringYour Travel Solutions
Amadeusisn't just agiant in the travel world;it’s a goldmine for small businesses too. ThisAPI provides robust functionalities,allowingyou toaccess information about flight availability, fare rules, and evencheck-in details. Imaginebeing able to offeryour customers personalized travel experiences,allthanks to the wealth of data Amadeus supplies.
Kiwi.comAPI: The FlexibilityYouNeed
Kiwi.comAPI givesyou the flexibility to combine different airlines and find uniqueroutes.It’slike having amagic wand that creates unconventionalitineraries!You can cater to budget travelerswholove to explore offbeat paths. In a world where travelers crave personalized experiences, thisAPI offers just that.
TravelportAPI: A Well-Rounded Option
Ifyou’re looking for a well-rounded travelAPI, Travelportdoes not disappoint.It offersaccess to a multitude of airlines and provides detailed pricingand availability. Using Travelport,you can manage bookings and even handle customer service queries seamlessly.It’slike having aone-stop shop forallyour travelAPIneeds.
SabreAPIisanother heavyweight champion in the travel industry. With a vastnetwork and established reputation,it provides detailed flight information and booking capabilities. Ifyour small businessaims to grow into a trustedname, partnering with Sabre can helpyoureach a broader audience.
What to Consider When Choosing anAPI
Choosing the rightAPI can be overwhelming, butit boils down to a few essential factors:
• Cost:Is there a fee to use theAPI?Always weigh the costs againstyour potential revenue.
• Documentation: How easyisit to integrate? Well-documentedAPIs are easier and lesstime-consuming to implement.
• Support: Ifyourun intoissues, how responsiveis their support team? Quality customer support can saveyou a lot of headaches.
For small travel businesses, flightAPIs aremore than just tools; they’re keys to unlocking wider opportunities. EachAPIhasits unique perks, soit’scrucial to find theone that alignswith your business goals.With the right flightAPI,you can simplify booking processes, enhancecustomer satisfaction, and ultimatelyboostyourbottom line. Embrace the innovation, and letyour travel business soar!
Source & Publishedby:https://www.namantechnolab.com/
「Bidadieu toall the biiiiirds!」
単語 | 元の単語 | 備考 |
サボる | サボタージュ(sabotage) | 前方一致 |
ダブる | ダブル(double) | 発音一致 |
ハモる | ハーモニー(harmony) | 前方一致 |
ググる | グーグル(google) | ググレカス |
パニクる | パニック(panic) | 後方追加 |
ディスる | ディスリスペクト(disrespect) | 前方一致 |
ミスる | ミス(miss) | 後方追加 |
トラブる | トラブル(trouble) | 発音一致 |
デコる | デコレート(decorate) | 前方一致 |
メモる | メモ(memo) | 後方追加 |
バズる | バズ(buzz) | 後方追加 |
スペる | スペランカー(spelunker) | 前方一致 |
サチる | サチュレーション(saturation) | 前方一致 |
ディグる | ディグ(dig) | 後方追加 |
バグる | バグ(bug) | 後方追加 |
ネゴる | ネゴシエーション(negotiation) | 前方一致 |
ダフる | ダフ(duff) | 後方追加 |
タクる | タクシー(taxi) | 前方一致 |
コピる | コピー(copy) | 前方一致 |
スタンバる | スタンバイ(standby) | 前方一致 |
タゲる | ターゲット(target) | 前方一致 |
ネグる | ネグレクト(neglect) | 前方一致 |
ハウる | ハウリング(howling) | 前方一致 |
リムる | リムーブ(remove) | 前方一致 |
ファボる | フェイバリット(favorite) | 前方一致 |
ジャムる | ジャム(jam) | 後方追加 |
アピる | アピール(appeal) | 発音一致 |
アジる | アジテーション(agitation) | 前方一致 |
カニバる | カニバリゼーション(cannibalization) | 前方一致 |
エターナる | エターナル(eternal) | 発音一致 |
ポシャる | シャッポ(chapeau) | 特殊 |
テンパる | テンパイ(聴牌) | 前方一致 |
不運(ハードラック)と踊(ダンス)る | hard luckとdance | !! |
Permalink |記事への反応(27) | 21:39
(In my mind) Celiahas completely surpassed Daso Edit
First ofall,Japanese-made goods arenow clearly marked with "Made in Japan" tags.
Thisis probably an improvementover the past year ortwo. Basedonuserfeedback, the companyhas been promotingJapanese products.
GoodJapanese-made kitchen tools account forhalf of the products.
Myfavorite Tupperwarehas been a best-seller formore than 5 years, and I have notchanged the designatall.
In other words, Iget theimpression that thisis asteady company thatdoes notchangeits best-selling productsatall, but improves themone millimeterat atime.
Even in 2022, many of DASO's products arestillmade in China, and thereislittlesense of progress.
When I visit the sales floor, theatmosphereis much the sameasitwas10 years ago.
Celia seems to begettingmore upscale every year. Without changing the price.
I want to supportplaces where I canfeel this kind of corporate effort.
Celiahas completely surpassed Dasoh in my opinion.
What areyou saying to a product that's 100yen apop? Areyou a poor person?
But infact, the quality ofJapanese-made Tupperware and chopsticksis so good thatyou would notbelieve they are 100yen.
Ifyou couldonlyeatone meal for therest ofyourlife, what wouldit be?
Ifyou couldliveanywhere, where wouldit be?
Whatisyourfavorite familyvacation?
What wouldyouchange aboutyourself ifyou could?
What motivatesyou to work hard?
Whatisyour biggest complaint aboutyour job?
Whatisyourfavoritebook to read?
Whatwas thelast movieyou went to? Whatdidyou think?
Whatdidyou want to be whenyou were small?
Ifyou could choose to doanything for a day, what wouldit be?
What wouldyou singatKaraoke night?
How wouldyourfriends describeyou?
36. Whatis the bestgiftyou have been given?
37. Whatis theworstgiftyou have received?
40. Where doyou seeyourself infive years?
42. Ifyou were a super-hero, whatpowers wouldyou have?
43. What wouldyou do ifyou won the lottery?
44. What form of public transportation doyou prefer? (air,boat,train, bus,car,etc.)
45. What'syourfavoritezooanimal?
46. Ifyou couldgo back intime tochangeone thing, what wouldit be?
48. How many pillows doyou sleep with?
49. What's the longestyou'vegone without sleep (andwhy)?
52. How often doyou buy clothes?
53. Haveyou ever had asecret admirer?
54. What'syourfavorite holiday?
55. What'sthe most daring thingyou've ever done?
56. Whatwas thelast thingyou recordedonTV?
57. Whatwas thelastbookyou read?
58. What'syourfavorite type of foreignfood?
59. Areyou aclean ormessy person?
60.Who wouldyou want to playyou in a movie ofyourlife?
61. How longdoesittakeyou toget ready in the morning?
62. What kitchen appliance doyou use every day?
63. What'syourfavorite fastfoodchain?
64. What'syourfavorite family recipe?
65. Doyoulove orhate rollercoasters?
66. What'syourfavorite family tradition?
67. Whatisyourfavoritechildhood memory?
69. How old wereyou whenyou learnedSantawasn't real? Howdidyou findout?
70.Isyour glasshalf full orhalfempty?
71. What's the craziest thingyou’ve done in thename oflove?
72. What threeitems wouldyoutakewith youon a desertedisland?
73. Whatwasyourfavorite subject in school?
74. What'sthe most unusual thingyou've evereaten?
76.Is thereanythingyou wished would come back into fashion?
77. Areyou an introvert or an extrovert?
78. Which of thefive senses wouldyou sayisyour strongest?
79. Haveyou ever had a surprise party? (thatwas an actual surprise)
80. Areyou related or distantly related toanyone famous?
82.Doesyour family have a “motto” – spoken or unspoken?
83. Ifyou were ruler ofyour own country what would be the first lawyou would introduce?
84.Whowasyourfavorite teacher in school andwhy?
85. What three things doyou think ofthe most each day?
86. Ifyou had awarning label, what wouldyours say?
87. What song wouldyou say best sumsyou up?
88. What celebrity wouldyoulike to meetatStarbucks for acup of coffee?
time clocks alarms appointments schedulestansign up form team volunteers meeting black recruitment recruitingneedsign up form 5kmarathon runningracemarathongreenshoessign up form
90. What'sthe most interesting thingyou can seeout ofyour office or kitchen window?
91.On ascale of 1-10 how funny wouldyou sayyou are?
92. Where doyou seeyourself in10 years?
94. Ifyou couldjoinany past or currentmusicgroup which wouldyou want tojoin?
95. How many languages doyou speak?
96. Whatisyourfavorite family holiday tradition?
97.Whoisthe most intelligent personyou know?
98. Ifyou had to describeyourselfas ananimal, whichone wouldit be?
1a. https://b.hatena.ne.jp/hotentry/{1}(引数に"all"を入力した場合、1のエイリアス)
1b. https://b.hatena.ne.jp/ctop/{1}(カテゴリトップ[3]が過去に存在していた場合、1aにリダイレクト)
1c. https://b.hatena.ne.jp/hotentry/{1}/{2}
1d. https://b.hatena.ne.jp/hotentry/{1}/daily(1cにリダイレクト。前々日か前日の分が表示される)
1e. https://b.hatena.ne.jp/hotentry/{1}/{3}(?page={4})(()内のパラメータは省略可。以下同様)
1f. https://b.hatena.ne.jp/hotentry/{1}/{3}(?of={5})
2a. https://b.hatena.ne.jp/hotentry.rss
2b. https://b.hatena.ne.jp/hotentry/{1}.rss("all"を入力した場合、2aのエイリアス)
2c. https://b.hatena.ne.jp/hotentry?mode=rss(2aのエイリアス)
2d. https://feeds.feedburner.com/hatena/b/hotentry(2aのエイリアス)[4]
3. https://b.hatena.ne.jp/entrylist/{1}(/{3}?page={4})(ブクマ登録数の閾値を設定するオプションがあったが、2018年3月に廃止された[5])
4a. https://b.hatena.ne.jp/entrylist.rss
4b. https://b.hatena.ne.jp/entrylist/{1}.rss("all"を入力した場合、4aのエイリアス)
{1} | カテゴリID | 省略するとカテゴリ「総合」のページが表示される |
{2} | エントリ登録日 | "YYYYMMDD"の形式で入力。当該月日の24時から一定時間経過後に利用可能になる。有効な最古の値は20050210 |
{3} | 特集名 | 特集[6]は不定期に改廃されるため、値が有効か注意 |
{4} | ページ番号 | |
{5} | オフセット | 表示結果の先頭が、指定した値だけ後ろにずれる。1ページ分表示可 |
1a. https://b.hatena.ne.jp/entry/(s/){1}("s/"はセキュアサイトのエントリページURLに付加される[16])
1b. https://b.hatena.ne.jp/entry/{2}(正しく処理された場合、1aにリダイレクト)
1c. https://b.hatena.ne.jp/entry/{3}(1aにリダイレクト)
1d. https://b.hatena.ne.jp/entry?url={2}(1aのエイリアス)
{1} | URL | ブクマされたURL(原則として、パーセントエンコード[19]されたもの)の一部を入力 |
{2} | URL | URL(同上)全体を入力 |
{3} | エントリID | 下記参照 |
26 | 2005/2/10 | nabeso | http://b.hatena.ne.jp/help |
252298 | 2005/5/24 | nobody | http://b.hatena.ne.jp/help#tag |
261369 | 2005/5/26 | another | http://b.hatena.ne.jp/help#favorite |
308455 | 2005/6/9 | naoya | http://b.hatena.ne.jp/help?mode=design |
361820 | 2005/6/23 | superartlife | http://b.hatena.ne.jp/help#collection |
368560 | 2005/6/24 | kurimax | http://b.hatena.ne.jp/help?mode=button |
369059 | 2005/6/24 | takeshi-s | http://b.hatena.ne.jp/help?mode=button#jugem |
461306 | 2005/7/18 | kidaglass | http://b.hatena.ne.jp/help?mode=button#livedoor |
540219 | 2005/8/9 | kei-s | http://b.hatena.ne.jp/help?mode=tipjar |
990732 | 2006/1/14 | takef | http://b.hatena.ne.jp/help?mode=tipjar#autodiscovery |
1021385 | 2005/12/27 | tosch0718 | http://b.hatena.ne.jp/help#note_about_title |
1051040 | 2006/1/7 | junky0 | http://b.hatena.ne.jp/help?mode=button#seesaa |
1148729 | 2010/7/8 | b01012109 | http://b.hatena.ne.jp/help/ |
1785475 | 2006/4/20 | eiichiman | http://b.hatena.ne.jp/help?mode=design#module |
2361801 | 2006/7/19 | yamifuu | http://b.hatena.ne.jp/help#keybind |
4670135055805666274 | 2020/1/7 | aoyamayuki | https://b.hatena.ne.jp/help/ |
{1} | ユーザID | |
{2} | ブクマ日 | "YYYYMMDD"の形式で、当該ユーザがブクマした日付を入力 |
{3} | エントリID | 当該ユーザがブクマしたURLのIDを入力 |
{4} | エントリID | エントリページに対応するどのIDでも入力可 |
1a. https://b.hatena.ne.jp/search/{1}?q={2}(&sort={3}&users={4}&safe={5}&date_begin={6}&date_end={7}&page={8}&mode={9})
1b. https://b.hatena.ne.jp/t/{2}(1aにリダイレクト)
{1} | 検索範囲 | "tag""title""text"のいずれかを入力 |
{2} | 検索文字列 | ブクマに付帯するタグ・ページタイトル・ページ本文中のいずれかで、指定した文字列を検索する。複数の文字列を"%20""|""-"で連結すると、AND・OR・NOT検索できる[30]。"site:{URL}"の形式で入力すると、URL絞込検索できる |
{3} | 表示順 | "popular"を指定すると、結果がブックマーク登録数降順で表示。デフォルトは新着順 |
{4} | ブクマ件数 | 指定件数以上のエントリで絞込検索する。デフォルト値は3 |
{5} | セーフサーチの有無 | "off"を指定できる。デフォルトはオン |
{6} | 検索期間の始め | "YYYY-MM-DD"形式で指定した日付以降のエントリで、絞込検索 |
{7} | 検索期間の終り | "YYYY-MM-DD"形式で指定した日付以前のエントリで、絞込検索 |
{8} | ページ番号 | |
{9} | "rss"を指定できる | |
{10} | URL | 指定URLで絞込検索 |
{11} | 表示順 | "count""hot"を指定すると登録数降順、"eid"で新着順で表示。デフォルトは、ブクマ3件以上のエントリのみ新着順 |
1a. https://b.hatena.ne.jp/{1}/(?page={2})
1b. https://b.hatena.ne.jp/{1}/?tag={3}(&tag={3}&page={2})
1c. https://b.hatena.ne.jp/{1}/{3}(/{3})(1bのエイリアス)
1d. https://b.hatena.ne.jp/{1}/{4}
1e. https://b.hatena.ne.jp/{1}/?url={5}(&page={2})
1f. https://b.hatena.ne.jp/{1}/bookmark(1aのエイリアス)
2a. https://b.hatena.ne.jp/{1}/bookmark.rss(?page={2})
2b. https://b.hatena.ne.jp/{1}/bookmark.rss?tag={3}(&tag={3}&page={2})
2c. https://b.hatena.ne.jp/{1}/bookmark.rss?date={4}
2d. https://b.hatena.ne.jp/{1}/bookmark.rss?url={5}(&page={2})
2e. https://b.hatena.ne.jp/{1}/rss(2aにリダイレクト)
3. https://b.hatena.ne.jp/{1}/search.data(?limit={6}&offset={7}) [31]
{1} | ユーザID | |
{2} | ページ番号 | |
{3} | タグ | 指定タグで絞込検索。2件以上指定するとAND検索できる |
{4} | ブクマ日 | "YYYYMMDD"形式で指定した日付で絞込検索 |
{5} | URL | 指定URLで絞込検索。部分一致検索可能だが、URIスキームから入力しないと無効 |
{6} | 最大取得件数 | デフォルト値は全件 |
{7} | オフセット | 表示結果の先頭が、指定した値だけ後ろにずれる |
1 | ヘルプトップ -はてなブックマークヘルプ | https://b.hatena.ne.jp/help/ | 4670135055805666274 |
2 | はてブAPIでwebサービスを作りたい全ての人に向けて書きました | https://syncer.jp/hatebu-api-matome | 264997023 |
3 | カテゴリトップ「テクノロジー」を新設し、グローバルナビゲーションの挙動を変更しました -はてなブックマーク開発ブログ | https://bookmark.hatenastaff.com/entry/2015/11/05/151221 | 4667408542014962466 |
4 | はてブのホットエントリーのRSS一覧 - まんとるぽっと | https://www.mantol.net/entry/20120601/1338517941 | 4699737458651148386 |
5 | 【追記あり】トップページやカテゴリページなどのメディア面をリニューアルしました -はてなブックマーク開発ブログ | https://bookmark.hatenastaff.com/entry/2018/03/22/161110 | 4667408571006016450 |
6 | 編集とユーザー活動とエンジニアリングを融合した「特集機能」を始めます -はてなブックマーク開発ブログ | https://bookmark.hatenastaff.com/entry/2015/08/17/150654 | 4667408546846804962 |
7 | [FAQ]はてなブックマークの「総合」カテゴリーと「一般」カテゴリーの違いはどこにある? | https://anond.hatelabo.jp/20200108201212 | |
8 | 【自由研究】はてなブックマークにおける自動カテゴリ分けの傾向と所感 - AQM | https://aqm.hatenablog.jp/entry/2019/08/06/180100 | 4672608930549728738 |
9 | フィードバックフォームおよびカテゴリ変更依頼フォーム設置のお知らせ -はてなブックマーク開発ブログ | https://bookmark.hatenastaff.com/entry/2018/12/11/163453 | 4667408557584232770 |
10 | 新しいトップページの一覧性を高めました -はてなブックマーク開発ブログ | https://bookmark.hatenastaff.com/entry/2013/02/06/000000 | |
11 | 2008-11-07 -はてなブックマーク開発ブログ | https://bookmark.hatenastaff.com/entry/2008/11/07/000000 | |
12 | はてなブックマーク -人気エントリー -総合 -2011年12月5日 | https://b.hatena.ne.jp/hotentry/all/20111205 | |
13 | はてなブックマーク -人気エントリー -2008年11月1日 | https://web.archive.org/web/20170815132626/http://b.hatena.ne.jp/hotentry/20081101 |
毎日YouTubeを楽しんでいますが、特に "ゆっくり動画 "が好きです。
"ゆっくり動画 "とは、日本文化のシャイネスとハイコンテクストをベースに、ゲームキャラクターの頭部を模したインターネットミームを機械音声「AquesTalk」で喋らせ、様々な話題を説明するスタイルの動画です。ゆっくり動画をアップロードしているチャンネルは、例えば以下の通りです。
I’m enjoyingYouTube everyday and I especiallylike "Yukkuri videos".
“Yukkuri videos" are a style of video basedon the shyness and high context ofJapanese culture, in whichInternet memeswith the appearance of video game characters'heads aremade to speak with amachinevoice “AquesTalk” and explain various topics. The following channels upload Yukkuri videos, for example
This style of videos have gainedcore popularity inJapan. Recently, however, anumber of myfavorite Yukkuri video channels have been forced to cease theiractivities orchange course due to the suspension of monetization.
I have heard that if the uploader uses "AquesTalk"machine audiosoftware in the video,YouTube's algorithmmay determine that the videohas been unfairly mass-copied.AquesTalk'smachinevoice technologyis essential for Yukkuri videos, but many good videos have been subjected to deletion because ofit.
Some peoplemay think, "Whydon't the uploaders just use theirvoice for themselves?” but the characters of the Yukkuri Video and thevoice ofAquesTalk are inseparably linked and have become a part of the culture of acorner of theJapaneseInternet.
Many Yukkuri videos made usingAquesTalk areby no meansspam, worthless, or mass-produced. Andmost ofall, Ilike the intellectual culture of Yukkuri videos. Idon't want this culture to disappear because of a video deletionbot's mistake. I sincerelyhope that this opinion reachesdearYouTube team.
▼腐女子を中心に使われているshipperという自称について - wschldrnの日記
Shipping in fandomis theact of supporting or wishing for a particular romantic relationship — thatis, a het (different-sex),slash (male/male), femslash (female/female), or poly (three ormore partners)ship —by discussingit, writing meta aboutit, or creating other types of fanworks exploringit. Fanswho have and promotefavoriteships are calledshippers.*3
私は主に英語圏の同人界隈に生息してますが、I'm ashipperみたいな言い回しは普通しないです。shipper自体がかなり古い用語で(初出は1993年のX-ファイルジャンルだと先述の記事にある)、これはgen(general=同人界隈においてはカプなし二次創作の意)の対比として使われていたものです。今でもジャンル名またはカプ名+shipperという用法は見ますが(たとえば"Spirkshipper"という言い方はします)、shipperを使わずに単にfanとかloverとかいうほうが割合としては多いんじゃないかな。カプらせる、の意味で動詞としてshipを使うのが一番一般的。