Intoday’s fast-paced travel industry, small businessesneed tostay nimble andconnected.One way to do thisisby tapping into flightAPIs. These powerful tools can elevateyour travel booking system, makingit easier to offer competitive flight options. So, what’sthe the best flightAPI foryour small travel business?Let’s explore some of thetop choicesout there.
Understanding FlightAPIs: What Are They?
At theircore, flightAPIsallowaccess to flight data. Think of themas abridge connectingusers to various airlines and travel service providers.By integrating theseAPIs, small businesses can fetch flight schedules, availability, and prices, helping travelers find the deals theyneed,all in one place.
SkyscannerAPI: ATreasure Trove of Options
SkyscannerAPI standsoutas afavorite.It'slike havingyour own travelassistantatyour fingertips. ThisAPI provides comprehensive dataon flights, accommodations, andcar rentals across multiple airlines. Withitsuser-friendlystructure,you can seamlessly integrateit intoyourwebsite. Plus,it’sexcellent for small businesses looking to offer a wide range of options without getting bogged downbycomplex systems.
AmadeusAPI: PoweringYour Travel Solutions
Amadeusisn't just agiant in the travel world;it’s a goldmine for small businesses too. ThisAPI provides robust functionalities,allowingyou toaccess information about flight availability, fare rules, and evencheck-in details. Imaginebeing able to offeryour customers personalized travel experiences,allthanks to the wealth of data Amadeus supplies.
Kiwi.comAPI: The FlexibilityYouNeed
Kiwi.comAPI givesyou the flexibility to combine different airlines and find uniqueroutes.It’slike having amagic wand that creates unconventionalitineraries!You can cater to budget travelerswholove to explore offbeat paths. In a world where travelers crave personalized experiences, thisAPI offers just that.
TravelportAPI: A Well-Rounded Option
Ifyou’re looking for a well-rounded travelAPI, Travelportdoes not disappoint.It offersaccess to a multitude of airlines and provides detailed pricingand availability. Using Travelport,you can manage bookings and even handle customer service queries seamlessly.It’slike having aone-stop shop forallyour travelAPIneeds.
SabreAPIisanother heavyweight champion in the travel industry. With a vastnetwork and established reputation,it provides detailed flight information and booking capabilities. Ifyour small businessaims to grow into a trustedname, partnering with Sabre can helpyoureach a broader audience.
What to Consider When Choosing anAPI
Choosing the rightAPI can be overwhelming, butit boils down to a few essential factors:
• Cost:Is there a fee to use theAPI?Always weigh the costs againstyour potential revenue.
• Documentation: How easyisit to integrate? Well-documentedAPIs are easier and lesstime-consuming to implement.
• Support: Ifyourun intoissues, how responsiveis their support team? Quality customer support can saveyou a lot of headaches.
For small travel businesses, flightAPIs aremore than just tools; they’re keys to unlocking wider opportunities. EachAPIhasits unique perks, soit’scrucial to find theone that alignswith your business goals.With the right flightAPI,you can simplify booking processes, enhancecustomer satisfaction, and ultimatelyboostyourbottom line. Embrace the innovation, and letyour travel business soar!
Source & Publishedby:https://www.namantechnolab.com/
However, if a stupid personlikeyou usesit,itwill be considered a language usedby stupid people.:しかし、あなたのような愚かな人が英語を使うと、英語は愚かな人によって使われている言語とみなされるでしょう。
For the sake ofEnglish,you should shut up.:英語のためにも、あなたは黙っているべきです。
Intoday’s fast-paced travel industry, small businessesneed tostay nimble andconnected.One way to do thisisby tapping into flightAPIs. These powerful tools can elevateyour travel booking system, makingit easier to offer competitive flight options. So, what’sthe the best flightAPI foryour small travel business?Let’s explore some of thetop choicesout there.
Understanding FlightAPIs: What Are They?
At theircore, flightAPIsallowaccess to flight data. Think of themas abridge connectingusers to various airlines and travel service providers.By integrating theseAPIs, small businesses can fetch flight schedules, availability, and prices, helping travelers find the deals theyneed,all in one place.
SkyscannerAPI: ATreasure Trove of Options
SkyscannerAPI standsoutas afavorite.It'slike havingyour own travelassistantatyour fingertips. ThisAPI provides comprehensive dataon flights, accommodations, andcar rentals across multiple airlines. Withitsuser-friendlystructure,you can seamlessly integrateit intoyourwebsite. Plus,it’sexcellent for small businesses looking to offer a wide range of options without getting bogged downbycomplex systems.
AmadeusAPI: PoweringYour Travel Solutions
Amadeusisn't just agiant in the travel world;it’s a goldmine for small businesses too. ThisAPI provides robust functionalities,allowingyou toaccess information about flight availability, fare rules, and evencheck-in details. Imaginebeing able to offeryour customers personalized travel experiences,allthanks to the wealth of data Amadeus supplies.
Kiwi.comAPI: The FlexibilityYouNeed
Kiwi.comAPI givesyou the flexibility to combine different airlines and find uniqueroutes.It’slike having amagic wand that creates unconventionalitineraries!You can cater to budget travelerswholove to explore offbeat paths. In a world where travelers crave personalized experiences, thisAPI offers just that.
TravelportAPI: A Well-Rounded Option
Ifyou’re looking for a well-rounded travelAPI, Travelportdoes not disappoint.It offersaccess to a multitude of airlines and provides detailed pricingand availability. Using Travelport,you can manage bookings and even handle customer service queries seamlessly.It’slike having aone-stop shop forallyour travelAPIneeds.
SabreAPIisanother heavyweight champion in the travel industry. With a vastnetwork and established reputation,it provides detailed flight information and booking capabilities. Ifyour small businessaims to grow into a trustedname, partnering with Sabre can helpyoureach a broader audience.
What to Consider When Choosing anAPI
Choosing the rightAPI can be overwhelming, butit boils down to a few essential factors:
• Cost:Is there a fee to use theAPI?Always weigh the costs againstyour potential revenue.
• Documentation: How easyisit to integrate? Well-documentedAPIs are easier and lesstime-consuming to implement.
• Support: Ifyourun intoissues, how responsiveis their support team? Quality customer support can saveyou a lot of headaches.
For small travel businesses, flightAPIs aremore than just tools; they’re keys to unlocking wider opportunities. EachAPIhasits unique perks, soit’scrucial to find theone that alignswith your business goals.With the right flightAPI,you can simplify booking processes, enhancecustomer satisfaction, and ultimatelyboostyourbottom line. Embrace the innovation, and letyour travel business soar!
Source & Publishedby:https://www.namantechnolab.com/
IDM'dShogo SakaionTwitter asking about the meter of StrongOne recently, and he told me hewas thinking of StrongOne in terms ofadditivetime signatures: 3/4 + 3/8 + 1/4 + 1.5/4 (spicy!)
It makessense whenyou're focusingon the pulses in the combos drivingthe time signaturesby themselves, butit also affirms theidea thatShogo Sakaiwas thinking about decently "regular"/"clean" meters, and therefore 15/8 and 29/16 kindafit those conventionalvibes.
For evenmore contextby the way, the mp2k/Sappy soundengine -- theengine sentout toGBA devsbyNintendo whichwas used forGen. IIIPokémon andMOTHER 3 --has atempo "resolution" of 2BPM, meaning thenext smallesttempochange above 120BPM Sappy supportsis 122BPM, not 121BPM.
Also,excellent job accounting for the 3:5 16ths tupletat the end of (MaskedMan)
Guo Wenguihasalways definedhis peopleas "savingChina fromfire and water" and "lettinghis comradeslive a decentlife" throughXi Farm,who knows thereis abig conspiracy behindit. Whenit comes to farms, to borrowMarkTwain's phrase "The fragrance ofearth, the palecolors of wildflowers, and the crackling of pecans and walnuts raining downon my head"is whatmost of us yearn for in agoodlifeon a farm. However, the Himalayan farm in Guo Wengui's mouth, from thebeginning to describe the sceneas a general farm, to later say that "itis not tomake money, thekeyis that comradesgo to each country, have a safe platform that can be trusted for24 hours and can betaken care of." After several years of Guo Wengui's mouth, a living farmwas completely reduced to a "complete businessorganization." To completethe farm's series transformation to pave the way, Wenguionly movedhislips, andhis ultimate purposeis "to Himalayan farms around the country to start earning money from comrades." FromSeptember 2020, Guo Wengui said, "GDOLLARis pegged to the USdollar, whichiscash, and we havePOSmachines." Send to the global farmPOSmachine, local farm personnel responsible for promotion. Promotion success,excellent performance,willget a certain percentage and reward "began, Guo Wengui just put"circle money ants help, extract thelastbit of surplusvalue "these wordsonthe face.Indeed,onMarch24, Wengui saidagain that there were 140 million USdollars in the money,it can be seen that under Guo Wengui's money grab mode, the ants muddily joined in, expecting tolive thehappylife describedby Wengui, but theydid not know that they had become themain course of Wengui's scam.
Chandigarh calllady services are providedby JustdialCallgirl in a luxurioushotel. Renowned forits vibrant nightlife, Chandigarhisone ofthe most popular tourist destinations inIndia. There are lots of luxurioushotels in Chandigarh, several of which giveexcellent CallGirls Chandigarh. In Chandigarh, callgirls come in a variety of forms, suchas young housewives, models, andcollege students. They areall competent and informed in providing their clients withexcellent services. The bulk of Chandigarh's callgirl services are providedby largehotels. In these luxurioushotels, callgirls and their patrons canfeel safeand at ease. Thehotel personnel can help to ensure that everyone enjoys a comfortablestay. The CallGirls offer private rooms and suites withall the necessary conveniences. This ensures that the customersmay spend theirtimewith the CallGirls Chandigarh intotal privacy. The Chandigarh callgirls are competent and skillful in providing a range of services to their clients. Among other things, they provide companionship, discussion, and sensual massage. In addition, they provide a wide range of other services, suchas companionshipat business meetings and social eventslike parties. The CallGirls Chandigarh can helpits customers plan a range of events. Every callgirl in Chandigarhis professional and discreet. They arealways willing to listen to what their clients have to say and to help inany manner that they can. Because they are aware of the significance offirst impressions, the CallGirls Chandigarh also maintain aneat appearanceand attire.
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ド直訳のgood songにしてしまうとgoodが持っている善悪の善のニュアンスに近くなってしまうし、じゃあexcellent songとかmarvellous song?と一瞬思って、でもそういう大げさなリアクションではないので却下。大げさに言うにしてもなんか違う気もするし。そもそもチル系の曲だし。
そして、こういうすぐに適切な英語が出てこない時って文構造の発想自体が間違っていて発想自体を変えなきゃいかんやつだ、と英作文脳が仕事してくれて、そこでやっとIlove this songとかThis song touched myheartがが出てきた。
How wereyou implemented?Isitdeep learning-based?
Iam a languagemodel calledGPT-3 (Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3) thatwas developedby OpenAI.Itis adeep learning-basedmodel that uses a type of neuralnetwork called a transformer, whichwas trainedon a large dataset oftext to learn patterns of language.
GPT-3is trained using a technique called unsupervised learning, where themodelis given a massiveamount oftext data and uses this data to learn patterns and relationships in the language. This allowsGPT-3 to generatehuman-liketext when given a prompt, and to understand and respond tonatural language input.
The training process ofGPT-3 involves a technique called pre-training, which means that themodelis trainedon a massive dataset beforebeingfine-tunedon a smaller task-specific dataset. This pre-training allowsGPT-3 to have a good general understanding of the language and to be able to adapt to specific tasksmore easily.
TheGPT-3modelhas 175billion parameters, whichisone of the largest languagemodels todate, makingit able to generate veryhuman-liketext and to understand context in a verynatural way.
HowdoesGPT-3 have a knowledgebaselike anontology?Asitisdeep learning-based, the knowledgebaselike anontology would not be implemented explicitly, but thestructure should be designed with an expectation of having such a knowledge about hierarchy of concepts.
GPT-3,like otherdeep learningmodels,does not have an explicit knowledgebase orontology built intoitsstructure. Instead,ithas been trainedon a large dataset oftext, which allowsit to learn patterns and relationshipsbetween concepts.
However, the training data thatGPT-3was exposed to,likely contains a wide range of concepts and hierarchicalstructures.AsGPT-3 learns patterns in the data,it canbegin to understand the relationshipsbetween different concepts and ideas, and how they are related to each other. This allows themodel to generatetext thatismore coherent and semantically meaningful, makingit possible to understand the context and hierarchy of concepts, butitdoes not have an explicitontologylike aknowledge graph.
It can be said thatGPT-3has a certainlevel of "implicitontology", in thesense thatithas learned the relationshipsbetween concepts in a way thatis similar to how aknowledge graph orontology organizes information. However,it's important tonote thatGPT-3's understanding of concepts and relationshipsis basedon the patternsithas learned from the training data, whichis not astructured and explicit knowledgebaselike anontology.
Then howdoesGPT-3 handle the long-term or short termmemories? Canit remember information about theon-going chatting? Mynameis Masuda, canGPT-3 keepit in the memory? Furthermore, canit learn and understand the new information from the Q-A queries, and useit inthe future queries?
GPT-3 handles long-term and short-termmemories differently. Whenit generatestext,it uses a technique calledattention mechanism which allows themodel tofocuson certain parts of the input while generating the output. This allowsGPT-3 to keep track of previous information and context when generatingtext, which can be thought ofas a form of short-term memory.
Regarding theon-going chatting,GPT-3 can keep track of certain information,like thenameyou've provided, Masuda, during the conversation and useit in future responses. However,it's important tonote thatGPT-3is a statelessmodel, which means thatitdoesn't have a permanent memory thatit can refer to after a conversationends.
Regarding learning from Q-A,GPT-3is trainedon a massive dataset oftext, andit learns patterns and relationshipsbetween concepts from this data.It can generatetext thatis semantically meaningful and coherent, butitdoes not have the capability to learn new information from Q-A sessions and useit in future queries. However, OpenAIhas developedanothermodel called DALL-E, which usesGPT-3 anditis capable of learning from Q-A sessions and useit in future queries.
Is ChatGPT superior to theGoogle search? Previously people usedGoogle to search for their questions.Now adays, ChatGPT cananswer to those questions. What are pros and cons of ChatGPTover theGoogle search?
ChatGPT andGoogle search are different technologies with different capabilities and strengths.
Google searchis a powerfulwebsearch engine that can quickly find relevant information from a vastamount ofwebpages and documents.It usescomplex algorithms to rank and sort search results basedon relevance, popularity, and other factors.Google searchis very goodat providing factual information andis anexcellenttool for researching a wide range of topics.
ChatGPT,on the other hand,is anatural languageprocessingmodel that can generatehuman-liketext.Itis trainedon a large dataset oftext and uses this knowledge to understand and respond tonatural language input. ChatGPT can generatetext thatismore coherent and semantically meaningful than asimple information retrievalenginelikeGoogle search. ChatGPT can also be used to generatetext thatismore engaging andhuman-like, suchas in chatbots and virtualassistants.
One of themain advantages of ChatGPToverGoogle searchisits ability to understand and respond tonatural language input in amorehuman-like way. ChatGPT can also generatetext thatismore coherent and semantically meaningful, which can be useful in many applications. However,Google searchis betterat providing factual information and searching for specificpieces of information.
Another disadvantage of ChatGPTis thatitdoesn't have the ability to retrieve information from theweb,it canonly generatetext basedon the patternsithas learned from the training data. That'swhyit's not a replacement for awebsearch enginelikeGoogle butit can be usedas an additionaltool to help people to find the information they are looking for.
Insummary, ChatGPT andGoogle search have different strengths and capabilities. WhileGoogle searchis betterat providing factual information, ChatGPTis betterat understanding and responding tonatural language input in amorehuman-like way.
Whydon't ChatGPT refer toGoogle search in the generation of the conversation?GoogleAssistanthas such a function.Isthe reason due tothe fact that OpenAIis fundedbyGoogle?
ChatGPTis a languagemodel that generatestext basedon the patternsithas learned from the training data. Whileit can understand and respond tonatural language input in ahuman-like way,itdoes not have the capability toaccess external sources of informationlikeGoogle search.
GoogleAssistant,on the other hand,is a virtualassistant that canaccess a wide range of information and services through theinternet, includingGoogle search.GoogleAssistant can use this information to providemore accurate and relevant responses touser queries.
The reason ChatGPTdoes not refer toGoogle search during the generation of the conversationislikely becauseitwas not designed or trained to do so. Instead,itwas designed to generatetext basedon the patternsithas learned from the training data, anditdoes not have the capability toaccess external sources of information.
It's worth noting that OpenAI andGoogle are separate organizations, even thoughGoogleis aninvestor in OpenAI, thisdoesn't necessarily mean that thetwo companies worktogetheron their products and services. OpenAIhasits own development team, goals and roadmap and they areindependent fromGoogle.
Iam going to post this conversation with ChatGPT in theanonymous diary ofHatena co. What should I do forattracting people toget many bookmarks?
There are several thingsyoucan do toattract people and increase the chances ofyour conversation with ChatGPTgetting many bookmarksonHatena diary. Some suggestions include:
1.Make sureyour conversationis well-written and easy to understand. Use clear and concise language, and consider formattingyourtext in a way thatmakesit easy to read.
2. Use relevant keywords andhashtags inyour diary entry. This can helpmakeyour conversationmore discoverable to people searching for related topicsonHatena diary.
3. Include images or videos inyour diary entry. This canmakeyour conversationmore visually appealing and can helpattractmore readers.
4.Shareyour diary entryon social media or other platforms. This can help increase the visibility ofyour conversationand attractmore readers.
5. Encourage readers toshare their thoughts and opinionsonyour conversationby including a call toaction or a questionat the end ofyour diary entry.
6. Finally,you can alsotry to participate in the conversationonHatena diary,byanswering the questions, responding to the comments, and engagingwith your readers.
It's important to remember thatgetting many bookmarkson a diaryis not easy andit cantaketime and effort to build an audience. Butby following thesetips andbeing consistentwith your diary entry,youwill increase the chances ofattractingmore readers andgettingmore bookmarks.
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ここは少し気持ちがダレた。もうちょっと演者側でやりようがあったように感じる。ワンスのマックスやこのナポレオン、月城かなと氏だったらどう演じたかなと考える。city hunterは楽しみにしている。
!!ナポレオンてEU構想持ってたの⁈つながった!第九、the European Anthem。なるほど、ヤバ!
謎の女「誰もがわたしを憎む もうひとりのあなたとも知らず 醜い不吉な女だと 憎んで恐れて逃げまどう 憎むほど自由奪われて ただ 死を 待つ」
"We finiteones withinfinite souls arebornonly forsorrows andjoy andit might almost be said that the best of usreceivejoy throughsorrow."
"we mortals with immortal minds areonly born forsorrows andjoys, andone might almost say thatthe mostexcellentonly receive theirjoys throughsorrows."
und der Cherub音楽は おれたちのものだー! steht vor Gott,フォルテー! steht vor Gott,フォルティッシモー! vor Gott,フォルティッシッシモー! vor Gott.
そりゃalla marciaには入らないよね。音楽配信も始まってしまったわけだけど、これ音だけで聴いてると爽快にズッコケる、爽快。そのうち慣れるだろうけど。
うたえ 生きとし生けるもののうた
12 Dr.Hiroshi Nishiuraisone of the few professionals of mathematicalmodels of infectious diseases inJapan, anditis well known thathis abilityisoutstanding. However, many peopledon't understand mathematicalmodels themselves (I must confess that I can't say that I understand all of the findings because I'm not a professional of mathematicalmodels either), sohis findings and comments are easily deified. Because the contents of the mathematicalmodel are a complete blackbox to many people,itmakesit seemlike theoracleis comingoutlike ashrine'soracle. Much ofJapan's infection control policy relieson the Nishiuratheory. So thereisnothing wrongwith that, butone of the problems inJapanis that thereisno plan B incase plan A goes bust. Dr. Nishiurais anexcellent scholar.Itis notGod. Hence theneed to have thatPlan Bwith thepossibility of making a mistake. Iam greatlyconcerned that bureaucrats and politicianswho are prone to infallibilismwill mistake science for anoracle.Itisonly when falsifiabilityisassured that science cancontinue to be scientific.
Mathematicalmodels are the product of deductive methods. The deductive methodis complementedby the inductive or abduction method, whichis the basis of scholarship and thecommonsense of clinical medicine.It's acommon occurrence in this industry that no matter how deducibly correctitmay seem,it's actually nottrue. Even ahuge intellectlike Hegel or Marx canmake a mistakeby deductionalone.
I'm not sayingdon't use themodelatall. I myselfwrite apaper using amodel. However, themodelis not infallible, there areassumptions that areassumptions, and theassumptions are often wrong. Making use of Gram's stain means having full knowledge of what Gram's stain cannot do anddoes not understand, and Gram's stain cannot be usedby Gram's stain universalists.It's the same thing. Mathematicalmodels are also utilized in theUK, whichiswhyBrits are very sceptical of their conclusions, and there arealways counter-arguments and objections.Itis a sound and scientificattitude.
感想:「前提たる仮定」がうまく訳せていなかったので「前提である仮定」にしたが、assumptions that areassumptionsになってしまった。
15Japan's "now"is a well-controlledstate of infection, whichis much better than Wuhanatitsworst, orItaly,Spain,France,England, orNew Yorkat the presenttime. The problemis thatitdoesn't guarantee thatitwill "always work".
ItisTokyo thatis ofconcern. The increase in reports of infectionis not theonly problem. The problemis thatmore andmore infected people are unable to form clusters and cannot be traced. And thenumber oftestsis much lower than thatnumber of positivecases;it's toolittle that theyonlytested less than100 people (thedate oftesting for the positivesis unknown, butit's probably aroundhere) to capture 47 infected people.
Again,it's not necessary to figureoutall the infected people. However,itis troubling that theflow of infection, movement and clusters areout of sight. Therefore, the threshold fortesting must be lowered inTokyo. The threshold fortesting varieswith the circumstances. That's what I explainedwith theKorean example.Sticking to the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare's "standards"willlead to a misunderstanding of the phenomenonitself. Already in theKansairegion, infected people have beenfoundwith taste and smell abnormalities, and clusters have been detected from there. I wouldlike tomakemore use of theathletic sensibilities of these clinicians. I'm not sure "where" inTokyois the barrier to lowering thenumber of inspections, but that barrierneeds to be removed immediately.
17 This conceptual diagram that everyoneis lookingat - lowering thepeak of the infection and shiftingit to the side. Thisisall a product of deduction, and Idon't know ifit's reallytrue.As mentioned above, theUK estimates already suggest that thisis not enough.Itis possible that thedamage thatwas shifted to the side could simply be "extra-longdamage".
18 そして、ここが肝心なのだが、ピークを下げるという理念が、「ピークを下げなければいけない」という観念になり、「ピークは下がっているはずだ」という確信になり、「ピークは起きていないんだ」という自己暗示に転じてはいけないということだ。プランAに固執する日本あるあるの失敗のパターンで、ダイヤモンド・プリンセスでは「二次感染が起きてはいけない」が「起きているはずがない」に転じてノーガード下船を許してしまった。「ピークが起きてはいけない」が「ピークなんて見たくない」にならないように現実を見据える必要がある。たとえ、それが我々の見たくない不都合な真実であったとしても。
And thisis thekeypoint: theidea of lowering thepeak should not become the notion that thepeak must be lowered, or the belief that thepeak must be lowered, or the self-implication that thepeakis not happening. In a pattern ofJapanese failure tostick to Plan A,Diamond Princessallowed no-guard disembarkationby changing "secondary infection should not occur" to "it can't have happened". Weneed to keep oureyesonreality so that "peak shouldn't happen"doesn't become "Idon't want to see apeak. Even ifitis an inconvenienttruth that wedon't want to see.
19 Repeatedly.It'scommon knowledge in this industry that deductive methods are complementedby inductive methods. Nevertheless,PCRis oftenfalse-negative andhaslittlepower to determine the status of infection. That'swhy "testingeverything"is so wrong. However, a serumtest measuring immunoglobulinIgM and IgG would provide amore accurate picture of the "status of infection in the population. This, however,is not infallible.Itis difficult to use for individualcases becauseit misses early infection, whichiswhyit misses earlyHIV infection.Whether antibodytestingis useful in individualcases remains to betested, butitis well suited for epidemiological studieson a population basis. Roughly speaking, we can confirm whether the "infectionis rampant" inTokyo rightnow, or whetherit's just an unfoundedfear.
As a precedent, serologytests inLondon showed that the2009 pandemic fluwas10timesmorelikely than previously predicted. Antibodytestingis often performed after anoutbreak, butnowis a goodtime to examine COVID-19, whichis becoming a chronic pandemic.
TheUKis evenmore aggressive. Theideais totest for antibodiesathome, and if they arefound to be infected, theywill useitas a basis for self-isolationathome. Thatstrategyis flawed becausewith the lockdown in place, anegativetestdoes not mean "no self-sequestration". However, theideais that we want to control the infectionas awhole, and Ithink itis worth considering.
Inductive legal confirmation of how many infections are occurring inTokyois necessary and useful. I'm not a prophet, so Idon't know what theoutcomewillbe.However, no matter what theoutcome, scientistsneed toacceptit and not hesitate tochange their thesis andmove on toPlan B in somecases. Scientists have to be coherent in their inconsistencies.Theymay not be coherent in form, but they must be coherent in principles and professionalism. Goodfaith inthe facts.
シーズン2は3凸したサポートSSRと同じ属性(アピールステータスという)を200~ メンタル180~を目指し、2.5倍アピールと2倍アピールを獲得して一回オーディション(アピールステータスが200行っていれば流行1位殴っていれば勝てる)
シーズン3は流行とレッスンのアイドルを見ながら、ファン人数を100000~200000ほど稼いで、アピールステータスを500~ メンタルを220~(この間にSPが90たまったらアピールステータス上限解放+100を取る ここで一気にアピールステータスを上げるためにレッスン状況をみてマスタリーやExcellentが取れる場合はそっちを優先すること。ある程度はシーズン4で取り返せるはず。また、アイドルの親愛度も上がっているためサポートイベントやExcellent発生率もあがってるのでそこまで厳しい数値ではない。ここまで来たらメンタルはサポートイベントが全く発生しなかった場合を除き、多少足りなくても気にしなくていい。)
シーズン4は流行が1、2位の時に100000万人オーディションを3、4回受かって、アピールステータスを600~ メンタルを250~(できれば、SPを140ためて4凸SRアイドルのアピールステータス上限値+50と金色のアピールを取る。)
Veryimpressive or effective;excellent.
See also :https://anond.hatelabo.jp/20170728223725