The problemis that,likeDon Quixote, in front of peoplewho are not tolerant ofhisdreams, the problemis not that heis a "knight"who just "assumes" himself, but that heis "aknight" even though heis not really aknight.You should know thatyou are acting.''
Lifeis a game anyway, and even ifyouonlyacceptthe factsas facts,time passes in theblink of an eye.
Ifyoudon't have the imagination to see a windmillas agiant,it's not interesting orweird. Rather than justbeing a middle-aged naive personwhoisobsessedwith thatdream and stubbornly affirms himself, I wouldlike to have the leeway to say, ``I'm just having alittlefun.''
Welive in asociety wherethe greatest enemy of factsistruth.