Suddenly, when I lookedat my husband's schedulebookonthe desk,therewas a picture of my child s tuck init, and when Ithought aboutit,therewassomethinglike awoman'sname writtenon each month's page. So when I looked closely, I carefully wrote downtheage and physical compatibility ofthewoman I metonthe page ofthe week, and I understoodeverything.Maybeit's been goingonlast year or a longtime ago. I'm going to report to myfriendthat my childwas born!Therewas also anoteonthe day ofthe drinking partythat I sentout. I see.Now myheartfeelsnumb and Idon'tfeellike doingthis rightaway, but what should I do inthe fut ure?Ask rightnow, pretendyoudon't know yet, or leaveit fortherest ofyourlife. Or I'm not sure whether to treathim coldlythinkinglikethis, or whether to be very kind andtry t o create asense of guilt.Athome, hewas a good dadwhowasactive in housework and childcare due tohis child's passions. Iwas gladthat Iwas able to givebirth tothis child, but Ifeellike an idiot. I'msorry andsorrythatthe girls my husband met were involved inthe play of married people.Maybe he's hidingthat hehas a married child. I want to cut offonly my lowerbody andthrowitaway.