His palms are sweaty,knees weak,arms are heavyThere's vomitonhis sweater already,mom'sspaghettiHe's nervous, buton thesurface he lookscalm and readyTodrop bombs, but he keepson forgettin'What he wrote down,the wholecrowdgoes so loudHe openshis mouth, but the words won't comeoutHe's chokin', how, everybody's jokin'nowThe clocksrunout, times up,over, blaowSnap back toreality, ope theregoesgravityOpe, theregoesRabbit, he chokedHe's somad, but he won't give up that easy? NoHe won't haveit, he knowshis whole back's to these ropesItdon't matter, he's dope, he knows that, but he's brokeHe's so stagnant, he knows, when hegoes back to thismobilehome, that's whenit'sBack to the labagain,yo, this wholerhapsodyBettergo capture thismoment andhopeitdon't passhimPermalink |記事への反応(0) | 06:49