Ifyou couldonlyeatone meal for therest ofyourlife, what wouldit be?
Ifyou couldliveanywhere, where wouldit be?
Whatisyourfavorite familyvacation?
What wouldyouchange aboutyourself ifyou could?
What motivatesyou to work hard?
Whatisyour biggest complaint aboutyour job?
Whatisyourfavoritebook to read?
Whatwas thelast movieyou went to? Whatdidyou think?
Whatdidyou want to be whenyou were small?
Ifyou could choose to doanything for a day, what wouldit be?
What wouldyou singatKaraoke night?
How wouldyourfriends describeyou?
36. Whatis the bestgiftyou have been given?
37. Whatis theworstgiftyou have received?
40. Where doyou seeyourself infive years?
42. Ifyou were a super-hero, whatpowers wouldyou have?
43. What wouldyou do ifyou won the lottery?
44. What form of public transportation doyou prefer? (air,boat,train, bus,car,etc.)
45. What'syourfavoritezooanimal?
46. Ifyou couldgo back intime tochangeone thing, what wouldit be?
48. How many pillows doyou sleep with?
49. What's the longestyou'vegone without sleep (andwhy)?
52. How often doyou buy clothes?
53. Haveyou ever had asecret admirer?
54. What'syourfavorite holiday?
55. What'sthe most daring thingyou've ever done?
56. Whatwas thelast thingyou recordedonTV?
57. Whatwas thelastbookyou read?
58. What'syourfavorite type of foreignfood?
59. Areyou aclean ormessy person?
60.Who wouldyou want to playyou in a movie ofyourlife?
61. How longdoesittakeyou toget ready in the morning?
62. What kitchen appliance doyou use every day?
63. What'syourfavorite fastfoodchain?
64. What'syourfavorite family recipe?
65. Doyoulove orhate rollercoasters?
66. What'syourfavorite family tradition?
67. Whatisyourfavoritechildhood memory?
69. How old wereyou whenyou learnedSantawasn't real? Howdidyou findout?
70.Isyour glasshalf full orhalfempty?
71. What's the craziest thingyou’ve done in thename oflove?
72. What threeitems wouldyoutakewith youon a desertedisland?
73. Whatwasyourfavorite subject in school?
74. What'sthe most unusual thingyou've evereaten?
76.Is thereanythingyou wished would come back into fashion?
77. Areyou an introvert or an extrovert?
78. Which of thefive senses wouldyou sayisyour strongest?
79. Haveyou ever had a surprise party? (thatwas an actual surprise)
80. Areyou related or distantly related toanyone famous?
82.Doesyour family have a “motto” – spoken or unspoken?
83. Ifyou were ruler ofyour own country what would be the first lawyou would introduce?
84.Whowasyourfavorite teacher in school andwhy?
85. What three things doyou think ofthe most each day?
86. Ifyou had awarning label, what wouldyours say?
87. What song wouldyou say best sumsyou up?
88. What celebrity wouldyoulike to meetatStarbucks for acup of coffee?
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90. What'sthe most interesting thingyou can seeout ofyour office or kitchen window?
91.On ascale of 1-10 how funny wouldyou sayyou are?
92. Where doyou seeyourself in10 years?
94. Ifyou couldjoinany past or currentmusicgroup which wouldyou want tojoin?
95. How many languages doyou speak?
96. Whatisyourfavorite family holiday tradition?
97.Whoisthe most intelligent personyou know?
98. Ifyou had to describeyourselfas ananimal, whichone wouldit be?