Suzuki Masako,Tokyo,Japan, about10 hours ago
Because behindyour back they keepon abusingJapanese tax payer money and demanding special treatment because ofher royal status
Anne 2017, Melbourne,Australia, about 6 hours ago
They definitely are abusingJapanese taxpayers and that`s becauseKeihas no money ofhis own.Makoisstill a Princess and that`ll neverchange, butshe`s playing gamesnow.She`s pretending to be a commoner, shopping aroundlikeyou and I, but theydon`t show us the plain clothes security officers that are tailingher and keepingher safe...all paid forby theJapanese taxpayer. And those items inher trolley? Paid forby theJapanese taxpayer. Oh and they`re payingherrent, too.
Anne 2017, Melbourne,Australia, about 6 hours ago
Hear hear Masako!! That`sexactly right.Sheis sponging off theJapanese taxpayers,her andher stupid husband,who couldn`t even pass thebar exam. TheJapanese government and the Imperial Family should be ashamed of the way they are supporting thesetwoid.iots. There are honest, hardworking peoplewho can`t evenget a break andstruggle so much and thenyou have spoiltMako andKei fluffing aroundNew York
あおられるsuzuki masakoにクスっとした