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Shouldn't "whites" be correctly discriminated against incorona?

Shouldn't "white people" be correctly discriminated against incorona?


Discrimination and persecution related tocoronavirusesisnow widespread worldwide.

Thereis a concrete and wide-rangingsummary of the situation.


"List of Incidents of ForeignFear and Racism Related to the COVID-19 Pandemic"


Thatis theEnglishversion ofWikipedia article.

WithGoogle Chrome, right-click → Translate toJapanese, but the translationis abit rough, but anyone can readit inJapanese.

The contents arelike this.


&gt;&gt; InFrance, after the newcoronaviruswas confirmedonJanuary24, 2020, a lot of harassment and discrimination againstAsians occurred [41].Itis aimedatAsians suchasChinese,Korean,Japanese, Vietnamese, Filipino [42], and taxis and trains that refuse to boardChinese,Korean,Japanese have appeared [41] [43] ].

&gt;&gt; French newspaperLe CourrierPicard featured anAsianwoman in amaskon thetop pageonJanuary 26, 2020with the heading "Yellow Alert".

&gt;&gt;OnMarch 8, 2020, aJapanese restaurant in Rivoli, Turin, Piedmont,was targeted for arsonby a teenagerwho teasedhis owner and calledhim an epidemic carrier. [191]


Not limited to the above, Wuhanand Africans inChina,Chinese and infected people inJapan.

Discrimination, whether inthe United States,Egypt, Africa or anywhere inthe world, existsatall.

In asense,it's almostequal. Underextreme circumstances,itis not uncommon for "weak" people to be able to keep themselves without creating enemies.


However, what I want to sayis not a used phrase suchas "Let'slive kindly with philanthropy."

Thereis no objection toit. Ifthe world can eliminate discrimination and prejudice, I naturally wantit.

But what Ifeltwas abig question before that.It can be called academic interest.


Chinese discriminate against Wuhan natives,Japanese discriminate againstChinese, andEuropeans discriminate againstAsians.

I see, thereis areason to that, considering the spread ofcoronavirus infection. "From whatyou see, what's dangerousis thatarea".

Roughly,itmay be the result of thinking about "weak" people.


Buthere's the strange thing.Asians, Africans,yellows and blacks, they are discriminated against inmanyplacesaround the world.

Frankly speaking,it's safe to say that blacks havelittle to dowith thecoronavirus.It's just thatthe originalsense of discriminationhas surfaced.

Theseethnic groups and regions areequally discriminated against.Itis asense of discrimination thatis basedonfear butis incorrect but makessense.


However. Thenwhyisn't "white people" discriminated against?


FromApril toMay,the coronavirus showed an explosive spread in the West.

In the ranking of thenumber of infected people inthe world,the United Statesisalone, with 1.34 million people, accounting formore than a quarter of thetotal infected people of 402 million peopleas ofMay10.

Afterthe second place,Spain,Italy,the United Kingdom,Russia,Germany,Brazil andFrance are followed, and eachhasmore than100,000domestic cases.

ExcludingBrazil,everything from 2nd to 7thisEurope. Theword "WesternEurope"is clearlythe most dangerouscoronavirus-contaminatedarea / infectiouszone inthe world.


However. Strangely enough, thereislittletalk that "white people,Europeans,and Americans are discriminated against inthe world."

Of courseitis notzero, but while looking forone "white discrimination",itis possible to find "Asian discrimination", "Black discrimination" and "Yellow discrimination".

Itis said that whatis currently expanding inthe worldis not the firstwave fromChina, butthe secondwave fromEurope, whichis the pandemic.


With this,itisstill understandable that the "whiteman" continues to do the right thing cleanly and correctly andhas succeeded incorona countermeasures.

However,white people have continued to discriminate amongAsians since thebeginning of the spread.

InJanuary andFebruary,itwas not uncommon to hear thatAsians were already walking around in the country,calling them "CoronaCorona."

Byall means,white people are the incarnation ofevil.It's not a good thing.


Regardless of the early stages of the epidemic,now that the "hotbed ofcorona infection"has moved there,it should be possible forwhite people tohateit.

Otherwise,it cannot be called "equal discrimination".As a result,itis wrong.



Ifyou think aboutthe reasonhere, afterall, "targets are races / objects that originally had hostility",

The hypothesismay be that "there are restrictionson mobility and there arewhiteAsian societies, but few non-white societies arewhite."

It must be interesting to study thearea academically.


However,historically, I've seen that "white people" crusade variousplaceswith the Crusades and doall they can to the contrary.

I think that the trilingual diplomacy ofBritainhas created the situation in the Middle East, whereterrorismis frequentnowadays, andhas repeatedly carriedout wrongdoingby repeatedly discriminating against blacks, Indians, andyellow races.

So,isn'tit righthere totry to discriminate againstwhite people correctly?


Non-whitesocietyis alittle too kind to "white people".

Itwas around thistimetoday when Iwas thinking about that.

Permalink |記事への反応(1) | 18:00


記事への反応 -
  • deepL翻訳 コロナでは「白人」は正しく差別されるべきではない? 「白人」はなぜ差別されないのか? - コロナウイルスに関連した差別や迫害は今や世界的に広がっています。 その...





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