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楽園こちら側」の「事実に誠意を」をほぼdeepLで翻訳してみた その2


12 Dr.Hiroshi Nishiuraisone of the few professionals of mathematicalmodels of infectious diseases inJapan, anditis well known thathis abilityisoutstanding. However, many peopledon't understand mathematicalmodels themselves (I must confess that I can't say that I understand all of the findings because I'm not a professional of mathematicalmodels either), sohis findings and comments are easily deified. Because the contents of the mathematicalmodel are a complete blackbox to many people,itmakesit seemlike theoracleis comingoutlike ashrine'soracle. Much ofJapan's infection control policy relieson the Nishiuratheory. So thereisnothing wrongwith that, butone of the problems inJapanis that thereisno plan B incase plan A goes bust. Dr. Nishiurais anexcellent scholar.Itis notGod. Hence theneed to have thatPlan Bwith thepossibility of making a mistake. Iam greatlyconcerned that bureaucrats and politicianswho are prone to infallibilismwill mistake science for anoracle.Itisonly when falsifiabilityisassured that science cancontinue to be scientific.



Mathematicalmodels are the product of deductive methods. The deductive methodis complementedby the inductive or abduction method, whichis the basis of scholarship and thecommonsense of clinical medicine.It's acommon occurrence in this industry that no matter how deducibly correctitmay seem,it's actually nottrue. Even ahuge intellectlike Hegel or Marx canmake a mistakeby deductionalone.



 I'm not sayingdon't use themodelatall. I myselfwrite apaper using amodel. However, themodelis not infallible, there areassumptions that areassumptions, and theassumptions are often wrong. Making use of Gram's stain means having full knowledge of what Gram's stain cannot do anddoes not understand, and Gram's stain cannot be usedby Gram's stain universalists.It's the same thing. Mathematicalmodels are also utilized in theUK, whichiswhyBrits are very sceptical of their conclusions, and there arealways counter-arguments and objections.Itis a sound and scientificattitude.

感想:「前提たる仮定」がうまく訳せていなかったので「前提である仮定」にしたが、assumptions that areassumptionsになってしまった。


15Japan's "now"is a well-controlledstate of infection, whichis much better than Wuhanatitsworst, orItaly,Spain,France,England, orNew Yorkat the presenttime. The problemis thatitdoesn't guarantee thatitwill "always work".



ItisTokyo thatis ofconcern. The increase in reports of infectionis not theonly problem. The problemis thatmore andmore infected people are unable to form clusters and cannot be traced. And thenumber oftestsis much lower than thatnumber of positivecases;it's toolittle that theyonlytested less than100 people (thedate oftesting for the positivesis unknown, butit's probably aroundhere) to capture 47 infected people.

Again,it's not necessary to figureoutall the infected people. However,itis troubling that theflow of infection, movement and clusters areout of sight. Therefore, the threshold fortesting must be lowered inTokyo. The threshold fortesting varieswith the circumstances. That's what I explainedwith theKorean example.Sticking to the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare's "standards"willlead to a misunderstanding of the phenomenonitself. Already in theKansairegion, infected people have beenfoundwith taste and smell abnormalities, and clusters have been detected from there. I wouldlike tomakemore use of theathletic sensibilities of these clinicians. I'm not sure "where" inTokyois the barrier to lowering thenumber of inspections, but that barrierneeds to be removed immediately.



17 This conceptual diagram that everyoneis lookingat - lowering thepeak of the infection and shiftingit to the side. Thisisall a product of deduction, and Idon't know ifit's reallytrue.As mentioned above, theUK estimates already suggest that thisis not enough.Itis possible that thedamage thatwas shifted to the side could simply be "extra-longdamage".


18  そして、ここが肝心なのだが、ピークを下げるという理念が、「ピークを下げなければいけない」という観念になり、「ピークは下がっているはずだ」という確信になり、「ピークは起きていないんだ」という自己暗示に転じてはいけないということだ。プランAに固執する日本あるあるの失敗のパターンで、ダイヤモンドプリンセスでは「二次感染が起きてはいけない」が「起きているはずがない」に転じてノーガード下船を許してしまった。「ピークが起きてはいけない」が「ピークなんて見たくない」にならないように現実を見据える必要がある。たとえ、それが我々の見たくない不都合な真実であったとしても。

And thisis thekeypoint: theidea of lowering thepeak should not become the notion that thepeak must be lowered, or the belief that thepeak must be lowered, or the self-implication that thepeakis not happening. In a pattern ofJapanese failure tostick to Plan A,Diamond Princessallowed no-guard disembarkationby changing "secondary infection should not occur" to "it can't have happened". Weneed to keep oureyesonreality so that "peak shouldn't happen"doesn't become "Idon't want to see apeak. Even ifitis an inconvenienttruth that wedon't want to see.



19 Repeatedly.It'scommon knowledge in this industry that deductive methods are complementedby inductive methods. Nevertheless,PCRis oftenfalse-negative andhaslittlepower to determine the status of infection. That'swhy "testingeverything"is so wrong. However, a serumtest measuring immunoglobulinIgM and IgG would provide amore accurate picture of the "status of infection in the population. This, however,is not infallible.Itis difficult to use for individualcases becauseit misses early infection, whichiswhyit misses earlyHIV infection.Whether antibodytestingis useful in individualcases remains to betested, butitis well suited for epidemiological studieson a population basis. Roughly speaking, we can confirm whether the "infectionis rampant" inTokyo rightnow, or whetherit's just an unfoundedfear.


As a precedent, serologytests inLondon showed that the2009 pandemic fluwas10timesmorelikely than previously predicted. Antibodytestingis often performed after anoutbreak, butnowis a goodtime to examine COVID-19, whichis becoming a chronic pandemic.



TheUKis evenmore aggressive. Theideais totest for antibodiesathome, and if they arefound to be infected, theywill useitas a basis for self-isolationathome. Thatstrategyis flawed becausewith the lockdown in place, anegativetestdoes not mean "no self-sequestration". However, theideais that we want to control the infectionas awhole, and Ithink itis worth considering.



Inductive legal confirmation of how many infections are occurring inTokyois necessary and useful. I'm not a prophet, so Idon't know what theoutcomewillbe.However, no matter what theoutcome, scientistsneed toacceptit and not hesitate tochange their thesis andmove on toPlan B in somecases. Scientists have to be coherent in their inconsistencies.Theymay not be coherent in form, but they must be coherent in principles and professionalism. Goodfaith inthe facts. 




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