What liesbeyond the furthest reaches of thesky? 空の彼方にあるものは
That which leads thelost child backitsmother'sarms... 迷い子を母の手に導くもの
The waves that stain theland ingold; 大地を金色に染める波
Thebreath of blessings that natureslife; theland of wheat; 命をはぐくむ恵みの息吹 麦の大地
Thepath upon which theangels walk; 天使の降りる道
Thouart thepath of greatwinds; the GrandStream. そは大いなる風の道 grandstream
What liesbeyond the furthest reaches of memory? 記憶の彼方にあるものは
Whereeverythingis born and to whereeverything returns; thebluestar. 全てが生まれ 全てが還る場所 青い星。
From theline of "Last Exile".