The memory of mymother,going withher three children, with mylittle babysister and mytwoyoungerbrothers,going to thegas chamber,is theworst memory that I carry with me for therest ofmy life.
MynameisMax Eisen, and I'm asurvivor of Auschwitz.
Isawher walk, I remember,all I could seewasher back.
Carrying a baby inherarm, and mytwolittlebrothers.
Six million Jews were murdered in the Holocaust.Over 1.1 million of those were killedhere, in Auschwitz-Birkenau.
Iwas fifteen years old when I arrivedhere,May of 1944.
A9892. Hungarian Transports.
Maxhas returned every year for the pasttwo decades to tellhisstory.
Here we are,
I want you to sorttry to smell what this place smelledlike.
Canyou hear the voices?
Scratcheswith their hands. They weretrying togo throughcement walls just togetaway from thegas thatwas killing them.
Imagine 2,000 people fighting each other for abreath ofair.
You could to say that thisis thelastwill and testament of peoplewho diedhere.
Fromdarkness tolight, what a wonderful thingitis to know thatyou'realive.
Every yearMax joins theMarch of the Living, in memory of those forcedon 'deathmarches' from the camps.
Some12,000 people recentlymarched withMax from Auschwitz to Birkenauon Holocaust Remembrance Day.
I'm thinking of my family,who have to no markers, no graves,whose ashes have been blown to the four corners of theearth.
Idon't know how I survived.
I'm amazed how I survived.
I'dlike to tell a lot tothe world.
Respect each other, no matter what religion orcolouryou are.
Hatred against Jewish peopleisalive and wellalloverthe world.
I come backhere to tell others not togo down this terribleroad ofhatred and intolerance.
This place remindsyou to beware ofhatred.