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Relatives andfriends of the 150 passengers and crewon Germanwings Flight4U 9525 are due togo to thecrash site high in the FrenchAlps.

Lufthansawill operatetwo special flights -one from Barcelona andone from Duesseldorf - to Marseille, and both groupswill travelonbyroad.

Reports sayone of thetwo pilotson the doomed flight had left the cockpit and had been unable toget back in just before thecrashon Tuesday.

There were no survivors, officials say.

They say theAirbus 320 from Barcelona to Duesseldorf hit a mountain after a rapid eight-minutedescent.

Germanwings chief Thomas Winkelmann said 72 passengers were German citizens, including 16 pupils returning from anexchange trip.

Spain'sgovernment said 51 of the dead were Spanish.

Other victims were fromAustralia,Argentina, Britain,Iran,Venezuela, the US, theNetherlands,Colombia,Mexico,Japan,Denmark andIsrael.

Germanwings is alow-costairline ownedbyGermany'smain carrierLufthansa.

Cockpit mystery

Families andfriends of the victims are expected to arriveat thecrash siteat Meolans-Revels lateron Thursday.

Separately, a bus carrying 14 relatives of Spanish victims left Barcelonaon Wednesday for thecrasharea, because theydid not want tofly.

InFrance, special teams have been prepared toassistthe families during their visit.

On Wednesday, French officials said usable data had been extracted from the cockpitvoice recorder of the Germanwingsplane.

Remi Jouty, thedirector of the French aviation investigative agency, said there were sounds andvoiceson the cockpitvoice recorder but thatitwas too early todrawany conclusions.

He said he hoped investigators would have the "first rough ideas in a matter ofdays" but that the full analysis couldtake weeks or even months.

But theNew York Times quoted an unnamed investigatoras saying thatone of the pilots had left the cockpit and had been unable toget back in.

"You can hear he is trying tosmash the door down," the investigator adds, describing audio from the recorder.

A source close to the investigation told a similarstory to theAFPnews agency.

There had been earlier reports thatthe second blackbox - the flight data recorder - had been found. ButMr Jouty said thiswas not thecase.

'Flying to the end'

Mr Jouty said theplane'slast communicationwas a routineone withair traffic control.

Theplane confirmed instructions tocontinueonits planned flightpath but then beganitsdescent a minute later.

Mr Jouty said controllers observed theplane beginning to descend and tried toget back in contactwith the pilots but without success.

He ruledout anexplosion, saying: "Theplanewasflying right to the end."

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