ahaaaaaa...aa..ah!yeah!ahaaaaaa!!! Tsumugi!!Tsumugi!!Tsumugi!!uuwaaaaaa!!!
aah!whinewhine!whinewhine!whinewhine!is a good smell...whine
gosh!i want to smell the smell of the hair of thegoldcolor blond of tsumugikotobuktani!whinewhine!ah!!!
mistook!want fluffy andsoft!fluffy andsoft!fluffy andsoft!hair is fluffy andsoft!gnaw,fluffy andsoft…haw-haw haw-haw haw-haw!!
Mugichan of 1 Comic was lovely!!ahaaaa…aaa…ahaaaaaaa!!yeahaaaaah!!
it was good to be decided the Mugichananimation term!ahaaaaaa!lovely!Mugichan!lovely!ahyesh!
iam glad to put the 2nd volume of a animationon the market…nooooooooo!!!mewwwwwwww!!gyaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!
ughhhhhhhhhhh!!!actual in a comic!!!!oh… animation is considered well…
Is Mugi actual?mewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwh!!ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!
This!pah!stops!!Stopin realityet.R..trus!?look...ing?Tsumugi of a cover picture islookingat me?
Mugi of a cover picture islookingat me!!!Mugi islookingat me!Mugi of a cover picture islookingat me!!
Mugi of animation is speaking to me!!!was good...world is not given up yet!!!
Yesssssssssss!!!I have Mugiiiiiiiii!!was goodwii!!it can do alone!!!
Yeah!Tsumugi of a comiiiiiiiics!!geeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!
Hummmmmm!!My thought is a report to Tsumugi!!It is a report to Tsumugi of sakuragaoka highscool!!