


    Project Canterbury

Lancelot Andrewes

Lancelot Andrewes' Doctrine of the Incarnation.
Respectfully Submitted to the Faculty of Nashotah House in Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Theological Studies in May 2003.
By the Reverend Davidson R. Morse.

Of the Right of Tithes. A Divinity Determination in the Publike Divinity Schools of the University of Cambridge. By the Right Reverend Father in G Lancelot Andrews: Late Lord Bishop of Winchester. When he proceeded Doctor in Divinity. Translated for the benefit of the Publike.

An Exact Narration of the Life and Death of the Late reverend and learned Prelate, and painfull Divine Lancelot Andrewes, Late Bishop of Winchester.
Which may serve as a pattern of Piety and Charity to All Godly Disposed Christians.
By Henry Isaacson
London: Printed for John Stafford, neer S. Brides Church, Fleetstreet, 1650.

Apospasmatia sacra, or, A collection of posthumous and orphan lectures by Lancelot Andrewes.
London: Printed by R. Hodgkinsonne for H. Moseley, A. Crooke, D. Pakeman, L. Fawne, R. Royston, and N. Ekins, 1657.

Andrewes' works in the Library of Anglo-Catholic Theology

Marianne Dorman's essays on Andrewes and the Carolines

Project Canterbury

