This website contains various Conformal Mapping Implementations, applicable to potential flow around Arbitrary shape Airfoils, Jukowsky Transformation, Potential flow around a circular cylinder, Conformal Mapped Grid Around an Airfoil, etc. Streamlines, Equipotential Lines, Isotachs, and Kutta condition could be optionally displayed. Jukowsky Transformation implementation allows altering of Angle of Attack, Meanline curviture, Thickness, Equidistant offset, and Number of streamlines parameters.
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We hope you will have an enjoyable experience!
Potential flow around custom shape Airfoil visualizations. Streamlines, Equipotential Lines, and Isotachs could be optionally displayed.Kutta condition is optionally satisfied too.Angle of Attack, and number ofStreamlines, could be interactively selected. The mentioned options generate wide variety of possible flow configurations, and displays. Enjoy the ride!
SimultaneousPotential flow aroundJoukowsky airfoil, andCircular cylinder. This WebApp demonstrates interactive implementation of Joukowsky transformation. Angle of Attack, Meanline curviture, Thickness, Equidistant offset, and Number of streamlines parameters could be altered. We hope you like it!
Potential flow aroundCircular cylinder.Circulation, and Number of Streamlines could be atered during the simulation. Streamlines, Equipotential Lines, and Isotachs are optionally displayed. Give it a try!
Interactive Joukowski Transformation, applicable to Geometry, and Velocity distribution. Airfoil's Meanline curvature, Thickness, and Angle of Attack are adjustable. Happy clicking/dragging!
Generates orthogonal grid aroundJoukowsky airfoil. Various parameters are adjustable from the Control panel. Have fun!