



Aerokube Software OÜ
version latest,2025-02-13
Table of Contents

This reference for version:latest

Moon 1.x documentation is publishedhere.

Moon is a browser automation solution compatible withSelenium,Cypress,Playwright andPuppeteer usingKubernetes orOpenshift to launch browsers.

1. Getting Started

1.1. Quick Start Guide

This section shows how to install Moon limited to 4 parallel browser sessions. Detailed information on installing a license key allowing to activate more parallel sessions is shown inInstalling License section.

1.1.1. Installing to Kubernetes

  1. RunningKubernetes cluster

  2. kubectl client installed and pointing to the cluster

  3. If you are running Kubernetes cluster on virtual machines, we usually recommend having bigger VMs instead of smaller ones. This allows to avoid available CPUs and memory fragmentation issues. For example having 24 CPU cores overall it is better to start 3 x 8 CPU core VMs instead of 12 x 2 CPU core.

  4. If you are starting Moon in Kubernetes cluster deployed on workstation withminikube tool - seeOption 3: you have Minikube.

Option 1: use Helm chart
  1. Helm chart is the recommended Moon installation way. Steps below require Helm 3 and will not work with older releases.

  2. Helm chart source code is availablehere.

We deliver already packed and publishedHelm charts, so installing Moon with Helm is straightforward:

  1. Add Aerokubecharts repository:

    $ helm repo add aerokube$ helm repo update
  2. To list available Moon versions type:

    $ helm search repo aerokube --versions
  3. Create a namespace:

    $ kubectl create namespace moon
  4. To install or upgrade Moon type:

    $ helm upgrade --install -n moon moon aerokube/moon2
  5. Moon chart has a lot of other configuration parameters that can be listed as follows:

    $ helm show values aerokube/moon2

    To change one of these parameters - use--set flag:

    $ helm upgrade --install --set=moon.enabled.resources=false -n moon moon aerokube/moon2
  6. By default, deployed Ingress hasmoon.aerokube.local host name. To change it:

    $ helm upgrade --install -n moon moon aerokube/moon2 --set

    Open in browser to show user interface. Use as Selenium URL.

  7. By default, Moon is started in HTTP-only mode. To enable TLS encryption (also known as HTTPS) - simply provide TLS certificate and private key:

    $ helm upgrade --install -n moon moon aerokube/moon2 --set --set-file ingress.tlsCert=server.crt --set-file ingress.tlsKey=server.key

    Usually TLS certificate and private key are provided by third-party providers or your company information security department. To generate a test pair of such files use the following commands:

    # Generate the CA Key and Certificate$ openssl req -x509 -sha256 -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout ca.key -out ca.crt -days 356 -nodes -subj '/CN=My Cert Authority'# Generate the Server Key, Certificate request and Sign with the CA Certificate$ openssl req -new -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout server.key -out server.csr -nodes -subj '/CN=moon.aerokube.local'$ openssl x509 -req -sha256 -days 365 -in server.csr -CA ca.crt -CAkey ca.key -set_serial 01 -out server.crt

    When using such self-signed TLS certificates you may need to explicitly allow opening Moon in your browser.

  8. If you install Moon on ARM64 architecture (e.g. Mac M1 and similar CPUs or cloud ARM64 Kubernetes nodes), then the choice of available browsers is limited. Selenium will work with Chromium, Firefox and Safari (other browsers do not provide ARM64-compatible versions for Linux). Playwright, Cypress and Puppeteer will not work at all. To use ARM64 compatible browsers you have to apply the followingvalues.yaml file:

    Using ARM64-compatible browser images
Option 2: you have Minikube

Every browser by default requires 1 CPU and 2 GB of memory. We recommend having at least 4 CPUs and 8GB of memory in your Minikube cluster. When having less CPUs browser pods may not start because of insufficient computing resources. We do not recommend using Docker driver for Minikube.

Minikube startup under Linux
$ minikube start --cpus=4 --memory=8G --disk-size=20G --driver kvm2
Minikube startup under MacOS x86 CPU
$ minikube start --cpus=4 --memory=8G --disk-size=20G --driver=hyperkit
Minikube startup under MacOS ARM64 CPU (M1 and similar CPUs)
$ brew install qemu$ brew install socket_vmnet$ brew tap homebrew/services$ HOMEBREW=$(which brew) && sudo ${HOMEBREW} services start socket_vmnet$ minikube start --cpus=4 --memory=8G --disk-size=20G --driver qemu --network socket_vmnet
Minikube startup under Windows
$ DISM /Online /Enable-Feature /All /FeatureName:Microsoft-Hyper-V # Enable Hyper-V$ minikube start --cpus=4 --memory=8G --disk-size=20G --driver=hyperv
  1. Enable Ingress addon in Minikube:

    $ minikube addons enable ingress

    This command maynot work on some Minikube versions for Mac M1 and similar CPUs.

  2. Install Moon with Helm as shownabove.

  3. Configure access to Moon:

    1. Option 1. Useminikube ip to patch Moon service.

      1. Patch service withminikube ip command output:

        $ kubectl patch svc moon -n moon --patch "{\"spec\":{\"externalIPs\":[\"$(minikube ip)\"]}}"

        On Windows - you may need to insertminikube ip output manually, because$() expression expansion may not work.

      2. Addmoon.aerokube.local to/etc/hosts:

        $ sudo echo "$(minikube ip) moon.aerokube.local" >> /etc/hosts

        On Windows you may need to update hosts file manually.

    2. Option 2. Use minikube tunnel. This works only when minikube is using Docker driver.

      1. Addmoon.aerokube.local to/etc/hosts:

        $ sudo echo ' moon.aerokube.local' >> /etc/hosts
      2. Start Minikube tunnel in a separate tab. Enter your password when prompted:

        $ minikube tunnel
  4. Openhttp://moon.aerokube.local/ in browser to show user interface. Usehttp://moon.aerokube.local/wd/hub as Selenium URL.

1.1.2. Installing to Openshift

  1. Prerequisites:

    • RunningOpenshift 4.x cluster

    • oc client installed and pointing to the cluster. Installation was tested whenoc has administrator permissions.

  2. Create a project (the same as Kubernetes namespace) for Moon:

    $ oc new-project moon

    In the next steps we assume that Openshift project for Moon is calledmoon.

  3. Add Aerokubecharts repository:

    $ helm repo add aerokube$ helm repo update
  4. To install or upgrade Moon type:

    $ helm upgrade --install --set ingress.openshift=true -n moon moon aerokube/moon2

    Here-n moon points to the project created on the previous step.

  5. Edit user and group id inconfiguration object to match values allowed by Openshift policies (e.g. set to1000650000, exact value depends on Openshift configuration):

    $ oc edit default -n moon

To test everything locally you can useOpenshift Local. In that case you need to additionally pass Ingress hostname as follows:

$ helm upgrade --install --set ingress.openshift=true --set -n moon moon aerokube/moon2

Having running Moon pods - addmoon.apps-crc.testing to/etc/hosts:

$ sudo echo ' moon.apps-crc.testing' >> /etc/hosts

1.1.3. Recommendations on Working with Helm

Helm values files

As you could see above Helm chart is the recommended Moon installation way for both Kubernetes and Openshift. Our Helmchart comes with recommended defaults that will work out of the box in most cases. However, there are situations when you wish to install Moon with some advanced features already activated and to be able to easily reproduce the same installation later. For example, by default Moon does notrecord videos of browser sessions, and you may need this in your processes. Similarly, you may want to launch browsers inmultiple namespaces or useadditional trusted TLS certificates.

Although, all these features can be activated just by manually editing respective Moon objects (configuration object,browsers set,devices set) withkubectl edit command, such changes will be overwritten by Helm during the next deployment. Helm provides better way of having reproducible deployment configuration state -values files. It works like this:

  1. Every Helm chart has default settings stored invalues.yaml file and distributed with all the rest of chart files. For example, an up-to-datevalues.yaml file for Moon 2.x Helm chart is storedhere. This file contains reasonable defaults.

  2. If you need to change some defaults to custom values, you create a localvalues.yaml file containing only the values you wish to change. For example, in Moon Helm chart number of Moon replicas can be set usingdeployment.replicas field invalues.yaml. You create a textvalues.yaml file like this:


    Such file should be stored under your preferred version control system. This guarantees - you will never lose your custom deployment settings.

  3. To apply your custom settings while (re)deploying Moon - simply pass full path to yourvalues.yaml file in Helm command:

    $ helm upgrade --install -f path/to/values.yaml -n moon moon aerokube/moon2

    Overriding some parameter invalues.yaml is equivalent but more useful than providing the same key as--set flag, e.g.:

    $ helm upgrade --install --set deployment.replicas=3 -n moon moon aerokube/moon2
Configuring Moon Custom Resources

Moon 2.x configuration is stored as native Kubernetes objects calledcustom resources:

Our Helm chart contains a dedicated key invalues.yaml corresponding to every such resource:

Moon custom resources can be also configured in values.yaml
quota:# Stores a list of quotasquota1:# Quota1 specificationquota2:# Quota2 specificationconfigs:# Stores a list of configuration objectsconfig1:# Config1 specificationconfig2:# Config2 specificationbrowsers:# Stores a list of browsers setsbrowsersset1:# Browsersset1 specificationbrowsersset2:# Browsersset2 specificationlicense:# Stores Moon license key (currently only one license key is supported in Helm chart)

As you can see for all resources except licenses you can define multiple different instances: multiple configuration objects, multiple quota objects and multiple browsers sets. Every field you set in resource specification is converted as is to a Kubernetes custom resource. For example, consider the following browsers set invalues.yaml:

An example browsers set definition in values.yaml

When you apply Helm chart with the following definition in values.yaml, it will be automatically converted to browsers set Kubernetes resource like this:

An equivalent browsers set Kubernetes object Your namespace name for Moon will be

If you create multiple entries in the list of browsers sets invalues.yaml, then multiple Kubernetes resources will be created.

1.2. Architecture

1.2.1. Moon Components

Moon Components

moon components

Moon cluster consists of several components:

  1. One or moreMoon application instances. Their main purpose is to start and stop browser containers. These replicas are usually exposed asKubernetes service available on standard Selenium port4444. You should run all the tests against this service. Also, this application provides an API to get information about running browser instances (in Moon 1.x this was a separate application calledMoon API).

  2. One or moreMoon Conf application instances. This application is restarting Moon pods when you update a license key.

  3. One or moreMoon UI application instances.Moon UI collects information from Moon and visualizes it. It is usually available on HTTP port8080.

  4. Running browser pods.

1.2.2. Moon Operation Modes

Moon 2.x has two different operation modes:single namespace mode andmultiple namespaces mode.

Single Namespace Mode


In single namespace mode Moon itself and all launched browser pods are running in the one Kubernetes namespace. Moon 1.x was only able to work like this. This is still suitable if only one team is using Moon or you don’t need to limit browser consumption of different Moon users. By default, Moon is launched in this mode.

Multiple Namespaces Mode


In multiple namespaces mode Moon is running in one namespace and browsers are launched in separate namespaces. The total number of such namespaces is unlimited. This mode is mainly needed when you want to control computing resources, browsers or network access rules (network policies) available for every team. How to enable this mode is describedhere.

1.2.3. Browser Pod Contents

In addition to container with browser every pod created by Moon contains one or more service images.

Table 1. Service Images


Needed to provide CA certificates to browser

Always as init container


Allows only one browser session to be created in the pod, handles session timeouts



Handles proxy authentication for Selenium



Records video of running browser screen

Whenvideo recording is requested by user


DeliversVNC connectivity to browser images

When browser window is visible


Delivers anX server for running non-headless browsers

When browser window is visible

1.3. Recommended Cluster Settings

  • Use the biggest possible cluster node sizes. For example having 100 CPUs overall it is better to launch 5 nodes with 20 CPUs each than 50 nodes with 2 CPUs each. Browser pods can in some cases require more than 2 CPUs and this can lead to preliminary cluster fragmentation.

  • Avoid cluster nodes with RedHat \ CentOS if possible. Nodes using these distributions are known to suffer from issues related to firewall \ SeLinux and can be more complicated to configure correctly.

  • Use Calico container network interface instead of Flannel if possible. Calico has better performance than Flannel especially on big clusters.

  • Use more than 1 Kubernetes API replica if needed. Moon is using Kubernetes API to create and delete browser pods. If you plan to run hundreds of browsers in parallel - take a look at Kubernetes API (Kubernetes master) host system metrics. Overloaded master can stop responding to requests properly and this can lead to frozen browser pods.

1.4. Required Permissions

Moon requires a limited set of permissions and should work with default Kubernetes settings. By default, Moon runs browsers in the samemoon namespace where it runs (single namespace mode). Moon 2.0.0 and above supports multiple Kubernetesnamespaces. This allows you to have one Moon instance running inmoon namespace and an arbitrary number of namespaces for running browsers of different users (multiple namespaces mode). This allows you to easily set maximum number of browsers allowed to run by every team.

1.4.1. Single Namespace Mode

The following table summarizes what needs to be accessible for Moon in single namespace mode:

Table 2. Required Moon Permissions In Single Namespace Mode



Toget,watch,list,create,delete,update andpatchpods

Used to manipulate pods with browsers

Toget,watch,list,create,delete,update andpatchconfig maps

Used to pass users and groups to browser pods

Toget,watch,list,create,delete,update andpatchdeployments andreplica sets

Used in license functionality

Toget,watch andlist Mooncustom resources API group

These custom resources store Moon configuration. Moon licenses ( are cluster-wide, so aClusterRole is needed for this resource.

1.4.2. Multiple Namespaces Mode

When running browsers in multiple namespaces required permissions differ. The following table shows Moon permissions in the namespace where it is running:

Table 3. Required Permissions for the Namespace where Moon runs



Toget,watch andlist information aboutnamespaces

Needed to control how many browsers are running in every user namespace

Toget,watch andlistpods

Used to analyze pods in Moon namespace

Toget,watch,list,create,delete,update andpatchdeployments andreplica sets

Used in license functionality

Toget,watch andlist Mooncustom resources API group

These custom resources store Moon configuration. Moon licenses ( are cluster-wide, so aClusterRole is needed for this resource.

For every user namespace Moon needs the following permissions:

Table 4. Required Moon Permissions For User Namespace



Toget,watch,list,create,delete,update andpatchpods

Used to manipulate pods with browsers

Toget,watch,list,create,delete,update andpatchconfig maps

Used to pass users and groups to browser pods

1.5. Difference between Moon 2.x and Moon 1.x

Moon 2.x is the new major Moon version adding a lot of improvements. This section summarizes the most notable changes.

  • Multiple Kubernetes namespaces. Moon 1.x allows to run all browsers inone Kubernetes namespace. However, the same Moon cluster is often being used by different teams. A common problem is limiting the maximum number of browsers available for every team. Limiting the number of browsers is the same as limiting the number of CPUs and memory available for every team. Kubernetes solves this problem by introducingnamespaces. Namespaces can be considered as projects that can have some limited number of computing resources assigned by Kubernetes administrator. In Moon 2.x you can create an unlimited number of separate namespaces for browsers, one for every team, and then configure Moon to launch browsers in these namespaces. This gives Kubernetes administrator full control of resources consumption for every team. From the license key perspective - you are still using one license key for all these namespaces. In Moon 1.x in order to use separate namespaces for different teams you had to install a separate Moon instance to every namespace and use a different license key for every such instance. This sometimes prevented teams from requesting more browsers during the peak load. In Moon 2.x one big license key is automatically shared between namespaces and thus if licenses are available, every team during the peak load can request more browsers than it usually needs. Detailed description of how it looks like is provided inArchitecture section.

  • Improved configuration. Moon 1.x is usingJSON configuration files. For example Moon 1.x browsers list file is stored in Kubernetes config map and looks like this:

    Typical Moon 1.x Browsers List File
    {"firefox": {"default":"95.0","versions": {"95.0": {"image":"browsers/firefox:95.0","port":"4444","path":"/wd/hub"      }    }  }}

    Moon 2.x instead if providing custom resources for configuration. For example browsers list file is now called abrowser set and is a native Kubernetes citizen:

    Moon 2.x Browser Set

    You can easily inspect and update such objects with any compatible Kubernetes client, e.g.:

    $ kubectl get browsersets -n moon -o yaml # Show all available browser sets$ kubectl edit browserset default -n moon

    The same applies to other configuration files and even to Moon license key manipulation:

    $ kubectl get license -n moonNAME      LICENSEE          SESSIONS   EXPIRESdefault   Acme Inc.         10         2022-10-11T18:38:42Z

    Every modification in such configuration objects is automatically validated by Kubernetes before saving, so it’s less error-prone.

  • New browser versions are available automatically. Moon 1.x requires to add an image for every new browser version to browsers list file manually. If a browser version is missing, then Moon 1.x will not be able to start this browser. Moon 2.x contrarily only needs to configure a browser image repository for every browser type. Once configured - new browser versions are detected automatically.

  • Improved browser performance. Moon 2.x is using completely new browser startup architecture that starts only required operating system components for current set of requested browser features. For example, operating system components responsible for window management are started only when browser window is visible (browser is not "headless"). This leads to smaller browser images, faster startup and faster browser commands execution.

  • Lower cloud resources consumption. Reworked browser startup architecture leads to at least 20% lower average cloud resources (CPU, memory, network traffic) consumption.

  • Improved network communication. Moon 1.x relies on Kubernetes DNS implementation (e.g.CoreDNS) for communicating with browser pods. DNS service is known to suffer from caching and cloud-specific networking issues which can in rare cases lead to broken browser sessions. Moon 2.x relies on pod IP addresses instead and does not depend on DNS at all.

  • No built-in authentication. Moon 1.x supports onlybasic HTTP authentication. Moon 2.x instead does not provide built-in authentication mechanism by default. Instead, you can use existing Kubernetes-compatible software (e.g.Nginx Ingress Controller) to provide any authentication mechanism ( TLS authentication) you need. Moon derives username fromAuthorization orX-Moon-Quota HTTP headers. SeeUsers section for more details.

  • OpenID Connect support. Moon 2.x comes with a ready-to-use sidecar container for usingOpenID Connect authentication. This allows for example to easily use an existing private or publicOAuth service. For example, you can easily load existingGithub users like this.

  • Improved self-signed TLS root certification authorities support. Companies are often using self-signed TLS certificates for internal web services. In Moon 2.x adding support for such self-signed TLS certificates is as easy as providing TLS self-signed root certification authority in Moon configuration. You can configure it globally for all Moon components and browser versions in a single place.

    Moon 2 self-signed root CA configuration  kind: Config  metadata:    annotations:    name: default    namespace: moon  spec:    additionalTrustedCAs: |      -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----      ...
  • Advanced Selenium features. Moon is fully compatible withW3C Webdriver protocol meaning that all Selenium 4.x features will work out of the box. In addition to these standard features Moon provides some advanced browser manipulation methods like interacting with theclipboard orgetting files from browser container. For example, you can easily copy and paste arbitrary text data and images from your tests to browser clipboard.

1.6. Moon vs other solutions

Moon takes all the best practices and features from existing browser automation solutions and adds many more:

  1. Browser automation Swiss army knife. Moon supports all the most popular browser automation tools (Selenium,Playwright,Cypress,Puppeteer) out of the box. We automatically build and publishimages for all new browser releases.

  2. Unlimited automatic scalability. You always have enough browsers of any desired version available in the cluster. When running the cluster in cloud platforms such asAmazon Web Services orGoogle Cloud you can adjust settings to automatically scale depending on current load. This allows to combine efficiency with competitive cost.

  3. Completely stateless. Selenoid and Selenium Grid 3.x store in memory information about currently running browser sessions. Selenium Grid 4.x is using a key-value storage (e.g.Redis) for the same purpose. If for some reason process that stores sessions list crashes then all running sessions are lost. Moon contrarily has no internal state and can be replicated across datacenters. Browser sessions remain alive even if one or more replicas go down.

  4. Fine-grained resources control. Moon allows to easily configure computing resources available for every used component. This leads to predictable computing resources consumption and overall cluster cost.

  5. Fully graceful. Any maintenance operations with the cluster do not interrupt running browser sessions. Every cluster component shuts down gracefully.

2. Main Features

2.1. User Interface

  1. This feature is available since Moon 2.4.0.

  2. User interface described in this section is enabled by default since Moon 2.6.2. For older releases it should be enabled explicitly when deploying Moon. To enable it - use the following parameter in Helm chart values:

    deployment:  experimentalUI: true

    When enabled - new user interface (UI) is automatically available under/ui/, e.g. and UI that was present is still available under/ ( We plan to stop using old UI when we get sufficient feedback from the teams and fix possibly found issues.

2.1.1. Overview

Moon comes with a powerful user interface allowing to list and filter running browser sessions, view browser screen, launch browser sessions for manual testing and so on.

Moon UI general view

moon ui general view

The main screen of the UI is showing the list of browser sessions that are currently running or being started. For every session you can see browser automation tool, browser name, version, test name, labels, status, duration, enabled features and so on. To delete a running session you haveto click twice on the button with a trash can icon (two clicks are needed to prevent accidentally removing a running session). To create a browser session formanual testing - click on the button with browser name at the top of UI screen.

Moon UI session filters

moon ui session filters

One Moon cluster can run dozens, hundreds or even thousands of browser sessions in parallel. To find sessions that belong to your project or exact build number -use filters. These controls allow to filter browser sessions byid,name andlabels:

  • Sessionid is a unique value automatically assigned to every browser session by Moon. You can’t change it. Full session id looks like this:chrome-73-0-ac15ffaa-e641-4c7f-a54c-f25b5be1f135. In the UI we are printing only a few symbols of this long value.

  • Sessionname is a free-form value allowing to describe purpose of the session in the UI. Usually this value contains test case name. To change session name - usename capability for Selenium orname parameter forPlaywright,Cypress ordeveloper tools, e.g.:

  • Sessionlabels are free-form key-value pairs allowing to put additional metadata on every browser session. This can be for example build number, project name, release information and so on. To add labels - uselabels capability for Selenium or configurelabels in browsers set. Every label requested to be set by Moon is converted to aKubernetes label added to respective browser pod. User interface is using exactly the same syntax oflabel selectors that is supported by Kubernetes. For example, havingproject andbuildNumber labels set to some browser session you can use expressions like this:

    How to filter by labels
    project=MyCoolProject # Exact match of one labelproject=MyCoolProject,buildNumber=42 # Match of project AND buildNumber valuesproject in (MyCoolProject, AnotherProject),buildNumber!=42 # Select project from the listproject notin (MyCoolProject, AnotherProject),!buildNumber # Select project not from the list, build number not setproject!=AnotherProject,buildNumber # Any project except AnotherProject, build number should be set
Moon UI browser screen

moon ui browser screen

When you click on a row in the sessions list, browser screen is shown automatically if possible. For example for browser sessions with invisible browser window (so-calledheadless browsers) - nothing happens when you click on a row. By default, browser screen is in view-only mode. To interact with the browser - click on the button with the lock icon (🔒). Click on this button again - to switch back to view-only mode. Browser screen allows to follow automated test execution and intercept it when needed. When you launch a manual testing session - use this screen to manually execute your scenario step-by-step. All browser features like opening developer toolbar are working exactly the same as on your personal computer. To copy and paste values from your computer to Moon browser session - useCtrl+C\Ctrl+V orCmd+C\Cmd+V shortcuts on your keyboard.

2.1.2. Console

This feature is available since Moon 2.6.1.

Console is a command-line interface available on Moon UI screen and giving more power to manual testing. The following features are available:

  • Listing available browsers and mobile emulation devices

  • Starting, listing and deleting browser sessions with desktop browsers and with mobile emulation enabled

  • Easily providing arbitrary additional browser capabilities

  • Opening VNC sessions for manual testing

This is how console looks like:

Moon Console

moon ui console

To open console:

  • Option 1. Click on the button shown on the picture above.

  • Option 2. Type~ (tilde) symbol on the keyboard.

Moon console works similarly to standard Unix terminal. To list all available commands type:

Listing available commands
moon$ -hUsage:  create  delete  list  get  vnc  clear  exit

To show command syntax add-h or-help to command:

Showing command help
moon$ delete -hDesc:  delete - stop sessionUsage:  delete <session-id>

To view previous commands use arrow up and arrow down buttons. To clear previous commands output type:

Clearing console
moon$ clear

To exit from console just close console window with mouse or type:

Exiting console
moon$ exit

To list available browsers:

Listing available browsers
moon$ get browseroperasafariMicrosoftEdgechromefirefox

To list last 5 versions ofchrome browser:

Listing available browsers
moon$ get browser -n chrome -l 5120.0.6099.224-6 (default)# If there are more browser versions in browser set, they will be shown here

To list mobile emulation devices:

Listing available mobile emulation devices
moon$ get device -e "iPhone X" # Partial name match"Apple iPhone X""Apple iPhone XR""Apple iPhone Xs""Apple iPhone Xs Max"moon$ get device -e "iPhone X$" # Match device name by regex"Apple iPhone X"

To launch a Chrome browser:

Launching desktop browser
moon$ create browser -n chrome # Default Chrome versionchrome-120-0-124bcfdf-6f03-424c-80b4-6c2ee5b2f36f # This is launched session IDmoon$ create browser -n chrome -v 120.0 # Exact Chrome versionmoon$ create browser -n chrome -caps '{"goog:chromeOptions": {"args": ["start-maximized"]}}' # Additional Selenium capabilities in JSON format

To launch mobile emulation:

Launching mobile emulation
moon$ create device -n "Apple iPhone Xs" -url

To view browser screen using VNC:

Showing browser screen
moon$ vnc chrome-120-0-6099-224-6-46e1198c-f73d-401d-be6c-6e127ef53f24

To list available browser sessions:

Listing browser sessions
moon$ listchrome-120-0-124bcfdf-6f03-424c-80b4-6c2ee5b2f36f

To delete a running browser session:

Deleting a browser session
moon$ delete chrome-120-0-124bcfdf-6f03-424c-80b4-6c2ee5b2f36f

2.2. Using Selenium

We maintain a set of minimalistic projects demonstrating how to use Moon with your Selenium tool:

Running Selenium tests in Moon is straightforward. Just use the following as Selenium URL in your tests:

Selenium URL

Moon is fully compatible withW3C WebDriver specification, so allstandard Selenium capabilities and features should just work out of the box. To request a browser - you have to providebrowserName capability in your code, for example:

An example Selenium test in Python
fromseleniumimportwebdrivercapabilities = {"browserName":"chrome"}driver = webdriver.Remote(    command_executor='',    desired_capabilities=capabilities)

Concrete browser version that will be used depends on Moon configuration, but by default this is the latest available version. To request an exact browser version - providebrowserVersion capability:

Providing an exact browser version
capabilities = {"browserName":"chrome","browserVersion":"96.0"}

Moon provides additional features by usingextension commands and capabilities described in the next sections.

2.2.1. Moon-specific Capabilities

Moon supports a set of extension capabilities. You can pass them in your code to enable or disable some features. All these capabilities should be passed undermoon:options key:

Providing Moon capabilities
capabilities = {"browserName":"chrome","moon:options": {# All Moon capabilities live under moon:options"enableVideo":True,"screenResolution":"1280x1024"    }}

In statically-typed languages like Java or C# you should use a Map (Dictionary) to pass Moon capabilities, e.g.:

Passing Moon capabilities in Java
Custom Screen Resolution: screenResolution

Moon allows you to set custom screen resolution in containers being run:

Type: string, format: <width>x<height>
screenResolution: "1280x1024"

You can optionally add colors depth:

Type: string, format: <width>x<height>x<colors-depth>
screenResolution: "1280x1024x24"

This capability sets only screen resolution - not browser window size. Most of the browsers have some default window size value this is why your screenshot size can be smaller than screen resolution specified in capability. You should manually resize window to desired width and height or use Seleniummaximize operation.

Custom Test Name: name

For debugging purposes it is often useful to give a distinct name to every test case. You can set test case name by passing the following capability:

Type: string
name: "myCoolTestName"

The main application of this capability - is debugging tests in the UI which is showing specified name for every running session.

Video Recording: enableVideo, videoName, videoScreenSize, videoFrameRate, videoCodec, pattern
Using video recording requiresinitial configuration.

To enable video recording for browser session, add:

Type: boolean
enableVideo: true
  • By default, saved video files are namedvideo.mp4. To provide custom video name specify:

    Type: string
    videoName: "my-cool-video.mp4"
    It is important to addmp4 file extension.
  • By default, the entire screen picture is being recorded. SpecifyingscreenResolution capability changes recorded video size (width and height) accordingly. You can override video screen size by passing a capability. In case ofvideoScreenSize resolution is less than actual, screen on video will be trimmed starting from top-left corner:

    Type: string
    videoScreenSize: "1024x768"
  • Default video frame rate is12 frames per second. SpecifyingvideoFrameRate capability changes this value:

    Type: int
    videoFrameRate: 24
  • By default, Moon is usinglibx264 codec for video output. If this codec is consuming too much CPU, you can change it usingvideoCodec capability:

    Type: string
    videoCodec: "mpeg4"
  • To organizecustom S3 layout for every uploaded video - usepattern (ors3KeyPattern) capability:

    Type: string
    pattern: "$quota/$browserName/$sessionId"
Capturing web page network activity: enableHAR
  1. This feature is available since Moon 2.7.2.

  2. Using this capability requiresinitial S3 storage configuration.

In some cases you may need to capture all HTTP requests being sent by browser during Selenium session. Moon can automatically capture all network traffic to so-calledHAR format file and upload it to S3 storage. To enable capturing web page network activity for a browser session, add the following capability:

Type: boolean
enableHAR: true
Per-session Environment Variables: env

Sometimes you may want to set some environment variables for every test case (for example to test with different default locales). To achieve this pass one more capability:

Type: array, format: <key>=<value>
env: ["LANG=ru_RU.UTF-8", "LANGUAGE=ru:en", "LC_ALL=ru_RU.UTF-8"]

Environment variables from this capability are appended to variables from Moon configuration. In statically-typed languages like Java or C# you should use a List to pass this capability, e.g.:

Passing env in Java
Hosts Aliases: hosts

Although you can configure a separate list of host aliases in/etc/hosts for every browser image inbrowsers set sometimes you may need to add more entries for particular test cases. This can be easily achieved with:

Type: array, format: <hostname>:<ip-address>
hosts: ["", ""]

Entries from this capability will be override/etc/hosts entries from browsers set.

Custom DNS Servers: nameservers

By default, browser pods are using global Kubernetes DNS settings. Sometimes you may need to override used DNS servers list for particular test cases. This can be easily achieved with:

Type: array, format: <dns-ip-address>
nameservers: ["", ""]
Custom Session Timeout: sessionTimeout

Sometimes you may want to changeidle timeout for selected browser session. To achieve this - pass the following capability:

Type: string
sessionTimeout: "1m30s"

Timeout is always specified in Golang duration format, e.g.30s or2m or1h2m30s and so on.

Mobile Emulation: mobileDevice

This capability configures desired mobile deviceMobile Emulation:

Type: object
"mobileDevice": {    "deviceName": "Apple iPhone XR",    "orientation": "landscape"}

To select which device to emulate usedeviceName key:

Type: string
deviceName: "Apple iPhone XR"

To explicitly specify device screen orientation (portrait or landscape) useorientation key:

Type: string
orientation: "landscape"

Possibleorientation values are:portrait,vertical (alias forportrait),landscape,horizontal (alias forlandscape). In statically-typed languages like Java or C# you should use a Map to pass this capability, e.g.:

Passing mobileDevice in Java
capabilities.setCapability("moon:options",Map.of("mobileDevice",Map.of("deviceName":"Apple iPhone XR","orientation":"landscape"    )));
Pod Labels: labels

Sometimes you may want to pass additional metadata to every browser session: environment, VCS revision, build number, project name and so on. These labels can be then used to get various browser usage statistics.

Type: map, format: "<key>": "<value>"
labels: {"project": "MyCoolProject", "build-number": "14353"}

Labels from this capability override labels from browsers set. More information about labels is described inUsing Custom Kubernetes Labels section.

Browser Log Level: logLevel
This feature is available since Moon 2.2.0.

By default, Moon browsers output very limited quality of logs to decrease overall load on Kubernetes and log storage software. You can change logging verbosity usinglogLevel capability:

Type: string
logLevel: "INFO"

Supported browsers are: Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Opera and Firefox. Possible values for this capability depend on browser type:

Table 5. Supported log levels for Chrome, Microsoft Edge and Opera
Capability value







Table 6. Supported log levels for Firefox
Capability value








Enable Additional Fonts: additionalFonts
  1. This feature is available since Moon 2.2.1.

  2. This feature is enabled automatically when launching manual session from Moon UI.

  3. When this feature is enabled additional fonts are copied to browser container for every new pod, so browsers can start a bit slower.

By default, Moon browsers do not provide support for Chinese, Japanese, Thai and other languages. To enable additional fonts containing these symbols add one more capability:

Type: boolean
additionalFonts: true
Additional Browser Data: context

This feature is available since Moon 2.3.0.

This capability allows to efficiently upload arbitrary files to browser pod. All required files are packed to a*.tar.gz archive and capability value should contain a download URL to this archive. Detailed description and examples can be foundhere.

Type: string
context: ""
Disable Window Manager: windowManager

This feature is available since Moon 2.7.0.

A window manager is system software that controls the placement and appearance of windows within a windowing system in a graphical user interface. By default, all browsers are started with enabled window manager. This capability allows to turn off window manager. The main change that will happen when you turn off window manager - browser window will have no title bar and border, you will be unable to resize and move browser window when doing manual testing, but you still can do this with code.

Type: boolean
windowManager: false # Default is true
Automatically Select Mutual TLS Client Certificate: autoSelectClientCerts
  1. This feature is available since Moon 2.7.2.

  2. This capability is only needed for Chrome browser.

Some tested applications are now relying on so-calledmutual TLS authentication. To automatically select first available TLS client certificate, use the following capability:

Type: boolean
autoSelectClientCerts: true

2.2.2. Headless Mode

By default, all browsers in Moon are started with visible browser window. The majority of browsers nowadays support so-called "headless" mode, when browser is opening pages in the background and no window is visible to the user. Usually such mode is enabled by passing--headless flag to browser startup command in Selenium capabilities.

Starting Chrome browser in headless mode
capabilities = {"browserName":"chrome","goog:chromeOptions": {"args": ["--headless"]    }}

Moon automatically detects when browser is started in headless mode. Headless browsers do not require any graphical components like X-server or window manager, so Moon does not start such components when not needed. Because of this feature, there is no need to additionally passenableVNC capability to show browser screen in Moon user interface.

2.2.3. Video Recording

Using video recording requiresinitial configuration.

When video recording is configured, recording a video of Selenium session is as easy as adding one capability to your test:

Enabling video in Selenium capabilities
capabilities = {"moon:options": {"enableVideo":True    }}

You can optionally add othercapabilities to change recorded video name, screen size, frame rate and so on.

2.2.4. Mobile Emulation

  1. This feature is supported in Moon 1.8.0 and above.

  2. This feature works with Chrome browser only.

  3. Testing mobile applications is not possible.

Running automated tests in mobile platforms is nowadays very important. Using a set of real devices connected to server via USB requires too much work to deploy and maintain. Running Android Emulators requires hardware server or virtual machines with nested virtualization enabled. Running iOS Simulators requires to have Apple hardware. Even with correct computing resources tests are slower than on desktop platforms and consume slightly more CPUs and memory per browser.

Your goal however is catching bugs and not deploying complicated browser automation infrastructure. There are a lot of cases when a bug related to mobile version of tested web application can be reproduced simply by having exactly the same screen size andUser-Agent HTTP header being sent by browser. This feature is already available in Chromium-based browsers and is calledMobile Emulation.

Example capabilities to enable this functionality are shown below:

Mobile Emulation in Java
ChromeOptions options =new ChromeOptions();options.setCapability("browserVersion","96.0");options.setCapability("moon:options",Map.of("mobileDevice",Map.of("deviceName","Apple iPhone XR","orientation","landscape",    )));
Mobile Emulation in Python
capabilities = {"browserName":"chrome","browserVersion":"96.0","moon:options": {"mobileDevice": {"deviceName":"Apple iPhone XR","orientation":"landscape"        }    }}

Moon comes with a preconfigured list of supported devices stored indevices set. Full list of available devices is available inSupported Mobile Devices section. In order to add your own mobile devices definitions - simply update this list.

2.2.5. Accessing Clipboard

  1. Clipboard is accessible only when browser session is running.

  2. OnlyPNG image format is supported.

  3. This functionality is working out of the box inLightning client.

Sometimes you may need to interact with the clipboard to check that your application copy-paste feature works. Moon has a dedicated API to interact with the clipboard:

  1. Start a new session, for example with IDfirefox-95-0-f2bcd32b-d932-4cdc-a639-687ab8e4f840.

  2. To get clipboard value send the following HTTP request:

    $ curl -H 'Accept: application/json'{"value": "some-clipboard-value", "media": ""}

    If clipboard contains an image, then response will containBase64-encoded image bytes:

  3. To update clipboard with text value:

    $ curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --data '{"value": "some-clipboard-value"}'
  4. To update clipboard with image value, sendBase64-encoded image bytes and :

    $ curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --data '{"value": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAAN....", "media": "image/png"}'

2.2.6. Uploading Files to Browser

Uploading files to browser is a built-in Selenium feature supported in the majority of Selenium clients. How to do this in different programming languages is shown below:

Uploading files withstandard Java client
// Find file input elementWebElement input = driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("input[type='file']"));// Make sure element is visible((JavascriptExecutor) driver).executeScript("arguments[0].style.display = 'block';", input);// Configure your client to upload local files to remote Selenium instancedriver.setFileDetector(new LocalFileDetector());// Specify you local file path here (not path inside browser container!)input.sendKeys("/path/to/file/on/machine/which/runs/tests");
Uploading files withLightning Java client
// Find file input elementWebElement fileInput = driver.elements().findFirst(By.cssSelector("input[type='file']"));// Upload filePath fileToUpload = Paths.get("/path/to/file/on/machine/which/runs/tests");String fileRemotePath = driver.document().uploadFile(fileToUpload);// Set file input field value to remote uploaded file pathfileInput.sendKeys(fileRemotePath);
Uploading files with Python
fromselenium.webdriver.remote.file_detectorimportLocalFileDetector# ...# Find input fieldinput = driver.find_element_by_css_selector("input[type='file']")# Make sure it is visibledriver.execute_script("arguments[0].style.display = 'block';",input)# Upload filedriver.file_detector = LocalFileDetector()input.send_keys("/path/to/file/on/machine/which/runs/tests")
Uploading files with C#
// Create driver instanceChromeOptions options = new ChromeOptions();IWebDriver driver = new RemoteWebDriver(new Uri(""), options);// Open pagedriver.Navigate().GoToUrl("");// Upload fileIAllowsFileDetection allowsDetection = (IAllowsFileDetection)driver;allowsDetection.FileDetector = new LocalFileDetector();driver.FindElement(By.Id("uploadfile_0")).SendKeys("/tmp/file.txt");
Uploading files
var filePath = path.join('/path/to/file/on/machine/which/runs/tests');var remoteFilePath = browser.uploadFile(filePath);$("input[type='file']").setValue(remoteFilePath);

2.2.7. Providing Additional Browser Data

  1. This feature is available since Moon 2.3.0.

  2. Only*.tar.gz archives are supported. We do not support regular*.zip archives because of performance issues.

Often when working with a browser you may need to use additional data: browser extensions, test files to be uploaded, browser settings files (also known asbrowser profile) and so on. In standard Selenium every such additional file is uploaded with different code snippet. The most important thing is that anyway all such data is being uploaded as HTTP request body. Every time you send file like this your Selenium implementation needs to read all the bytes into memory and this dramatically increases memory consumption. A lot more efficient way of delivering the same functionality is packing all required files to a single archive (e.g. on your CI server). An URL to this archive is then sent as a Selenium capability, thus allowing every browser session to download it before actually launching the browser. We call an archive like this abrowser context and respective capability is named justcontext:

Type: string

When you providecontext capability, Moon will download an archive and unpack it to/home/<user> directory, where<user> is name of the user configured inconfiguration object. Default username is justuser, so default directory is/home/user/.

How archive is unpacked
browser-data.tar.gz    ===>     /home/user|                               |---- some-file.txt              ---- some-file.txt---- some-directory             ---- some-directory     |                               |     ---- another-file.xpi           ---- another-file.xpi     ---- one-more-file.png          ---- one-more-file.png

To create an archive with browser context:

Creating an archive with browser context
$ tar cvzf browser-data.tar.gz some-file.txt some-directory # Add an arbitrary number of files and directories here

Possible use cases of this feature include:

  1. Uploading files to browser. You pack any test files and just set their path to file input fields or open them in the browser.

    Capabilities to upload test files to browser

    The same as HTTP request:

    An HTTP request to upload test files to browser
    $ curl -d'{"capabilities":{"alwaysMatch":{"browserName":"chrome", "moon:options":{"context":""}}}}'

    Now just use unpacked files in your Selenium code:

    Using uploaded files from context
    // Find file input elementWebElement input = driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("input[type='file']"));// Specify path of the file from context directoryinput.sendKeys("/home/user/some-directory/one-more-file.png");// You can also open files from context directory in browserdriver.get("file:///home/user/some-file.txt");
  2. Using browser extensions. You repack your extension (extension.crx) to the archive (extension.tar.gz) and then load it using browser command-line flags. To repack extension:

    How to repack extension to*.tar.gz
    $ unzip extension.crx -d extension # The same works for *.xpi as both are zip archives$ tar cvzf extension.tar.gz extension

    Respective capabilities can look like this:

    Capabilities to use a browser extension
    {"browserName":"chrome","goog:chromeOptions":{"args":["--disable-extensions-except=/home/user/extension","--load-extension=/home/user/extension"    ]  },"moon:options":{"context":""}}

    The same as HTTP request:

    An HTTP request to use browser extension
    $ curl -d'{"capabilities":{"alwaysMatch":{"browserName":"chrome", "goog:chromeOptions":{"args":["--disable-extensions-except=/home/user/extensions","--load-extension=/home/user/extensions"]}, "moon:options":{"context":""}}}}'
  3. Overriding browser profile. You pack a directory with browser profile (profile) to the archive (profile.tar.gz) and then load it using browser command-line flags. Respective capabilities for Chrome can look like this:

    Capabilities to override Chrome profile
    {"browserName":"chrome","goog:chromeOptions":{"args":["--user-data-dir=/home/user/profile"]  },"moon:options":{"context":""}}

    The same as HTTP request:

    An HTTP request to override Chrome profile
    $ curl -d'{"capabilities":{"alwaysMatch":{"browserName":"chrome", "goog:chromeOptions":{"args":["--user-data-dir=/home/user/profile"]}, "moon:options":{"context":""}}}}'

    For Firefox approach remains the same but command-line flags differ:

    Capabilities to override Firefox profile
    {"browserName":"firefox","moz:firefoxOptions":{"args":["-profile","/home/user/profile"]  },"moon:options":{"context":""}}

    The same as HTTP request:

    An HTTP request to override Firefox profile
    $ curl -H'Content-Type: application/json' -d'{"capabilities":{"alwaysMatch":{"browserName":"firefox", "moz:firefoxOptions":{"args":["-profile","/home/user/profile"]}, "moon:options":{"context":""}}}}'
  4. Overriding various user settings. Previously we understood that browser context archive is unpacked to user home directory in browser pod. You can use this to override various operating system configuration files (~/.bashrc,~/.gtkrc-3.0 to e.g. turn off cursor blinking) and directories (~/.ssh,~/.gpg and so on).

  5. Emulating web camera video. You upload a video file to browser pod and then use it as fake web camera video. You start by preparing a fake video:

    Converting an *.mp4 video to *.y4m
    $ mkdir webcam-video$ ffmpeg -i my-video.mp4 -vf hflip -pix_fmt yuv420p -s 1280x720 webcam-video/webcam-video.y4m

    Then you add resulting video to an archive:

    Creating an archive with video
    $ tar cvzf webcam-video.tar.gz webcam-video

    Having an archive you can now create a Chrome session with the following capabilities:

    Capabilities for Chrome web camera emulation
    {"browserName":"chrome","goog:chromeOptions":{"args":["--disable-gpu","--use-fake-ui-for-media-stream","--use-fake-device-for-media-stream","--use-file-for-fake-video-capture=/home/user/webcam-video/webcam-video.y4m"    ]  },"moon:options":{"context":""}}

    The same as HTTP request:

    An HTTP request to emulate web camera in Chrome
    $ curl -H'Content-Type: application/json' -d'{"capabilities":{"alwaysMatch":{"browserName":"chrome", "goog:chromeOptions":{"args":["--disable-gpu", "--use-fake-ui-for-media-stream", "--use-fake-device-for-media-stream", "--use-file-for-fake-video-capture=/home/user/webcam-video/webcam-video.y4m"]},"moon:options":{"context":""}}}'

2.2.8. Accessing Files Downloaded with Browser

  1. Files are accessible only when browser session is running.

  2. This functionality is working out of the box inLightning client.

Your tests may need to download files with browsers. To analyze these files a common requirement is then to somehow extract downloaded files from browser containers. Moon provides an API to work with such files:

  1. Start a new session, for example with IDfirefox-95-0-f2bcd32b-d932-4cdc-a639-687ab8e4f840.

  2. In tests code save all files to/home/<user>/Downloads directory, where<user> is name of the user configured inconfiguration object. Default username is justuser, so default directory is/home/user/Downloads.

  3. To list available files:

    curl -H 'Accept: application/json'{"value": ["myfile.txt", "another-file.png"]}
  4. Access any file contents using the following URL:

  5. To delete a file:

    curl -X DELETE
  6. Close the session

2.2.9. Accessing Developer Tools

  1. This feature works in Moon 2.1.0 and above.

  2. This feature requires to create a Selenium session first. If you need to use developer tools with tools likePuppeteer - take a look at the followingdocumentation section.

  3. This feature needs full cluster URL in order to work properly. Make sure your Ingress configuration is proxyingX-Forwarded-Host,X-Forwarded-Port andX-Forwarded-Scheme HTTP headers. In some cases such as usingAWS ALB or accessing Moon without Ingress, proxying headers above is not possible. In that case you have to set Moon-callback-urlflag to correct cluster address, e.g.-callback-url

Selenium 4 and above hasbidirectional functionality allowing to access advanced browser features. This works just out of the box. An example project demonstrating how to use it storedhere.

Moon 1.x and Selenoidhave custom/devtools/ API allowing direct access to browser usingChrome Developer Tools Protocol. For backwards compatibility this is also supported in Moon 2.x. InW3C WebDriver standard Selenium extension commands should be located under vendor prefix, so having a Selenium session ID to access this API in Moon 2 you have to use URL like this:

Old-style Chrome Developer Tools access URL

2.2.10. Changing Browser Locale

In some test cases you may need to override preferred browser locale. You can do this with standard Selenium capabilities. How to override locale depends on browser.

Overriding Browser Locale in Firefox
FirefoxOptions options =new FirefoxOptions();options.setCapability("browserVersion","75.0");options.addPreference("intl.accept_languages","de");WebDriver driver =new RemoteWebDriver(newURL(""), options);
Chromium-based Browsers
Overriding Browser Locale in Chromium-based Browsers
ChromeOptions options =new ChromeOptions();options.setCapability("browserVersion","81.0");options.setCapability("moon:options",Map.of("env",Arrays.asList("LANG=de_AT.UTF-8","LANGUAGE=at:de","LC_ALL=de_AT.UTF-8")));WebDriver driver =new RemoteWebDriver(newURL(""), options);

2.2.11. Changing Browser Time Zone

A common testing task is checking that your web application behaves as expected in differenttime zones. Depending on tested web application one of the following approaches can help.

Option 1: Setting TZ environment variable

A typical approach for overriding time zone in Linux is settingTZ environment variable. To do this in Moon - you just need to setenv capability in your code:

ChromeOptions options =new ChromeOptions();capabilities.setCapability("moon:options",Map.of("env",Arrays.asList("TZ=America/New_York")// This is where you set TZ variable with values like "America/New_York" or "Europe/London"));WebDriver driver =new RemoteWebDriver(newURL(""), options);driver.get("");// An example web site that respects TZ setting

When you set time zone like this, web application can fetch your time zone information usingJavascript Time API. The main problem with this approach is that not all web applications are using it. So if it does not work - then try the next option.

Option 2: Overriding Browser Geolocation

Some web applications are applying time zone settings by analyzing browser geolocation information usingJavascript Geolocation API. If setting time zone directly does not work, you may try to override geolocation API coordinates:

ChromeOptions options =new ChromeOptions();WebDriver driver =new RemoteWebDriver(newURL(""), options);driver =new Augmenter().augment(driver);DevTools devTools = ((HasDevTools) driver).getDevTools();devTools.createSession();// Location of London (change this to 40.715502419712244, -74.00597334074466 for New York)devTools.send(Emulation.setGeolocationOverride(Optional.of(51.495930861102245),        Optional.of(0.010205721644136127),        Optional.of(1)));driver.get("");WebElement element = driver.findElement("q"));Actions actionProvider =new Actions(driver);Action select = actionProvider        .sendKeys("what is my time zone\n")        .build();select.perform();

In some rare cases when both options do not work, this can be a signal that your web application is detecting your time zone by comparing your IP address with IP addresses geolocation database. In that case you may need to configure your browser to go through a proxy server physically located in desired geographic region.

2.2.12. Using External Hosts

Moon expects to run the majority of browsers in pods inside Kubernetes or Openshift cluster. However sometimes you may need to run Selenium tests on some external hosts: hardware servers or virtual machines. Mainly this could be needed in two situations:

  1. Running Selenium tests on complicated platforms such as MacOS or iOS. According to license agreement these platforms require Apple hardware devices, and it is complicated to run Kubernetes on top of these devices.

  2. Using Selenium online platforms for some browsers. In that case you can run the majority of browsers (e.g. Firefox, Chrome, Opera) in Moon and complicated browsers (don’t work on standard virtual machines) such as Chrome Mobile or real devices in external Selenium platform.

To use external hosts you should have the following:

  1. A set of hosts with Selenium-compatible solution (Selenoid, Appium, Selenium Grid, etc.), and so on.

  2. Optionally aVNC server listening on every such host on standard port5900. Every VNC server should be password protected with the same password having 8+ characters.

For every browser type you need to add the following tobrowsers set:

Sending requests to external hosts
selenium:"internet explorer":default:1.0.0repository:aerokube/moon-external-hostenv:        -name: URLSvalue:"[\\\"\\\", \\\"\\\"]"# A list of external hosts        -name: VNC_PASSWORDvalue:"myvncpassword"# At least 8 symbols      ]

With such configuration Selenium session requests with be randomly load-balanced across the hosts specified inURLS environment variable. VNC feature should also work - you should be seeing remote host screen in Moon UI.

2.2.13. Using Proxy Servers

Using proxy with username and password is available since Moon 2.5.0.

In some cases you may need to configure launched browser to go through some proxy server. Selenium WebDriver protocolsupports standard capabilities to configure proxy server for any browser. For example:

Configuring proxy settings for a browser with raw capabilities
ChromeOptions options =new ChromeOptions();String proxyHost ="";capabilities.setCapability("proxy",Map.of("proxyType","manual","httpProxy", proxyHost,"sslProxy", proxyHost,));WebDriver driver =new RemoteWebDriver(newURL(""), options);

For some programming languages there is a wrapper object calledProxy allowing to set the same value in more type-safe way:

Configuring proxy settings for a browser with Proxy object
ChromeOptions options =new ChromeOptions();Proxy proxy =newProxy();String proxyHost ="";proxy    .setProxyType(Proxy.ProxyType.MANUAL)    .setHttpProxy(proxyHost)    .setSslProxy(proxyHost);options.setProxy(proxy);WebDriver driver =new RemoteWebDriver(newURL(""), options);

Very often proxy servers require to provide username and password for authentication. While the majority of Selenium implementations don’t work with such proxy servers, Moon allows to configure authentication out of the box, using the same capabilities - simply add username and password to proxy host value (username:password@host:port):

Configuring proxy settings with authentication
ChromeOptions options =new ChromeOptions();// Note username:password on the line belowString proxyHost ="";capabilities.setCapability("proxy",Map.of("proxyType","manual","httpProxy", proxyHost,"sslProxy", proxyHost,));WebDriver driver =new RemoteWebDriver(newURL(""), options);

2.3. Using Cypress

  1. This feature is supported in Moon 1.9.0 and above.

  2. No changes in Cypress project are required.

  3. An example project demonstrating this feature can be foundhere.

Moon is able to runCypress tests out of the box. To do this:

  1. Install a tool allowing to execute Cypress tests remotely:

    $ npm install @aerokube/cypress-moon
  2. Run your tests against Moon cluster:

    $ cd /path/to/my-test-projectmy-test-project$ cypress-moon

    Each call ofcypress-moon command will start a new browser in Moon.

  1. If your Moon instance is running behindIngress then correct URL would usually be:

  2. Running Cypress tests requires sending compressed project to Moon. If your Cypress project is big and Moon is running behind Ingress you may need to increase maximum HTTP request body size. For exampleNginx Ingress Controller requires the following annotation to be added:

Cypress compared to Selenium has nocapabilities concept. The only way to request an exact browser type or additional features is passing all these requirements in HTTP endpoint URL. Next section describes supported URL naming conventions.

2.3.1. Selecting Requested Browser

You can request one of browsers supported by Cypress (chrome,chromium,edge,electron orfirefox) by specifying its name in URL. By default, Moon will usebrowsers/cypress-<browser-name>:latest public image.

Requesting Chrome ( image)
$ cypress-moon
Requesting Chromium ( image)
$ cypress-moon
Requesting Electron ( image)
$ cypress-moon
Requesting Microsoft Edge ( image)
$ cypress-moon
Requesting Firefox ( image)
$ cypress-moon

2.3.2. Selecting Exact Cypress Version

Cypress API can change from version to version. Because of that it is recommended to make sure that Cypress version being used in your project corresponds to Cypress version in browser image. To use an image compatible with exact Cypress version - add this version as follows:

Selecting an image compatible to Cypress 7.3.0 ( image)
$ cypress-moon

2.3.3. Video Recording

To enablevideo recording - simply addenableVideo parameter to URL:

Enabling video recording
$ cypress-moon

You can optionally add otherparameters to change recorded video name, screen size, frame rate and so on.

2.3.4. Enabling Additional Features

In addition to selecting Cypress version - you can enable additional features like changing screen resolution, passing custom test name and so on. All these optional features are set by adding parameters to URL:

Adding parameters to enable additional features
$ cypress-moon

Full list of supported parameters and their meaning is shown below.

Table 7. Supported parameters for enabling additional features
Parameter namePossible valuesDefault valueDescription


true orfalse


Enableadditional fonts for Chinese, Japanese, Thai and other languages.


Custom Cypress configuration file

Not set

Path to custom Cypressconfiguration file.Supported for Cypress 9.0.0 and above.


true orfalse


Enable video recording.


Environment variables

Not set

One or more environment variables that will be visible to the browser. Can be passed multiple times:env=LANG%3Dde_AT.UTF-8&env=LANGUAGE%3Dat:de.


true orfalse


Whether to run browser in headless mode.


A typical/etc/hosts entry in

Not set

Allows to explicitly add/etc/hosts entries. Can be passed multiple times.


Kubernetes pod labels

Not set

One or morecustom Kubernetes labels that will be added to browser pod. Can be passed multiple times:label=first-label%3Dsome-value&env=another-label%3Danother-value.


Any human-readable string

Not set

Allows to set custom test name (same meaning asname Selenium capability).


DNS server name,

Not set

Allows to explicitly set one or several DNS servers for browser. Can be passed multiple times.


true orfalse


Whether to leave container running after executing all tests. Mainly needed for debugging purposes.


A string with placeholders


A custom S3 keypattern used to save videos to S3 bucket.


1280x1024 or1280x1024x24


Sets resolution of the desktop where browser is running.Use Cypress methods to set browser window size.


Cypress test spec file name (e.g.cypress/integration/my-spec.js)

Not set

Allows to run one or more concrete test files. Can be passed multiple times.


Codec to be used for video encoding, e.g.mpeg4


Allows to change codec used for video recording.


Positive number


Recorded video frame rate.


Video file name with extension


Recorded video file name.



Equals toscreenResolution value

Recorded video screen size. If value is smaller thanscreenResolution, then video will be cropped.

2.3.5. Recording Runs to Cypress Dashboard

This feature works with Cypress images 9.6.0 and above.

Cypress providesCypress Dashboard - an online service for storing test runs information. To send information about executed tests to this service you have to send your access key usingCYPRESS_RECORD_KEY environment variable:

Adding parameters to enable additional features
$ cypress-moon

2.4. Using Playwright

  1. An example project demonstrating this feature can be foundhere.

Moon is able to run browser images forPlaywright framework out of the box. An example Playwright test that will work with Moon looks like the following:

An example Playwright test working with Moon
const { firefox } = require('playwright');(async () => {  const browser = await firefox.connect({timeout:0,wsEndpoint:'wss://' });  const page = await browser.newPage();  await page.goto('');  await page.screenshot({path:`screenshot.png` });  await browser.close();})();

You can see that the only difference from standard Playwright example is a web socket endpoint URL. Playwright compared to Selenium has nocapabilities concept. The only way to request an exact browser version or environment variables is passing all these requirements in websocket endpoint URL. Next section describes supported URL naming conventions.

If your Moon instance is accessible overHTTPS connection (e.g. instead of then endpoint URL should start withwss:// instead ofws:// (e.g.wss://

2.4.1. Selecting Requested Browser

You can request one of browsers supported by Playwright (chrome,chromium,firefox orwebkit) by specifying its name in URL. By default, Moon will<browser-name> repository to download images. Currently, Playwright API can change from version to version. Because of that it is recommended to make sure that Playwright client version being used in your code corresponds to Playwright server version in browser image. To use an image compatible with exact Playwright version - add this version as follows:

Requesting Chromium ( image)
Requesting Chrome ( image)
Requesting Firefox ( image)
Requesting Webkit ( image)

2.4.2. Video Recording

To enablevideo recording - simply addenableVideo parameter to URL:

Enabling video recording

You can optionally add otherparameters to change recorded video name, screen size, frame rate and so on.

2.4.3. Additional Browser Data

Similarly to Selenium, you can make browser pod automatically download arbitrary files as a single archive and unpack them to user directory. This feature is described in detailhere. The main particularity in Playwright is that archive URL is being passed as Playwrightcontext URL parameter and thus needs to beURL encoded.

Enabling browser context

For example to upload a browser extension:

Enabling browser context
var browser = await chromium.connect({timeout:0,wsEndpoint:'wss://' });

2.4.4. Enabling Additional Features

In addition to selecting browser and its version - you can enable additional features like using headless browser versions, passing environment variables and so on. All these optional features are set by adding parameters to URL:

Adding parameters to enable additional features

Full list of supported parameters and their meaning is shown below.

Table 8. Supported parameters for enabling additional features
Parameter namePossible valuesDefault valueDescription


true orfalse


Enableadditional fonts for Chinese, Japanese, Thai and other languages.


Browser command-line arguments

Not set

One or more additional command-line arguments to be passed to browser. This parameter can be passed multiple times:arg=--use-fake-ui-for-media-stream&arg=--use-gl.


Browser context HTTP URL

Not set

An HTTP URL for*.tar.gz file with additional files you want to be available to browser (so-calledbrowser context).


true orfalse


Whether to show Chrome Developer Toolbar (only applicable tochromium browser).


true orfalse


Enable video recording.


Environment variables

Not set

One or more environment variables that will be visible to the browser. Can be passed multiple times:env=LANG%3Dde_AT.UTF-8&env=LANGUAGE%3Dat:de.


true orfalse


Whether to run browser in headless mode.


A typical/etc/hosts entry in

Not set

Allows to explicitly add/etc/hosts entries. Can be passed multiple times.


Kubernetes pod labels

Not set

One or morecustom Kubernetes labels that will be added to browser pod. Can be passed multiple times:label=first-label%3Dsome-value&env=another-label%3Danother-value.


Any human-readable string

Not set

Allows to set custom test name (same meaning asname Selenium capability).


DNS server name,

Not set

Allows to explicitly set one or several DNS servers for browser. Can be passed multiple times.


A string with placeholders


A custom S3 keypattern used to save videos to S3 bucket.


1280x1024 or1280x1024x24


Sets resolution of the desktop where browser is running.Use Playwright methods to set browser window size.


Codec to be used for video encoding, e.g.mpeg4


Allows to change codec used for video recording.


Positive number


Recorded video frame rate.


Video file name with extension


Recorded video file name.



Equals toscreenResolution value

Recorded video screen size. If value is smaller thanscreenResolution, then video will be cropped.

2.5. Using Chrome Developer Tools

  1. This is feature is supported in Moon 1.7.0 and above.

  2. This feature will work only for Chrome 63+.

  3. We recommend using the most recent Chrome version possible.

  4. An example project demonstrating this feature can be foundhere.

Moon can automate browsers usingChrome Developer Tools Protocol. This allows you to run tests in parallel using libraries likePuppeteer orTaiko. In order to start a new browser with these tools - simply use the following URL:


If your Moon instance is accessible overHTTPS connection (e.g. instead of then URL should start withwss:// instead ofws:// (e.g.wss://

An example Puppeteer test is shown below:

Accessing Developer Tools API with Puppeteer
const puppeteer = require('puppeteer-core');const host ='';(async () => {    const devtools = await puppeteer.connect(        {timeout:0,browserWSEndpoint:`wss://${host}/devtools/chrome` }    );// For every call of this method a new browser is started    const page = await devtools.newPage();    await page.goto('');    await page.screenshot({path:'screenshot.png'});    const title = await page.title();    console.log(title);    await devtools.close();})();

2.5.1. Selecting Requested Browser

You can choose desired browser version by changing connection URL:

Selecting Chrome version (cdtp/chrome:85.0 image)

2.5.2. Video Recording

To enablevideo recording - simply addenableVideo parameter to URL:

Enabling video recording

You can optionally add otherparameters to change recorded video name, screen size, frame rate and so on.

2.5.3. Enabling Additional Features

You can enable additional features by changing connection URL:

Adding parameters to enable additional features
Table 9. Supported parameters for enabling additional features
Parameter namePossible valuesDefault valueDescription


true orfalse


Enableadditional fonts for Chinese, Japanese, Thai and other languages.


Browser command-line arguments

Not set

One or more additional command-line arguments to be passed to browser. This parameter can be passed multiple times:arg=--use-fake-ui-for-media-stream&arg=--use-gl.


true orfalse


Whether to show Chrome Developer Toolbar.


true orfalse


Enable video recording


Environment variables

Not set

One or more environment variables that will be visible to the browser. Can be passed multiple times:env=LANG%3Dde_AT.UTF-8&env=LANGUAGE%3Dat:de.


true orfalse


Whether to run browser in headless mode.


A typical/etc/hosts entry in

Not set

Allows to explicitly add/etc/hosts entries. Can be passed multiple times.


Kubernetes pod labels

Not set

One or morecustom Kubernetes labels that will be added to browser pod. Can be passed multiple times:label=first-label%3Dsome-value&env=another-label%3Danother-value.


Any human-readable string

Not set

Allows to set custom test name.


DNS server name,

Not set

Allows to explicitly set one or several DNS servers for browser. Can be passed multiple times.


A string with placeholders


A custom S3 keypattern used to save videos to S3 bucket.


1280x1024 or1280x1024x24


Sets resolution of the desktop where browser is running.


Codec to be used for video encoding, e.g.mpeg4


Allows to change codec used for video recording.


Positive number


Recorded video frame rate.


Video file name with extension


Recorded video file name.



Equals toscreenResolution value

Recorded video screen size. If value is smaller thanscreenResolution, then video will be cropped.

3. Configuration

3.1. License Key

  1. According to license agreement you can useup to 4 parallel sessions for free and for unlimited period of time. If you wish to have more parallel sessions - order a license key. This section describes how to list and install license keys. A limited duration trial license key with more parallel sessions can be generated onMoon website.

A typical license key is a text file with*.key extension that looks like this:


In Moon 1.x license key was stored inKubernetes secret and was mounted to Moon pod as a regular file. In Moon 2.x license keys (or justlicenses) are stored incustom Kubernetes resource.

3.1.1. Listing License Keys

Contrarily to other resources introduced by Moon, licenses are storedcluster-wide. Thus, you don’t need to provide namespace name in the following commands (-n moon is not needed).

To list available licenses:

Listing licenses (free license key output)
$ kubectl get licensesNAME   LICENSEE   SESSIONS   EXPIRES   STATUS   NAMESPACEmoon   Default    4          Never     Ok       moon

The output above is shown when the free license key is used. Columns meaning is as follows:

  • Name. License key object name.

  • Licensee. License key owner name. Usually equals to company name, e.g.Acme LLC. For free license key with 4 parallel sessions equals toDefault.

  • Sessions. Maximum number of browser sessions available in this license key.

  • Expires. The number of days this license key expires in. Equals toAlready when license key already expired and equals toNever if license key never expires.

  • Status. License key status. Can be one of:Ok - license key is active,Expired - license key has expired,Broken - invalid license key data was provided.

  • Namespace. Name of Kubernetes namespace where this license key is used.

You may have multiple custom Kubernetes resources namedlicense. In that case in order to work with Moon licenses - simply use fully qualified resource name:

Listing licenses (longer and fully qualified resource name)
$ kubectl get licenses.moonNAME   LICENSEE   SESSIONS   EXPIRES   STATUS   NAMESPACEmoon   Default    4          Never     Ok       moon$ kubectl get licenses.moon.aerokube.comNAME   LICENSEE   SESSIONS   EXPIRES   STATUS   NAMESPACEmoon   Default    4          Never     Ok       moon

To view a license key in YAML format:

Showing license in YAML format
$ kubectl get license moon -o yamlapiVersion: Licensemetadata:  name: moon(1)  # Other Kubernetes metadataspec:  data: MG1RSVdpc2Z6YjdQQV....(2)  namespace: moon(3)status:  # Other keys and values
1License key name
2License key contents
3Namespace where this license key should be used

3.1.2. Updating a License Key

To update an existing license key - simply updatedata field in respective license object:

Updating license key
$ kubectl edit license moon # Replace data field with your new license key in text editor, save and exit

When you update a license key - all changes are applied immediately. This usually also leads to graceful Moon pods restart (does not interrupt running browser sessions).

3.1.3. Multiple License Keys

Moon 2.xsupports sharing the same license key among several Kubernetes namespaces and in the majority of cases a single license key should be enough. However, in some cases you may want to use a separate Moon instance and a separate license key for some teams. To achieve this:

  1. Deploy two independent Moon clusters to namespacens1 andns2

  2. Create two license objects withnamespace field set tons1 andns2 and save them to file (e.g.license-keys.yaml):

    License keys to be created
    $ cat license-keys.yamlapiVersion: Licensemetadata:  name: license-key-ns1spec:  data: <license-key-1>  namespace: ns1---apiVersion: Licensemetadata:  name: license-key-ns2spec:  data: <license-key-2>  namespace: ns2
  3. Apply resulting file:

    $ kubectl apply -f license-keys.yaml
    • If you try to create two license keys with the samedata field value, then one of them will be considered as a duplicate and automatically deleted.

    • If you have two different license keys with the samenamespace field, then Moon will always choose the most recently created one.

  4. License keys will be applied automatically, and you will see the following in licenses list:

    Two license keys are applied
    $ kubectl get licensesNAME              LICENSEE    SESSIONS   EXPIRES   STATUS   NAMESPACElicense-key-ns1   Acme Inc.   10         32d       Ok       ns1license-key-ns2   Acme Inc.   20         27d       Ok       ns2

3.1.4. Deleting a License Key

To delete an existing license key - simply delete respective license object:

Deleting license key
$ kubectl delete license moon

When you delete the last license key withnamespace field set to some Moon namespace, Moon will automatically fall back to the free license key with 4 parallel sessions included.

3.1.5. License Key Expiration

There are several ways to always have active Moon license keys:

Option 1: Check Expiring License Keys with kubectl

The easiest way to check for expiring or expired license keys is just listing them withkubectl:

Listing license keys to understand when they expire
$ kubectl get licensesNAME              LICENSEE    SESSIONS   EXPIRES   STATUS   NAMESPACElicense-key-ns1   Acme Inc.   10         32d       Ok       ns1license-key-ns2   Acme Inc.   20         today     Ok       ns2

You can see thatExpires column is showing the number of days remaining for every license key. When a license key expires the same command output will be:

When one license key has expired
$ kubectl get licensesNAME              LICENSEE    SESSIONS   EXPIRES   STATUS    NAMESPACElicense-key-ns1   Acme Inc.   10         32d       Ok        ns1license-key-ns2   Acme Inc.   20         Already   Expired   ns2

For expired license keyExpires column will be set toAlready and license key status will beExpired.

You can also use Kubernetes API directly instead ofkubectl to list license keys and find expiring or expired ones.
Option 2: Use Prometheus License Key Expiration Metric

Another possible way of getting license expiration information is using built-in Prometheus metric calledmoon_license_expire. This is described in detail inmonitoring section.

Prometheus license key expiration metric
$ curl -s | grep license_expire# HELP moon_license_expire Moon license expiration time.# TYPE moon_license_expire gaugemoon_license_expire 1.6444512e+09

These metrics are collected by Prometheus automatically, so you only need to configure alerts and charts if needed.

3.1.6. Updating License Key From An External Secret

In some cases you still may want to store license key in aKubernetes secret and allow Moon to automatically read license key from this secret. To achieve this we provide a dedicated component calledlicense-ops. This component is aKubernetes job that reads license key contents from configured secret and automatically updates custom Kubernetes resource being used by Moon. To enabledlicense-ops you need to install one more Helm chart:

  1. Having Mooninstalled, create a regular Kubernetes secret in Moon namespace with license key contents:

    Example secret with license key
    apiVersion:v1kind:Secretmetadata:name:licensekeynamespace:moonstringData:license.key:MG1RSVdpc2Z6....# Insert license key contents here
  2. Now install one more Helm chart (source code can be foundhere):

    Installing license-ops Helm chart
    $ helm upgrade --install -n moon license-ops aerokube/license-ops

    To change secret name, job schedule and other parameters - use Helm values:

    Updating license-ops parameters
    $ helm upgrade --install --set secretName=mysecret --set schedule="0 * * * *" -n moon license-ops aerokube/license-ops

3.2. Users and Quotas

3.2.1. Users

  1. By default, Moon is accessible without providing any credentials. This section describes how to configure Moon to require authentication. Usually this makes sense if you have multiple teams accessing the same cluster.

  2. Moon is mainly handling browser session requests from your code being executed. This code is usually being maintained and executed by a team of engineers, so it is a bad practice to use real person access credentials in this code. Although, real person username and password can be useful for accessing Moonuser interface, program code will normally contain some service or robot account credentials being used by the entire team. So in this documentation we use termsuser andteam interchangeably, because Moon user credentials are often the entire team access credentials.

  3. We recommend configuringTLS encryption when authentication is enabled. Otherwise, an attacker can capture network traffic between your computer and Moon cluster and extract your access credentials from this traffic.

  4. Take a look at ourarticle about cluster security. We describe TLS and basic authentication configuration there too.

Moon 2.x compared to Moon 1.x hasno built-in authentication mechanism. This is because the recommended way to deliver authentication in Kubernetes is using available Ingress authentication features or sidecar containers delivering authentication. Moon reads username fromX-Moon-Quota HTTP header being set by Ingress or sidecar container. The following sections describe possible authentication configurations.

Basic HTTP Authentication

The most popular authentication method in browser automation now is the so-calledbasic HTTP authentication. When using this method, username and password are expected to be passed inAuthorization HTTP header:

Authorization: Basic base64("username:password")

Also, the following URL notation is supported for using this type of authentication:

The simplest way of providing the basic HTTP authentication is configuring Ingress. Below we describe several possible options of configuring basic HTTP authentication in Moon.

Option 1. Nginx Ingress Configured By Helm
  1. This approach works in Kubernetes and does not work in Openshift. Refer toOpenshift section for configuration instructions.

  2. In this example we configure Moon to launch browsers in a separate Kubernetes namespace for every user. Existing Moon operation modes are describedhere.

  3. You should have permissions to create new Kubernetes namespaces. Detailed description of required Moon permissions is availablehere.

How Nginx Ingress Works


The easiest way of getting a protected Moon cluster with multiple users enabled is usingNginx Ingress instance automatically created by our Helm [chart](

  1. Add Aerokubecharts repository:

    $ helm repo add aerokube$ helm repo update
  2. Create avalues.yaml file with Ingress host and a list of users to be created: Provide cluster hostname herequota:moon:null# This one is needed to disable single-namespace mode in Moonalpha-team:namespace:alpha# Password for this team will be generated automaticallybeta-team:namespace:betapassword:beta-team-password# You can also set password value explicitly

    Depending on the number of users setting or not settingpassword field behaves differently:

    Option 1. You have only one user.

    • password is missing: no authentication is configured.

    • password: '' (empty string): authentication is configured, password is generated.

    • password: some-password: authentication is configured, password is set to provided value.

    Option 2. You have 2 or more users.

    • password is missing or empty string: authentication is configured, password is generated.

    • password: some-password: authentication is configured, password is set to provided value.

  3. Deploy Moon with yourvalues.yaml applied:

    $ helm upgrade --install -f values.yaml -n moon moon aerokube/moon2
  4. This will create a separate namespace for every team:

    $ kubectl get namespacesNAME              STATUS   AGEalpha              Active   40mbeta              Active   40m# Other namespaces

    In every such namespace chart a secret with user password will be automatically created:

    $ kubectl get secrets -n alphaNAME                            TYPE                                  DATA   AGEalpha-team-basic-auth-password   Opaque                                1      2m11s# Other secrets

    Password is stored in this secret. To print generated password value - simply extractpassword field (stored asBase64) from the secret and decode it. A one line command how to do this:

    $ kubectl get secret alpha-team-basic-auth-password -n alpha -o 'go-template={{index .data "password"}}' | base64 -d8X4juoCQ9gHAACqbc05B3oPXUcV6Oxb7KNTSYdM15eYF
  5. Use quota name (alpha-team,beta-team and so on) as username and password from the secret. The same credentials should be used in your tests code and to access user interface. In multiple namespaces mode user interface is only showing browser sessions corresponding to one user.

  6. To protect Moon with TLS encryption - use standard TLS private key (server.key) and certificate (server.crt) files as follows:

    $ helm upgrade --install -f values.yaml --set-file ingress.tlsCert=server.crt --set-file ingress.tlsKey=server.key -n moon moon aerokube/moon2
Option 2. Nginx Ingress Configured Manually

In this approach we only configure authentication.Multiple namespaces mode is not active.

To configure Nginx Ingress manually:

  1. Create a text file with a list of available users inhtpasswd format:

    $ htpasswd -Bbn new-user new-user-password >> users.htpasswd # Adding new user$ htpasswd -Bb users.htpasswd some-user new-password # Updating password$ htpasswd -D users.htpasswd test-user # Deleting existing user

    Resulting file contents will look like this:

    $ cat users.htpasswdalpha-team:$apr1$.dZyHlKN$jdoZkin/kPviFNArx/cVL1 # User is alpha-team, password is encryptedbeta-team:$apr1$gyqzbSpt$RBNcxrsQaolPZCQZW0VQW1
  2. Save file contents to Kubernetes secret as follows:

    $ kubectl create secret generic moon-basic-auth --from-file=users.htpasswd -n moon
  3. Configure Nginx Ingress to use credentials for basic HTTP authentication:"true"'Authentication Required - Moon Realm'(3)|(4)proxy_set_header X-Moon-Quota $remote_user;"108000""108000""108000"spec:ingressClassName:nginxtls:  -hosts:    -moon.example.comsecretName:moon-tls(5)rules:  -host: moon.example.comhttp:paths:      -path: /wd/hubpathType:Prefixbackend:service:name:moonport:number:4444# Other rules
    1This is where we enable basic HTTP authentication in Nginx
    2This is where we configure Nginx to use our credentials list
    3Any desired authentication realm name
    4This is where Nginx will setX-Moon-Quota andAuthorization headers
    5How to configure TLS is describedhere
Option 3. Openshift Ingress

Openshift Ingress often relies onHAProxy where basic HTTP authentication options are limited or unavailable. To overcome this limitation Moon provides a sidecar container calledmoon-basic-auth. This container is able to read users list fromhtpasswd file, validate user information fromAuthorization header and send correctX-Moon-Quota to Moon.

How Authentication In Openshift Works


Configuring users for Openshift is done with Helm chart in exactly the same way asNginx Ingress. The only difference is that you have to addopenshift: true parameter tovalues.yaml as follows:

  1. Create avalues.yaml file:

    ingress:host:moon.example.comopenshift:true# This enables sidecar for Openshiftquota:moon:nullalpha-team:namespace:alphabeta-team:namespace:betapassword:beta-team-password
  2. Apply Helm chart:

    $ helm upgrade --install -f values.yaml -n moon moon aerokube/moon2$ helm upgrade --install -f values.yaml --set-file ingress.tlsCert=server.crt --set-file ingress.tlsKey=server.key -n moon moon aerokube/moon2 # The same with TLS encryption
Option 4. Custom Ingress

Our Helm chart allows to provide custom Ingress configuration usingcustomIngress Helm parameter. When using custom Ingress, our Helm chart always starts a sidecar container calledmoon-basic-auth similarly toOpenshift section. That means that authentication is handled inside Moon pod and even trying to access Moon using Kubernetes service directly will require authentication. For example to configure anALB Ingress in AWS:

  1. Create avalues.yaml file:    -path: /apiport:9090    -path: /cypressport:4444    -path: /playwrightport:4444    -path: /devtoolsport:4444    -path: /metricsport:4444    -path: /wd/hub/sessionport:4444    -path: /uiport:9090    -path: /port:8080quota:moon:nullalpha-team:namespace:alphabeta-team:namespace:betapassword:beta-team-password
  2. Apply Helm chart:

    $ helm upgrade --install -f values.yaml -n moon moon aerokube/moon2$ helm upgrade --install -f values.yaml --set-file ingress.tlsCert=server.crt --set-file ingress.tlsKey=server.key -n moon moon aerokube/moon2 # The same with TLS encryption
OpenID Connect Support

Moon supports integration withOpenID Connect implementations. OpenID Connect is anOAuth-based technology adding authentication information (OAuth only provides authorization capabilities). Existing OpenID Connectimplementations allow to easily delegate authentication and authorization to third-party providers:

Concrete list of supported third-party providers depends on OpenID Connect implementation you are using. Exact settings of how to interact with selected third-party provider are usually configured in OpenID Connect implementation settings.

Moon and OpenID Connect


As youknow, Moon isan HTTP API allowing to do browser automation from the code anda user web-interface helping to debug what’s happening in running browsers. Access to every of these two components is configured differently:

  • Access toMoon user interface can be protected using a third-party authentication reverse proxy likeOAuth2 Proxy.

  • Access toMoon HTTP API is protected by another sidecar daemon calledmoon-auth which is a part of Moon distribution. The main reason for creating a separate daemon is that web-interfaces are usually storing authentication information in cookies and only browsers can process them. Programs doing browser automation via Moon HTTP API are never passing authentication information in cookies, somoon-auth daemon converts credentials coming from such programs to OpenID Connect format.

Protecting Moon components


3.2.2. Quotas

As you already know Moon is a multi-user application. For every user you need to create one quota. For example for useralice you should create a quota namedalice and so on. When only one quota is available - no authentication is required.

The main configuration object in Moon is calledquota. This object contains all configuration specific to one Moon user. To list available quotas:

Listing quotas
$ kubectl get quotas -n moonNAME   NAMESPACE   CONFIG    BROWSERS   DEVICES   AGEmoon   moon        default   default    default   13h

As you can see every quota is a native Kubernetes object containing the following information:

  • Namespace. Kubernetesnamespace name where Moon starts browsers. By default, this is the same namespace where Moon is running. More details on what you can do with namespaces is describedhere.

  • Config. Name of Moonconfiguration object allowing to adjust resources consumption for Moon system images, user and group identifiers and other features.

  • Browsers. Name of Moonbrowsers set to use for this quota.

  • Devices. Names of Moondevices set to use for this quota.

Using object names instead of their contents allows to easily reuse the same browsers set or devices set for different quotas. To view the same list in YAML format:

Listing quotas as YAML
$ kubectl get quotas -n moon -o yamlapiVersion: v1items:- apiVersion:  kind: Quota  metadata:    name: moon(1)    namespace: moon    # Other Kubernetes metadata  spec:    browsers: default(2)    config: default(3)    devices: default(4)    namespace: moon(5)kind: Listmetadata:  # List metadata
1Quota name
2Name of browsers set to use for this quota
3Name of configuration object to use for this quota
4Name of devices set to use for this quota
5Namespace where Moon starts browsers

To edit a quota object:

Editing a quota object
$ kubectl edit quota.moon moon -n moon # Do modifications in text editor, save and exit$ kubectl edit team moon -n moon # An alias if you don't want to use fully qualified name
We are usingquota.moon instead of justquota because in Kubernetes by defaultquota corresponds toResourceQuota object.

3.2.3. Configuration Object

Configuration object stores various configuration options: computing resources being assigned to system Moon images, group and user identifiers to run browser pods and so on. This object corresponds toservice.json configuration file in Moon 1.x. To list available configuration objects:

Listing configuration objects
$ kubectl get configs -n moonNAME      AGEdefault   2d22h

To view the same list in YAML format:

Listing configuration objects as YAML
$ kubectl get configs -n moon -o yamlapiVersion: v1items:- apiVersion:  kind: Config  metadata:    name: default(1)    namespace: moon    # Other Kubernetes metadata  spec:    additionalTrustedCAs: |(2)      -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----      ...    containers:(3)      browser:(4)        resources:(5)          limits:(6)            cpu: "1"            memory: 2Gi          requests:(7)            cpu: 500m            memory: 2Gi      ca-certs:(8)        repository: aerokube/ca-certs(9)        version: 2.0.0(10)        resources:(11)          limits:(12)            cpu: 250m            memory: 64Mi          requests:(13)            cpu: 100m            memory: 64Mi        securityContext:(14)          # Security context definition goes here      defender:(15)        # The same fields as for ca-certs      proxy:(16)        # The same fields as for ca-certs      video-recorder:(17)        # The same fields as for ca-certs      vnc-server:(18)        # The same fields as for ca-certs      x-server:(19)        # The same fields as for ca-certs    group:(20)      id: 4096(21)      name: user(22)    serviceAccountName: default(23)    sessionTimeout: 5m(24)    storage:(25)      accessKey: ""      bucket: ""      filename: ""      endpoint: ""      noProxy: ""      httpProxy: ""      httpsProxy: ""      metadata: true      pattern: ""      secretKey: ""      secretRef:        accessKey: RootUser        name: minio        secretKey: RootPass    user:(26)      id: 4096(27)      name: user(28)kind: Listmetadata:  # List metadata
1Configuration object name
2Additional root certification authorities to be used (needed to work with self-signed TLS certificates). Not shown when empty.
3Service containers (ca-certs,defender,proxy,video-recorder,vnc-server,x-server) configuration
4browser container configuration
5Computing resources assigned to container
6CPU and memory limits assigned to container
7CPU and memory requests assigned to container
8ca-certs container configuration
9Container image repository
10Container image version. Not shown when empty.
11Computing resources assigned to container
12CPU and memory limits assigned to container
13CPU and memory requests assigned to container
14Security context definition for container
15defender container configuration
16proxy container configuration
17video-recorder container configuration
18vnc-server container configuration
19x-server container configuration
20System group used to start containers
21System group numeric identifier (gid)
22System group name
23Kubernetes service account name to use
24Default Selenium session timeout
25S3 storage settings (used to save recorded videos)
26System user used to start containers
27System user numeric identifier (uid)
28System username

To edit a configuration object:

Editing a configuration object
$ kubectl edit config default -n moon # Do modifications in text editor, save and exit

3.2.4. Browsers Set

The browsers set stores browsers startup configuration. This object corresponds tobrowsers.json file in Moon 1.x. To list available browser sets:

Listing browser sets
$ kubectl get browsersets -n moonNAME      AGEdefault   2d23h

To view the same list in YAML format:

Listing browser sets as YAML
$ kubectl get browsersets -n moon -o yamlapiVersion: v1items:- apiVersion:  kind: BrowserSet  metadata:    name: default(1)    namespace: moon    # Other Kubernetes metadata  spec:    cypress:(2)      chrome:(3)        repository:      chromium:(5)        # The same fields as for chrome      edge:(6)        # The same fields as for chrome      electron:(7)        # The same fields as for chrome      firefox:(8)        # The same fields as for chrome    devtools:(9)      chrome:        # The same fields as for cypress    playwright:(10)      chrome:        # The same fields as for cypress      # Other supported browser types    selenium:(11)      MicrosoftEdge:        repository:      chrome:        repository:      firefox:        repository: Listmetadata:  # List metadata
1Browser set name
2Cypress browsers configuration
3Cypress Chrome browser configuration
4Images repository to search for Cypress Chrome browser images
5Cypress Chromium browser configuration
6Cypress Microsoft Edge browser configuration
7Cypress Electron browser configuration
8Cypress Firefox browser configuration
9Chrome Developer Tools browsers configuration
10Playwright browsers configuration
11Selenium browsers configuration

To edit a browser set object:

Editing a browser set
$ kubectl edit browserset default -n moon # Do modifications in text editor, save and exit

If you were previously using Moon 1.x, you could notice that browsers set in Moon 2.x is slightly different compared tobrowsers.json from Moon 1.x. This is how a typicalbrowsers.json file looks like:

How Moon 1.xbrowsers.json file looks like
{"chrome": {"default":"97.0","versions": {"97.0": {"image":"","port":"4444"      }    }  }}

For every browser type and version you had to provide an exact browser image (e.g.browsers/chrome:97.0) and this file contained configuration only for Selenium browsers. The main problem with this approach is that it requires a manual update from Moon cluster administrator every time a new browser image appears. Container images for different versions of the same browser are usually stored in the same repository with different tags, e.g.: <==> Chrome <==> Chrome <==> Chrome 97.0

In Moon 2.x instead of copy-pasting the same image specification you only need to provide repository name in browsers set object:

Moon 2.x browser type specification

This new configuration format means that all images forchrome browser used in Selenium tests will be downloaded repository. Concrete image tag is determined when you request to start a new browser. For example, you pass the followingSeleniumcapabilities:

browserName = chromebrowserVersion = 96.0

In that case Moon will image. Similarly, inCypress,Playwright andChrome Developer Tools you are using URL path and parameters to pass the same information.

Browser Versions

Although, not enabled by default, in Moon 2.x it is still possible to limit allowed browser versions:

Limiting allowed browser versions["96.0", "97.0"](1)default:"96.0"(2)port:4444(3)path:"/"(4)
1Allowed browser versions list
2Default browser version
3Port inside browser container to send requests to (default is 4444)
4Base API path to send requests to

Whenversions list is specified, Moon will only allow to start browser versions from this list. By default, if no version is provided by the user, the first available version is taken. You easily override default version usingdefault field. Whenversions anddefault fields are omitted, default version islatest.

Computing Resources

Defaultcomputing resources assigned to every browser are configured inconfiguration object. For every browser type you can easily override these defaults as follows:

Setting computing resources for browser pods"1.0"(3)memory:"1Gi"(4)requests:(5)cpu:"1.0"(6)memory:"1Gi"(7)
1Computing resources section
2Limits section (maximum allowed computing resources)
3CPU limit
4Memory limit
5Request section
6CPU request
7Memory request
Environment Variables

In some situations you may need to set environment variables to browser pods. For example this may be needed to setLANG orTZ environment variables being used by some browsers to detect preferred language and time zone respectively. To set an arbitrary environment variable - use regular Kubernetes syntax:

Setting arbitrary environment variables      -name: TZ(2)value:"Europe/Paris"      -name: LANGvalue:"fr_FR.UTF-8"
1Environment variables section
2Concrete environment variable

Advanced features like loading environment variables from pod fields, ConfigMap or Secret:

Loading environment variables        -name: MY_NODE_NAMEvalueFrom:fieldRef:fieldPath:spec.nodeName# Pod spec field value        -name: SECRET_USERNAMEvalueFrom:secretKeyRef:name:some-secret# Secret namekey:username# Key name        -name: MEM_LIMITvalueFrom:resourceFieldRef:containerName:some-container# Container nameresource:limits.memory# Resource parameterdivisor:1Mi        -name: SOME_KEYvalueFrom:configMapKeyRef:name:some-map# ConfigMap namekey:some-key# Key name
Custom Annotations
Moon is using exactly the same annotations YAML format asKubernetes itself.

In some cases you may need to add customKubernetes annotations to started browser pods. If you need to add the same annotations to all browser types:

Setting custom Kubernetes annotations applied to all browsers  kind: BrowserSet  metadata:    name: default    namespace: moon    # Other Kubernetes metadata  spec:    annotations:(1)      key1: "value1"(2)      key2: "value2"
1Global annotations section
2One or more annotations to be set

To add annotations to some browser types - do the same for concrete browser type in browser set as follows:

Setting browser-specific Kubernetes annotations"value1"(2)key2:"value2"
1Annotations specification section
2One or more annotations to be set

Moon adds some annotations by default to browser pods and their names are reserved:

Table 10. Moon Reserved Annotation Names


Custom session label passed inname capability

Custom Labels
Moon is using exactly the same labels YAML format asKubernetes itself.

In some cases you may need to add customKubernetes labels to started browser pods. If you need to add the same labels to all browser types:

Setting custom Kubernetes labels applied to all browsers  kind: BrowserSet  metadata:    name: default    namespace: moon    # Other Kubernetes metadata  spec:    labels:(1)      key1: "value1"(2)      key2: "value2"
1Global labels section
2One or more annotations to be set

To add labels to some browser types - do the same in browser set as follows:

Setting browser-specific Kubernetes labels"value1"(2)key2:"value2"
1Labels specification section
2One or more labels to be set

Moon adds some labels by default to browser pods and their names are reserved:

Table 11. Moon Reserved Label Names


Stores unique name for every pod


Stores browser name


Stores browser version


Stores whether VNC is enabled


System label, always equal tobrowsers


Stores user quota name


Stores screen resolution requested by user

Node Selectors
Moon is using exactly the same node selector YAML format asKubernetes pods YAML.

Sometimes you may need to run browser pods on particular Kubernetes nodes (i.e. hardware hosts) only. Kubernetes allows to do this by specifying so-callednode selectors. If you need to add the same node selector to all browser types:

Setting node selector applied to all browsers  kind: BrowserSet  metadata:    name: default    namespace: moon    # Other Kubernetes metadata  spec:    nodeSelector:(1)      node-label-1: "label1-value"(2)      node-label-2: "label2-value"
1Node selector specification section
2One or more Kubernetes node labels to match against

To provide node selector to specific browser type:

Setting node selector for specific browser type"label1-value"(2)node-label-2:"label2-value"
1Node selector specification section
2One or more Kubernetes node labels to match against
Moon is using exactly the same affinity configuration YAML format asKubernetes pods YAML.

In addition to node selectors, you can also use all available node and pod affinity features available in Kubernetes. This allows you to have even more advanced pod scheduling settings like matching Kubernetes nodes against complex logical expressions, preventing some labeled pods to be running on the same node with another labeled pods and so on. If you need to add the same affinity setting to all browser types:

Setting affinity applied to all browsers  kind: BrowserSet  metadata:    name: default    namespace: moon    # Other Kubernetes metadata  spec:    affinity:(1)      nodeAffinity:        requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:          nodeSelectorTerms:          - matchExpressions:            - key:              operator: In              values:              - e2e-az1              - e2e-az2
1Affinity specification section

To provide affinity to specific browser type:

Setting affinity for specific browser type          -matchExpressions:            -key:              -e2e-az1              -e2e-az2
1Affinity specification section
Moon is using exactly the same tolerations configuration YAML format asKubernetes pods YAML.

In addition to node selector and affinity, Kubernetes has a concept ofnode taints. Taints allow nodes to repel some pods from being scheduled on them. If you wish to run browser pods on tainted nodes - you have to addtolerations, that is to say a number of conditions to match against tainted nodes.

If you need to add the same tolerations to all browser types:

Setting affinity applied to all browsers  kind: BrowserSet  metadata:    name: default    namespace: moon    # Other Kubernetes metadata  spec:    tolerations:(1)    - key: "key1"      operator: "Equal"      value: "value1"      effect: "NoSchedule"
1Tolerations specification section

To assign tolerations to specific browser type:

Setting tolerations for specific browser type    -key: "key1"operator:"Equal"value:"value1"effect:"NoSchedule"
1Tolerations specification section

Some scenarios require flexible networking configuration. For example you may need to override used DNS server or/etc/hosts entries. This can be easily done as follows:

Setting advanced network configuration        -        -ns1.svc.cluster-domain.example        -name: ndotsvalue:"2"        -name: edns0hostAliases:(2)      -ip: ""hostnames:        -"foo.local"        -"bar.local"      -ip: ""hostnames:        -"foo.remote"        -"bar.remote"
1DNS configuration section
2Host aliases (/etc/hosts) configuration section

dnsConfig andhostAliases fields have exactly the same syntax as their Kubernetes equivalents (pod DNS config andhost aliases respectively).

Privileged Mode

In some cases like running Android emulators browser container should be run inprivileged mode. This setting can be applied for each browser type as follows:

Activating Privileged Mode
selenium:chrome:# For example Android emulators may require privileged moderepository:browsers/androidprivileged:true(1)
1Launch pod in privileged mode

3.2.5. Devices Set

Moon loads information about available mobile devices forMobile Emulation fromdevices set object. This object corresponds todevices.json file in Moon 1.x. To list available device sets:

Listing device sets
$ kubectl get devicesets -n moonNAME      AGEdefault   2d23h

To view the same list in YAML format:

Listing device sets as YAML
$ kubectl get devicesets -n moon -o yamlapiVersion: v1items:- apiVersion:  kind: DeviceSet  metadata:    name: default(1)    namespace: moon    # Other Kubernetes metadata  spec:    devices:(2)      Apple iPhone 11:(3)        height: 896(4)        pixelRatio: 2(5)        printVersion: true(6)        userAgent: user-agent-string-for-chrome-%s(7)        width: 414(8)      # Other deviceskind: Listmetadata:  # List metadata
1Device set name
2Devices list
3Concrete device definition
4Device screen height
5Device pixel ratio
6Whether to substitute Chrome version to user agent string (%s placeholder is replaced by Chrome version)
7Device user agent
8Device screen width

To edit a device set object:

Editing a device set
$ kubectl edit deviceset default -n moon # Do modifications in text editor, save and exit

3.3. Video Recording

  1. Depending oncomputing resources configuration enabling video recording will require approximately +1 CPU and +1 GB RAM for every browser sessions.

  2. We consider video recording mainly a debugging feature and do not recommend recording videos for every test scenario. Not only because doing this slightly increases computing resources consumption, but also because nobody will review thousands of recorded videos (especially for passed test scenarios).

Video recording allows you to record the video of browser screen with your test scenario running in it. Recorded video can be then viewed in browser, video player or e.g. attached to test execution report. In Kubernetes or Openshift browsers are being run on a random network host and in case of auto-scaling enabled, these hosts periodically appear and disappear. So recorded videos should be saved to persistent storage before deleting browser pod. When requested Moon automatically sends recorded to videoS3-compatible storage. Such type of storage is supported byAWS,Google Cloud,Microsoft Azure,Digital Ocean and many other cloud providers. To deploy a private S3-compatible storage you can useMinio.

To enable video recording you need to:

  1. Configure S3 storage in Moon settings.

  2. Request to record a video during test run.

3.3.1. Enabling S3 Storage

  1. Create an S3 bucket. In this example bucket name ismoon-test. You can create an S3-compatible bucket in the majority of public cloud platforms. How to configure Moon with these platforms in shown in the table below:

    Table 12. S3 settings for popular cloud platforms
    Platform NameService NameEndpointSignature Version


    AWS S3

    Depends on region, e.g. See AWSdocumentation for detailed list of endpoints.



    DigitalOcean Spaces

    Depends on region, e.g. Seedocumentation for more details.


    Google Cloud

    Google Cloud Storage


    Microsoft Azure

    Azure Blob Storage

    No built-in S3 support. Need to deploy additional software likeMinio.


  2. Access to S3 bucket can be provided either witha pair of static credentials (anaccess key and asecret key) or byadding cloud platform roles. This section shows how to configure static credentials. How to configure role-based access to S3 bucket is shownbelow. How to load S3 credentials from Kubernetes secret is describedhere.

  3. Update storage settings inconfiguration object: Other Kubernetes metadataspec:# Some fields beforestorage:accessKey:"AKIAXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"# Set if a pair of credentials is usedbucket:"moon-test"filename:""# Recorded video file name, e.g. myvideo.mp4endpoint:""pattern:""# See belowsecretKey:"okUa0XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"# Set if a pair of credentials is used# Other fields

3.3.2. Requesting to Record a Video

How to enable video recording depends on browser automation technology you are using:

Custom S3 Layout

By default, videos are uploaded to S3 bucket as follows:

Default S3 bucket layout
\---my-bucket    \---- <session-id>        |---- video.mp4

Moon allows to organize any custom S3 keys layout usingS3 key pattern with placeholders. A typical S3 key pattern looks like the following:

Typical S3 key pattern

Here every placeholder such as$quota,$browserName,$browserVersion and so on will be replaced by corresponding information: user name, browser name, browser version. The resulting S3 key will be used as a directory to save video files. A list of supported placeholders is shown in the table below:

Table 13. S3 Key Placeholders


Replaced by Selenium session ID


Replaced by Selenium browser name capability value


Replaced by Selenium browser version capability value


Replaced by current date, e.g.2018-11-01


Replaced by quota name (i.e. user name provided in Selenium URL)

Default S3 key pattern is just$sessionId:

Default video paths

You can change S3 key pattern inconfiguration object as follows:

Setting custom S3 key pattern Other Kubernetes metadataspec:# Some fields beforestorage:# Other S3 storage settingspattern:"$quota/$browserName/$browserVersion/$sessionId"# Other fields

To define an S3 key pattern for every browser session independently - usepattern capability described inMoon-specific Capabilities section.

Getting S3 credentials from Kubernetes secret
  1. This feature is available since Moon 2.1.3.

  2. Make sure that Kubernetes secret is created in the namespace where browser pods will be started.

In some cases you may want to load S3 credentials from Kubernetes secret instead of setting them as plain text inconfiguration object:

  1. Create a Kubernetessecret in the namespace for respectivequota:

    An example Kubernetes secret with S3 credentials
    $ cat secret.yaml---apiVersion: v1kind: Secretmetadata:  name: credentialsstringData:  RootUser: "AKIAXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"  RootPass: "okUa0XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"$ kubectl create -n moon -f secret.yamlsecret/minio created
  2. AddsecretRef field inconfiguration object as follows:

    Loading S3 credentials from Kubernetes secret Other Kubernetes metadataspec:# Some fields beforestorage:# Other S3 storage settingssecretRef:accessKey:RootUser# Name of the secret field with access keyname:credentials# Secret name from previous stepsecretKey:RootPass# Name of the secret field with secret key# Other fields
Role-based Access to S3

Some teams prefer using cloud platform roles for giving access to S3 storage instead of a pair of static credentials. In this section we are showing how to deliver role-based access to S3 bucket inAWS cloud. To do this:

Option 1. Use kube2iam and Kubernetes annotations.

  1. Installkube2iam.

  2. Create an IAM role to access S3 bucket using the following CloudFormation template:

    #jinja2:trim_blocks: False#jinja2:lstrip_blocks: False{% set var = config.jinja_parameters %}AWSTemplateFormatVersion:'2010-09-09'Description:Contains infra components for Aerokube MoonParameters:TargetBucket:Description:Target bucket for IAM permissionsType:StringResources:PodRole:Type:AWS::IAM::RoleProperties:RoleName:aerokube-moonAssumeRolePolicyDocument:Version:"2012-10-17"Statement:        -Effect:        -Effect: AllowAction:sts:AssumeRolePrincipal:AWS:!Subarn:aws:iam::${AWS::AccountId}:role/EKSInstanceRolePolicies:        -PolicyName: aerokube-moonPolicyDocument:Statement:              -Action:                  - s3:List*                  - s3:Get*                  - s3:Put*Effect:"Allow"Resource:                  -!Sub"arn:aws:s3:::${TargetBucket}/*"                  -!Sub"arn:aws:s3:::${TargetBucket}"
  3. Annotate Moon namespace with the following annotation:|    ["aerokube-moon"]
  4. Add an annotation to browser pods inbrowsers set: Other Kubernetes"aerokube-moon"# Other fields

Option 2. Add IAM role to Moon service account.

  1. Configure an IAM role for EKS service accountAWS documentation.

  2. Configure Moon touse this service account.

Uploading Videos Through Proxy

This feature is available since Moon 2.6.0.

In some restricted environments videos should be uploaded to S3 bucket using a proxy server. To configure this - update configuration object as follows:

Setting a proxy server for uploading to S3 Other Kubernetes metadataspec:# Some fields beforestorage:# Other S3 storage settingsnoProxy:"*"# Don't use proxy for these hostshttpProxy:""# Proxy host and port for HTTP traffichttpsProxy:""# Proxy host and port for HTTPS traffic# Other fields

Syntax of these fields correspond toNO_PROXY,HTTP_PROXY andHTTPS_PROXY environment variables.

Disabling instance metadata support

This feature is available since Moon 2.7.0.

By default, Moon expects that S3 client used for uploading videos can rely on so-calledinstance metadata API. This is supported in the majority of cloud platforms. In some cases however such API is not available. In that case you can instruct Moon to disable instance metadata support in S3 uploading logic:

Disabling instance metadata for S3 uploads Other Kubernetes metadataspec:# Some fields beforestorage:# Other S3 storage settingsmetadata:false# This disables instance metadata (default is true)# Other fields

3.4. Automatically Updating Browser Versions

This feature is available since Moon 2.3.0.

Moon 2.x is choosing browser images by naming convention. For example, when you request a Selenium browserchrome 100.0 it will by default try to image. Exact repository used to fetch images can be configured inbrowsers set object. However, for Moon UI a list of available browser versions is limited and should be configured explicitly in the same browsers set object. Starting from Moon 2.3.0 we provide an automated solution to maintain the list of browser versions in Moon UI always up to date. This solution is calledbrowser-ops and is distributed as a separateKubernetes job that periodically checks for new browser versions in images repository and updates browsers set accordingly.

3.4.1. Installation

Helm chart source code is availablehere.

To activate this solution you need to install one moreHelm chart:

  1. Add Aerokubecharts repository if you don’t have it already:

    $ helm repo add aerokube$ helm repo update
  2. Installbrowser-ops chart:

    $ helm upgrade --install -n moon browser-ops aerokube/browser-ops
  3. Run update manually for the first time (otherwise you will have to wait for the time schedule configured in chart values):

    $ kubectl create job -n moon --from=cronjob/browser-ops update-browsersjob.batch/update-browsers created$ kubectl get jobs -n moonNAME              COMPLETIONS   DURATION   AGEupdate-browsers   0/1           4s         4s

3.4.2. Configuration Options

Like for any other Helm chart,browser-ops configuration options are stored invalues.yaml file and applied like this:

$ helm upgrade --install -f values.yaml -n moon browser-ops aerokube/browser-ops
  • By default, browser versions will be updated every night. To change version update schedule:

    schedule:"0 */2 * * *"# Run every two hours
  • By default,browser-ops will configure Moon to use the latest available browser version. You can easily change this behavior to configure all available browser versions or fixed number of the latest available browser versions:

    browserImageVersions:all# Use all available browser versions
    browserImageVersions:5# Use 5 available browser versions
  • By default,browser-ops will use long browser versions like102.0.1245.30 instead of102.0. To use short versions:

    When using short browser versions the latest available browser version will not be present in the list. This is because for one major browser version there could be several minor updates. Such behavior allows to not cache a minor browser version update that can be later updated one more time by browser developers.
  • By default,browser-ops only updates browsers set object nameddefault. If you have several browsers set objects, provide all required names of such objects:


3.5. Using Private Container Registry

By default, Moon images (aerokube/defender,aerokube/logger and so on) are downloaded from public container images registry. If in your environment due to security restrictions container images can only be downloaded from private registry ( you need to configure Moon to work with this registry. To do this:

  1. Configure Kubernetes authentication to your private registry:

    $ kubectl create secret docker-registry --docker-username=some-user --docker-password=registry-password -n moon$ kubectl patch serviceaccount moon -p '{"imagePullSecrets": [{"name": ""}]}' -n moon # Use correct service account name here

    In case of Openshift the following commands will work:

    $ oc create secret docker-registry --docker-username=some-user --docker-password=registry-password -n moon$ oc secrets link moon --for=pull -n moon
  2. Copy all desired browser images to your registry: =>
  3. Updatebrowsers set to use new browser images repository:

    Browsers Set with Private Container Repository Other Kubernetes metadataspec:# Other tools come Other browser types come here
  4. Copy desired version of the Moon service images to your registry:

    aerokube/ca-certs:2.0.0 => => => => => =>
  5. Override Moon service images, updateconfiguration object with the following contents: Other Kubernetes You can omit this field and then Moon will use its own image tag (recommended approach)
  6. Copy desired version of Moon main images to your registry:

    aerokube/moon:2.0.0 => => =>
  7. Use new main Moon images from the previous step in Helm chart to start Moon and Moon UI.

3.6. Adjusting Timeouts

3.6.1. Adjusting Moon Timeouts

Sometimes things go wrong: user can unexpectedly disconnect or browser session starts longer than needed. This can lead to overall cluster degradation because of broken browser pods occupying all available hardware. To prevent such cases Moon automatically detects and closes idle browser sessions. A session is considered idle when the delay between separate HTTP requests corresponding to a running session is bigger than configured timeout. Idle timeout may need to be increased when tested application pages are loading too slowly. To view or change idle timeout setting - take a look atconfiguration object:

Listing configuration objects as YAML
$ kubectl get configs -n moon -o yamlapiVersion: v1items:- apiVersion:  kind: Config  metadata:    name: default    namespace: moon    # Other Kubernetes metadata  spec:    # Other fields    # Use values like 60s or 1m10s here    sessionTimeout: 5m(1)
1Idle session timeout setting

Several rarely needed Mooncommand-line flags are responsible for advanced timeout settings:

Table 14. Rarely Needed Command-line Timeout Flags
FlagDefault ValueMeaningNotes


10 minutes

Maximum time to delete Kubernetes resources created for browser session.

Moon deletes resources using Kubernetes API. When this timeout expires - Moon stops respective request and gives up deleting resources.


30 minutes

Maximum time to start browser pod.

This time includes Kubernetes scheduling time and browser image download duration. You load balancer proxy timeout should be bigger than this setting.

3.6.2. Adjusting Other Timeouts

Not only Moon timeout settings can cause your tests to break. A typical Moon installation looks like the following:

Possible Timeout Sources


In addition to Moon timeouts other possible sources of timeouts exist:

  1. Client-side Timeout. Every Selenium library is internally using an HTTP client having default request timeout settings. If you are frequently seeingclient disconnected messages (meaning that client disconnected before request handling completed) in Moon log - this could be a sign to increase HTTP client timeouts in your code.

  2. Load Balancer Timeout. Usually Moon is running behind load balancer (LoadBalancer,Ingress orRouter), and it also has a default request proxy timeout. A frequent value is60 seconds, so if you are often seeing test fails with502 Bad Gateway or504 Gateway Timeout errors - this could be a sign to increase load balancer timeout. How to do this depends on your cloud platform and load balancer type being used. So refer to their documentation for more details. An example of doing this for AWS cloud is shown inConnection was closed unexpectedly section.

  3. Cluster Capacity Reached. If you are seeing a lot ofunexpected status messages in the log that can signalize that you used all available computing resources (CPUs and memory) assigned to Moon namespace.

  4. Cluster Fragmentation. Similarly to the previous one, in some cases you can have sufficient number of cores and not all browsers are exhausted. However, sometimes for example you can have 4 CPUs available distributed among 4 Kubernetes nodes (1 available CPU per node) and a new browser pod requiring at least 2 CPUs to start (all pod containers always run on the same node). In that case although total number of available CPUs is sufficient to start a pod, there is no node where pod will be able to start. If you are seeing too many browser pods inPending state - check withkubectl command why these pods are not starting.

3.7. Adjusting Resources Consumption

3.7.1. Browser Resources Consumption

Moon has reasonable defaults for resources consumed by every browser pod. Sometimes you may need to override these settings. To override resource settings globally for every browser image - useconfiguration object:

$ kubectl get configs -n moon -o yamlapiVersion:v1items:-apiVersion: Other Kubernetes metadataspec:containers:browser:resources:(1)limits:cpu:"1"memory:2Gi# Other fields
1Browser container resources configuration

To update resource settings - simply edit configuration object, save and exit:

Editing a configuration object
$ kubectl edit config default -n moon # Update computing resources configuration, save and exit

You can also override the same values for every browser type inbrowsers set. An example snippet can be foundhere.

3.7.2. Service Images Resources Consumption

To check service images resources requirements - simply show configuration object for your quota in YAML format:

Listing configuration objects as YAML
$ kubectl get configs -n moon -o yamlapiVersion:v1items:-apiVersion: Other Kubernetes metadataspec:containers:browser:# Some fieldsca-certs:# More fields go hereresources:limits:cpu:250mmemory:64Mirequests:cpu:100mmemory:64Midefender:# The same fields as for ca-certsvideo-recorder:# The same fields as for ca-certsvnc-server:# The same fields as for ca-certsx-server:# The same fields as for ca-certs# Other fields

To adjust CPU and memory consumption for each service image - simply updateconfiguration object accordingly.

3.7.3. Pods Quality of Service

Browser automation stability and speed highly depends on how many computing resources are actually available to browser pods. Kubernetes has so-calledQuality of Service (QoS) defining how many resources are assigned to pods being started. For stable browser automation we recommend always settingGuaranteed QoS class to Moon browser pods. To deliver this you have to make sure thatrequests andlimits values for CPU and memory have equal values:

  1. Moon by default setsrequests equal tolimits for service images likedefender,logger andvideoRecorder. But in recent releases you can override them independently if you wish.

  2. For browser containers you can overriderequests andlimits independently. Anyway we also recommend setting them to equal values. Only this way you will be sure that browsers are always getting the same computing resources. Otherwise, you may encounter randomly failing browser tests caused by insufficient computing resources assigned to some browser pods.

3.8. Using Additional Trusted TLS Certificates

In corporate networks tested environments are often using additional trustedTLS certificates. Such certificates are issued by aroot certification authority not known to browsers. When trying to open an HTTPS web-page using such TLS certificate, your browser by default will refuse to do this saying that "Your connection is not private" or "This connection is untrusted". In Selenium tests you can use a standard capability (acceptInsecureCerts = true) to ignore such certificate errors but this will not work when your web-page is usingStrict Transport Security.

In order to work properly with additional trusted TLS certificates, you have to add your root certification authority certificate to a list of trusted certificates:

  1. Find root certificate for certification authority being used to secure your tested environment. Usually such certificates are being issued by IT security team or systems administrators and are publicly available in corporate network. For example your root certificate can look like this:

    $ cat rootCA.crt-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----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-----END CERTIFICATE-----
  2. Add certificate data toconfiguration object: Other Kubernetes metadataspec:additionalTrustedCAs:|    -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----    MIIGjzCCBHegAwIBAgIJAK1lW/5z8ZSoMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAMIGLMQswCQYD    VQQGEwJFRTEQMA4GA1UECBMHRXN0b25pYTEQMA4GA1UEBxMHVGFsbGlubjEeMBwG    A1UEChQVQWVyb2t1YmUgU29mdHdhcmUgT8OcMRUwEwYDVQQDEwxhZXJva3ViZS5j    ....

    If you need to add several certificates - then add every certificate to the new line: Other Kubernetes metadataspec:additionalTrustedCAs:|    -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----    MIIGjzCCBHegAwIBAgIJAK1lW/5z8ZSoMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAMIGLMQswCQYD    VQQGEwJFRTEQMA4GA1UECBMHRXN0b25pYTEQMA4GA1UEBxMHVGFsbGlubjEeMBwG    A1UEChQVQWVyb2t1YmUgU29mdHdhcmUgT8OcMRUwEwYDVQQDEwxhZXJva3ViZS5j    ...    -----END CERTIFICATE-----    -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----    MIIDBjCCAe6gAwIBAgIBATANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFADAVMRMwEQYDVQQDEwptaW5p    a3ViZUNBMB4XDTIyMDExMDEzMzgwNloXDTMyMDEwOTEzMzgwNlowFTETMBEGA1UE    AxMKbWluaWt1YmVDQTCCASIwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQADggEPADCCAQoCggEBALpJ    ...    -----END CERTIFICATE-----

    Added certificates are automatically applied to all browser types and uploading videos to S3 endpoints.

3.9. Multiple Namespaces Mode

This section hasmoved.

3.10. Advanced Settings

This section describes how to configure some advanced features sometimes required by Kubernetes cluster settings. Moon is using just the same keys and values that Kubernetes itself does for most of the settings below. This is how a typical Kubernetes pod looks like:

Standard Kubernetes pod YAML
apiVersion:v1kind:Podmetadata:name:my-appannotations:key1:"value1"key2:"value2"labels:key1:"value1"key2:"value2"spec:containers:  -name: appimage:my-company/my-app:1.0.0resources:requests:memory:"64Mi"cpu:"250m"limits:memory:"128Mi"cpu:"500m"

Now compare this with one of Moon objects: Other Kubernetes metadataspec:annotations:key1:"value1"key2:"value2"labels:key1:"value1"key2:"value2"

3.10.1. Adding Custom Kubernetes Annotations

This is configured globally or for concrete browser types inbrowsers set. How to do this is describedhere.

3.10.2. Adding Custom Kubernetes Labels

This is configured globally or for concrete browser types inbrowsers set. How to do this is describedhere. Also, you can override labels usinglabels capability.

3.10.3. Adding Network Policies

Network policies are dedicated Kubernetes objects allowing to control network firewall rules. Using them with Moon is straightforward:

  1. Create aNetworkPolicy object. This is how it can look like: This rule will apply pods matching labels belowrole:browseringress:  -from:    -podSelector:        matchLabels:          role: my-appports:    -protocol: TCPport:6379
  2. Usecustom labels to add respective label to browser pods: Every Chrome pod will have this label set

3.10.4. Using Node Selectors

This is configured globally or for concrete browser types inbrowsers set. How to do this is describedhere.

3.10.5. Using Affinity

This is configured globally or for concrete browser types inbrowsers set. How to do this is describedhere.

3.10.6. Using Tolerations

This is configured globally or for concrete browser types inbrowsers set. How to do this is describedhere.

3.10.7. Running Browser Pods in Privileged Mode

This is configured for concrete browser types inbrowsers set. How to do this is describedhere.

3.10.8. Setting Custom User and Group Identifier to Browser Pods

In Moon 2.x this is configured for all browser pods inconfiguration object. If you need to use different user and group identifiers for different Moon users, simply create several configuration objects and attach them to respective quota objects. Default values are:

Table 15. Default user and group assigned to browser pods

Default user id


Default user name


Default group id


Default group name


3.10.9. Setting Custom Service Account For Browser Pods

This is configured globally for all browser pods inconfiguration object.

Configuring service account for browser pods
$ kubectl get configs -n moon -o yamlapiVersion: v1items:- apiVersion:  kind: Config  metadata:    name: default    namespace: moon    # Other Kubernetes metadata  spec:    # Other fields    serviceAccountName: my-account(1)    # Other fields
1Custom service account setting

3.10.10. Setting Security Context For Browser Pods

This is configured separately for each Moon container inconfiguration object. YAML syntax is exactly the same as forKubernetes pod containers.

Adding security context to browser pod containers
$ kubectl get configs -n moon -o yamlapiVersion: v1items:- apiVersion:  kind: Config  metadata:    name: default    namespace: moon    # Other Kubernetes metadata  spec:    # Other fields    containers:      browser:        # Other fields        securityContext:(1)          allowPrivilegeEscalation: false          capabilities:            drop:            - ALL          privileged: false          runAsGroup: 4096          runAsNonRoot: true          runAsUser: 4096          seccompProfile:            type: RuntimeDefault        # Other fields      ca-certs:        # The same fields as for browser      defender:        # The same fields as for ca-certs      proxy:        # The same fields as for ca-certs      video-recorder:        # The same fields as for ca-certs      vnc-server:        # The same fields as for ca-certs      x-server:        # The same fields as for ca-certs
1Security context definition

3.11. Upgrading Moon Version

Moon versions are followingsemantic versioning scheme (MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH), e.g. 2.3.0, 2.5.3 and so on. Major version component means Moon generation (currently always equals to2). Minor version component is changed when we add new important features. Patch version component is changed when release mainly contains minor improvements and bug fixes.

Moon maininstallation method is usingHelm and a typical command allowing to do this is:

A typical Moon installation command
$ helm upgrade --install -n moon moon aerokube/moon2

Usually to upgrade software version with Helm you do:

Upgrading Moon to the version with changed patch component only
$ helm repo update # To fetch latest Helm chart information$ helm upgrade --install -n moon moon aerokube/moon2 # Exactly the same command as for fresh installation

Commands above will work when upgrading Moon to the version where patch number changed (e.g. from 2.5.0 to 2.5.1, 2.5.2 and so on). However, if you are upgrading Moon to the version where minor component has changed (e.g. from 2.4.0 to 2.5.0), then upgrade procedure can be a bit more complex. This is because Moon 2 relies on so-called Kubernetescustom resources to store its configuration and from time to time we add new configuration fields to these resources. Currently, Helmnever upgrades previously installed custom resource definitions, so you have to do this manually when upgrading to the new version with changed custom resource definitions:

Upgrading Moon to the version with changed custom resource definitions
$ helm repo update$ helm delete moon -n moon # Completely uninstall previous version$ kubectl delete crd $(kubectl get crd | grep | awk '{print $1}') # Delete custom resource definitions from previous Moon version$ helm upgrade --install -n moon moon aerokube/moon2 # Install new Moon version

We usually note about custom resource definitions change in release notes (likehere). If you forget to upgrade custom resource definitions Moon can stop working with messages like this:

# During Helm upgrade commandunknown field "spec.containers.proxy"# In Moon logs:moon: no such config: "default"config controller: config "default": add: validate containers.proxy: value is not set: using default

3.12. Monitoring

You can easily visualize browsers consumption and other Moon metrics withPrometheus andGrafana. One of the simplest ways of deploying Prometheus in Kubernetes is usingPrometheus Operator.

3.12.1. Setup

  1. Moon should be already running (e.g. inmoon namespace).

  2. Deploy Prometheus and Grafana using Prometheus Operator (e.g. tomonitoring namespace).

    An example installation command using Helm 3 is:

    $ helm repo add prometheus-community$ helm repo update$ helm install kube-prometheus-stack prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack --create-namespace --namespace monitoring
  3. Having a configured Prometheus instance you have two ways of getting metrics:using built-in Moon metrics andfiltering browser pods by labels.

3.12.2. Built-in Moon metrics

Built-in Moon metrics are exposed on the standard/metrics HTTP API.

Getting Prometheus metrics
$ curl -s A lot of metrics come here

The following metrics are available:

Table 16. Moon Built-in Prometheus Metrics




Maximum number of browser sessions allowed by installed license key




Total number of currently running browser sessions



quota, browserName, browserVersion

Browser consumption corresponding to exact browser name and version




Total number of browser requests in queue




Moon license key expiration timestamp

3.12.3. Filtering Browser Pods by Labels

Installing Prometheus withkube-prometheus-stack will also automatically installkube-state-metrics component. This component allows you to filter Kubernetes pods by labels, annotations, status, start time and so on. To fetch information about browser pods with some labels set, use the following Prometheus query:

kube_pod_labels{label_moon="browser", label_browserName="chrome", label_browserVersion="96.0"}

Full list of available expressions can be foundhere.

Moon can add custom labels to started browser pods (e.g. browser automation project name, tested feature name and so on). This can be done globally in usingbrowsers set,Selenium capabilities and so on. For example, after having a labelproject="MyCoolProject" on browser pods, you can filter such pods like this:

kube_pod_labels{label_moon="browser", label_project="MyCoolProject", label_browserName="chrome"}

3.13. Log Files

Although Moon should just work out of the box, sometimes you may need the log output. Every Moon component is outputting logs to standard output (stdout), so you can use well-knownkubectl commands to see the log. Everything related to browser sessions is being output bymoon container:

$ kubectl logs -lapp=moon -c moon -n moon

To follow the logs while running the tests add-f flag:

$ kubectl logs -f -lapp=moon -c moon -n moon

You can also take a look atmoon-conf andmoon-ui logs as follows:

$ kubectl logs -f -lapp=moon -c moon-conf -n moon$ kubectl logs -f -lapp=moon -c moon-ui -n moon

If you are encountering browser pods not being deleted - then take a look atdefender container logs for every frozen browser pod:

$ kubectl logs chrome-73-0-ac15ffaa-e641-4c7f-a54c-f25b5be1f135 -c defender -n moon

Herechrome-73-0-ac15ffaa-e641-4c7f-a54c-f25b5be1f135 is the browser session ID equal to browser pod name.

3.14. CLI Flags

These flags should bespecified in Kubernetes YAML files when starting the cluster.

3.14.1. Moon Container Flags

The following flags are supported:

-browser-limit value    parallel browser sessions limit-callback-url value    moon callback url-delete-timeout duration    timeout to delete Kubernetes resources (default 10m0s)-grace-period duration    graceful shutdown period (default 5m0s)-listen string    host and port to listen to (default ":4444")-moon-url value    moon service url (default http://moon.moon:4444/wd/hub)-session-attempt-timeout duration    new session attempt timeout (default 30m0s)-version    show version and exit

3.14.2. Moon Auth Container Flags

The following flags are supported:

-ca-cert string    ca certificate to verify discovery cert (optional)-client-id string    client id (required)-client-secret string    client secret (required)-discovery-url value    oidc discovery url (required)-fail-login-timeout duration    request timeout (default 30s)-grace-period duration    graceful shutdown period (default 30s)-group value    allowed user groups (optional)-ignore-case    ignore user groups case-listen string    address to bind (default ":4545")-request-timeout duration    request timeout (default 30s)-upstream-url value    upstream url (default    show version and exit

3.14.3. Moon Basic Auth Container Flags

The following flags are supported:

-f string    htpasswd file path (default "/conf/auth")-grace-period duration    graceful shutdown period (default 30s)-listen string    address to bind (default ":4545")-upstream-url value    upstream url (default

4. Frequently Asked Questions

4.1. Where are Moon logs?

SeeLog Files section.

4.2. Where are recorded videos stored?

Moon automatically saves session logs and recorded video files toS3 compatible storage. If S3 storage is not configured - then video recording will not work.

4.3. How to update configuration of a running Moon cluster?

Just update respective custom resources (config,browserset,deviceset,quota,license) with standard Kubernetes commands (kubectl edit orkubectl replace). For example:

$ kubectl edit config default -n moon # Updating configuration object$ kubectl edit browserset default -n moon # Updating Moon browsers set$ kubectl edit deviceset users -n moon # Updating Moon devices set$ kubectl edit quota default -n moon # Updating Moon quota$ kubectl edit license moon # Updating Moon license key

These commands will open your preferred editor with respective data: do any desired modifications, save and exit. Changes are applied immediately.

4.4. Is it possible to configure Kubernetes service account for Moon?

Yes, Moon hasserviceAccountName setting inconfiguration object.

4.5. Is it possible to assign custom firewall rules to browser pods?

Yes, using built-inKubernetes Network Policies feature. Moon already can assign custom labels to running browser pods. To apply a firewall rule to browser pods you need to assign a set of custom labels to these pods and then create aNetworkPolicy matching pods withpodSelector using these labels. An example of how you can do this is shownhere.

4.6. Connection was closed unexpectedly

If your HTTP requests are randomly hanging - this can mean that you can have too small HTTP request timeout value on your network load balancer (LoadBalancer,Ingress, OpenshiftRoute). Very often default value is about30 seconds and this can lead to closed connections when a lot of new Selenium session requests are being sent to Moon. How to set timeout setting usually depends on cloud platform you are using. For example when using AWS load balancer this can look like:

Increasing AWS Load Balancer Timeout"60"# AWS load balancer timeout settingspec:type:LoadBalancer# The rest of spec goes here...

With Nginx Ingress this can be adjusted like this:

Increasing Nginx Ingress Timeout"108000"# Note these timeout"108000""108000"spec:ingressClassName:nginxrules:# Rules come here...

4.7. DNS lookup timeouts

If you are usingFlannel as Kubernetes networking engine and receiving DNS lookup timeouts like the following…​

2019/02/21 08:37:32 [VNC_ERROR] [] [dial tcp: lookup chrome-71-0-686efb96-eabe-4435-af31-21a33c8a4c8b on read udp> i/o timeout]

…​then you may need to set the following kernel property on Kubernetes nodes:

$ sysctl net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-iptables=1

4.8. Browser session timeouts do not work

This could because of incorrectly set-moon-url flag value. By default Moon is being exposed using Kubernetes service namedmoon and is available on port4444. In that case everything works out of the box with default-moon-url flag value. In customized deployment your Moon service name can differ and you have to set-moon-url value flag explicitly. For example, having Moon being exposed with service namedmy-custom-moon-service on port3333, you have to explicitly add flag-moon-urlhttp://my-custom-moon-service:3333/wd/hub to your deployment manifests.

4.9. JSON processing errors in tests

In some environments your Selenium tests could from time to time start getting JSON processing errors like this:

Json exception: Expected to read a START_MAP but instead have: END. Last 0 characters read

The main reason of such behavior usually is incorrectly configured request proxy timeout onLoadBalancer orIngress time. Very frequently default timeout value is60 seconds and in cases when some Selenium operation takes more time, load balancer will abort request and send 502 error with no body or with HTML body. However Selenium clients always expect to have JSON in Selenium response body and anything else leads to JSON processing exceptions. To solve this - increase request timeout on load balancer side. How to do this should be described in load balancer documentation.

4.10. Is it possible to use Moon with private Docker registry?

Yes. How to do this is describedhere.

4.11. Is it possible to test HTTPS web applications with self-signed TLS certificates?

Yes, you can globally configure self-signed TLS root certification authorities. How to do this is shownhere.

5. License Agreement

Last updated March 18th, 2022. Replaces the prior version in its entirety.

This is a legal agreement. By downloading, installing, copying, saving on Customer’s computer, or otherwise using Aerokube software, support or products Customer becomes a party to this Agreement and Customer consents to be bound by all the terms and conditions set forth below.

  1. Parties

    1. "Aerokube","Licensor" or"We" meansAerokube Software OÜ, having its principal place of business at Harju maakond, Tallinn, Kesklinna linnaosa, Karu tn 14-8, 10120, Estonia, registered in the Commercial Register of Estonia, registry code: 14653208.

    2. "Customer","Licensee" or"You" means the sole proprietor or legal entity specified in the Subscription Confirmation. For legal entities, "Customer" includes any entity which controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with Customer. For the purposes of this definition, "control" means one of the following:

      1. The power, directly or indirectly, to direct or manage such entity, whether by contract or otherwise.

      2. Ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the outstanding shares or beneficial ownership of such entity.

  2. Definitions

    1. "Agreement" means this License Agreement.

    2. "Product" means any generally available Licensor’s software product identified by Licensor as a software developer tool. For the avoidance of doubt, the Product is not produced to the specifications of Customer nor customized through modification or personalization, is intended for mass distribution, and no software code will be provided to Customer.

    3. "User" means any employee, independent contractor or other personnel obtaining access to the Product(s) from Customer.

    4. "Number of Concurrent Sessions" means maximum number of software testing processes being run using the Product in parallel. This can be for example browsers executing User’s tests.

    5. "License Key" means a unique key-code that enables a Licensee to use the Product by unlocking the fixed Number of Concurrent Sessions. Only Licensor and/or its representatives are permitted to produce License Keys for the Product.

    6. "Subscription" means an arrangement for making use of the Product of periodic nature on a prepayment plan. For the purpose of clarity, Subscription includes the subscription term, Products provided to Customer, subscription fees, payment schedules and fixed number of License Keys.

    7. "Product Evaluation" means using the Product without a valid License Key.

    8. "Subscription Confirmation" means an email confirming Customer’s rights to access and use Products, including total Number of Concurrent Sessions.

    9. "Product Installation" means a Product copy running on Customer’s computer device, hardware server or virtual machine.

    10. "Product Version" means a release, update, or upgrade of a particular Product that is not identified by Licensor as being made for the purpose of fixing software bugs.

    11. "Bug Fix Update" for a particular Product Version means a software update or release that is specifically identified by Licensor as a bug fix for that Product Version.

    12. "E-mail Support" means a form of customer support provided by the Licensor. At the time of writing, the corresponding e-mail address; should the address be changed, the new address will be referred to on the Licensor’s web site.

    13. "Instant Messaging Support" means a form of customer support provided by the Licensor. At the time of writing, the corresponding address to support channel is; should the address be changed, the new address will be referred to on the Licensor’s web site.

    14. "Affiliate" means any entity belonging to the same group as the Licensor.

  3. How this Agreement Works

    1. Entire Agreement. This Agreement, including the Third-Party Software license terms, constitutes the entire agreement between the parties concerning its subject matter and supersedes any prior agreements between Customer and Licensor regarding Customer’s use of any Products. No purchase order, other ordering document or any handwritten or typewritten text which purports to modify or supplement the printed text of this Agreement or any schedule will add to or vary the terms of this Agreement unless signed by both Customer and Licensor.

    2. Reservation of Rights. Aerokube reserves the right at any time to cease the support of the Product and to alter prices, features, specifications, capabilities, functions, terms of use, release dates, general availability or other characteristics of the Product.

    3. Changes to this Agreement. We may update or modify this Agreement from time to time, including any referenced policies and other documents. If a revision meaningfully reduces Customer’s rights, we will use reasonable efforts to notify Customer. If we modify this Agreement, the modified version of the Agreement will be effective from the start of the next Subscription term. In this case, if Customer objects to the updated Agreement terms, as Customer’s exclusive remedy, Customer may cancel the Subscription. Customer may be required to click through the updated Agreement to show its acceptance. For the avoidance of doubt, each Subscription Confirmation is subject to the version of the Agreement in effect on the Subscription Confirmation date.

    4. Opportunity to Review. Customer hereby declares that Customer has had sufficient opportunity to review this Agreement, understand the content of all of its clauses, negotiate its terms, and seek independent professional legal advice in that respect before entering into it. Consequently, any statutory "form contract" ("adhesion contract") regulations shall not be applicable to this Agreement.

    5. Severability. If a particular term of this Agreement is not enforceable, the unenforceability of that term will not affect any other terms of this Agreement.

    6. Headings. Headings and titles are for convenience only and do not affect the interpretation of this Agreement.

    7. No Waiver. Our failure to enforce or exercise any part of this Agreement is not a waiver of that section.

    8. Notice. Aerokube may deliver any notice to Customer via electronic mail to an email address provided by Customer, registered mail, personal delivery or renowned express courier (such as DHL, FedEx or UPS). Any such notice will be deemed to be effective:

      1. On the day the notice is sent to Customer via email.

      2. Upon personal delivery.

      3. One (1) day after deposit with an express courier or five (5) days after deposit in the mail, whichever occurs first.

    9. Governing Law. This Agreement will be governed by the laws of the Estonia, without reference to conflict of laws principles. Customer agrees that any litigation relating to this Agreement may only be brought in, and will be subject to the jurisdiction of, any competent court of the Estonia. The parties agree that the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods does not apply to this Agreement.

    10. Exceptions or Modifications. For exceptions or modifications to this Agreement, please contact Aerokube In case the terms of this Agreement are in conflict with the terms of any agreement individually negotiated and agreed between Aerokube and Customer, the terms of the latter shall prevail.

    11. Force Majeure. Except with respect to Customer’s payment obligations, neither party shall be liable to the other for any delay or failure to perform any obligation under this Agreement (except for a failure to pay fees) if the delay or failure is due to unforeseen events which occur after the signing of this Agreement and which are beyond the reasonable control of such party ("Force Majeure Event"), such as a strike, blockade, war, act of terrorism, riot, natural disaster, failure or diminishment of power or telecommunications or data networks or services, or refusal of a license by a government agency. In the event of a Force Majeure Event that prevents one part from substantially performing its obligations hereunder for a period of ten (10) days or more, either party may terminate this Agreement on five (5) days written notice.

  4. Grant of Rights

    1. The Product include code and libraries licensed to Licensor by third parties, including open source software.

    2. The Product is provided basing on the Number of Concurrent Sessions. If Customer complies with the terms of this Agreement, Customer has the rights stipulated hereunder for each Subscription that Customer acquires. Customer’s rights acquired in relation to the Product are limited to those necessary to enable Customer and its Users to effectively operate the Product(s). All other rights remain reserved to Licensor.

    3. Unless the Subscription has expired or this Agreement is terminated in accordance with respective section, and subject to the terms and conditions specified herein, Licensor grants Customer a non-exclusive and non-transferable right to use each Product covered by the Subscription as stipulated below.

    4. Customermay:

      1. For each License Key included to Subscription haveone Product Installation of any version covered by the Subscription on any operating system supported by the Product.

      2. Do Product Evaluation onone Product Installation of any version on any operating system supported by the Product.

      3. Make one backup copy of the Product solely for archival/security backup purposes.

    5. Customermay not:

      1. Allow the same Product Installation to be used concurrently by more than the Number of Concurrent Sessions specified for used License Key in Subscription Confirmation.

      2. Rent, lease, reproduce, modify, adapt, create derivative works of, distribute, sell, or transfer the Product.

      3. Provide access to the Product or the right to use the Product to a third party.

      4. Reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, modify, translate, make any attempt to discover the source code of the Product.

      5. Remove or obscure any proprietary or other notices contained in the Product.

    6. Customer acknowledges that no ownership right is conveyed to Customer under this Agreement, irrespective of the use of terms such as "purchase" or "sale". Licensor has and retains all rights, title and interest, including all intellectual property rights, in and to the Products and any and all related or underlying technology, and any modifications or derivative works thereof, including without limitation as they may incorporate Feedback (as defined below).

    7. This Agreement applies whether Customer purchases a Subscription directly from Licensor or through resellers. If Customer purchases through a reseller, the Subscription details shall be as stated in the Subscription Confirmation issued by the reseller to Customer, and the reseller is responsible for the accuracy of any such Subscription Confirmation. Resellers are not authorized to make any promises or commitments on Licensor behalf, and Customer understands and agrees that Licensor is not bound by any obligations to Customer other than as specified in this Agreement.

  5. Access to Products

    1. All deliveries under this Agreement will be electronic. Customer and its Users must have an Internet connection in order to receive any deliveries. For the avoidance of doubt, Customer is responsible for downloading and installing the Products. Download instructions are made available on Licensor website at

    2. Customer enables full access to Product Installation by specifying a License Key from Subscription Confirmation.

    3. Subject to the terms of this Agreement, Customer is granted a right to install and use the Product for evaluation purposes without charge for unlimited amount of time. The Product contains a feature that will automatically limit allowed Number of Concurrent Sessions. Licensor reserves the right at any time to change that limit in new Product versions.

  6. Fees

    1. Customer shall pay its Subscription fees in accordance with Licensor Terms of Purchase or the reseller’s terms of purchase, whichever are applicable.

    2. The Subscription fees shall be paid in full, and any levies, duties and/or taxes imposed by Customer’s jurisdiction (including, but not limited to, value added tax, sales tax and withholding tax), shall be borne solely by Customer.

    3. Customer may not deduct any amounts from fees payable to Licensor or the reseller, unless otherwise specified in the applicable terms of purchase.

  7. Feedback

    1. Customer has no obligation to provide Licensor with ideas, suggestions, or proposals ("Feedback").

    2. If Customer or Users submit Feedback to Licensor, then Customer grants Licensor a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free license that is sub-licensable and transferable, to make, use, sell, have made, offer to sell, import, reproduce, publicly display, distribute, modify, or publicly perform the Feedback in any manner without any obligation, royalty or restriction based on intellectual property rights or otherwise.



















  10. Term and Termination

    1. The term of this Agreement will commence upon acceptance of this Agreement by Customer as set forth in the preamble above, and will continue for each Product through the end of the applicable subscription period specified in the respective Subscription Confirmation. This Agreement will automatically renew with respect to each Product for a successive subscription term, unless terminated as set forth herein.

    2. Customer may terminate this Agreement at any time by cancelling its Product subscription. If such termination occurs during a then-current subscription period, this Agreement will continue to be effective until the end of that subscription period. Such termination does not relieve Customer of the obligation to pay any outstanding subscription fees owed to Licensor, and no credits or refunds will be issued to Customer for prepaid subscription fees (except as specified in the Licensor Terms of Purchase, if applicable).

    3. Licensormay terminate this agreement if:

      1. Customer has materially breached this Agreement and fails to cure such breach within thirty (30) days of written notice thereof.

      2. Customer fails to make the timely payment of subscription fees in accordance with "Fees" Section of this Agreement.

      3. Licensor is required to do so by law (for example, where the provision of the Product to Customer is, or becomes, unlawful).

      4. Licensor elects to discontinue providing the Product, in whole or in part.

    4. Licensor will make reasonable efforts tonotify Customer via email as follows:

      1. Thirty (30) days prior to termination of the Agreement when required to terminate by law or because of discontinued Product. In such events Customer will be entitled to a refund of the unused portion of prepaid subscription fees, if applicable.

      2. Three (3) days prior to termination of the Agreement in other cases. In such events Customer will not be entitled to any refund of the unused portion of prepaid subscription fees.

  11. Temporary Suspension for Non-payment

    1. Licensor reserves the right to suspend or limit Customer’s access to Aerokube Products if Customer fails to pay subscription fees on time.

    2. If Licensor suspends or limits Customer’s access to Aerokube Products for non-payment according, Customer must pay all past due amounts in order to restore full access to Aerokube Products.

    3. Customer hereby agrees that Licensor is entitled to charge Customer for the time period during which Customer has access to Aerokube Products until Customer or Licensor terminates or suspends Customer’s subscription in accordance with this Agreement.

  12. Export Regulations

    Customer shall comply with all applicable laws and regulations with regards to economic sanctions, export controls, import regulations, and trade embargoes (all herein referred to as "Sanctions"), including those of the European Union and United States (specifically the Export Administration Regulations (EAR)). Customer declares that it is not a person targeted by Sanctions nor is it otherwise owned or controlled by or acting on behalf of any person targeted by Sanctions. Further, Customer warrants that it will not download or otherwise export or re-export the Product or any related technical data directly or indirectly to any person targeted by Sanctions or download or otherwise use the Product for any end-use prohibited or restricted by Sanctions.

  13. Customer Support

    1. Licensor provides Email Support as well as Instant Messaging Support. The response time will be reasonable, but no specific response time guarantees are given.

    2. Customer may request additional paid support from Licensor which is subject of a supplementary individually negotiated Agreement between Customer and Licensor.

    3. Any guarantees of support availability only apply to the latest version of Licensed Software available in Customer Subscription.

  14. Customer Data

    1. Use of Name and Logo. Customer agrees that Licensor may identify it as a customer of Aerokube and may refer to it by name, trade name and trademark, if applicable. Licensor may also briefly describe Customer’s business in Licensor marketing materials, on the Aerokube website and/or in public or legal documents. Customer hereby grants Licensor a worldwide, non-exclusive and royalty-free license to use Customer’s name and any of Customer’s trade names and trademarks solely pursuant to this marketing section. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, Licensor acknowledges that in some cases Customer licenses and does not own marks or logos (for example, marks or logos of the Affiliates) and cannot permit Licensor to use such marks.

    2. Gathering of Usage Statistics. Customer acknowledges and agrees that the Product may contain a feature that reports the usage statistics, diagnostics information and usage meta-information of the Product back to the Licensor. Customer may opt out of the gathering of usage statistics by turning off this feature in the Product settings.

6. Pricing

Last updated December 17th, 2021. Replaces the prior version in its entirety.

  1. Moon price is calculated using so-calledNumber of Concurrent Sessions that is to say total number of browser sessions being run in parallel. We control this by limiting total number of simultaneously running browser pods to the value you are purchasing.

  2. When no license key is provided4 (four) parallel browser sessions maximum are allowed. If such limit is sufficient for you - you are allowed use Moon without license key for unlimited period of time.

  3. If free limit is insufficient - you needa paid license. Such license can includeany desired number of parallel browser sessions (yes, even42).

  4. Every parallel session has a fixed cost -$5 USD (five United States dollars). If you are a EU-based company - then we convert the price to euro (€).

    An example price calculation
    42 sessions * $5/month = $210/month
  5. For simplicity, we calculated monthly prices for some frequent cases:

    Table 17. Moon License Pricing
    Number of Parallel SessionsPrice per Month, USD



































Appendix A: Supported Mobile Devices

Table 18. Supported Mobile Devices
deviceName capabilityNotes

Apple iPhone 15 Pro Max

Apple iPhone 15 Pro

Apple iPhone 15 Plus

Apple iPhone 15

Apple iPhone 14 Pro Max

Apple iPhone 14 Pro

Apple iPhone 14 Plus

Apple iPhone 14

Apple iPhone SE 2022

Apple iPhone 13 Pro Max

Apple iPhone 13 Pro

Apple iPhone 13

Apple iPhone 13 Mini

Apple iPhone 12 Pro Max

Apple iPhone 12 Pro

Apple iPhone 12

Apple iPhone 12 Mini

Apple iPhone 11 Pro Max

Apple iPhone 11 Pro

Apple iPhone 11

Apple iPad Air

Apple iPad 10.2 (2019)

Apple iPhone Xs

Apple iPhone Xs Max

Apple iPhone XR

Apple iPhone 5/SE

Apple iPhone 6/7/8

Apple iPhone 6/7/8 Plus

Apple iPhone X

Apple iPad

Apple iPad Pro

Apple iPhone 8 Plus

Apple iPhone 8

Apple iPhone 7 Plus

Apple iPhone 7

Apple iPhone SE

Apple iPad Mini 4

Apple iPad Pro (10.5)

iPad Pro 10.5"

Apple iPad Pro (12.9)

iPad Pro 12.9"

Apple iPad Mini

Apple iPhone 4

Blackberry PlayBook

BlackBerry Z30

Google Nexus 4

Google Nexus 5

Google Nexus 5X

Google Nexus 6

Google Nexus 6P

Google Nexus 7

Google Nexus 10

Google Pixel 2

Google Pixel 2 XL

Google Pixel 3

Google Pixel 3 XL

Google Pixel 4

Google Pixel 4 XL

Google Pixel 5

Nest Hub Max

Nest Hub

JioPhone 2

Kindle Fire HDX

Laptop with touch

Laptop with HiDPI screen

Laptop with MDPI screen

LG Optimus L70

Microsoft Lumia 550

Microsoft Lumia 950

Microsoft Surface Pro 7

Microsoft Surface Duo

Motorola G4

Nokia Lumia 520

Nokia N9

Palm PVG100

Red Hydrogen One

Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra

Samsung Galaxy A51/71

Samsung Galaxy A20

Samsung Galaxy Fold

Samsung Galaxy Note 2

Samsung Galaxy Note 3

Samsung Galaxy Note 8

Samsung Galaxy Note 9

Samsung Galaxy Note 10

Samsung Galaxy Note 10+

Samsung Galaxy S3

Samsung Galaxy S5

Samsung Galaxy S7

Samsung Galaxy S8

Samsung Galaxy S8+

Samsung Galaxy S9

Samsung Galaxy S9+

Samsung Galaxy S10

Samsung Galaxy S10+

Samsung Galaxy S10e

Samsung Galaxy Tab S3

Samsung Galaxy Tab S4

Version latest
Last updated 2025-02-13 14:04:39 UTC

