Also found in:Medical,Idioms.
Category filter:
Acronym | Definition |
T&A | Time & Attendance |
T&A | Tits and Ass |
T&A | Time & Action(product management) |
T&A | Telegraph and Argus(UK newspaper) |
T&A | Travel & Accommodation |
T&A | Technology & Architecture |
T&A | Tonsillectomy and Adenoidectomy |
T&A | Training & Application |
T&A | Test and Adjust |
T&A | Turnbull & Asser(clothiers) |
T&A | Test & Acceptance |
T&A | Test and Albert(pro wrestlers) |
T&A | Tanimura and Antle(produce distributor) |
T&A | Terry and Alex(acoustic duo) |
T&A | Trending and Analysis |
T&A | Tardiness & Absenteeism |
T&A | Targets & Achievements(various organizations) |
T&A | Trenntechnik & Anlagenbau GmbH(Germany) |
T&A | Textiles & Apparels |
T&A | Taps & Accents(drumming) |
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- T Tauri wind
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- T test
- T test
- T tube
- T tubule
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- T tubules
- T tubules
- T tubules
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- T wave
- T wave
- T wave
- T wave
- T wave abnormalities
- T wave abnormalities
- T wave abnormalities
- T wave abnormalities
- T wave abnormalities
- T wave alternans
- T Wave Inversion
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- T Woodrow Wilson
- T Woodrow Wilson
- T zone
- T&A
- T&A TM
- T&AT
- T&B
- T&BC
- T&BV
- T&C
- T&CC
- T&CP
- T&CS
- T&CS
- T&D
- T&D Asset Management
- T&DA
- T&DC
- T&DE
- T&DS
- T&E
- T&E
- T&E Expense
- T&E Expenses
- T&E M&S
- T&E-EW
- T&EC
- T&EO
- T&F
- T&G
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